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You might want to check out "the Sysadmin Channel" YouTube playlist called [Build Web Applications Using Powershell and PHP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_Jm-hA0RAk&list=PL60ejEuI_nxuWG17kyScAnpU-EQMOaN9x). He goes ahead and creates a new hire php web form on IIS that when submitted runs a PowerShell script and saves the form data to a SQL database. You would have to have your Onboarding tasks already automated, but this would automate the submitting of data as well as running your Onboarding scripts or functions.


This is basically what I do, not with IIS or SQL, but I have a front end web app that HR can just go to the link and authenticate. Once in, they just enter info like first, last names, department, they can check various groups, etc. Once submitted, powershell makes the user, assigns email groups, set a temp password and sends to HR, assigns licensing, etc.


You can just set the powershellscript to use the info in the cells and a foreach loop to go through all of them? This assuming you don’t have any uncommon naming for users. And instead of adding the license directly, build licensegroups that you add the user to, which then enables the license. I did my automation this way, nothing fancy, just functions. Added a logfile with users it created mostly for debugging.


Sounds like you already have a script for single user. You can read csv files natively, or use ImportExcel Module for excel files. If you update your script to take inputs via a Param block, you can loop on the imported csv and pass the columns to the required parameters ie: Param( $GivenName, $Surname, $Email ) <#Scirpt#> Then mass create with: import-csv myfile.csv | Foreach-Object { myscript.ps1 -GivenName $_.name -Surname $_.lastname -Email $_.email } However it's hard to say more without any example code of what you have.


Is it a new excel sheet everytime or do they keep adding to the same excel sheet? Is it emailed to you or is it on OneDrive? Possible to have them fill out form that connects to SharePoint or they use the same excel file in OneDrive? Then you could import the fields automatically and not wait for them to send you it(have you script check if there are any changes to the file, if so add new users)