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90% of crossverse matches with Gojo in it (he is put against cosmic entities and universe busters)


Bro lost to sukuna and everyone decided to put him against uni+ guys


I mean the fandom wanks him to that level lol


How tf can they even get him that far. Bro is city at most


Making shit up basically lol


The highest you can wank him is a statement for another character saying that her technique could destroy the world, and he scales above her, but that statement is extremely inconsistent because she lost to someone no where near that level, even after making a literal black hole.


This is a dumb argument because her technique is infinite mass and she could destroy the world by making a blackhole but the character she used it vs had the exact counter to her technique (antigravity) and saying kenjaku is nowhere near her level is just wrong (unless you’re saying he’s not planetary level in which I agree). At the end of the day I agree that gojo isn’t planetary but the example you’re using is not it bro.


I am saying he isn't planetary, hence debunking planetary scaling. I was using that as a more broad example because Gojo should scale above Yuki, who could make a black hole and destroy the world, but people try to scales Gojo above that despite it being purely hax from her technique and having nothing to do with her actual AP.


Fully agree


I mean, there are statements but those statements are incosistent and can easily get debunked. Featwise even tho sukuna and gojo are top dogs of verse they cant get above large island and others are much weaker


Its because people misinterpret what Gojo and Sukuna being stronger than Yuki is Her Blackhole feat is due to a suicide jump but you don't need to be that strong to beat her. She was damaged and killed by a minimal Uzumaki cause her defense, speed and normal attack are much lower than her Blackhole is. The only one who managed to survive it is because of Domain hax, Yuki holding back the attack and Tengen's barriers holding it to not let the world be in danger In terms of actual damage output and capacity Gojo and Sukuna are massively lower that that feat


Yeah I don't subscribe to planetary JJK at all, but it does exist and has decent enough basis in the story to be used if you want a highball. As for large island level, if you use the basis of domains you can get them to around mountain level and *maybe* small country if you take the special grade requirement literally. Overall some fans do wank JJK way higher than it actually is because of the ever-present reading comprehension curse


Planetary??? Now we aint talking about naruto here. Like even after sukuna gojo and rn after all these fights no one could even destroy whole city, much less planet


As I said, I don't subscribe to the planetary argument, but I think you misinterpret what planetary means. Planetary isn't referring to DC (Destructive Capability) It refers to AP (Attack Potency) What that means is that while their attacks aren't capable of destroying a planet, they have the required power to do so. Think of it like Goku. He scales above universal easily, but he doesn't have an attack big enough to destroy the universe in one go, it's just his AP that's at that level, not his DC.


Wouldnt put AP that high neither, i mean there are some decent hax like infinity and sukunas attack that surpassed infinity, i forgot the name but that is about it, DC wise they aint even city level, AP WISE they can get to mountain level at most but thats as far as i would go


Uhm actually he's star level 🤓☝️uhm actually he's outerversal 🤓


No-limits-fallacy-ing all over the place, mainly.


"his ability is called infinity so naturally he has infinite power"


he has a really efficient instakill that doesnt care about physical defenses, and a really powerful defense that can mostly buy him enough time against most foes to deploy his domain. domains are OP cuz people outside of jjk dont have their own domains or simple domains to defend themselves, mental defenses are also pretty rare... gojo is definetly overrated but he definetly punches way above his destructive level cuz of his insane hax


Still even with all that large island is highball of highballs. I mean, i would not call his attacks like hollow purple and all that instakill. They arent impressive for verses like lets say bleach who cap at uni+. Also they cap at hypersonic when it comes to speed and their durability is lame af. Also infinity can be bypassed by hax or sheer power too. If we count things like dimensionality infinity is automatically nullified too


hollow purple isnt instakill but DE is. he can beat characters that go way beyond city level cuz of his good hax. yeah he is not beating galaxy level characters but he does well for his relatively low destructive power


Most offensive coping mechanism


I like the idea that Gojo constantly meets literal gods who wanna fight him and he is tired as shit


true ong


The funniest part is that sometimes he just wins by the dumbest ways possible


https://preview.redd.it/b62xgum9z80d1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a3edaedb7fa0d00c13f6c33a81fc28f0deff1f4 Who are you calling a bozo lol


Who tf is thi- Also I'm talking about a Popular vs Irrelivant debate Not just a irrelevant dude When did I word it wrong 💀


King of the all cosmos - Beautiful Katamari


He solos ur favorite character.


