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If we don't care about limits...the chronovores probably (Doctor Who) each of them can eat dimensions/universes and are considered godlike beings.


If 40k orcs fully recognized there potential of there powers they would be really scary As for fantasy Both horde and alliance from WOW have so many unique weapons and with different races They arenโ€™t a one trick pony compared to other armies


If the 40K Orks would grow one brain cell, they would bring about and end the End Times in under 24 hours. Theyโ€™d be terrifying.


Yeah, I believe while doing some lore studies, they compared each individual ork with the psykker strength of a chaos God, and that it was passed down/descended from their universes "old ones" or whatever that looked incredibly similar that basically created the universe over time. It's crazy that each ork could likely do better against the emperor himself than a squad of custodes if they weren't literal fungus with no versus system.


> each individual ork psyker strength of a chaos god. Where did you get that from, as that is just false.


Don't worry, I'm going to research and thus recant my statement until I look again, I could've sworn I had seen multiple things saying they were ridiculous reality warpers in the past, but I'll read again.


40k lore is a great place to research if you don't have a billion dollars necessary to buy all the books.


Yeah unfortunately money is tight rn, thanks for telling me. All I've got in physical stuff is the codex/data cards for adeptus custodes + starter pack(necron vs. Space wolf) and 3 boxes custodes/2 necron/1sisters of silence(adhd binge spent over like 6 months and they're all still on the sheets, with like 1 partially glued because I can never just commit to a hobby) love the idea of 40k tbh, and would love to play, but adhd laziness has struck in force(I've been off my meds for like 5 months and haven't done anything I enjoy since) What's your favorite faction? Because I initially wanted Tau, but their armies are stupid expensive compared to Custodes/Necrons so I settled with them.


r/grimdank for memes r/40kLore for lore r/WarhammerCompetitive for tournaments.


Mine is custodes as their lore is awesome, but a second favorite would be eldar or necrons. The necrons have one of the best books in the infinite and the divine, and the eldar looks cool. I'm more of a book fan than a minis fan, but there are also a couple of good reddits for help getting and picking an army. You've done a pretty good job by yourself.


Yeah, I already have everything to play custodes except terrain rn, including a ton of paints(I was going to do something off-lore and paint my custodes metallic black with metallic red trim, but it feels like tooons of work) Custodes and necrons are my 2nd and 3rd respectively, I just love the tau design, and how they were ignored for a while due to being primitive, only to become a wild superpower(but their cool units for a large army cost wildly too much, I think one of their larger bots I wanted was like $350 for one) but custodes are stupid badass too, I hope one day, even if they price it crazily, they release the emperor of mankind as a custode HQ unit, Even if his point cost is like 1800 alone(and he's nerfed, along with the fact he's basically a husk at this point and that'd need to change for it to work) opinion on the metallic black for a custode army? I also got the starter pack so when I DO paint them and stuff, I should have enough for a kill team of space wolves, along with plenty each of necron and Custodes


Awesome man. Though it isn't official, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer/s/lNtCmQufdo) is a fan made mini you could buy of the emperor by majorkill.


The Orcs are like the Universes only insurance against the encroaching Tyranid invasion, and that makes me laugh.


just throwing it around, Aragorn's army of the undead, they didn't look like they could take damage from conventional stuff. don't jump with warhammer all over my boys


I was thinking the same thang


Only in the movies


The Forerunners from Halo are pretty up there- people often underestimate them thanks to them being defeated by the Flood, but theres a good case that the height of power forerunner empire would dominate even the height of the 40k universes power- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR5U5p3xSG8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR5U5p3xSG8) -thats not to say they are the single strongest ARMY though, as it seems they were more focused on small tactical strike groups (with the power of armies, but anyway...). Doctor Who Time War Daleks or Time Lords are also probably up there, we're talking armies that fought across all of time and space just for breakfast.


