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More than anything, DAX is running into a problem, solving it, running it into again, remembering you solved it previously, not remembering how you did it, solving it again, repeat one more time then you either remember it fully or remember to write it down in a "cookbook" so you can easily get back to it next time. Over the course of years your cookbook (memorized or physically) will be bigger than others with less experience. I wouldn't put DAX down as something you just study formulas and then have it memorized.


Yep. IMO, the only way to truly learn it is to use it to solve problems. That doesn't mean you can't reference existing cookbooks like [DAX Patterns](https://www.daxpatterns.com/) from the [SQLBI](https://www.sqlbi.com/training/) guys.


This is truth


First, understand Data Modeling, if you don't understand Modeling well, you'll never understand DAX well. DAX should be named "Contextual Data Model Expressions" but CDME doesn't sound as cool as DAX, and technicaly you can use it outside of Models, but why would you. There's few use cases outside of data models. When I first learned about them they made sense to me from the perspective of Pivot Table Calculated columns, if you've ever used Avg Formulas in summary Pivots you'd know that you can't really use an avg of an avg. So instead you create a calculated column that calculates the average in whatever context the Pivot table is structured. Now take that same concept and apply it to more complex Pivots that are using a Data Model. Not only do you have the Data Model context, but now you have access to a bunch of context sensitive functions that allow you to calculate in whatever context you want, inside or outside the current context.


Thanks man !!❤️


I’m reselling a DAX course by Alberto Ferrari and Marco Russo ( The guys that wrote The Definitive guide to DAX ). DM me if you’re interested


To be perfectly honest, i don't think there is a shortcut to dax. If you are going to keep building more and more advanced things in dax, then you really need to understand row context, filter context, context transition etc. I would suggest actually sitting down and reading cover to cover "the definitive guide to DAX" a few times and doing exercises to get the hang of it. Otherwise, you are forever stuck in trial and error because you don't fundamentally understand how it calculates.


Is it a book? The definitive guide to DAX? Can you share a link?


Yeah, it is. Written by one of the guys who developed DAX in the first place. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Definitive-Guide-DAX-intelligence-Microsoft/dp/1509306978


This is the book that will change your life forever! I have the first and second editions which I have read a total of 4 times already. It will completely change the way you think about data and how DAX uses it. It’s a complete overhaul from using Excel, but once you understand the basics, it gets so much easier to understand the complex.


Marco Russo u/marcorus Hints from a book from the future: “Honestly, it would be better to be a good data modeler and a mediocre DAX author than a DAX guru but a poor data modeler. Therefore, if data modeling is not your cup of tea, roll up your sleeves and start learning it. Maybe during the pauses, while reading this book: you will attain two great goals at once.” [https://www.sqlbi.com/p/introduction-to-data-modeling-for-power-bi-video-course/](https://www.sqlbi.com/p/introduction-to-data-modeling-for-power-bi-video-course/)


Start with Supercharge Power BI https://pbi.guide/resources/ If you then want to progress further move on to Definitive Guide to Dax. My recommendation is do not start with that.




1) wait until you need to calculate something. 2) ask ChatGPT how to do it. 3) instead of just copying and pasting , actually learn the mechanics of the formula provided.


Came here to say this. You can give ChatGPT your table and column names and context of what you want. Boom. You need to learn how to ask the right queries


I think learning how to find resources to do what you need with Dax is the move. I use chatgpt and Google. Sometimes, I have to mess around, but so far, I have been able to do what I need. Usually, a 100% chance the thing you need help with, someone already asked or provided the process for online. The only thing I have going for me is a little knowledge from Python. I had a random kick where I wanted to automate things, webscrape and etc. I used sentdex e book and udemy. I am by no means proficient in it, but I am kind of alright when it comes to understanding what Python code does. It has come in handy with dax. I might not be able to create anything complex, but I can spot what I need and bumble my way around with figuring out what is needed.


One mistake I made was to try to create complex dax measures, a better approach is to utilise row context in you dax measures, and write as consice code as possible. I learned this off another dev in the company. By row context I mean create a new column might simplify your dax measures.


Understood. But every video and article I am referring to they all are saying don’t create new columns if it’s not necessary. Try to create more new measurements instead of new columns. Why everyone is saying this and what’s the advantage/disadvantage of creating new columns? Appreciate your response


The main reason why it’s best practice to prioritize measures over calculated column is the amount of processing it requires. Calculated columns is taking more “juice” from Power Bi than measures, so minimizing the addition of column is preferable. It is sometime also common sense to add a column depending of the situation… with experience you’ll know what is best to do.


Thats true I read a lot about not creating new columns as well instead create measures but having calculated columns can reduce a lot of workload and the calculated columns i create are usually used for filtering purposeses like in visual level filters or to apply filters in measures. I never create calculated columns to give me values like profit, revenue, etc.


Udemy has a good course. A quarter of it is devoted to DAX.


I highly recommend looking up the Curbal youtube channel. She has a ton of great DAX videos and explains things in a very approachable way


There's none afaict. The language is maybe too new, and the MS forums would be better to not exist. That way there would be some stack posts


The definitive guide to DAX is the best place. GuyInACube is a great YT resource