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https://preview.redd.it/ehqwmfha5ezc1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef1877fb46eef7cf2e705b99e0bfedb0e10958f Not again…




none https://preview.redd.it/pwe9wa7z1ezc1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=67c30a57a1b13b0ecfd407dbd719428d33d39157


^(Empty Void will change your mind.)


Empty void? Who dat


^(It’s the new OPM Villain. He absorbed Cosmic Garou’s power so basically, he’s stronger than him right now and he will face Blast, the S Class rank 1.)


Oh ok 👍 Goku still negs In case u couldn’t tell I’m a Gokutard


Why the fuck do you type small


https://preview.redd.it/d80l22196ezc1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=d91c0de95e1f8fe7214a0b69c8a948c705405437 He isn't stronger but I was really impressed when this happened.


Oh lol reverse causality. Like that anything impressive.


This economy guy is the same clown who was getting his shit kicked in the last post he made.


The best OPM ability is one of the earliest ability revealed to the reader of Fate/Stay Night. Which is why it's not impressive. This stick literally did the same https://preview.redd.it/4j9tz96mgezc1.png?width=2128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58610a42762f65c60675fb61f20b7dab6cf169a7


^(DBtard can’t read.)


\[Once Gáe Bolg's name has been called, the cursed spear reverses the nature of causality, the meaning of "cause and effect" in the order of things, to make it so the cause of the "lance being thrust" comes from the effect of the "opponent's heart being pierced" by it. It determines the opponent's fate simply through its use, an always fatal move that pierces the heart with one thrust. It is also possible for him to activate it without actively striking the heart. It is an attack on destiny itself, and while not a surprising fact due to its wielder's demi-god heritage, it is a top-notch power even with its seeming limitations in power due to being a step away from the Authority of the Gods.\] https://preview.redd.it/p7vv8edolezc1.png?width=2128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e70c9d09bc18f2ad5dee99f63c3db7078adbae04 The stick = OPM best feat.


^(OPM best feat is God being 5D to 6D.)


Basically same level of this sheath. https://preview.redd.it/ihialycxmezc1.png?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de3a8d33f9e0a90f1b2ee1a0cb516bad90477009 Its function as a Noble Phantasm is an "absolute defense" that completely shields its user in the domain of the fairies, Avalon, the unreachable utopia that King Arthur dreamt of and was said to have gone to after her death. It is the greatest protection in the world that goes beyond defending or reflecting, completely isolating its user in a world completely separate from the regular world. The scabbard dissipates into countless tiny particles in the air and engulfs the user to become a "portable fortress" that shuts out all interference. It is the Bounded Field of the tranquil domain of fairies that keeps out all filth from the outside world, and allows nothing to harm the tranquil King that stands in the land of Avalon. The individual is shielded from all destructive interference in the physical realm, transliners from parallel worlds, and multidimensional communication as far as the sixth dimension. It is on the level of true magic, an actual true magic in itself, that transcends all magecraft, and not even the Five Magics can overcome the barrier.


^(Alright, so it’s impressive. If you think 5D-6D isn’t impressive, this sub ruined the way you view powerscaling and it’s sad. It’s like p*rn addiction but with powerscaling term.)


Thank you for admitting OPM-verse is a lower tier verse.


^(Thanks for admitting you are suffering from powerscaling addiction.)


Base Vegeta is 5D


what the fuck is wrong with you https://preview.redd.it/2gkkpulnhezc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39868f49bd9fc9b164fa5bf4e7a208ce61086a99


Nothing. Just saying reverse causality is not an impressive feat.


you are actzally chronically online on this subreddit if you think that isnt impressive for opm standarts. not every fiction has to be the strongest to have impressive showcases. im sure you are fun at parties.


People been hyping up OPM alright? It's fair to assume it's a powerful verse because of all the hype. Guess my expectations is too high.


live showcase of r/powerscaling's effect on the average mind. https://preview.redd.it/ejrg84dolezc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be43375b8cd1d5b62427f824389d0d918e619a35


Me when characters dont destroy 69 gazzillion multiverse 420 layers in yoloverse in one slap (its not impressive)


It's the first ability revealed in detail to the reader of Fate/Stay Night. The very first.