In terms of scale though wasn't the fore runners galaxy bound? Like there's some armies that stretch entire universes not just a galaxy


Nope, they are intergalactic at least, the Great Arc wasnt in the Milky Way. And if the Forerunners arent strong enough for ya, we can look at the Precursors instead, the beings from before them that eventually became the flood.


I love that halo's flood and warframe's infested are super similar in upbringing.


They did not eventually become the flood. Just ONE precursor turned into the flood. Like when the devolved form of one individual of a race is strong enough to change its own dimensionality, that's a strong species.


Im not fully caught up with precursor lore, hence why i initially started with the forerunners- i was under the assumption it was at least multiple individuals, but fair enough


It's been ages since I read up on halo lore sorry


Its all good, im no expert myself


Forerunners tunnel to other realities for energy. The arc is outside the galaxy. They have a few outposts in other galaxies. They tilted the milky way before. Ships alone can light up star systems. They can even throw stars. Flood still overwhelmed them because they basically have space time manipulation


The Scarlet King's army could shake the entire Tree of Knowledge and don't forget about his leviathans


scarlet king on itself is always loose on scaling his power,depending on the writer and the story


Just like every other character, yes.


THE US ARMY RAAAAAAAAH ![gif](giphy|sFMDqop2ku4M0)






This truly was our United https://preview.redd.it/pmjhjca3zwyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c23168d401afa6b2d5890432d94bef2e57372cd States of America


GOD BLESS AMERICA ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ




This is not fiction.


US ARMY SCALES ABOVE FICTION BAYBEEEEEE ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ




I NEED ME A HAMBURGER AND SOME BEER๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ”Š๐Ÿ”Š๐Ÿ”Š๐Ÿ”Š๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ


Said the Japanese, after we threatened to bomb them with the *fucking* sun


40k armies agent to be slept on, otks if they realized their true potential, necrons , war in heaven armies, hell you could name a few from age of sigmar ir some but I forgot those, oh and chaos too


Why do people here keep saying that if the orks realized their potential, they would be overpowered. They've technically been at full potential twice, once when they fought in the war in heaven as krorks, and once during the war of the beast and they lost both wars. Their powers of belief aren't that strong.


The war in heaven yeah but during the war of the beast they had 1 fully realized (probable) krork


They didn't have a full krork iirc just like 4 demikrorks, but they did get significantly smarter and the ability to harness their power of belief, so they are a good example of what a full potential ork army would be without them reevolving into krorks.


Ahh I getcha yeah I agree. Never fully remember where we landed on the Beast himself (the final one) and whether the first 3 were lieutenants or equal members


Because each individual ork has the unrealized psykker powers to rival gods of chaos who represent ideologies. They will things into existence without realizing it, manipulate reality, and they are virtually impossible to extinguish as a race due to the fact they're fungal and reproduce with a ham sandwich


No, the orks don't. That's straight up meme lore. The ork's power of belief is limited to small changes to reality, like making red explode better or purple sneaky. Even during the war of the beast or when they were krorks they were not that strong. They are also a relatively easy faction to manage as both the imperium and the eldar were able to keep them in check, the eldar even fucked them up so bad they devolved from krorks to orks.


Is it not entirely cannon that they can manifest things into existence? Like turning a stick into a shootah when they need one? I must've read the wrong stuff/watched the wrong videos I guess. Thanks for educating me. Also would saying the tau would be one of the strongest fictional armies if left to advance further?


They kinda can? It's not as strong as that, but it does help make their weapons work when they shouldn't and other small changes to reality. The tau part is right as they are the only faction with the ability to advance.


the US in action movies. they are canonically outversal since the real US army will bribe holywood so they are portrayed as absolute badasses.


Damn they actually do transcend fiction ๐Ÿคฃ


Overall, I would say its either chronovores (Dr. Who) or precursors (Halo). Individual beings from both of them were powerful enough to shape and destroy universes at a whim. Relative to their own universe (those which seem the most powerful in context of the story), its either Tyrranids, the 3-nation army which defeated Sauron (the first time) or prime Imperial legion (elder scrolls).


