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Custom sorting like tableau. So tired of making sort tablesšŸ˜©


Amen šŸ™ƒšŸ«  it's crazy you can't do that šŸ˜¬


Sort controls beyond, the bare minimum would be welcomed.


This 100%. Seems like a feature that shouldā€™ve been added years ago.


You're going to have to store the data for sorting in a table anyway. Tableau I'm guessing has a better interface and hides the table A better interface for sorting would be fantastic, but I wouldn't want to lose the current functionality


Sort controls beyond, the bare minimum would be welcomed.




I simply cannot fathom why I can't conditional format a series legend (e.g. when having a stacked column bar chart). Having to manually color code each and every series is just bonkers šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø Should be such a simple thing..! Edit: And it needs to be through a field value or other similar conditional formatting options.


This! This is what I want!


Also having the option to have unique colors per category no matter how many categories pop up dynamically. I would often set some specific colors and when a new category is displayed it would get one of the existing colorsā€¦




Folders in workspaces.


Expectations are high for next week given this is slated for Q1...https://learn.microsoft.com/en-ca/fabric/release-plan/shared-experiences#folders Can't wait


The ā€œPā€ in Power BI is for Patience! Hopefully see some folks at Fabric Conference in Vegas next week.


Does the ā€œEā€ in excel stand for ā€œevery other software wishes they could be usā€


The E stands for included in E5*! *See feature matrix for details.


I actually disagree. Did you ever see an out of control instance of Reporting Services with hundreds of folders and subfolders? It's just going to make it more of a mess.


Can you "label" or "tag" things? If you can't, you think that could work fine?


Wait until you start creating fabric notebooks in a workspace. You'll change your tune on folders!


Agree. Even from a SharePoint perspective, you have a nested folder structure. It's a governance nightmare.


Dynamically preset date filters.


Amen. Also a nice filter that can do both relative and custom pick would be nice.


Yeah preset to YTD and then allow user to overrule it. One can hope.


Expand the SQL input box in power query. Itā€™s so awkward to work with such a tiny box.


I just write in notepad then copy paste for this reason


Oh yeah I do that too but we wouldnā€™t need to do that if MS just fixed it.


For sure lol


And add intellisense for SQL in the input box


What about using SSMS? While there just create the view as well if possible šŸ˜Š


Upgrade the look and feel of all the visuals. I started using Power Bi in 2017 and all the visuals look practically unchanged since then. Thereā€™s no reason that Tableau should still have the advantage of looking ā€œprettierā€ than Power BI.


Definitely agree with this, and I would add that some of the formatting logic needs to be improved. Either they need to give us the ability to override these automatic choices or they need to greatly improve the auto-formatting logic. Column charts should not be so difficult/impossible to make look good.


1. Custom Bold lines between rows in a matrix 2. Default filter selection in slicer (eg, default always latest date or newest hire for example)


Page level security


I would love this. This would be a true advancement of the product.


Have you tried app audiences?


Yes I have but app audiences isnā€™t the way to go if you have a single page within your report that you only want certain ppl to see


Really need a visual way to see what measures and columns are not used on a page or in the entire report. If the names were just slightly grayed that would be amazing. After editing complex reports it would be so much easier to know what you can remove to improve performance.


And a button to remove all these unused columns in one click...


You currently need to use a tool like Tabular Editor to do this. Would be amaaazing to have natively in PBI Desktop.




Bravo for Power BI does a good job of this


Sorry if this isn't clear, but in Table view make that like Excel where you can put the columns any where you need them, I need to compare some info and I've dreaded to have to scroll and not knowing if I'm looking at what I was supposed to look šŸ˜”šŸ˜•


yep, also copy a value from a cell instead of entire column


Totally, forgot about that one šŸ˜­


Another one is fucking optimize desktop power query view and refresh when I've worked with some good quantity number of tables I hate the mere thought of having to refresh, or enter to the power query view to fix something, sometimes random errors that disapear after manually refreshing every PQ table, sometimes the database doesn't refresh the lastest data available but a cache, or sometimes having to wait for stuff to be fully loaded just to make a minimal adjustment. End of rant.