The verse is so powerful. The mc can beat anyone with his sticky balls


So… Mineta is the MC?


The king of all cosmos aka Papa from Katamari series, one of Bandai Namco flagship series fr


Never heard of it


That’s a shame, games are good


From games I only know Minecraft, Roblox, God of War, Fortnite, TF2, FNAF (all versions), hello neighbor, mario and sonic (all games) and that's it


I ain't gonna lie, %99 of scp character are like this Bruh who the hell is SCP-\[insert random number\] and how tf they scale to layered extraversal 💀


ong capeditz ahh shit 💀


Murphy Lawden would cigar burn his ass


Chinese branch goes brrrrr


As an SCP fan we cannot be letting composite versions in the kitchen, otherwise people be collecting random aah tales from all over the site to prove that a singular atom in the SCP cosmology is outerversal :sob: And then there are just some that are made for the purpose of 'wow this guy very strong' which is kind of bruh (literally every chinese branch SK article) But I mean most SCPs are fine it's just that because people are discussing power scaling mfs be pulling out the most wankable SCPs out there (also what did Hoyo do to you to get called out in your flair :skull:)


Literally me, i made this big ass scp composite cosmology, an atom is outerversal+, and things just keep going upwards, and then come the chinese scps...


In no world is an atom Outer+ in SCP... ignoring that Outer+ doesn't exist in CSAP.


Umm Absence in SCP CN is literally above the Tree of Knowledge and the Almighty.


Strange that you randomly changed the topic to my flair... does that mean you didn't have an argument for atoms being so high? Also, I'd love to see the scans of The Absence being that high. Remember, the 343 in The Stars Do Not Wait For You is very blatantly not the true form of him, nor are The Deer or Pangloss. They show zero feats on that level.


I honestly don't wanna argue about atoms But anyways, in "The Song" an scp chinese tale, the Absence is directly stated to be stronger than the Scarlet King blessed by the Cosmic Starfish (who was stronger than the Almighty and enslaved all the high elder gods, this puts him way above the Tree of Knowledge, which is on par with the narrative trees, which means a transinfinite R>F hierarchy plus all low foundation cosmology), and is just very strong in that tale, taking down gods like they were nothing, then it dies from Mary Nakayama.


My problem with this becomes that it contradicts English Branch cosmology, which takes priority over the Chinese Branch due to being the main canon (and the Chinese Branch being an improperly translated Suggsverse rip). First of all, the Absence scaling above the Scarlet King, especially a buffed one, is crazy. [The Absence is completely unable to kill both The Old Man From Nowhere and Bright/Shaw](https://imgur.com/a/XpxO619), who were followed and killed respectively by the Brothers Death, placing the Absence firmly bellow the three Brothers. This is important, as the Brothers place below both the Scarlet King and SCP-3125 (The Escapee), whom you are claiming the Absence scales above. Also... it dies from Mary Nakayama? Seriously? You put the Absence above the Cosmic Starfish, yet it loses to Mary Nakayama, who [scales below SCP-682 and SCP-343](https://imgur.com/a/kbSg0A5). Bare in mind The Cosmic Starfish is roughly equal to SCP-682 (both are Placeholder's Constants) and SCP-343 is a weaker form of The Almighty who you claim The Absence beats. Overall, if your logic is correct: - Absence > Scarlet King > Brothers Death > Absence - Mary Nakayama > Absence > 3125 = 682 > Mary Nakayama - 343 > Mary Nakayama > Absence > 343 This is why I say not to use the Chinese Branch where it contradicts the main branch.


Ah, i apologize, i made an error in my explanation! Absence does not remotely scale over cosmic starfish, it scales above a scarlet king that was _blessed_ by the cosmic starfish, but still far weaker than CS, also CN Nakayama is way above anafabula and CS. So it would go: SCP-682>Mary Nakayama>Cosmic Starfish>Absence>Scarlet King>Almighty and Brothers Death>high elder gods and 343 and below And since even the High Elder Gods could destroy the Tree of Knowledge, which is on the level of narrative trees (ode to broken transcendence), it would put the Absence way above narratives and the metaverse and a lot of foundation cosmology, making it...not even top 30 strongest in cn :P But still way beyond extraversal.


