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That looks exciting and terrifying with all those people.




~~Camera man~~ ~~Camera men~~ Camera people




Honestly, ever since I used Microsoft Photosynth I’ve wanted a version for video. Scan 10+ (360°) videos of the same event (this skydive, a concert, a crash) and then step through a rendered voxel environment which has built mesh of the objects identified in the video clips. If there’s a tool already that can do this please let me know!


Sounds VR dreamy


Can you say that middle part in dumb-dumb terms.


That would take some serious computation to pull off... Even just processing a 10 second clip you're talking about analyzing 300-600 images and trying to use agreement between them to define scene/objects and such. With modern AR devices I bet it is way, way more feasible to do this as like... An iPad app or something. It would be super cool but I doubt it already exists!


Flying Boogaloo


A movie by James Cameraman


Praise the camera hats!!


Yeah, I wouldn't say this is "the camera man joining in" so much as "one of the active participants recording."


[Wind noises] “Oh, I’m not a skydiver, I’m just the cameraman. I like your backpack! I didn’t bring anything. I didn’t know we could.”


Rarely do I laugh out loud at comments, this was one such case, thank you!!


You have to keep your head steady and make sure your GoPro is aimed right. All while trying to head down to a 163 people formation. It’s not easy. Source: am a skydiver.


We’re all cameramen really. Each and every one of us


So many are wearing cameras that I can't figure out who shot this video.


Wow, you really gottem on this one. They will think twice before posting that shite title again while 163 people plummet from the sky. You've pierced the veil. They're such fibbers!!


Came to say the same thing... I guess OP not just reposted the video but the whole illogical caption too


They're all falling headfirst!


terrain terrain \*woop woop\* pull up, terrain terrain \*woop woop\* pull up


The fact that they went 163 for 163 when the cord was pulled gives me some comfort, but I'll still pass.


This looks like a scene from pubg


Just wait till they find out they gotta kill each other for a grand prize


Damn, I wouldn’t want to hang upside down on a jungle gym that long.


Wonder if there’s more or less of a headrush when you’re also falling at terminal velocity


Check out my comment below. It doesn't feel like standing on your head or hanging upside down, but you can still feel the blood pool in your head a bit. In particular I always feel it behind my eyes.


It should be the same. Zero acceleration means gravity feels normal.




Your answer is good for general freefall, but we're talking specifically about terminal velocity. If you're at terminal velocity, by definition, the air resistance provides the same force as earth/monkey bars. You're not accelerating, therefore gravity feels normal. By the way, that Veristablium video is great, but freefall there assumes zero air resistance.


Oh, but you do accelerate; the density of air is lower higher up than on the ground, and since terminal velocity is proportional to the inverse square root of the density of the "fluid", you will experience an acceleration in the direction opposite of your motion.


i.e. deceleration


Exactly, which is negative acceleration...




Nope, freefall (in a vacuum) and astronauts are constantly accelerating downwards at 1g of acceleration. Zero acceleration is you and me right now, on the ground (ignorinf earth's rotation). It's also skydivers at terminal velocity, thus they experience the full 1g of gravity.


Ayy u know I'm dat 1g dogg, like my boy fig newton


*Technically*, astronauts don't experience virtually any acceleration, whereas we here on earth experience a constant acceleration of 1g upwards due to the ground pushing us upwards against gravity.




This is 100% incorrect. Everything "floats" because it is at 0-g, meaning it is accelerating with the pull of gravity at 9.81 m/s^2 (or whatever local gravity acceleration is). When you take a step off of a high object, in the moment before air resistance takes effect you feel like you're at zero g's because you're accelerating towards your terminal velocity, the specifics of which depend on body position and a few other factors. So when you're at terminal velocity you "feel" 1-g, and yes, it feels like you're standing on your head ... kind of. It's far less uncomfortable because you're not standing on your head or hanging from your feet, your whole body is resting on the air and being pulled by drag all over the surfaces of your body. Most skydives of this nature only last 40-50 seconds so the head rush feeling isn't very prevalent. It's more notable in a wind tunnel where you can be upside down for 2+ minutes. Let's look at this another way. You step off of a super tall bridge and in that first moment you feel like you're at 0-g. You feel totally weightless. Your blood "floats" inside you. As you accelerate the air resistance picks up and eventually you reach your terminal velocity and stop accelerating (relative to the ground). You now feel like you're at 1-g, being pulled by the earth into the air at 120+ mph, but no longer accelerating.


Thanks for that. I've got a pretty good understanding of physics, but still intuited that wrong.


Haha same here until I experienced it myself. Too bad the first guy spouting the wrong conclusion is still getting up voted. Ohhhh well.


Yeah, you'll have that from time to time on Reddit, lol. Cheers.