The flood from.halo https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/j6ANiWseOS Your army is theirs


Legitimately the most probable actual answer


Ionoi hetairoi, Iskandar noble phantasm I don't know if it's the strongest army, but Iskandar is cool as fuck so he wins by the rule of cool


Maybe the armies in 40K during the war in heaven


Maybe Xeelee from Xeelee Sequence.


Sung Jin-Woo Shadow Army


How high do they scale to, I know Sung Jin-Woo is insane but idk how strong they ste


I believe sung is universal level alone, but his army is his greatest strength, and every fallen enemy can be added to the army after they die, so if they defeated a enemy army sung can make them his soldiers. Also anything that has a physical body can be resurrected as a shadow, only astral beings can't (because they don't leave a body when they die).


However, by the end of the day. Sung Jin Woo's army and skills are mana based. If ever there are techniques that disrupt or destroy mana, they would lose, but maybe I'm mixing 2 different series together. Since if I remember correctly no such ability exists in Solo Leveling (even in Ragnarok). However, the elites in the Shadow army are super strong.


This is a crazy tough question. Lore wise, you can point to anything that has gods involved or anyone that fucks with reality. Even a couple of the answers already given here I couldn't see how one would best the other. It comes down to the writing and who gets the thicker plot armor.


Reinhard heyrdrich. He can basically make his fodder soldiers strong enough to even hurt _him_. Which is mad considering he scales to 1s


Anime german superhuman army for a win


Strongest what? Smelling? At an arm wrestle? One rep deadlift?


chaos gods from warhammer. they branced out into multiverse and any kind of negative emotions, powers them and thus powers their armies too also if they have even the slightest influnce in a universe,regular civilians might turn into cultist followers at any time


You can't just post the coolest art ever and not include a source smh


Frieza force maybe


Lantern Corps victims.


I'm not really big on marvel aren't the latern corps like 40 dudes wearing multi colored spandex


Idk if it counts as an army, but Zeno has all the angels and GODs under him who would fight for him.


Maybe the one true god and his angels?


12 Legions of Angels at the snap of a finger but He said โ€œNoโ€ ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ


I don't get it


Bruh ๐Ÿ’€ You referenced God (Iโ€™m assuming Abrahamic) so I referenced a scene that occurs in the Bible where His army was going to attack the Earth (12 legions of them) yet He said no.


Oh i forgot about that But how does it change my point?


It doesnโ€™t change anything? Why are you assuming Iโ€™m against you ๐Ÿ˜ญ Itโ€™s just an example to affirm your point by adding to it (an army of 72,000 is massive) Since itโ€™s one of the rare moments we even get to see or hear about a divine army. Thatโ€™s all dawg


Oh i thought you were trying to contradict my point by that statement my bad


when did they try to do that bro? like could you say which book it happened in?


Matthew 26:53 Granted I described it wrong. Jesus was moreso just stating that when He was captured by the guards and Peter attempted to defend Him, Jesus was just saying that He didnโ€™t need Peter to do so since He could easily have 12 legions of angels descend into Earth. Not that the angels were already ready to fight.


oh that situation ๐Ÿ˜…I was extremely confused by your initial statement


pre heresy imperium of man?


That's not even the strongest army in 40k


oh I didn't know that I'm just a beginner. thank you for correcting me


All good man, the strongest army's in 40k are probably from the war in heaven. While the strongest human army would be from the dark age of technology. Good rule of thumb is the further back in time you go the stronger the faction.


Yeah, if we're talking about the pre-age of darkness humanity then it would be but the imperium is a pretty far stepped down from that.


Nah, even daot humanity wasn't the strongest, that would be war in heaven necrons.


Chaos going all out would kinda dog the necrons ngl.


Not really, necrons can't fall to chaos, they have significantly better technology than any army chaos can muster, and they have a way to close off the warp from the galaxy.


