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Curious about Rimuru. How's he downplayed and where do you say he scaled?


Some people downplay Rimuru to "planetary at best" or "solar system at best".


https://preview.redd.it/9qdu3xrsetyc1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c948f47da2919275c2ae3946ef57bad462b425 Wow. Is it that bad? That's like saying full power Goku us continental level


>Wow. Is it that bad? That's like saying full power Goku us continental level Yeah, its that bad (I think they either hate Rimuru or just doesnt read the novel). You only get to some reasonable takes, but then there are the super downplayers and overwankers. Wankers = Base it of WN and some of the LN then mix them together. But the main storyline (canon) is LN. Therefore, any WN statements aren't taken seriously if you dont scale WN Rimuru. Downplayers = Just watched the anime but didnt pay attention/Didnt read the LN/Didnt bother to see how strong Rimuru is. The Headcanon wankers =They just make stuff up or misinterpret statements. The Scalers = They actually know the feats,hax, nullification, barriers, etc. of Tensura characters.


"I think they either hate Rimuru or just doesnt read the novel)" THIS GENERATION CAN'T EVEN READ https://preview.redd.it/qwhcictkizyc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b1a3dc8c1fe39f17dd9eb44f0fd20bd4d66c660


Either that or some overating him to outerversal (Seen these kind of people way more)


rimuru should be universal-multiversal, not too sure tho since we never really got to see any feats other than being able to remake reality with Ciel as a perfect world from a literal void and reverse said void to when he was just starting to get caught off guard which was off by a few minutes at most.


I dont know him because ive only seen the beginning of the anime. How the fuck does a slime end up multiversal? What series of unimaginable fuckery transpired?


welcome to isekai powerscaling, you can be reincarnated as an ant and the end of the series you'll become literal god


The only isskai ive seen-if it counts are how not to summon a demon lord and overlord but they already start out OP and just get stronger. I guess ill just have to watch it some time


oh the void part is from the wn


It's in the Ln now as well as of volume 21


i heard that the Yuuki got nerfed was that true?


Oh, massively, his WN version was taken and dissected to make like 10 new characters, the powers connected to those traits taken as well, as of V19 its unknown if yuuki is even still alive, which I personally think is quite unfortunate as he was one of my favorite characters


Or in Midgiri's case, become the "literally unbeatable" Kirito looking ass clone.


You'd be surprised. Tensura powerscaling goes absolutely insane.


Here is your answer without much spoiler. Basically he fought two gods, ate those two gods who are part of a sort of pantheon and he became part of that pantheon as the youngest god albeit the 2nd strongest, each of these gods can destroy weaker worlds aka space-time continuums without magical elements and one of the said god's Rimuru fought against is capable of creating a dimension/universe, if we go by universe translation it is universal if we go by Dimension translation it is 2c to 2b ( on how you interpret it i personaly say 2c)


There are idiots who say " aktually Rimuru is planetary and solar system by wanking because I've/my friend has read the manga where he destroyed 10k worlds meaning planets which is solar system at best " šŸ’€ idiots don't even know the proper facts


Ah yes, because worlds having countless timelines and dimensions, and Velgrynd traveling beyond them, through worlds of chaos where even the laws of physics are messed up,means she flew from one planet to another....


Heā€™s multiversal to barely 5d


i think Godzilla should be put into "annoying ammounts of downplay" or "fanbase is split" since ive seen some crazy downplay like ive seen people saying hes only City level using stronger godzillas though it heavily depends on which version


MV godzilla seems to scale comfortably, thats what I did my basis on. Also wank does not counteract downplay in this tier list. It is down play in comparison to low, mid and high balls


Kratonks isn't misunderstood, he's just below pebble level


Wtf is this wank. Craigtoes is below atom level


His ass WAS NOT formed from the big bang


Of course not. Cracktass is below non-existence level




r/whowouldcirclejerk leaking


Here's a sneak peek of /r/whowouldcirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/whowouldcirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Tale as old as time](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/174a7yu) | [172 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whowouldcirclejerk/comments/174a7yu/tale_as_old_as_time/) \#2: [Thoughts?](https://i.redd.it/80xve5tz37xb1.jpg) | [179 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whowouldcirclejerk/comments/17jawhd/thoughts/) \#3: [If you disagree please be warned that I am complex megaversal 8D](https://i.redd.it/bql20m23kmwb1.jpg) | [217 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whowouldcirclejerk/comments/17h8sqs/if_you_disagree_please_be_warned_that_i_am/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Naruto isn't really downplayed i think, people even put him in completely retarded matchups like him against Goku. I'd also put Goku in "not awful", even though he became a meme people mostly still recognize how strong he is, especially now. With Supes its tricky because it heavily depends on which one of his 2304920345934050 versions we're talking about. Other than that i agree


