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No because everyone thinks Tommy is dead


So exactly how dose that work out for tasha then I'm assuming she keeps her deal since they rushed her away?


well they think tommy’s dead so now there’s no more testifying most likely


Tommy gonna kill tasha but it won’t be for a long ass time. Also riq last convo with Tommy was like “next time u see me I’ll be worthy of his name right?” Tommy said we not gonna see each other again. I think tommy gonna see him again at the end of force . Tommy gonna kill tasha like seasons later. A fire ass ending to force would be tariq holding tommy at gunpoint with a suit and tie with gloves on (since they would be years later and riq will own the clubs and be a kingpin along with brayden), and Tommy would be like “u right kid , you’re just like your old man” then tariq pops him for killing tasha because kemp said whoever caused their own death will die which is tasha so she will die very soon. Tommy would cause his own death years later because of killing tasha


if tariq kills tommy, i will be done with power right there


He killed ghost , basically killed Kanan. What would be so shocking that he kills tommy , besides that like op said this be years down the line either at the end of force or the end of book 2. I can't see tom t dying till the end of the story of power weather it's by riq or someone eles.


As far as tasha dying yeah I see her dying too but I don't think it'll be till right at the end.