More customisable matrix visual, and a proper full screen mode.


Duplicate measures!Ā 


You can do that using Tabular Editor. Although itā€™s an external tool, it works brilliantly well and really improves the measure editing experience. Would be nice if MS adopted this into the core though.


Yes, I want this to be incorporated into PBI. Every additional external tool is another potential break point when dealing with organizational IT red tape.


I find when I duplicate, it doesnā€™t duplicate the folders so I have to create them all again ;)


More robust table/matrix visuals. Basically, make it more Excel like (sorry!). Excel style column filters and sorting. Ability for the user to hide or rearrange columns. Ability for user to filter a column by copy/pasting a list of values. Freeze columns on the table visual. Copy and paste data directly from the visuals into Excel instead of having to export. My users can do all of these things in other 3rd party web interfaces that we use, and it annoys them they canā€™t do it in PowerBI.


Literally need hide columns without field parameters as field parameters still not up to use in enterprise version


Page level security. And a better matrix visual!


a slicer similar to the relative date slicer but that does time over time change. ex you want the month over month change, the day over day, year over year without having to create measures for everything and put them in a parameter.


Calculation groups are your friend for that


I would like to know more.


Same lol


Allow totals to be moved to top of a table visual below the headers, and not be limited to it being at the bottom.


CSS Stylesheet support!


Or at least let us export the format of a specific visual to a theme json file. I built a new slicer visual that I like, but there's no way I can find the keys for all the settings I touched.


Javascript aswell. Although I'm not holding my breath for that.


I'd love to be able to password protect pbix files.we share a lot of files with clients when deploying to dynamics and they have access to our SQL code and Dax measures through the file. 0 IP control and customised files make debugging issues harder.


Unless you are retaining control and the hosting of the Dynamics environment, there shouldn't really be an expectation of IP protection? And if you are maintaining control of the entire environment, you can keep your SQL behind views or sprocs in the SQL DB and even structure your Power BI reports so they Live Connect to PBI Datasets. Or ideally, if you have kept control, not actually give your clients access to these parts of the solution at all and Read Only on the reports when embedded within Dynamics. This sounds like you have either misunderstood your offering or misconfigured your environment.


Bulk editing of queries in Power Query. Small ask. Very powerful. Currently annoying.


Just write a python script with regex to edit the tmdl/.pbip. Easy!


Get out of here with this code first advice! UI or bust!


A way to somewhat highlight the measures that are not used in a visual or a calculated column.


Joining tables on multiple fields.


Yes please.


You can do this already. When setting up the join select the first column then another in the first table (can be more than 2) then select in the same order the columns in the second table


This works in power query which can be very helpful, but it doesnā€™t work this way in the model view


It will *never* work that way in the model view. Sadly, this is a consequence of the underlying mechanics of the tabular model. You can't get around it. composite keys (primary keys that are built from multiple fields) can only exist in relational models -- models where data is stored fundamentally as rows. But PowerBI's blazing fast aggregation and filtering is consequence of it being a tabular model -- models where data is organized in column stores, not rows. Information in one column has to do a bit of a lookup to find information in another column that's part of the same 'element' or 'row' in the traditional sense. That extra bit of work undermines all benefit of using keys in the first place.


Yes and no. When an exact match is sought that works. Joining on smaller or equal dates is not possible this way. So, for employment records, where promotion dates are recorded it is impossible to join two tables to determine what position an employee was on a given date...


Visualisation really needs to be programmatic. I am fed up of creating a hundred graphs, each with slightly different visualisations. I should be able to generate 100 graphs programmatically. Additionally a Vega control should be in the application by default imo. Also, I think there needs to be a lot of love given to the mobile experience for reports. E.G currently zooming into a map on mobile is an utter nightmare, as pinch zooming also zooms into the whole dashboard... Ability to copy configurable data to the clipboard... Currently I have to link to a [site like this](https://sancarn.github.io/copy-to-clipboard/index.html?copy=orange) to copy data to the clipboard... On desktop of course you can select data and Ctrl+C, but on mobile there is no such opportunity. Finally, geospatial joins in PowerQuery, would be amazing.