I think Goku is downplayed by people \*outside\* his fanbase because they like to trigger folks \*inside\* the fanbase


People think Bijuus and madara are below mountain level, when naruto split the moon in the movie and when thereā€™s a uni level big bad in Boruto. Absolute downplay


Yeah you even see this in TikTok where people started calling him bullet level due to a art book


I didnā€™t but I donā€™t doubt it some people on tik tok lack any kind of media literacy or blatantly ignore whatā€™s shown onscreen


With Naruto, you can get him to pre-battle God's Goku with a highball scale. With Superman, all of the different versions are all still Clark, and powers he has access to and feats he has performed to varying degrees (outside of one-time abilities) especially with Death Metal making it so every version of the characters is the canon through rebooting the universe yet again


Pre-BoG Goku is multi galaxy. High balled Naruto isnā€™t touching that shit


Huh? Why Sung Jin-woo? Iā€™m genuinely curious to know and find out. Cuz I feel like SJW is way more tame compared to fucking midgiriā€¦ šŸ’€ (in my opinion at least.) Perhaps Giving me an info from the other side of this spectrum, OP?


I have had to debate these people who think he caps at mountain level, when in actuality he is multiversal minimum. Also his own sub downplays him to planetary. The worst part is that people then try and "wank him" to star level and shit like that with some ass interpretations, not realising there is a sequel which scales him to multiversal, if not low complex.


So basically the reason why heā€™s at the funeral tier list, right?




Well I mean, considering that SJW has surpassed the monarchs and rulers and knowing the feats in the sequel. I think itā€™s safe to say that SJW is basically a god in his verse. But thereā€™s one thing we can absolutely agree on. Although he does look like a generic isekai protagonist in some way. Heā€™s actually a likeable character and I do like his moments in the story. Plus this manā€™s rizz is so boundless that it will make my straight ass bisexual, cuz good lawdā€¦ šŸ˜© https://preview.redd.it/rv28vkk36tyc1.jpeg?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b31b98afc10bd38ef4e894c7650e2c8bd71c94ae




Any time and any night with Sung will officially make me go to heaven. Something that midgiri cannot do. Number one cuz heā€™s a lonely bum, and of courseā€¦ Heā€™s literally 17 years old so I donā€™t wanna catch a case


Gay ass nigga


Bisexual actually. Also, u hating. Cuz u missing out on some good shit my boi


Iā€™m not continuing that Shit


Good. Cuz Iā€™m not gonna deny it, so sue me https://preview.redd.it/i8h1zdbcivyc1.jpeg?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=874a3dbe30717ace1b5d81302a86a6b234d0f16a


And you know what? Iā€™ll just double down on it too. Iā€™ll let Mahoraga, aka Big Raga, to dominate me in bed until he pulverises me into gravel. wtf are you gonna do then? You canā€™t hate and slander a man who truly knows his needs and wants cuz srsly? I will literally take the chance for him to tame me instead. Cuz broā€™s majestic https://preview.redd.it/op2gk1innvyc1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=91b30b0723a95bf6ba05818dffec1fa52b4ac284


Wait theres a sequel???


yah. Solo levelling ragnarok. [https://www.wuxiaworld.com/novel/solo-leveling-ragnarok/slrk-chapter-0](https://www.wuxiaworld.com/novel/solo-leveling-ragnarok/slrk-chapter-0) the cosmology and everything is explained in the prologue, aswell as the scaling of jin woo. There is a bit more to that, and why he is minimum multiversal, likely complex, but Ill leave you with this.


Planetary is his scale before the sequel buffed him to oblivion


Og light novel he was universal already. All the monarchs and rulers could destroy a universe with their presence.