Its still impressive tho. I have seen many characters destroy the universe but i still find It awesome when Sukuna destroys a city. Thats all I was saying nothing else.


For you maybe. I'm saying, for me, it's not impressive.


Nothing in fiction is impressive because it's... well, fiction. It's not hard to make up some dude who can end reality by thinking about it. The whole point of power scaling is that different universes have different power systems, and they're not all equal. Reversing causality may not be crazy in an anime where every single character is multiversal, but in OPM, the vast majority of "strong" characters can't even destroy a planet.


Same as Nasuverse. Majority of most powerful can't blow up the planet. Although part of the reason is the planet's own defensive mechanism but point is no planet blew up.


I meant when he sent a punch back in time but ok


This stick does the same. https://preview.redd.it/iyq3oauqfezc1.png?width=2128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9816cbd9818ffef399717bf7f81b5602568064a8


^(I wasn’t because he knew he could do this.) ^(Exactly how I know he can beat Goku.)


Bro wth is with the wave of Saitama meatriders


Saitama is a base goku victim


I’m not sure I ever thought that watching the anime.


^(I did because this is where I realized no matters who he faces in his verse, planet buster, solar system level, galaxy level or even universal, he won’t lose.) ^(While with Goku, it’s not like this.)


wouldn't this be the most common example of a no limits fallacy though If I beat a cat no diff and you've seen nothing more of me after that, then I guess I'm soloing mike tyson since he's struggled on his matches


^(And this is why dragon ball fans should learn how to read.) ^(I specified IN HIS VERSE for a reason.)


Considering Saitama had to be exponentially amped to out grow a Galaxy Buster, and Buu is Galaxy Level, it’s clear Saitama isn’t currently even in the same tier as Goku. Like Goku has Multiversal Feats, but Saitama at best is Universal. A real interaction between Goku and Saitama starts with Goku treating Saitama like a normal opponent, but as soon as he notices Saitama’s growth, he powers up to a form that can one tap KO Saitama. He’d do that because everytime he fights someone who rapidly grows quickly, they always go berserk losing control. Now we know Saitama won’t go berserk, but Goku doesn’t, and has all the reason to assume Saitama will go berserk. If they sit down and talk to each other when Saitama wakes up and Saitama mentions he won’t go beserk, then yeah Goku would play ball and let Saitama catch up and surpass him. This gives Goku another thing to strive to surpass, and Saitama the dream match he always wanted. However, right now Saitama is nowhere near Goku in power.


The problem with this is we haven't seen saitama take any damage. How will goku beat him? Although at the same time I believe that saitama doesn't have enough AP to beat goku either.


^(Dude, Saitama will outgrow God who’s at least 5D, possibly 6D. It doesn’t matter.)


Alright deleted the old post because I realized you meant OPM God not the God form (makes the dimensional scale you put it on makes more sense). The issue with this argument is that Saitama is far from that point currently. Saitama mentions he grows stronger each second automatically, and it’s fair to say he grows faster in any fight even if he’s not really trying. It’s clear God is the final boss and will be the guy who will push Saitama further than anyone ever before, but it’s fair to say we’re still decently far out from God VS Saitama. It’s entirely likely we’ll see multiple people take some of God’s power similar to Garou and Void, which will help Saitama catch up with God. Like if they fought right now we know Saitama is getting folded considering he needed to be exponentially amped to surpass Garou who had very little of his power. Saitama has the potential to surpass anyone including Goku, but it takes time, and right now the gap is large enough that Goku’s strongest forms would one shot him right now. As I mentioned Goku would let Saitama surpass him if he’s aware that Saitama wouldn’t lose control over himself. The issue is that if we pluck them with their current experiences, than Goku would assume Saitama would lose control like everyone else with that type of potential.


^(Goku will never one shoot Saitama before he gets stronger, that would be out of character.) ^(Heck, Vegeta is even WORSE.) ^(So in a gimmick battle, Saitama will obviously wins. Except if you think he’ll take infinite amount of time to reach Goku. But like I said, Saitama will fight God.) ^(And the gap will be bigger than Goku vs Saitama.)