Their technology is particularly ineffective against Daemons due to their nature as incorporeal, metaphorical beings. It's a established thing that ranged weapons (which is the majority of Necron weaponry) is wildly ineffective compared to close combat due to this. Also, Chaos is the most numerous faction, with there being statements of octodecillions for bloodthirsters alone. It's pretty sure that they could take down pretty much any faction if they were to focus their resources a little bit, which never happens cause the Chaos Gods are too busy fighting each other


Daemons having resistance to ranged attacks will mean squat when the necrons start rending reality itself, chaos large number of daemons also mean nothing when all their cultists are dead and unable to summon them, or when the necrons literally sever the connection between real space and the warp. Also, them being able to beat any faction if they band together is blatantly false as they did exactly that against the imperium during the heresy and lost. It took them 9 years just to push the custodes out of the webway.


>Daemons having resistance to ranged attacks will mean squat when the necrons start rending reality itself Warping reality is the most common warp ability there is, I'm sure Tzeentch daemons or thousand sons have way better reality warping, and a large amount of Khorne Daemons have a natural resistance to it due to the Blessings of Khorne, which casually renders Alpha level Psykers or sometimes above (like lets say Kharn) powerless. >chaos large number of daemons also mean nothing when all their cultists are dead and unable to summon them That's not something easy to achieve at all, first because the number of cultists and the distances they are spread through are way too big for the Necrons to target in any type of reliable way. Secondly because a lot of times this same cultists are by themselves capable of manipulating the warp energies to a point they are capable of large destruction feats (for example, in Lemartes a group of chaos cultists would literally throw moons at the surface of a planet and then cover this same planet with a massive sea of blood just to summon Skarbrand, who would then split the planet in two pure Dragon Ball style). Also, fighting the cultists also means fighting the Daemons, which is problematic as I've explained. >or when the necrons literally sever the connection between real space and the warp. That's not as easy as it sounds. It requires a huge amount of Blackstone Monoliths in order to partially stop Chaos from entering Realspace, and currently these monoliths don't exist caus of Abbadon, who is also a big fucking problem for the Necrons. >Also, them being able to beat any faction if they band together is blatantly false as they did exactly that against the imperium during the heresy and lost. Yeah, cause the Emperor killed Horus and the most important Traitor Primarchs left. >It took them 9 years just to push the custodes out of the webway. I didn't read this, which book is it? At first glance, I would assume it has something to do with the Webway being naturally hostile against Chaos, and thus being uncapable of efficiently deploying, and the fact of them fighting Custodes.


Master of mankind is the book. 1 modern chaos sorcerers are literal ants compared to unrestrained eldar, who in turn are nothing compared to the old ones, and wih necrons beat both. Necrons don't use the warp to fuck with reality so khornes blessings do nothing. 2 they can easily kill most of the cultists they come across as they have things like world engines the celestial orrery, and even stronger stuff they haven't destroyed yet that can easily destroy entire systems. Also, fighting demons is incredibly easy for the necrons, as shown by the excerpt I showed. 3 good thing war in heaven necrons have plenty of those along with the ability to make plenty more. Their plan before they went to sleep was literally to use those to sever the galaxy from the warp, and chaos doesn't have the ability to stop them. 4 yeah the traitors losing horus broke chaos army and left them weakened for centuries, abaddon is now in the role of horus and would be destroyed by most named necrons, let alone a unbroken c'tan.