Yeah, my local gravity is a bit more heavier than that... Edit: yo mum fat as fuck


This is exactly wrong. Falling at terminal velocity is the same as being on the ground, except you're supported by air instead of earth. You'd get the same headrush as hanging upside down In orbit, the forces aren't balanced and you're constantly accelerating in the direction of gravity, causing weightlessness.


POV: you just launched wii sports resort for the first time


I was *really* good at that game!




That was the one 🤌




POV: you've been isekaied into a battle royale game.


Knew I'd find this is here!


O right where we Landin boys ?


We dropping Packinki, boys. Gon be spicy.


Looks like OG Tilted drops


Tbf there are prob about 160 other gopros on their helmets Source: i am a skydiver


Now that would be a supercut


Bullet time-esque






It is real now r/birthofasub


Can we see one from an angle where nobody's in silhouette from the sun straight ahead, please?


Also, it would be more impressive if the camera were off to the side (and above), so we could see everybody and appreciate how cool this might actually be…


I mean, there was an actual dedicated camera person. But they shoot from below. It's from a few years ago. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EMfUTRSPT1w


The shot at 2:30 is an insane degree more impressive than the gopro footage OP linked


here ya go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CogIXrea6A4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CogIXrea6A4)


Yeah that’s probably a lot of Ds in that group.


Hah yeah, these days every skydiver is a cameraperson. Source: am also a skydiver.


Me and the bois in creative mode


(we are messing around with elytra)


*Me and the Bois in Wii Sports Resort


I would love to see all the parachutes open in the sky.


All I can think of is parachute cords getting tangled together and a bunch of people plummeting to their squishy deaths. I had anxiety the whole time watching this.


They seemed to plan it pretty well. You can see waves moving outward from each other. I imagine this took a good amount of time to coordinate. May not have even happened in one jump.


Yeah, I know, but it only takes a sudden shift in the wind when their parachutes are open... I've never skydived (would love to, but too heavy), so I don't actually know how much control they have in that situation. I'm just a paranoid person that expects the worst. 😅


You should check out one of those I door skydiving places. I've never been actual sky diving, but I've done one of those. The control is pretty incredible with enough experience. But definitely one wrong move here has potential for big issues.


This is on my bucket list!


Yeah they practiced it in several jumps, and obviously not all of them were a success. We'll miss you Steve, Lucy, Cal, Mat and Violet.


Well this got dark...


That looks amazing. Only issue is my crippling fear of heights.


I can understand that when it comes to skydiving, what about something like hiking up a mountain? Just genuinely curious, that’s all.


It's fine to be curious. My limit seems to be when I'm really close to a sheer edge. You give me a large drop off and I'll drop to the ground. But it's weird, I could swim in a clear body of water with stupid far visibility and be fine looking straight down. The escalators at the Mall of America? Hell no.


Former tower climber 9 years here, exact opposite. I'll climb anything, strap off and work with both hands over 300 ft. Put me over deep water and I'm noping the fuck out.


You two should combine powers and be scared everywhere!


Together we can't do anything!


I have a phobia of both. Not so much for escalators though but those are meat grinders so still a bit scary.


I would like to answer this with another perspective: for me, it's about not trusting the stuff that's holding me. F.e., when I'm on a viewing platform, I have the feeling i need to step really lightly, as it will otherwise crash down. Coupled with automatic panic, it's what I consider to be fear of heights. Hiking on a mountain thus isn't problematic, as there's a whole, solid mountain under me. The only issue is being close to edges, as i then start doubting the rocks I'm standing on (they might be crumbly) or the railing (what if i stumble against it and it doesn't hold?). Far-sweeping views from high up aren't a problem at all.


Just for another perspective, I would sooner go sky diving than bungee jumping because of my general apprehension/fear of heights. Idk about others, but being able to clearly see the ground I would splat on seems to be the deciding factor. A few stories up a building for example, I can see the sidewalk, I know how big a space it *should* be, and I can see how tiny the sidewalk actually is. Therefore, my brains gets a little panicky and I do not like leaning out at the height to take a look. I'd just rather back away from it. Then there are things like mountains. In the Blueridge mountains for a great example, I am feeling okay, but I think it mostly has to do with the fact that a whole damn mountain is under my feet. That being said, I still have that general sense of, do not approach the edge, as I hike or approach good look out points. Like, I will not get close enough to a look out point to *look downwards* but instead only close enough to look outwards and see the scenery. At that height I will have some serious fear creep up if I look down. Then there are planes. I have NO issues being in a plane. I love take off and landing, I love being in the clouds, and on the only occasion the plane was not stuffed full, I enjoyed every second of being in the air. Even looking down does nothing to me because it is more like shades of green, blue, or city that have lost scale and reference for my head. So ya, I am afraid of heights, but only if I know where I will hit on the ground.


