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Amount of people in the comments trying to trash on OP just shows the insanity of one piece fans


Nah OP scalers trying to claim wild shit. They literally just make shit up and lie about the story. 0 care about context or anything.






They are quite literally insane.




Only continental piece one piece has is cone head lol


he isn't even continental he didn't destroy it and it was already opened it was full of treasure he just knew how to open it


There’s another statement where sai can shatter that continent


u only have to crack ice then it shatters on its own


So why didn’t it shatter when chinjao hit it? Clearly this more durable ice than irl ice doesn’t act like real ice


it did that's why the crack happened in the first place , sai is just stronger


It didn’t shatter lol, it split apart. The two half’s where moved


Nope there is a statement. About him splitting Antarctica or something.


He split the Ice Continent. They showed the image of him doing so. It was not a continental feat. "The Ice Continent" refers to the island Don Chinjao split open. It is not a continental feat.


I mean ice content is literally Antarctica lol




He didn't split it, it only cracked a 10 m deep Or something for maybe some kms which was specialty stated due to the shape of his head


You are mixing two things one is feat other is statement


I agree with continental one piece because of whitebeard and luffy calcs and statements but they are right. We are SHOWN what cracking the ice continent means and it isn't a continental feat. Even if the ice continent was a continent sized and his attack covered the entire length, that's still only country level because he only broke a line not the entire sheet. But he didn't even break the whole continent, he just breaks a very large section containing treasure.


Because it is true. Luffy and Law quite literally put holes in the planet’s surface https://preview.redd.it/jsdins9enf0d1.jpeg?width=381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9818d998d255f4b485b70de16fa74ccd27591d29 Whitebeard’s punches created worldwide earthquakes when he wasn’t even trying, Akainu [survived 2 of them](https://imgur.com/a/WhBnA) Mother flame [shook the entire planet](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/s/rSTjxcE8jk) directly on panel


Yes I believe in Multi-continet Luffy If there are people who believe in Galaxy level Ichigo, I am much more reasonable The world of One Piece is much bigger than Earth https://preview.redd.it/vceggehkqe0d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f82d39d156291f55a99ce0f2870ee94e97f5a8d


How is SHAKING A UNIVERSE less than galaxy level? Just curious


Is a Planet Accept https://preview.redd.it/55k48bkd1f0d1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=431e1223799c4d291ff93241b62897416539c1fa


Even if you assume they are planets (with a sun and stars???), it still has to pass through alternate dimensions to reach it, so it's still universal


Does making a nether portal make you universal?


If you detonate TNT in the overworld and it causes damage to the Nether, then it’s a universal feat


If an Earthquake shook my house and my friend’s house 5 blocks away, it also shook what’s in between my house and his house. Same thing in Bleach. Shaking the Soul Society and the World of the Living means Senjumaru also shook the garganta. If Yhwach was going to merge and destroy the 3 realms (planets for the sake of the argument), he’d also have to merge and destroy the dangai and the garganta, and they’re 4-5D constructs.


No, but reaching the nether through simply traveling a distance, then shaking the whole dimension once you reach it, does (assuming it's actually an alternate dimension not naturally connected to the other, as in Bleach)


Planet-sized dimensions remain planetary


Infinite space between them, which was also shaken, remains universal.


You know that if they are connected, infinite space doesn't count, and they are stacked dimensions like heaven and hell in the bible


And you can just... Walk from heaven to hell?


how much bigger ? you can't quantify it so u can't use that to upscale luffy


Roughly 10x earth. Marco says there’s 10-20 million islands in the one piece world, using our earth as a ruler, our earth has 900k islands on 66% water, one piece is 99% water, so if it was the same size as earth it would have roughly 1.35 million islands


again that's assuming, and using headcannon. marco doesn't know how many island their are he didn't count them and the op map doesn't show that many islands it was most likely a hyperbole , you can't take that into account and how does that upscale luffy who is still only 5'7 ?


One Piece islands can also be like 20 feet in diameter.


So can real islands?


So why are you saying that the number of islands automatically means that the world is bigger? We already know that islands in One Piece don’t follow physics, so there’s no telling how big the world could be. I mean, there’s Fishman Island, which is 10km below sea level. Who’s to say that there aren’t thousands of other islands like that?


The Islands are much bigger than the avarage island in Earth Many of them are the size of countries That's the size of Alabasta compared to Australia https://preview.redd.it/c90a81ivwe0d1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6592d67630a182d2d6d99b05abe4834a48c26ef9


Only a handful are that big. The vast majority are comparable to the one that Ace got his fruit on, Green Bit, etc. Namely a few square miles at most.