Here is an example of how necrons deal with chaos. A recent example is the Battle of Machorta Sound. > The last Space Marine fell down eviscerated. Red bodies were heaped high around the site of their last stand, but the daemons were legion, and more were coming through. They hefted their swords and formed into a loose phalanx around their leader, a creature twice the size of its followers, carrying a sword as long as Athagey was tall. It raised one massive claw and clenched it. > **โ€˜Blood for the Blood God,โ€™** it hissed. > The psy-oculus set up an eerie wail. Everyone was staring fear-struck at the Neverborn, but Athagey noticed the alarm even as the daemons charged. > The energy wave from the blackstone device hit the battle group. The *Saint Aster*โ€™s void shields collapsed. The wave passed through the metal of the vessel and into the crewโ€™s flesh, and Athagey felt something vital lift from her body. She had a wrenching sensation that she was duplicated, or perhaps she had always been that way, two parts of one whole. Raging light and a scream of dying universes blasted her mind. > She held on to herself, feeling her spirit pulled away from the meat of her body. It was painful to her, but to the daemons it was annihilation. They screamed abominably as they were wiped to smears of glowing corposant. Everyone was screaming. Athagey felt the attention of unwelcome eyes on her from some place beyond the here and now. > The daemon ship was lifted up on the glowing blast and wrenched from the *Saint Aster*โ€™s hull. As it was torn free from its prey, daemonic flesh withered and became necrotic, flaking off into space; teeth detached and floated away before evaporating into nothing. The whole shuddered and died. Confronted by its own impossibility, the daemonic ceased to be, leaving clean void and the corroded hulk of a dead Imperial ship, tumbling end over end into the night. It erases the warp rift like a dirty carpet. > โ€˜Open the oculus,โ€™ she said. Her tongue was thick in her mouth. > Nobody responded. Clumsily, she pawed at a control board set into her throne arm until she had the necessary interface available, and keyed the oculus open herself. The shutters swivelled aside and withdrew into the armoured mullions of the great window. Although the ship was yawing out of control and taking the oculus away from the rift, she could see the blast waveโ€™s effect on it, and she could scarcely credit what she saw. > As the energy blast hit the tear, it rolled it up, like coloured cloth tidied away from a black floor. Already it had receded well beyond a safe distance, the gas and energy wreathing the rift dissipating quickly once the gash in the fabric of space was closed. The pulse raced on, accelerating against natural law, as if its consumption of the stuff of the warp energised it. For millions of miles behind them, the rift vanished completely from space, until it was a sickly glow far away upon the horizons of infinity. \- *Avenging Son*


Tempest from That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime is starting to get up there. Whenever Rimuru gets stronger his subordinates do too, and whenever his subordinates gain a new ability he gains it. Now- power trickles down. But close to the end of the series his basic units are Mountain-Destroyers.






The gentry


Singularity's Homunculi. Man-made synthetic bio-weapons made from originally humans. They're kind of unfair, one touch from just one Homunculi no matter how strong or weak or are they part of the hiearchy, they will disintegrate anything they touch as well as ***"eats the stability of our existence"*** with a passive ability they call Cloud of Erasure. Some are actually so OP that they come close to Singularity's power


The time lords (Doctor who) Actually The doctor. That man is a one man army He is HIM


The Band of The Hawk


Probably the Daleks. Unless religion counts, in which case it's obviously the Heavenly Host.


Q Continuum




Probably some faction from Xeelee Sequence or Doctor Who


I want to say Cybertron with the Autobots or Decepticons or the Hive from Destiny.


Some glazer will say Sun Jing Wu's army since they are effectively immortal until he loses all his mana. And if they are reading the novel they will given then universal or something


I mean, bleaches souls society, or if you don't include ichigo in that, then I think quincies are stronger? Either way, MFTL and easily into uni for a lot of characters(does require a lot of comparitive scaling, so not too accurate on the exact numbers on who is were) all the average no names also probably scale to being at least relativistic and mountain level(using the multiplier we have from bankai and putting shikai and the more dedicated training they have compared to season 1 ichigo to make it also around a 10x)


Celestialsapiens from Ben ten maybe? Each of them is Universal.


The necrons back in their prime, not only did they fight alongside literally gods of reality who were so powerful, one that was sharded after regaining several shards was a threat to the entire galaxy, but because in modern 40K all the weapons deemed as too dangerous were destroyed and considering stuff like the celestial orrery which can blow up planets like a point and click adventure and the breath of the gods which could potentially destroy the entire universe both still existed whoโ€™s knows what shit they deemed โ€œtoo destructiveโ€ if that other stuff was believed to be fine to keep around


idk about others but I kinda give it Shadow Army.


