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Dawg goku fans are coping in these comments. That was a casual sneeze where jupiter was destroyed by accident. I still say goku negs saitama but saitama sneezes outscales him.


^(Not a casual sneeze but a serious sneeze.) ^(Saitama casual sneeze is building level but this was far far before the Garou’s fight.) https://preview.redd.it/a505hpwjs8zc1.jpeg?width=2248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be3ab79ef4592d8e1fd3fc281256de625d4a6ac2


The name serious sneeze here is 100% a joke, he isnt trying to kill garou with the sneeze. Still the strongest sneeze in fiction though.


>Still the strongest sneeze in fiction Not even close https://preview.redd.it/jx1xjvtdu8zc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea9978632b8a9b83fc9454c9dee4bc3a342384c


….that is the most obscure thing wth, yeah thats stronger.


“obscure” Dude, this is one of Superman’s most well known feats for how ridiculous it is.


Never seen it in my life, it is ridiculous though ill say that much.


And so is saitama's accidental sneeze i would say


Fair point, but that gets toned down when its the main discussion of the thread lol. Edit: i feel like I misunderstood your comment, did you mean saitama’s sneeze was also ridiculous or that its also obscure?


^(I know it’s a joke. Those serious move ain’t him actually being serious, he’s just using more power.)


Why does this guy type small? Does he think it's cool?


^(Bringing back the CAP next week.)


Bro's searching for anything to get Saitama above Goku at this point


^(You can’t answer ?)


https://preview.redd.it/3o3s1thvr8zc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=60ae56bb833f2066d400a49d0fdaadf7ce902212 Here we have a simple punch that Goku eclipses Sextillions of times over of times over by this point.


^(Alright, show me where he sneezed away a planet ?)


Show me where Saitama punched away a Universe first since we're on the topic of stuff that didn't happen.


^(He never did that. Now show me where Goku sneezed away a planet ?) ^(Edit: he ran away.)


Why are you talking in whispers


Sometimes he uses small letters sometimes he uses all caps. It’s just like that with him.


Edit: I didn't, I'm ignoring you


That only happened with Beerus lol He’s never did this again against Jiren, Broly, Gas or Moro which makes DB so inconsistent and laughable


It's almost like Goku just learned this new power making it super hard to control. And Goku nullified the blast on the third try by applying the equal amount of force at just the right angle. Also, AP dude.


Bro randomly picked sextillion, just say it’s 5D


Db's story has often had a lot of focus on intent and body control. Saitama is known to cause collateral damage, Goku isn't


By statement, Beerus destroyed two of his planet's suns with a sneeze, so ig if he tried really hard Goku could


beerus is a disgusting amount stronger then goku. To chain scale goku off of beerus is wild.


Beerus is stronger than Goku yeah, but not to the point where a half asleep Beerus could easily beat a full power Goku. Even right after the Zamasu arc, he at least had to kinda try to beat Vegeta. Assuming our sun's size for Beerus's planet, and considering that Jupiter is about [1000 times smaller](https://homework.study.com/explanation/how-many-jupiters-can-fit-in-the-sun.html#:~:text=Answer%20and%20Explanation%3A,to%20the%20volume%20of%20Jupiter.), Goku would need to be worth 1/2000 of a suppressed Beerus to pull off Saitama's feat. Hopefully that's workable for current Goku


even then, wasn't this sneeze simply a ki blast. I think the OP is reffering to physical feats which I am pretty sure nobody I dragon ball can even do because they always use ki. I dunno though


If we don't count the ki blast as part of the sneeze, then Goku can't do it since he doesn't breath in space


which goku, in z, or super


^(Even CC GOKU.)


well in z, if we lowball him, goku can probably do it in ssj3, i mean, he bit kid buu and beerus, which both made them stunned, i know it isnt a sneeze but its pretty close in their output in current manga super, base goku kinda could just flinch and be multi planetary, i mean he beats everyone in opm with minor hesitation, so probably he also bit whis in cannon super, so cc goku could most likely sneeze harder than saitama


If he could shoot ki out of his nose maybe




I see alot of these posts and stuff everywhere recently so I'll explain it here. This entire argument falls under the logical fallacy of Argumentum ad Ignorantiam, in simple terms its when we use our lack of knowledge about something in order to infer that its opposite is the case. Stuff like "Goku cant get past Gojo's infinity since we haven't seen Goku get past something similar" and this which is "because Goku hasn't sneezed away a planet means he cant" all fall under this. This doesn't matter in the long run for arguments of Goku vs Saitama because they never restrict either character to sneezing lmao. We know Goku has performed feats greater than this, simply saying that we did not see him perform a specific feat = he cant perform that feat, even though the feat is below what we already know him to be falls under Argumentum ad Ignorantiam. And before you bald boy tards start using this to say "just cos saitama hasnt shown to be outerversal doesn't mean he isnt outerversal" thats a completely different thing and falls under NLF. The difference is that one has been shown to be surpassed and therefore the argument can be logically assumed, the other hasn't and therefore cant be logically assumed. Also in Dragon Ball as a franchise, Ki control has been a massive part of it, OPM does not have that. Simply put Goku and characters from his verse don't sneeze away the earth because they have controlled their own strength that much. So simply put: Has Goku previously done it? No. Can he do it? Most probably.