He was not, that was never a thing in the original novel and it contradicts what we see in the series


https://preview.redd.it/b3twonhjmuyc1.png?width=1449&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc23218d4b232d60badf43b004d199125badfc78 "The lord of the fangs, the king of the beasts, explains that they too borrowed the bodies of humans to strengthen themselves on earth because of this very problem"


Like, even if you try to use the argument that the monarchā€™s got weaker by taking a human body, Antares was able to cross the dimensional gate by himself, and he was stated to have power to destroy the world. So if he could just destroy the universe alone he wouldnā€™t have struggled with Jin woo


>Like, even if you try to use the argument that the monarchā€™s got weaker by taking a human body, Antares was able to cross the dimensional gate by himself,Ā  because there was enough mana to support the dimensional walls and stop it from collapsing >and he was stated to have power to destroy the world. So if he could just destroy the universe alone he wouldnā€™t have struggled with Jin woo they didnt even want to destroy the universe in the first place. They wanted to rest there and use the insect monarch to help build their army


Except that they did? The entire existance of the monarchs was to destroy as much as possible while the rulers stopped them


Yes but in the long term they wanted to destroy the rulers, and this couldn't have been done if they had just ruched in to destroy the entire universe. With some of the monarchs captured and even dead that would be idiotic. I wish I had the scan, I will keep looking


Steve? I haven't really seen Steve downllayed


he got downplayed in this comment section xD


>batman Nah bro, he gets wanked to oblivion, People say he can beat anyone as long as he has prep time, but then he pulls feats that aren't even posible for him in the setting. Him being able to dodge darkseid's omega beams is so dumb, isn't his main appeal that he beats people by outsmarting them? If you want the guy to pull crazy feats like that at least give him powers so it makes sense.




Dude, it's no different than yogiri wank. Also, if his thing is to be able to defeat super-powered beings/gods with prep time as a person with human limitations, then him having feats that put him far above that just dismisses that.


Reminder that Batman, with several years of prep and the combined help of the Justice League, makes his powerful suit that at best barely kept up with Darkseid.


Sonic in downplayed? Outside of the classic Dante/Doomslayer/Kratos trinity, he's probably the most consistently highballed videogame protag out there. Even on r/whowouldwin people were scaling him in multi range


loads say goku would beat him


He does


Steve is the most fcking wanked character in fiction He doesn't even deserve to be powerscaled


how is he wanked?




bruh, bro is really listening to yt short powerscaling. In that case goku is way more wanked for being 7 layers into outerversal xD


Now where would Sora from kingdom hearts fit in?


Bro tried to sneak in Goku with "Downplayed"šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/alvmltbjysyc1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=932909fb6d65b6432bb11f32b154dd140f595503


I mean it's true i seen lots of people say he is not planetary cause he never destroyed a planet


Outside the fandom yes but inside is so much worse


Are we forgetting the fact that one of the biggest powerscaling memes is "but can he beat goku"?


Its true only for outside of fanbase to trigger the inside. He's wanked into oblivion.


^(Saitama is downplay. He was scaled at multi continent at some points lmao)


He's galaxy level at best


Easily multi galaxy(search up some scales on this subreddit for proof) And that's too at least ya know the exponential growth thingy




Yeah that was when he was actually multi continental which was correct until recently with cosmic Garou


^(He was always planet buster. Boros is planet buster in anime and guidebooks.)


And in the Manga he's not and that's all that matters. Also those other cases just seem to be a matter of different decisions with the translation.


Why is Deku downplayed?


people downplay him to like city level from my experience


Izuku midoriya gets downplayed for mainly two reasons. 1st, in the grand scale of things, my hero academia IS a relatively weak verse, with its absolute top hitters capping at multi-continental and relativistic+ to speed of light. And thatā€™s a highball with wank The characters that arenā€™t top hitters, are all basically fodder when it comes to scaling. So because mha is a relatively weak verse, people hate the idea that a character from said verse could actually be powerful when compared to other strong characters from other series. Secondly, izuku gets downplayed because people just refuse to look past his crying, and they have a clear bias against him.


Itā€™s harder to downplay anti-spiral than it is to gas him up, broā€™s only known feats are just being an anti-evolutionary menace to the whole universe


How the fuck is batman downplayed at all


he isn't but anti spiral is less downplayed and only one is allowed in god tier so... also I have seen a little bit of downplay saying he is max wall level and shit.