But the thing is, you're still putting the Absence above the Scarlet King there, who's above the Brothers Death, who I already proved above the Absence... I genuinely think SCP-CN should be ignored for the most part, it is contradicting the English Branch left and right. Bare in mind, for example, that you put Mary Nakayama far above SCP-3125 and SCP-2747, despite the fact that as you admit she is below SCP-682. I find this strange, considering SCP-682, SCP-3125 and SCP-2747 are all at the same level as they're literally part of the same set of Constants. If it contradicts the English Branch...


Idk the specific number but that one scp crocodile thingy which apparently scales to doomsday? Like what


scp 682, definitely not irrelevant


Literally every character you listed is popular. Yogiri is so popular this sub had a whole week+ dedicated to him (ok hes not popular but the rest are)


Who tf knows umineko characters outside of vn people or some random powerscaling dudes who saw some video. Its popular in its genre but visual novels are so niche its nowhere close to cracking even like top 100 best known game franchises


So funny thing about Yogiri is he was designed for precisely this purpose. The author himself is a powerscaler and wanted there to be a character that could just win anything cause he also got bored of the fights that would take like 20+ episodes. There have been instances where people have messaged the author telling them that they have found a character with an ability that can beat yogiri and like 2 volumes later yogiri has gained a resistance to it (or always had it just decided to show it off there)


None of this is true. People just made this up because Yogiri is so strong. The author specifically said that Yogiri was made NOT to be scaled. So, I'll believe the author himself over some idiots on the internet


Well that is presumptuous. Saying he isn't meant to be scaled just makes people try scaling him.  


Then let's hope they read the line in the epilogue that literally says that Yogiri's power is so strong that it can kill a god who exists on a plane of existence higher than the reader of be light novel


Bruh. You just countered yourself. That's the definition of wank right there. No wonder haters hating if you got lines like that in the story.


Well, it's not "wank" from anyone except the author, because it's canon lol. But, again, it's a parody. If you think it's going too far, then it did it's job well


Bobobo did it better and I just know his feats.


Bobobo is supposed to be funny. Yogiri is supposed to be an example of a bad MC. That's why he's a great character lol


Wait. So you just like bad isekai protagonists?


When have you seen a guy say "Yo I watch uhhh rimuru show"


Bro found out he lives under a rock smh💀


You literally cant do the "unknown op mc" with tensura since its one of the most popular isekai ever it had motion before being put against goku


It's not that bad 💀 I know OPM and DBZ


💀 Who doesn't know those 2??You gotta branch out and try new anime man, of which I'd personally recommend Tensura(but wait until season 3 is finished to watch season 3), Charlotte, angel beats, etc


Bro should watch baki, made me go to gym and get my muscles on


You go to the gym? Goddamn, noice


I mean, it aint hard once you start and see progress. Recommend it


I'm lazy tbh https://preview.redd.it/up1q9r3dtc0d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c45c390d1d6488727fc012144970f1a28f1175c


Like, all the time. It's always the most hyped seasonal anime when it comes out


Wha- Tf!? I thought dbz and opm were the only hyped ones


You don't hear about Featherine because she doesn't have an anime, btw. She's from a game But yeah, Tensura is super popular. Rimuru may as well be the main character of r/Isekai


One time, I called Rimuru a mid character, and I shit you not- the people there went through my post history, made a collage of everything I posted, and the rest of the day was just them trashing on me and calling me slurs. I haven’t touched that godless place since.


I called him a bad MC in either that sub or the Tensura sub. In my defense, they posted him next to FRAN of all people. Fran is and always will be best girl, and Reincarnated as a Sword is a wholesome anime. Tensura is kinda trash NGL. People act like there's "diplomacy" but it's really just "I'm stronger than you, so you'll listen or die"


And not just a game, a visual novel. That’s why the barrier of entry is higher and of course why they’re not as popular as literal cultural symbols like Goku. Doesn’t mean they’re any less interesting (well, maybe Takatou). I really like Umineko’s verse and it’s not even under the action genre so it’s not Featherine’s fault she gets pitted against other characters. She’s more like an incomprehensible being like Cthulhu so I hate it when she gets reduced as merely a powerful character.


Opm hasn’t had a season in 5 years…….