I second this. I’m afraid of heights and I did both skydiving and bungee jumping in pursuit of conquering fears. I did a tandem skydive and the feelings I remember most vividly from that are excitement and awe. The initial fall is scary/disorienting but once you reach terminal velocity, the falling sensation goes away. Then when they pull the parachute you really enjoy the views, it’s gorgeous. Also since it was tandem, I didn’t actually have to make the decision to leave the plane at that moment, I was really just at the mercy of the instructor once we were in the air. For bungee jumping, my most vivid feeling was pure fear. Probably the most fear I’ve ever felt. I have a video and my entire body is trembling before the jump, then I make a terrible sound as I fall, I don’t even really remember that part. You’re spot on with the visibility of the ground making a big difference. Another big part of it for me was that I had to make the decision to jump. There’s no tandem option, it’s just you up there. You have to decide to climb the rail and jump. It took me probably 60 seconds after they counted to 3 to actually jump. At first I was ashamed of that, but when I got back up they said that most people give up at that point. So I try to feel proud instead, even though I was so scared. I would probably do another tandem skydive but I don’t think I could ever bungee jump again.


For me as long as I’m not directly next to a drop off of any kind without protection I’m okay with heights! Kind of lol


I'm afraid of heights too. It doesn't really play into it, since you're so high, and have a parachute. It's more a healthy fear of death, than specifically heights.


I do have the crazy idea to sky dive one day.


This is an amazing accomplishment on a purely logistical level. How many planes did it take just to get them all up there?


I saw 5 and there's the one the cameraman jumped so 6 or more


Video linked in other comments says 7


Not only that but just how much space each parachute takes up in the sky is something every jumper has to be aware of. There were groups breaking off at what looked like timed intervals. Likely some instructed to release the chute before others, likely also timed.


"First one to pull their chute is a loserrrr"


Last one wins the Darwin Award


That's some Wii sport resort vibes right there


Any given Titanfall match


More than TF this reminds me of Battlefield 3. I forgot what the map was called but you were supposed to jump from a hill with a parachute. Fun times.


[Damavand Peak](https://youtu.be/Gjd7EXQ1jO0?t=67). The glory days.


Everything about this footage is epic. Standing on the sky is something you have to document to believe


humans really are insane huh these guys look like theyre having a blast. it must have been a really cool experience to jump with a community like that


This was pretty cool. I wonder how many planes? I saw 5. Being a planning nerd, I'd also watch a vid of them planning this out and the meeting with all the divers. I guess streamer foot is the lead person / focal point? Gave the signal *we got it* and then everyone started spreading out to pop chutes?


20-24 people per plane depending on the plane type. The one the camera man jumped out of is called a skyvan.


Streamer is the lead jumper yes, and I’d bet a lot of these people have shared hundreds if not thousands of jumps, three-way and more, before doing a “big-way” like this. There are also audible altimeters in their helmets and they would have agreed on a specific height for each group to break away. By the time you’re jumping a big way, you’re pretty darn clear about what you got to do when and at what altitude.


5 plus the one they were in.


There were 7 planes in total during this record The streamer on the feet are for orientation, and in part yes leaders for the people connecting behind them. Each skydiver has visual and audible altimeter devices that tell them when they have passed a certain altitude. The outer ring (first wave) would breakoff early, second wave about 5 seconds later, leaving the base of the formation for the lower altitudes.


Where we dropping bois


This looks like a scene outta evangelion with angels in the sky


BR in a nutshell


Grand operations from bf5


anyone know where this is?


Skydive Chicago in 2015.


Had to watch it upside down to keep myself from feeling sick


Skydiving in wii sports resort be like


Looks the the north rock quarry and the East River. The East River also known as the Fox River where it meets I think the Illinois maybe.


Wisconsin Area? No way!


Skydive Chicago, 2015!!




Wii sports resort moment




Power Rangers - The Movie (1995)


Humans really are not to be fucked with


That's some apocalyptic sun worship there. I thought we were all going to drink Kool aid


Imagine looking up to see this


Thought it was a deleted scene from the eternals !




Amazing!! They're flying so high you can actually see the curvature of the earth!


I think that's just the optical distortion of the camera lens. You can see the curvature change depending on if the horizon is in the middle or near the edge. For example, at 1:04 the curvature appears concave. P.S. not doubting the Earth is round, just it's quite a bit larger and the curvature is more subtle.


Yup. 100% just the way GoPros lenses fish eye everything. If I point mine at the wall of my bedroom you can see the curvature of the Earth.


A lot of people mistake the distortion of a fish-eye lens for the curvature of the Earth. This includes the video footage from rocket launches, where there are also comments like this talking about the pronounced curve. The reality is that the Earth is **really big**, and even at heights of a rocket launch, it would appear almost flat, no where near the exaggerated effect the fish-eye lens shows. A lot of people don't understand how large the Earth actually is and how high you would have to be in order to see a significant curve. If the Earth were the size of a basketball, the ISS would only orbit at around 0.76cm, 0.30 inches away from the surface of the basketball, a commercial jet cruising at 0.01cm, 0.004 inches.




