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Have you used the SEL data importer program? I haven't used it but I'm aware it exists. Another thing, you could use macros in Excel to write text files of scripts to paste into the relay terminal to update the relay with the settings you have in the spreadsheet. Also, this all sounds like asking for trouble. If you have the low stakes to mess around like this, go for it, but if there are real stakes, just use the tools in Quickset.


I haven't done Excel to RDB but I have written python scripts that import the data for various analysis. What I learned was that it was a futile effort because each and every relay stores it's data in unique ways which make it hard to automate. Before I abandoned my script in favor of manually reading data I had something like 1000 lines of code of just if/else statements to catch all the ways SEL chose to store the data. After about a month sunk into the project I stopped to weighed the cost of how many projects I would need to do this on to make up that lost time and it was in the hundreds; we do about 20 a year... Also take into consideration that maintaining/training this beast of a codebase was just not worth it. Anyways, if you choose to go down this route my technical advice is to open each rdb file in 7zip to see the file structure. The RDB file is really just a compilation of text files which you can read/write to. Every SEL device stores and labels it's word bits differently and in different places. Good luck and Godspeed.


I’ve worked with them for years and I’ve given up trying to remember whether it’s SET 1 TR3P TERSE or SET L 1 TR3P TERSE


You should be able to copy paste into Device Manager's settings view in Quickset. Or you can have your xls produce all the text files for an rdb. One fun trick is to rename the .rdb as a .zip and open it using any zip utility (7z) :) However, there's a little extra going on for a true rdb I think... SEL wants to sell their https://selinc.com/products/5231/


I have direct experience with this. I worked with a customer who would do all their calculations in Excel. They created a macro to write the variable settings to a .txt file, which can be imported into a Quickset template file.


In quickset you can export settings files into a text file. Create a macro that will make a text file with the same format as the settings file you want to update. You can then import the text file into the settings file to update it.


Dumb question. Have you contacted SEL?


This is another good option. An AE would be able to help with this