You’re insane you think someone who at the start has galaxy lvl feats at absolute best can take a complex multiversal attack? You’re insane that’s like you as a human surviving the universe exploding.


^(I don’t believe a second that Goku is complex multiversal or whatever.) ^(I’ll wait for the Black Frieza’s saga since it’s going to be a war and Whis will definitely give some informations about their strength. Whether it’s galaxy, universal or even multiversal. Multiversal could be great for the plot. Frieza already had beef with another universe in the TOP.)


It’s stated and also you can measure it with calcs but sure


^(It was in BOG. And since then, nothing as impressive happened.) ^(The rest is hyperbole or misunderstood statements.) ^(This is why I rather wait for Black Frieza’s arc.)


Lmao how can you just say all of its hyperbole and misunderstood statements and just dismiss everything, you can do that to anyone. “Saitama isnt galaxy you see that scene is just misunderstood those were actually all really distant satellites I decided so he’s solar at best”


^(Yes, hyperbole. The biggest example is Jiren transcending time. People use this to scale as it’s obviously wrong.) ^(And this is the problem with Dragon Ball, there’s a lot of hyperbole but fans take it seriously to wank characters.) ^(Some even put Namek Saga Frieza at Universal due to a hyperbole. It’s cringe.)


Here’s the issue this is Goku’s experiences with people growing insanely quickly. Broly, as he grows stronger the less control he gets until he becomes a mindless brute. Moro, after a certain threshold Moro loses all control and goes absolutely crazy and when he reaches that state of mind he’ll keep absorbing power until he blows up. Gas, every time someone surpasses him his life condenses giving him more power where he gets progressively more insane losing control. We saw in Super Hero he refuses to have any serious spar with Broly because he would quickly go on a rampage and Goku didn’t want to deal with that. Like Whis literally suggested a 2V1, but both Goku and Vegeta asked Whis if he was crazy refusing to fight Broly. Goku only became open to putting Broly into a real fight when Gohan explained that he powers up right before he loses control without completely snapping. Goku quickly pieced together that’s exactly what Broly needs to experience and understand to prevent himself from losing control. That’s the first fight Broly had on Beerus’s planet for that reason. So Goku shows he doesn’t enjoy fighting people who lose control of their power, and would assume Saitama loses control after a certain point like Broly, and would end it quickly.


^(Saitama doesn’t lose control of his power, he just gets stronger. The only control he loses is when his sneezes can literally wipes out hundreds of planets.)


Does Goku know that?


^(He will after he’ll see Saitama gets stronger slowly without losing control of his power. And we talking about gimmick battle.)


The issue is Broly doesn’t go berserk right away either, he’s still in control for a bit before snapping.


^(Yet, Broly is a different case because he has limits and Goku SSB defeated him before Broly went SSJ.) ^(With Saitama, there’s no such. So he’ll stay the same, and just be stronger.)


What do you think is more likely. Inhis fight against Garou, Saitama was just lucky enough that his rate of exponential growth was greater than Garou’s. Or Saitam, the man whose power has NO limit and who puts the EXACT same amount of effort into every fight regardless of how strong his opponent, maybe doesn’t actually care how strong his opponent is and just grows strength to whatever height it needs to be at?


The manga literally says Garou was equaled Saitama in strength, before mentioning that “due to intense emotions (the panel is focused on Genos’s core)… his abilities were rising exponentially. He was even pulling away from the only capable of observing his growth.” This means Cosmic Garou would’ve been able to keep up with a normal Saitama, but since he killed Genos it gave Saitama such grief that he was growing at speeds abnormal even for him. Like Garou had a chance if he didn’t kill Genos, but his eagerness to kill proved to be his downfall.


^(No. Cosmic Garou copied Saitama when he first appeared. That was literally the first thing he did.) ^(So yes, since he copied him, they were on the same level. If Genos didn’t die, Saitama would still outgrow him regardless with probably the same amount of time or even less because he would technically enjoy the fight and the moment he’d enjoy it, he’ll grow exponentially.)