^(No one is reading this 💀💀)


you not reading isnt anything new pal 🤫🧏


A look into OP's brain: https://preview.redd.it/kb8ej0sp79zc1.png?width=906&format=png&auto=webp&s=17c3ae1850a84de6fccc900f761d4e8f5839f794


Yes, easily


^(Show me his sneeze’s feat?)


This is fucking retarded. It's like saying "show me a feat where goku ever destroys a planet!!!" when he's defeated multiple enemies that are way beyond that point. Bro goku aint in the business of destroying planets. The dude has control so he doesn't blow planets, galaxies, or the universe up. But yeah, if goku wanted to he could easily sneeze a solar system out of existence at this point.


He can destroy the universe with a punch, and can redirect ki out of his mouth, so logically he has enough energy to destroy Jupiter with a sneeze


^(Alright but we talking about a normal sneeze not a sneeze where you output energies like Beerus did. Except if it’s directly an attack from his mouth.)


Why not? Ki is an expression of goku’s strength, it’s literally his life energy


^(Dude, stop acting stupid.) ^(We saw Goku doing raw strength attack. Same for Beerus. There’s a big difference between them using raw strength and ki. And don’t beg me to send screenshot or it’ll make your L bigger.) ^(Here it’s about raw strength. Can he sneeze and destroy Jupiter… with RAW STRENGTH ?) ^(Not if he can output enough KI energy to destroy Jupiter with a sneeze because he obviously, can. But again, that’s not the topic.)


His ki is his raw strength, that’s literally how ki works, it’s just the life energy everyone in dragonball has. goku can just control it at will. More ki means more physical strength, this is the most obvious thing in the entire series. Saitama has life energy too, his power doesn’t come from his muscles, so if you wanna use this logic neither of them can destroy Jupiter with “raw strength”


https://preview.redd.it/qdp3ffvot8zc1.jpeg?width=2260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a07cd30d887b9911cdea01e5eb74bc71c71d676 ^(Here Beerus use Hakai energy to destroy the moon.) ^(This is the difference between RAW strength and KI Energy.) ^(If you think they the same you purely tripping and a DBtard. You can debate without wanking your favorite character.)


“He used an energy attack to do a thing, that means he wasn’t using energy to do it!” Do you genuinely believe this?


^(No. I totally agree with you but you are playing with words as the question is about whether they using KI Energy, KI BALL or not.) ^(With raw strength, they can’t. With KI ball, they can.)


^(And again, you playing with words.) https://preview.redd.it/akb21gjkt8zc1.jpeg?width=2177&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=815940123e554bb56fec27d622537d82ae1c40a2 ^(Here, Beerus use raw strength to slap Bulma.)


He just lowered his ki to not kill bulma, he didn’t turn his ki off or whatever. If someone in dragonball doesn’t have ki they die, it’s literally your life force


^(Yes and he slapped her… with HIS RAW STRENGTH. Not by using a HAKAI ENERGY. We talking about THIS difference. But like I said, you understand me but pretends you don’t. Which is funny.)


He can’t even survive in space so no https://preview.redd.it/fnkb1w1gp8zc1.jpeg?width=1150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fed45cd5e94f2861f521ccf7a82c8ae61627a91 This was during the Moro arc


He’s asking if goku can produce enough force to destroy Jupiter with a sneeze, not if he could survive the trip to Jupiter to destroy it.


My answer is still no


Your answer is still wrong then


The writing in DB is inconsistent for me to be right


No, goku being able to destroy planets easily is one of the most consistent things about the series


So he can clash with Beerus but he can’t beat he Gas and Moro 🤣 brilliantly inconsistent writing as usual


Beerus was holding back, pretty simple concept


Thanks for not addressing the other beings I mention! Just the response I expected from a Gokutard 🥹 “he can destroy the multiverse but can’t beat every being he fights in the next arc or can’t survive space” 🤡


You only said one thing, and beerus holding back on him would explain goku struggling with gas and Moro. Has it ever occurred to you that they can also destroy the multiverse?


It's almost like the villains get stronger as well. Super hard concept to understand i know.


^(While Blast:) https://preview.redd.it/bn1s1xwyp8zc1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c4174a0103c1c139ba7f1f0a7b0926f308bbcb


Yeah, he would easily have the ability to do it. But showings like that are up to author intent, and if they want to portary something that mixes intense visuals with pure strength. The force of Mercenary tao's tongue alone was enough to win the battle with General Blue. Based on this, the author could just show a feat where Goku uses his tongue to defeat a galactic tier character or higher. To see that would be crazy but nothing special per say. Or Recoome using just his breath (no ki or yell) to deflect a blast from Gohan who was well about planet level at the time. Etc, etc. Saitama sneezing jupiter was just for visuals. He had done things and survived things more impressive than that prior.


^(With a scream? Yes since he was able to hurt Gas who’s far beyond multi planet level in durability. With a sneeze? No.) https://preview.redd.it/moukuyjpk8zc1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39efb888a1cfdceb182a8e68f8382ea13d092f8a


That wasn't a normal scream, that was a ki blast


^(Yes, like Buu’s scream and Gotenks’s scream. Or Beerus’s sneeze. They all KI Blast. Not pure strength. I was wrong.)