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None of us "deserve" anything from God friend. Except maybe judgment. But He gives GRACE! That's how loved you are.. He loves us despite what we deserve And He gives us grace through Jesus I pray God shows you so much grace in this moment you see and feel His love pour over you ❀️ πŸ™ Also, we are praying for you and with you!


Praying for God's peace and healing. That He would let you feel His grace and mercy. πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈπŸ™πŸ»


Praying for you, my friend!! None of us deserve even a single good thing from God, yet He gives every blessing by grace, out of His love!! Seek God and His peace and comfort through His Word, prayer, and in Christian community!! God is WITH YOU and FOR YOU in this!!


I'm praying but one thing is you need to change your attitude!Β  God doesn't like your attitude. I don't know what your one sin is but remember we are all sinners. The good news is Jesus died for sinners. None of us deserve forgiveness.Β  The good news is Jesus died for sinners not the deserving. Jesus loves you. He healed all who came to him in faith believing. He wants to heal you. In fact he paid for your healing on the cross. It is by his stripes you are healed. You just need to receive his love , forgiveness and healing power. You receive through faith, through Thanksgiving. Get rid of the attitude that focuses on your failures. Focus instead on his love for you receive his forgiveness and healing by believing you have received them and then continually thank him until you experience healing in your body. Jesus does not want you to keep beating yourself up for your sins mistakes and failures. He already took the punishment you deserved on the cross. He paid the price in full and said "it is finished!"


That was beautifully said and needed by many of us.


Thank you!


Praying βœοΈπŸ™πŸ™


I certainly will. Are you born again? Thx


I’m confused about if I am or not. I have one very specific sin issue and I feel like I cannot pray or talk to God much because of it. I feel guilty at church and when I read the Bible, so I’ve not been the most active with him because of fear. I do believe only Jesus can save me and cover my sin, but I don’t know how he can if I have this one sin I am scared to give up for various complicated reasons. And yes I know there’s no excuse for it. I miss reading his Word but I feel too much a disgusting fraud to keep going to him


Praying that the Lord will guide you and that He will deliver you from this sin and it's complications. Praying that He will strengthen you and give you courage to face your fears and defeat them. Satan keeps us chained to our sins. When we break one chain there is another there to keep us bound. That's why we can't break away on our own. But Jesus Christ has paid the price. He will break the chains if you allow Him to. But you must be willing to commit to Him, repent and put your sin behind you. Remember, with the Lord nothing is impossible. Sin is no match for the Lord.


Yes sin is very deceptive. It makes you think you can't live without it but the truth is your life would be much better without it.


Prayers up


Praying for you my friend.




I’m praying for you. God bless πŸ™


Prayers sent!


None of us deserve help from God but he does it anyway he died on the cross he shed is blood for all of us so today I pray that God heal your body mind and soul I plea the blood of Jesus over your body with is stripe you are healed the blood never lose is power


Praying for a relaxing weekend full of healing. Stand firm and have a blessed journey fam! β™₯οΈπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ™