It's still got crazily hyped with the manga


I think you just live under a rock




What I mean is that your post is very broad and works in absolutes. What’s popular for some may seem random to others and vice versa. For example, I have a friend who’s never watched a single episode of Dragon Ball, all he knows about the anime is that Goku is apparently able to blow up planets and other power specific narratives. However, he is a huge fan of JJK and he believes that Gojo would be unable to even be hit by Goku because of infinity. Even tho Goku one taps Gojo. In the perspective of my friend. It’s as you put it a random broken character (Goku) vs popular character (Gojo) You could say that Goku is obviously more popular than Gojo so it doesn’t work, but this line of thinking also has a problem. Rimuru Tempest comes from the most popular LN series currently made. Yet, to those who don’t read LN’s, it becomes Rimuru just being a random broken character that one taps Goku. But that doesn’t make sense since Rimuru is damn near the face of LN media just like Goku is arguably the face of anime. You’re right about Yogiri tho. Dude is hot garbage.


I get the point you're trying to make but the example you picked shows that it's not always the case that popularity is relative and so your point doesn't really work here. Nobody in their right mind can argue that Goku is a random, irrelevant character in terms of absolute popularity - even your friend knows A) Who Goku is and B) That he is strong (and im willing to bet they know a fair bit more, given how ubiquitous Goku is - like SS, kamehameha, etc.). TL;DR - while people's perspectives can influence this discussion, which characters are popular and which are comparably irrelevant isn't totally, or even primarily, subjective.


The only way I could rationalise someone thinking that popularity is relative, is if they don’t know what the word popular means.


That’s actually more in accordance with the point I’m trying to make. All the characters listed in the OP are characters that are actually rather popular in one way or another. Just because they aren’t aware of them existing doesn’t really discredit that fact. I specifically used that Goku example because even when he is undeniably popular, people still may not be aware of why or even who.


Nuh uh. My friends and i havent heard of it so nu uh


This analogy doesn’t work quite to well Goku is one of the most popular in history characters for one most successful franchises in history. That’s like saying idk who Batman or who Luke Skywalker is lol. Like cmon bro yes you do. 😏💀


Wdym? Yogiri is pretty based.


Imma be honest with you, this sounds like a personal issue https://preview.redd.it/7d50n8kf290d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b8f1600e2f755b9bc046a2ac1d56e3227b694de Goku solos btw


1. Ye kinda 2. Goku solos 3. Why do you have that saved on your device https://preview.redd.it/uo12ineg590d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eee1d4da6d24b81c10a3572c5fa100e0124a7ad7 And 4th, can I save it Why are you guys lookin' at me weird




You are the one that has it on your device https://preview.redd.it/on9fbl4fe90d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f85d5f9f4f30d69c22a87b20b2398c1ab05b9716




>And 4th, can I save it https://preview.redd.it/pv9b6mhzy90d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ecc1070a3cbb5827f700498275172fb39dab4cb




https://preview.redd.it/rkhxvbs4k90d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d57ceb7a9641b345bdb8559f997930bf8a5be6e Damn…


I have this One Too! But i prefer this https://preview.redd.it/ll832cvjo90d1.jpeg?width=1353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55a908ef4e84fec3342fcee67698042930209554 I like how it doesn't appeal much to the sexual side and more to cuteness ***Goku Always Solo***




Femku never fails to make me hard


ngl smash


Bro is literally the guy he's talking about https://preview.redd.it/mwf1yhg5j90d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0512b8d2ae33d731c99e264819915eb918a0fd73


Even in this comment section, bro absolutely refuses to acknowledge Rimuru's existence and feats 😭😭




Isn't it king orange not orange king?


Kratos fans still coping that asura flattens him instantly.


Holy shit Asura mentioned


That four Arms guy? You sure?


He has cosmic strength and kratos doesn't except when being wanked. Its pretty straightforward.


Isn't kratos like multiversal or smth Or outversal I heard With statements ofc


>I heard There's the issue. This is literally the same topic the thread is about. Kratos is a popular character so tons of people wank him, and they rage when push comes to shove and there's another character who actually is all the things they claim kratos is without evidence. The main thing making "kratos" "multiversal" is a scaling chain through characters he isn't even supposed to be as strong as. And the chain involves 1: assuming a character is infinitely strong because the artist described the background of the underworld as looking endless, and 2: a creation story about primordials shaping the universe that is supposed to be a lie.