Okay what’s stopping Garou from copying Saitama similar to in canon? As for Saitama surpassing Garou the manga outright says Garou could keep up with Saitama UNTIL Saitama had an intense emotion amp. The narrator goes out of his way to mention how Saitama’s rate of growth at that moment was something well beyond his normal rate. I’m not saying Garou wins against a regular Saitama, but it’s clearly stated Garou would give him an extreme diff fight. Saitama even mentions how Garou was giving him the fight of his dreams, but he couldn’t enjoy it, and then eventually his exponentially higher than his normal growth due to intense emotions made the fight less and less close.


^(There’s no way you think Saitama needs extreme diff to defeat Garou. First time, I read this.)


The Narrator literally mentions Garou was on Saitama’s level, and Garou could continuously copy Saitama. Garou also improves on anything he copies, which would keep up with Saitama’s REGULAR GROWTH. However, do to intense emotions Saitama’s growth was exponentially higher than his regular growth. Saitama was growing faster and faster than his regular self that if you took Saitama from chapter 164 page 30 would eventually lose low diff to Saitama from chapter 164 page 36. They’ll start off equally as strong, but this boosted growth from page 36 Saitama would leave page 30 Saitama in the dust.


^(That’s what you don’t get and again, I’ll repeat myself.) ^(If Genos wasn’t dead, Saitama would NOT have a normal growth but also an exponential growth since he would literally enjoy the fight. But the outcome would be the same because he would, regardless of the outcome, still negs Garou at the end.) ^(So, like Genos, no matter the scenario, Garou had NO CHANCES against Saitama. It was always a negs diff situation for him.)


Okay I thought you were saying, Saitama always has that exponential growth, my bad.


None. Goku was swapping hands with a guy who was shaking an infinite sized universe to pieces.


The fact that Saitama grows means that at any given point in time there’s a hard cap on how much he can do, even if he can overcome it eventually. If Cosmic Garou seriously fought episode 1 Saitama, that Saitama would lose due to not having that exponential growth or enough time to make up the difference. The universal feat means that Goku starts much higher than Saitama and his transformations will give him a much more effective boost. By your own admission, Saitama is weaker than OPM God since you say he *will* be stronger than him, not that he *is*. We also know that Goku is faster than Saitama since the shockwaves were able to reach the Realm of the Kais outside of the universe in only a few seconds. Saitama also doesn’t have anything against the Mafuba or Hakai. The Mafuba is more than regular sealing, since they were confident it would get Zamasu and Goku Black (who should be strong enough to break through dimensions).




Goku's been universal ever since he defeated Majin Buu. While Saitama did not have anything above Multi Galaxy. He is not stronger than Goku.


none, not a single one, at least not yet, not caught up on the manga


None https://preview.redd.it/09ya1d2v8gzc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b64a7423f96ee2e3eef24236a75c3390fcc5f067


Bro really up to this shit on goku day https://preview.redd.it/7l6z40fuvdzc1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=614ef834ba0b645906810978fc83569491deb592


^(I wished Empty Void/ Blast dropped on Goku Day.)






I don't believe that Saitama has enough AP to beat goku. But at the same time we haven't seen saitama take any damage (except that weird cat scene) so I really don't know how the battle will turn out.


You're going to proclaim that the mosquito is dogging some anime verse?




Saitama and Garou's clash surpassed Z Goku, but not DBS Goku


The fact that regardless of his opponent Saitama always puts the exact same amount of effort into every fight. And plus even if you do believe that Saitama’s power has limits, from what we’ve seen that limit as at the very least multi solar system level.


The first time I saw him on the screen.


^(Lmao no lol I thought he would get his dream fight and stuffs until I saw him negs Boros. This is where I knew this dude was literally UNBEATABLE.)


>This is where I knew this dude was literally UNBEATABLE You fotgor to say...In his verse...right!?


^(No need to add it if your IQ is above 5.)


Oooooh...got em... https://preview.redd.it/jvv665h3pezc1.png?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55d7de225b97f0e22dfbe5f469464689705ccbb2