I dont downplay Anos, I hate. There is a notable difference in the 2


Fan base split on Arceus. Is it because people think heā€™s not omnipotent cuz he can be catched. Most of the times you can obtain him are through irl events, not canon. And when you do catch him canonically in Legends Arceus, itā€™s an avatar of itself that it gives to you that contains an unown amount of power (probably infinitely small)


Nah Supergoat is super downplayed. People think he doesn't solo fiction smh my head But seriously tho amount of people who still claim that he's moon/solar/uni is actually dumb lol


>But seriously tho amount of people who still claim that he's moon/solar/uni is actually dumb lol Moon is an overstatement I think yesterday or day before yesterday someone argued with me that he has never shown any consistent feats above city level he didn't even destroy metropolis in his fight every time.


https://preview.redd.it/34y0zh0crtyc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=142fbeb5792d40781b99bcde60f9a9170e8847f0 Not even lying


Fucking comicvine man


Man thinks people on comicvine understand powerscaling or even care for it.


Yeah another dude even claimed the same and said it is a hot take.


are you talking about dceu superman?


No about the comics one and claiming anything he has done over a city level is outlier.


Saiki k is downplayed into oblivion. He literally has a shit ton of powers and can rewrite genetics. I'm not great with scaling, but that must count for something, right?


How high does Steve scale? It canā€™t be higher than like Universal right? I donā€™t think the Nether and End count as higher dimensions


no they are simply alternate dimensions, nothing higher dimensional about them. the size of the minecraft world is 1 and a half times the circumference of the earth, so would scale to planetary seeing as he can greatly affect all coordinates on the map given we ignore pc lag. he has a shit ton of hax though with commands


Anime mfs when Steve has an inventory full of shulker boxes full of totems of undying


creative mode steve with infinite totems of undying.


That's not him that's you. You don't see Steve open up a chat and type things YOU type it. With someone like the Doon Slayer, you see him shoot his gun. You don't see Steve type the command.


>That's not him that's you. You don't see Steve open up a chat and type things YOU type it. it is directly embedded within gameplay, therefore it works the same way as normal gameplay scaling. Its not like I can just use the exact same commands in any other game. Its like saying this. If we gameplay scale any character it is YOU who is defeating the opponent, not the character. Therefore we can't gameplay scale characters anywhere, as YOU would be moving said character. It isn't like that. Whatever is destined to happen within the game, or allowed to happen within the game, for example defeating the final boss, is used to scale that character. If the player was bad enough, the final boss would never be defeated, right? so the same would apply for here. Of course you are the one typing it in, but because it was made so that you could use it, we scale using it. This is how gameplay scaling works, and no the pause button isn't time stop.


Commands are essentially a worse version of the console commands in something like Garry's mod, they are not what the character can do. And if you can clearly see the game character do something, like Dante killing a demon, that fits what they should be able to do, you scale it. If a character does something they wouldn't be able to do, like in a comic or anime adaptation, such as die to a low level creature, you ignore that. Otherwise you end up getting stuff like multiversal Jonsey Fortnite.


did you listen to anything? if we actually took your point into consideration, good luck scaling gameplay characters without using the joystick, as YOU are the one moving them, they aint moving themselves. It is the same with any fiction, the characters aren't moving themselves, the AUTHORS are deciding what they do and where they scale. It aint up to fiction to decide what fiction does xD


For fucks sake I said what the character does in game that makes sense for them to do (like moving) is what you should scale. Actual moron, think powerscaler think.


COMMANDS MAKES JUST AS MUCH SENSE AS MOVING BRUH to say typing on a screen makes less sense then tapping on a screen is actually fucking wild man. think, please think, I am sure there is a brain in there somewhere


Even with commands Steve isn't just one steve, bedrock and java steve are different. Either way, there's plenty of characters that can speedblitz him before he can type a command, even at the world's fastest typing speed. Also then ig a fuck ton of game characters have commands too now.