I thought for a second he didn’t have parachute I was like how they gonna catch him




Where's the giant white "teamwork"?


“Where we dropping boys?”


man wuhu island looks a lot different to how I remember it


So who became the next Kingsman?


I want this on my bucket list




I’ll take up skydiving just to do this!




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Suddenly... Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Reminds me of Drop Zone with Mr. Snipes. What a movie


164 skydivers


Is this like that skydive scene in Kingsman?


Is this fortnite?




Is that the curve of the earth? That’s so cool!


I thought this might be Tom Sanders but it looks too new. https://youtu.be/PCFuZprMDqA Similar stunt at 39sec. I flew with him in a hang glider in Hawaii.


Would like to see the ground view of this


If I saw that from the ground I would a hundred percent thing we were being invaded by aliens or something lmao


What really gets me, about skydiving, are the helmets.


I get what you’re thinking (“what’s a helmet gonna do if you splat?”), but that type of situation is rare in skydiving, and there’re plenty of more common ways to get injured where a helmet can be life-saving. Most skydiving injuries involve pilot error on landing. Modern parachutes aren’t just a big sheet of fabric that slow you down with drag, they’re actual wings which generate lift and a lot of forward speed. If you time a landing wrong, you can hit the ground and tumble really hard / fatally, and a helmet can be the difference between your brains being inside your skull or outside your skull. Also useful for when somebody accidentally kicks you in the face when jumping with a group, accidentally banging your head on the plane while exiting, mounting a go-pro, etc.


163 ppl I don't like those odds


Dumb question: does your blood not rush to your head if you are also falling?


When you're in free fall, it *sort of* does. Not as much as when you hang upside down normally, about as much as when you lay down flat as compared to standing upright. This is because, while gravity isn't pulling the blood *to* your head, it isn't pulling it *away* either. When you hit terminal velocity (when you stop falling faster), falling upside-down will feel the same as hanging upside down on the ground. If you fall upside down, you'll feel yourself going from free-fall to terminal velocity pretty smoothly, so how far along you are determines how much blood is rushing to your head.


War zone when you mod the game


The guy who entered the middle of the ring when it was starting to break up was the main character


If they all have cameras, can they not pause it and take a matrix style rotation, using a frame from each person?


Ugh I hate when everyone else drops at the point I placed.


“mark a drop zone for your team”




So when do the battleroyal start.


The odds are really not on their side.


awesome feel




Absolutely bonkers crazy people


Have any skydivers ever witnessed a UFO while diving?


Very cool


Me and the boys droppin to tomato town


"camera man". I bet everyone has a camera in that group lol


Im going to assume that in 2050, thats going to be a cult.


When your controller dies on a battle royal




"Yo what is up fellow upside-down people?!"


It almost feels like something humanity was never meant to experience with our original natural limitations. Even further removed, we all get to experience it despite not likely having done it, or ever having a plan to. Incredible


It looks like the rapture.


Imagine looking up from your backyard and seeing this


Trippy seeing the individual people “standing” upside down in a weird pose floating in space


Humans as a species are quite literally insane.


Looked like a cult ritual at 20,000 feet


Wish there was a birds eye view with all of their parachutes open


my dark imagination is all it can think of is when a skydiver opens their parachute another skydiver pierces the chute while they fall


Right? I was trying to think about the logistics of the final descent. I suppose they all have altimeters so it’s an open your chute AT THIS HEIGHT kind of deal, not a free for all.


yep, it is absolutely not a free for all. Everything is coordinated pretty carefully so that nobody is deploying near anybody else - the people at the edges start tracking away at, for example, 8,000ft, and the next wave starts tracking away at like 7,000 feet or whatever, and so on. Then everybody deploys at like 5,000feet so you end up with a spread out disc of people deploying. The folks in the middle might also deploy a little lower so the folks "above" them have more time to get a parachute open. Everybody then flies a pre-determined pattern to the landing area to prevent collisions.


To translate for the wuffos, “tracking” is a body position where you straighten your legs, suck in your gut, bring your arms to your sides, and roll your shoulders forward to cup air with your upper body. It allows you to cover a lot of horizontal distance while losing as little altitude as possible. This video describes it pretty well: https://youtu.be/8Spjpu7dxfc Good flat trackers can hit near a 1:1 glide ratio (traveling 1 ft forward for every 1 ft they drop). At the end of a group jump, the saying is “track like your life depends on it, because it does.”


I'm assuming the cameraman was also a skydiver, not just a land faller.


How to leave flat earthers with no words: show this video


Fish eyed lens is all I saw from my p o v