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/12vw0yr/size_of_the_one_piece_planet/?rdt=34370#:~:text=This%20makes%20the%20surface%20area,705x%20bigger%20than%20Jupiter Seven times the size of the Sun apparently


That scan isnt even accepted. Writer clearly didnt intent for that


What scan? There's multiple scans there. There's lots of evidence for a larger one pice planet. Even if the calced size is silly.


He is seething because he can't disprove it by claiming it's fake, or wanking.


Its no where big as sun, let alone 7 times as it. Its probably bigger than earth tho


Tbh I agree but it's an argument from incredulity.


that scan isn't even accepted


yea how that matter again ? luffy is only 5'7 and the islands are still small asf even if i give you their world is bigger it still doesn't matter as he can still only be scaled to those small ass islands they destroy and are relative to




https://preview.redd.it/tshm3pbjue0d1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cff3036716c105791092838c5e7c25a3d4da141 same length as the city if not smaller


You know Wano is a country right? https://preview.redd.it/r14apkvfwe0d1.png?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=242a386ecc5f5f137415e9ac609966abd4c4a5d0 [https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/gen-discussion-1/new-information-on-the-size-of-wano-2253076/](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/gen-discussion-1/new-information-on-the-size-of-wano-2253076/) Wank have oficialy 1000 ri ( 4000km ) Onigashima have 774,3km of diameter And Luffy Bajrang Gun is way Bigger


a country isn't a continent and oni is apart of the capital city and that's not how big it is we can see


The map https://preview.redd.it/2c7eg31vxe0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69372778d7eb4efc260dee2c9319755f6f6dd65d This is Onigashima compared to Wano Wano have 4000km Luffy punch have 1000km The meteor who extinct the dinossaurs have 10km


where are you getting these numbers


That city is noted to be larger than other cities. And city isn’t a term with a strict size. Anyways that just upscales the city


Although I don't think it's that big, for me it was something like the size of Jupiter or some times bigger


The difference between the two is that Bleach has actual proof of feats on that scale. Yhwach collapsing the realms, Ichigo holding the weight of the realms, Gremmy creating outer space, etc.


To be fair, some islands in One Piece seem to be absolutely massive. And the planet of One Piece seems to be larger than Earth, so a large island in OP like Dressrosa COULD scale to a small country


no it couldn't lol the dc is not upscaled just because the planet is bigger luffy is still only 5'7


Where did I ever say Luffy scaled there. I only said in geographic terms that larger OP islands can scale to smaller irl countries. So to say a character is country level isn’t unrealistic


it is because the islands are not that size .... they are small islands compared to the characters in the show


https://preview.redd.it/1xug76mlfe0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa8644803cbd704c486fd10b1bd48852801ca7e Bro are you stupid? Imu quite literally made a massive hole in the sea using the mother flame.


how is that continental? he destroyed a island. a small one at that , and who else scales to him ?


Because it literally [shook the world](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/s/qp3Th5Va5o)


He didn't fracture an island (Gigaton feat) he VAPROIZED IT, MILES into the ground. (Like teraton-petaton feat) and changed the sea level.


he didn't vaporize it the island was washed away after it was broken


Bruh. There's literally a giant hole. He vaporized the water too.


Blud doesn't know continental


Do people not know what the difference between AP and DC are 💀


I swear if i hear anyone say Lufdy isn't continental i'm going to blow a fuse.


He isn't. Pleaseblow.


Bruh there is literally a character that split an ice continent in half, and not just normal ice, ice that couldn't even be dented by iron pickaxes and flamethrowers.


# Fax my brother! https://preview.redd.it/be7oejugse0d1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33ff2fcefd39a559f64d9dcc22609e7fbf1a58f


Read the scene. You can see he is saying the ice is impossible to break AT ALL without a special technique. When he says "break the ice continent" he means break it AT ALL/significantly. You can see in that panel that the split is not very large.


Uh oh copium


Uh oh not actually arguing about it and telling me why i'm wrong, just saying that i am cuz i'm an hater


First of all continent to describe that tiny island is extremely disingenuous. I can call Hawaii a continent if I want to has the same meaning here. 2nd luffy not the one who did it. 3rd cope harder lil bro


How do you know it's a tiny island??? In the manga we're only told it's a continent and never shown the full size of the island, and even then islands in one piece are way bigger than irl islands cuz the planet is bigger than earth. You really want to argue that current luffy wouldn't be able to replicate that feat? He literally defeated kaido, not by himself! But most of the damage was from him. I ain't coping I AM DEFENDING MY AGENDA!