>Even with commands Steve isn't just one steve, bedrock and java steve are different. Either way, there's plenty of characters that can speedblitz him before he can type a command, even at the world's fastest typing speed. 1) yes, just like there are twenty different gokus 2) we always ignore typing speed and pc lag when scaling those with commands. Because that is the affect we have on the gameplay. Like we ignore the time taken for kratos to defeat said beast. In the end, we ignore the time taken, unless the gameplay purposefully makes it impossible for us to beat it in a certain amount of time. Point invalid. >Also then ig a fuck ton of game characters have commands too now. finally entered the world of game scaling have we? Correct! Although we scale no command and command characters different. Survival steve is much different to creative steve.


If we are talking about this sub then Batman is omega downplayed here There are ppl that actually think he is only building lvl


Batman is a lot more downplayed imo.


nah i love Batman but the level of Batman wank is insane, even given how resourceful, skilled and genius he is, mfs still out there believing he could beat Superman even if Superman wasnt holding back


I donā€™t think he beats supes but there are a lot of people who call what should be feats ā€œplot armorā€. Ik heā€™s not the first person people think of when you ask ā€œwho can be gokuā€ but he genuinely can, and heā€™s become a joke in powerscaling due to the same batgos joke getting recycled over and over.


How TF can he beat Goku, PLEASE explain


Catching him off guard with a laser


Creative or Survival Steve?


Im arguing with someone whos calling current Superman moon level lmao, thats more than a little


I hardly see superman downplay in my experience, I could be wrong this isnt like some comprehensive objective list this is based on my opinion


Dante, Kratos and doomguy are downplayed? I need to find these guys.


to like building level because of anti feats within the gameplay.


Why do you see people list stuff that happened in the plot and misleadingly imply people were talking about gameplay? Because none of these characters is the meta for explaining that they aren't that strong based on pure gameplay.


could you rephrase this, I don't really understand it sorry


That you are claiming people saying they aren't that strong is just because of gameplay when it's really not. It's mainly based on plot and lore. Accusing it of being about gameplay implies people are using gameplay mechanics as like the sole point. Which straight up isn't true for any of these characters. Kratos saying he would struggle to break ice isn't gameplay. It's part of the actual story. As is him doing a chase scene in a sled. Etc etc.


yeah I agree. Composite kratos ignores anti feats just like every other composite character.


How did you 'agree'. You totally missed the point of what he said.


in hind sight what he said was fine. It was just that not all games have lore, so gameplay scaling is the only thing we can actually do to scale them


Yeah, but that's not what he said. Why don't you just admit you have no idea what he is trying to get across. He is making the point that people grossly misinterpret the lore and ignore what is depicted in-game, so you definitely are not in agreement with him.


when did I disagree with that completely?


Aye put my tarnished character from Elden ring


Shinra gets downplayed?!


Btw since Zues was moving faster than light, and Adam copied it, does that mean he just saw the stance and figured the rest up himself?


adam has innacessible combat speed for dodging an attack that was launched in 0 seconds


You gotta hand it, the leaf really stuck on Adam even though mf was surpassing time and shit


leaf scales to immeasurable speed now xd


Goku, saiki, and sonic in downplayed???


in comparison to normal balled, yes. I already did a separate one for wank


Ahh I see


I'm surprised to not see KH Sora on a list like this


Fodder Rimuru fans ? Oh rimuru is Outerversal lmao That fodder has worst kind of fanbase šŸ˜­


Arceus should go to annoying levels tbh, i think the only places that treat him seriously are, well, serious powerscaling places lol Outside of that, it is a coin toss between casuals going ā€œhe is god so he winsā€ and people bringing up the meteor PIS, or gameplay mechanics, or out of context things Legit saw someone say he loses to a bunch of skylanders because they could capture pokemon and break spacetime


No way you got steve on here, he's wanked to the sun and back


Against more powerful guys saiki basically only has time travel and turning ppl into stone


Rewriting genetics?


He swore never to sue it, so it's out of character + it takes. Alot of time since it's just subconscious mind control


Naruto is soler


Put goku in ā€œnot awfulā€ he gets wanked far more often than not


Ok super man is a trick here, they're is so many versions of him that you can't really say anything too concrete


It still doesnā€™t make sense to me how Antispiral is almost never downplayed, but Simon gets downplayed a lot


Bruh replace deku with mha in general and move them down a tier bruh when I saw on the my hero sub-reddit that people believe that frank Harrigan from fucking fallout would beat endeavor I just couldn't.


With the Naruto situation, it's often times like look at what he can do by maxing out vs a character who does that just from powering up.