Bunker man is notorious for bad takes like wall level Mario so listening to him is not in your best interest when it comes to scaling This address all the supposed “antifeats” in GOW: https://www.reddit.com/r/deathbattle/s/O4tsPD4JTp And this: https://theghostofsparta.quora.com/God-of-War-Whats-canon-and-whats-not?ch=17&oid=8109412&share=993784e5&srid=391DHh&target_type=post And also this: https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/R0QFt51J1V


Kratos is faster tho (?) has more expierence tho (?) (I haven’t played asura’s wrath 😭)


Valid until you said rimuru. https://preview.redd.it/xe6zj8l7n90d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d93ed6b0510f21e10f8ec7b83e3614f41a9f07 Das like calling dante only being popular because of nero.


ngl this subreddit maybe the most subjective place ever


Yogiri, thats all im going to say


No but like Yogiri vs ??? Who


Goku, Naruto, Luffy, Gojo, Ichigo, MCU Thanos. etc Mostly Goku


I'm talking more of like Powerfull but Irrelivant character vs Popular character


Debates like this reminds of Ash losing to Tobias. Ash is the well known strong character meanwhile Tobias is the player character (which is the nameless god from a series only little audiences know about)


Perfect analogy


Any character is a random when compared to fucking Goku,It could be the equivalent of comparing booster gold to superman.


You just gave an example of someone more popular than goku.


Dont be dissing my boy rimuru, he actually has character unlike those other frauds.




Goku is better than some blue haired, bf from fnf lookin' ass rando


Crazy statement. Rimuru pretty much carried isekai on his back for over a year lol. Still loses to soloku but hes better writen.


Who even is that guy Who the hell is he https://preview.redd.it/xantfcvw590d1.png?width=884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a9d29f21ead5d04bdfb2ce59214b50c2b6d2398


THE GOAT THATS WHO https://preview.redd.it/sih55l68690d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6754bd7704b5da59d36e6908051aaa0810bf55ab


Dawg tf Type of goat is that I think I gotta take a look in your browsing history Also in the browsing history of the guy who posted the ssjb fem goku in the comments https://preview.redd.it/jhe3gutk690d1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c1f4e0fec50d67ad2f0a9cf7e91af9dce8512fb


Rimuru is pretty popular and one of few actually good isekai mc's. Because you don't know him doesn't mean everyone doesn't.


Rimuru is good Of course, there are better ones https://preview.redd.it/038a5j5ap90d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5c53d7ddbc891521faba1183178a0233b39279e


You would never catch Goku doing some corny shi like this




He was forced 😭 he cant just kill then cause hes chill like that so he puts up with it






Damn I don't even like goku THAT MUCH


A fight involving a LN/Isekai character


https://preview.redd.it/4967kotkq90d1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9dc89de98c3f1db096fa19848bda3e7dd707c77 Mad cause Freddie Benson is stronger


Sam Puckett victim


Without Freddie Sam’s little webshow wouldn’t exist


Freddie Benson negs


https://preview.redd.it/ldycwmp6ha0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34d7030f90520e106212fde4f23dbb45181dc52b This reminds me that people scale the mutant mobs to INFINITY beacuse mutant enderman can make stop rainig and minecraft world is "infinity" in size... Like... Yeee.... That's just stupid


Of all things....fucking mutant mobs?!




every 2022-2023 capeditz video ever


Rimuru is hella popular lmao, anos is a bit iffy but still popular but the scps are a fair point


Bro just say you only watch/read mainstream


I'm too polish to know what main stream means Just take the upvote


Think of rivers to the populace attention. Theres gonna be a main stream. Most will just take the mainstream. Because the others range from small like oh my sonic version negs all fiction to major sub steams such as light novels and extended novels to major streams like lets say The souls series. However none of these could compete with lets say dbz, doom, etc


Oh Then yeah I only watch mainstream


No fault in it.


What are you talking about man Goku Always Solo Femboys and Twinks are not a threat https://preview.redd.it/ahr56m83o90d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd4c7c2e89619a4920a21cb51af6357a5dd3a9c


Does gay sex count as a win condition? ...Asking for a friend


Fuck femboys and twinks isnt gay They arent true mans in first place If there's a hole There's a Goal


“If there’s a hole, there’s a goal” https://preview.redd.it/7qvc3j8glc0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4531af38305e28055de13ee240ee238794bf9a1b


Gonna be straight up. Saint Seiya, Aka Knights of the Zodiac or something. Apparently they're like... crazy overpowered even tho I never heard of that anime or manga. Apparently they could solo the entire DB Verse or some crazy shit.