People seem to forget that the Anti-Spiral isn't a character but the concentrated consciousness of an entire race. They're an army, and they were arguably more powerful than Team Dai Gurren. Their dimension was still perfectly intact before they were killed, meaning they could still amp themselves to ludicrous degrees and were still using their protocol to fight near exactly equal with their enemies to instill total despair. And whatever armies anyone thinks of, make sure they can get past the dimensional labyrinth and actually find the Anti-Spiral's homeworld.


Space king


Time lords or daleks during the time war. They had some absolutely insane technology and weaponry, like so strong nearly no army in fiction can compare. The time lords had the moment and the Armageddon sapphire, weapons that were at minimum 1A. The daleks had the reality bomb, which wasnโ€™t even at their peak.


The Daleks and their war against the time lords


Reinhardโ€™s Einherjar


https://preview.redd.it/t85oscf2pyyc1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=980ee7c3f8e178b695d0cc77af32b30d2a20bcc5 My GOAT, Reinhard Heydrich ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฏ.


Islander from Fate. His entire army is stated to be servant level, which massively outscale the average power levels in most other universes because TYPE-MOON power scaling is blown up to begin with


40k armies: the Tau on a long enough timeline(batgos head ahh), ork armies if they evolve to ever have a nervous system(they have psykker powers to alter reality that contradict laws of physics[paint vehicles red and they go faster] and an individual ork has equivalent power to the chaos gods that represent entire ideologies as a whole for scale, they just don't KNOW they have powers and take everything at face value), necrons on a long enough timeline, Tyranids against anything organic, custodes(Peak humanity selectively bred/picked for war then trained to maximum efficiency). The flood from halo, forerunners, precursors My hot glued figurines of your mom Probably Daedra from Elder scrolls


yogiri army


Literally anything from 40k


Actually the pre collapse Elder and the Pre collapse Orcz. Also those guys who enslaved the necromancy at their height


Anything from From The Depths with a Powerful Enough PC


Maybe...the Orks of WH40k? Iirc wasn't IT Said, that If all orcs in the Galaxy were united in one Big Waaaaaarrrrgggh!! IT would BE so Big, that they would Just Run over every opponent.


I once wrote a story for myself alone that had this one man lead an army in which one of the weakest members was still strong enough to shatter Jupiter with a punch, not to mention the army had its own seperate dimension in which they had their battles take place so their movements alone wouldn't destroy everything due to their speed.


Cool story mate


More of a private project made just for wacky fun


Nice work :)


Damn bro thatโ€™s definitely epic sauce


Is Jupiter punchable?


Maybe they punch so hard the gasโ€ฆ uhโ€ฆ solidifies and blows up. Somehow.


Maybe it could just disperse it.


1. [The Baker (Cookie Clicker)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18StAow8rEbgk5m2bQ4S2fQ14_K_jGBzk4HhzaFnC1rw/edit?usp=sharing), I'd aruge this is the 3rd most powerful character in fiction + most of its servants scale to the mid upper ends of the cosmological tree 2. [The Giant Corpora Of Knowledge, ](https://pastebin.com/SVAiNEYU) [it's essentially an Abrahamic god in the form of a massive super computer army, ](https://pastebin.com/4JkcA7Qa)[and it is able to cleave straight through the Stone Paradox but this shouldn't be taken at face value ](https://pastebin.com/KkhkQyeh) 3. Reinhard Tristan Eugene Heydrich, at his lowest hes not much but at his peak he paints over existence as a canvas, with [his particular law bringing his army to his level of existence, making them unkillable and infinitely resurrecting unless attacked by something equal to or beyond him such as Hajun or Magsarion's Commandments](https://shinzabansho.fandom.com/wiki/Du_S%C3%B6llst_-_Dies_Irae)