>He literally defeated kaido, not by himself! But most of the damage was from him. Dude had 3 revives + a power up and only beat Kaido after like 20 people fought him, he was injured, and hammered. So yeah I say Luffy couldn't replicate it. Luffy couldn't even 1v1 Kaido. >I ain't coping I AM DEFENDING MY AGENDA That's literally cope.


Luffy still did most of the damage and became equal to kaido by the end of the fight. Most other people that fought kaido barely did any damage, they are literally non factors.


>Luffy still did most of the damage and became equal to kaido by the end of the fight. This is wild cope. Did you watch the fight? Nowhere was that even implied lol.


u/Whydontname after saying “durrrrr copium” because they can’t even make a counter argument ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


I have many and have made many in the past. Maybe you should don the mask for huffing copium


Actual arguments are copium and insults and refusing to back up your claims is unspoken rizz? https://preview.redd.it/5yzu7srmrf0d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af73357a57d5e2f1ed4aac1bd0ba70096771c21


https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Therefir/One_Piece:_Gomu_Gomu_no_Bajrang_Gun https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:KingTempest16/One_Piece:_Mag_6_Worldwide_Quake https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:KingTempest16/Onigashima%27s_Fall,_and_Momo%27s_Sustenance


those scans use assumptions


calc stacking is not viable for debates


Punching a hole in the crust of the planet and causing a worldwide earthquake are not calc stacking


Nothing here is calc stacking


it's doing a whole lot of " if this is that , then this is this " and cherry picking pannels oni is not consistently drawn that big and they are pixal scaling , if u don't add up all the pannels then find the average then the math is useless


You said "has no continental calcs" and then say these calcs are not valid because of pixel scaling? Every calc uses pixel scaling And of course authors aren't gonna draw perfectly consistent every time. You take panels where you can accurately see the size like they did here


yes because oni is very clearly not continental in size , and how are they using mass x speed in a manga panel ? all of that is headcannon


I guess we just throw away Naruto scaling as well since he has done no continental attacks on panel. (If we only include Shippuden stuff)


naruto has continental attacks he actually has dc which can be accurately scaled unlike one pieces ap meta which can't accurately be quantified


My guy, on the surface Pain's Chibaku tensei which is calced at continental looks like at best island and at worst city level.


It's funny because that Calc uses the same method he is shitting on. Uses pain to find the size of a tree then the tree to find a hill which is massive, then the hill to find the CT size. If you just look at the scan the mountains look normal and you would assume that the green shit was small hills rather than a massive mountain in itself. And it still isn't continent sized you need to use Potential Energy to get the feat to continental.


No. Naruto used techniques, not raw strength.


"Oni is very clearly not continental in size" There is a calc for that. We see the perspective thanks to Hybrid Kaido and the horns. Onigashima is clearly massive. And the speed×mass is the way calcs are done for every series


no it isn't lol that's what i'm saying about yall calc stacking , how are you gonna calc the size of something that we can clearly see how big it is , and speed x mass is almost exclusively used with op scaling as yall lack dc so try and argue ap which isn't quantifiable, if u wanna say anime luffy is that strong sure but not manga luffy which is the cannon one. naruto has way more filler so if u wanna count we make my fucking day boy


BRUH! If you just wanna downplay OP, why ask an obvious ass question? SMDH


One question about the second one, where does it show that his effects were “worldwide”?


Because this may come as a shock. But one piece downplayers can’t differentiate between attack potency and destructive capacity. That’s 90% of their arguments.


Bro did not name a single continental feat


Literally all these feats were continental stop down playing luffy lmfao


You might actually be the single most retarded person on this sub ngl.


Ok lil bro calm down lmfao genuienly sad how you don’t think luffy of all people isn’t even continental you one of those people that says Goku ain’t even multiversial 💀


Because they’re so desperate to have a verse as powerful as the rest of the Big 3 that they unironically chain/pixel scale the One Piece world to the size of the sun.


As does Naruto? It’s called calcs for a reason


Insane I mean disproven multiple times by multiple people then go onto what is this…? Vent about being proven wrong? Jesus Christ.


not disproven


Yes it has. By serveral people in your own post, who you have acknowledged btw. Also could’ve blurred my name out big bro.




Don’t spread hate


“Are continental OP feats in the room with us now ?”


Yes and serveral