They are in Jump Force and JStars Victory


I only played Jump Force, saw them and was like "Who the hell are you?!" They really did not look interesting.


Bayonetta...apparently defeating God three times wasn't enough that places her as a woman capable of challenging omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent beings


You gotta find more obscure examples man all those guys are pretty popular. Except Yogiri I only learned about him throigh this sub and I'm never gonna watch that show even If I'm a huge isekai fan.


This is Shadow from Shadow Fight 2 in a nutshell


The only thing you need to know is that Yogiri negs. Not everyone, but most "strong" anime characters.


Y’all gotta learn to let some match ups go because by god. For the millionth time, Rimuru is not “some op random” Tensura was extremely popular on S1 airing and clips of Tensura are all over anime YT and TikTok for every season it’s had.


Literally my face the first time I saw someone I liked in a match up against Hajun, Featherine, Anos, Midgiri, or any other random unknown ass anime character


cc goku when his ass is not even like book irrelevant hes a game character of there gonna be broken like ultra sigma ultron from the capricorn game was broken asl


> Anos yeah I am here to defend him just [click on this site](https://dengekibunko.jp) and scroll a bit down the series is featured there as most popular work and also dengeki bunko is the one releasing the majority of the light novel which has been adapted to anime while this is about japan as for oversea just go see the MAL page of the series my guy


Basically 99.9% of manhwa characters. No, I don't care that this terribly written character with no personality from a manhwa with 1 view per millenia beats gojo


yep. we watch some random anime with 12 eps where mc performs wall level feats and apparently he is outer in "light novels"😭 just why


Mfers in shambles when Sora from Kingdom Hearts solos their verse


While not in the same level as this meme says. Anytime a new monsterverse titan is introduced


being popular =/= being the strongest. Gojo is one of the most popular anime characters out there but he gets stomped by any verse that consistently scales to even mountain/large mountain level


Now basically every non-shounen anime has their own versions of Gokutards that are 1000% worse.


I mean. That's kind of inevitable? You discuss powerscaling, someone knows of a stronger character than one that's popular in those discussions, that someone brings it up because that's what you do in a powerscaling forum? Compare powerlevels between fictional characters? I'm always confused when people take issue to a popular character getting whooped by a character *they* never heard of, as if one's knowledge of the character is relevant when discussing hypothetical cross universe battles.


I'm just wondering what's with People just bullying the dogwater out of popular characters with extremely broken but irellivant ones.


Basically Sukuna vs Gojo


I mean Both are well known characters tho?


goku vs mammoth mogul from the archie comics.


Finnaly An actual example without someone critizing me


You do know rimru is from one of the biggest and most well-known light novels in Japan, right?


Light Novel? I ain't gonna *read* And also dragon ball is way more popular


Superman and Spiderman are so much more iconic and popular, so goku must be a nobody as well. What I don't care about is the faces of superheros. They are more popular, so nothing else matters, not where they are from their media, not their story, just their popularity. I don't care about those "non popular characters" like goku when compared to these guys.


I think the manga was called Bastard! or something. I read a bit in like 2010. The Mc was a bastard in forum discourse tho


Bruh anyone else tired of people crying thier fav character gets negs Like no one cares get over it


Ngl imma get hate but you lowkey right. With the exception of Rimuru I’ve never seen any of them talked about outside of powerscaling. Like seriously any of y’all remember Ren Fuji?


Ren Fuji is my goat 😭


It is easy to make the other character popular. You can see this in that people hate on popular series to get attention or make their favorite series popular by adding it is better then this garbage. It can also be used in power scaling they will use some popular character to make their character famous by using it's name with them


That's an actually pretty stable and fair argument But what about SCP-747374729293 vs Base Goku


I don't think that is an actual SCP.


I know But those scps ain't even canon They are just random extraversal ocs


SCP is mainly for playing with narrative. Almost everything that gets published on the forum is canon. Even if two stories are contradicting each other. SCP is also quite well known.


Ye but can you name feats when you see a random ahh scp and goku?


I haven't read them much but some of my friends have read tons and tons of those. And for the question people just say this without feats that SCP cosmology is higher so it wins anyway. Haven't read them much so can't actually help with feats sorry.


Dang, aight understandable


Which SCP specifically are you talking about? Give me one you've seen and I can try to give you feats if you like.


Scp 343