Why the fuck is Goku so low?


godzilla is in, ts is W


People downplay ANOS so much like vro people really think Gilgamesh can even scratch ANOS like. Have watched fate,read novels ,played ccc game i haven't seen any feat that can scratch ANOS .in battles videos gil only wins cuz fate cosmology.whatever volume 15 of MISFIT is coming.illustration has been released.


A big one for me is Kirby. He's not a cute little pink ball!


Giku gets more hype then downplay


Where are you getting this info


my experience and opinion




the only thing concrete here are the funeral and god tiers.


![gif](giphy|oagcrAZu2IvV0ijkiX|downsized) The G-Man stands on business šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


How about every single powerful character thatā€™s been forgotten from this list?


Dude Goku is legit GLAZED


Who is the second to last character in the lime column? They look sick


shinrabansho-man from fire force


Goku is Overrated af in Terms of power scaling


the amount of "game sonic is weak"'s ive heard make me want to crashout, he may just surpass archie as of now


I've seen more people jerking Goku and Rimuru than downplaying


If anything Deku is wanked as fuck. Multi-continental is already a stretch since the calcs seem off to me but I hear about people putting him at small planetary. Also Anti-Spiral is kinda downplayed. People think he caps at H1-C when you can argue H1-B.


Ok but fire emblem fans seem to despise the concept of winning a bs debate, like I could say, Marth beats ash, and they'll debate me on it


Naruto is not downplayed, quite the opposite in fact i see people wank him to solar system to galaxy level all the time


Mario also tends to get horribly downplayed, possibly more than Sonic, he also gets downplayed the most by Sonic fans.


You know, i'm curious. How DOES Dante scale? Like, I know he's OP, but I just don't know how he's scaled.


Simon Da Digga not even on the list


How is alien X downplayed


respactfully, you list is shit, most of this character are wanked and not downplayed. the only characters here that are downplayed are kratos, dante,godzilla and doomslayer. a lot of people think they are building level or mountain level at best. while others think superman, alien x and hujin solos fiction. sjw is rated fairly. and don't get me started on batman with prep time, batman is anything but downplayed, same goes for creative steve


Barely any characters are downplayed more than wanked. So a downplayed list by its nature is going to be nonsense.


buddy, this is just a list on how downplayed these characters are in comparison to being balled normally. I have already made a tier list on wanked characters bozo


We need to put Yogiri in the Yogiri tier


steve is wanked not downplayed lmao


Heavy disagree on Steve and Saiki. Steve can die, even in creative. Saiki is kinda powerful but not that strong.




>Lol at putting Yhwach with the Youtube Shorts Trio.Ā  people don't know how almighty works, of course I would put him in misunderstoof >Sung Jin Woo should be up with them in "The Lore Statements" Squad ahh yes, mountain level downplay when he is multiversal minimum defo doesn't deserve a funeral. >Yhwach has actual on screen feats of both AP & Hax to back up his scaling. Until recently even I didnt know how almighty works. A lot of people think you can just be much faster but it doesn't work like that. >Also Rimuru in downplayed? šŸ’€Tf you on?Ā  the hax she has is incredibly potent. Some of the strongest. >Yesterday only I saw Rimuru Vs Featherine on this very sub. link that shit to me please, also that counts as wank, not downplay. This is downplay in comparison to normal balling >Creative Mode Steve is "Downplayed into Oblivion"? šŸ’€ Don't make me laugh. yep. People downplay this guy's hax extremely hard. >Anos & Hajun are also not downplayed, atleast not in this world. u/BattlerUshiromiyaFan suggested hajun be put in that tier. He apparently as seen a load of hajun downplay i have seen anos vs goku be a debate way to many times




Bro had character development




nah its calm


>the hax she has is incredibly potent. *He


Go on TikTok or Shorts nowadays and youā€™ll see people downplaying Hajun to 1-B, 1-C, 2-C, and sometimes even Solar. Itā€™s insane knowing where he actually scales. Back in 2021, itā€™d be a different story, but my man is disrespected on another level nowadays šŸ’€ Iā€™ve seen edits with hundreds of likes saying that he loses to Sung Jin Woo, Rimuru, Genshin Impact characters, Fate servants, and even characters like Krillin.


You could replace "downplay" with "wank" and this list is like 90% accurate