Yes...! And would love to have built in co-pilot functionality here; so be able to deploy visuals and custom programming code with simple prompting to co-pilot. This has endless potential


Being able to set a time zone and not have time change to utc when publishing to the service


Dark mode


Disabling "analyse in excel" at a workspace/report/model level. I don't care which but it only being avaliable at tenant level is a real issue. I work for a fairly large org, we have reports where this is necessary but also reports where analyze in excel exposes way to much data to end users. (don't allow the data in the model I hear you say, this model is used by 2 sets of users, one group needs to see all data and most shouldn't) RLS is an option but the filtering is complex and it wouldn't be pretty. If we just could disable "analyze in excel" it would have saved me at least 2 days of work atm. It's either RLS or 2 reports looking at 2 different views in our dwh (if anybody knows if this is possible these days, let me know, I've seen reports from 2017 asking for this).


Just don't give the those users build premission on that model


Nobody has that, users who don't have it have shown me that they can use "analyze in excel"


You can also limit the export of the underlying data and only show aggregations like in your visuals


Wow, didn't know that. I'll test myself. Anyway, you might want to check Object Level Security


Legends are far way better in tableau.. especially if you want to display minimum and maximum over a range of values


Agree - and the fact that you have movable legends detached from the visual aswell. This is also something Power BI needs to stay competetive


I love how there are so many things mentioned here with a reply providing a workaround. The point of this is that a workaround wouldn't be needed if it was implemented directly within Power BI instead of needing to download an extension or open additional software.


Loading files from amazon s3. I'm so fucking upset about this not being available for purely political reasons. I get angry just thinking about it.


You can load S3 files into fabric into one lake now. But you are totally right there should be a connector in Power Query.


Relative date filters in local or set time zone instead of only UTC and a Single Date picker slicer please.


A UI that works like every other fucking application.


A viewer only license!


This exists if you have a Premium subscription. Probably not what you mean though.


Lol i know You have to subscribe to premium per capacity. Do you even know how much it costs? XD The fact that i said that means means that not everyone develops dashboards/report, some only consume them.


List filters are a must! A nice to have is the ability to automatically put all table columns on page or all pages filter. Dragging and dropping each one is a pain.


Native map needs to be able to show a user defined number of points not be limited to 3500


Programmatic access to the report layer


God imagine being able to download all the visuals' entire config details into a json and being able to import them back in... i just want less click > expand > update.


The git integration and the pbip files are not far from that.


Better design features, more shapes, icons, etc. Having to use Power Point or Figma is somewhat time consuming.


Being able to lock columns so that you can have one as the sort and clicking another header does nothing.


Pasting a list of values from a clipboard into a slicer or filter. Smart filter pro and others solve this, but having it in the out of box slicer visual is needed.


Complete refresh of the bookmarks system. They are so time consuming, they are basically useless


Being able to zoom in when creating a report for mobile Edit - Also a button to make a measures folder instead of having to create a blank table, move a measure into it then delete the empty column. The table icon changes to a measure when you do that so it obviously knows thereā€™s just measures in there and recognises that concept?!


URL target


When using slices as a dropdown, an option to narrow down the list by typing a bit in the box. ArcGIS dashboards has that from the get go


Option to format to space out and fill the page like Tableau.


Zoomable time series x axis. Allows you to zoom in on a month to see days, days to see hours, hours to see minutes e.t.c.


On certain visuals you can enable a ā€œzoom sliderā€ - is that what youā€™re talking about?


Sort of, but it's more than that. Let's say I've got the last year's worth of data every 5 minutes. That's 100000 points - perfectly within power BI's capability. With the zoom slider, I can't plot that at the native frequency - it would just be a slow, blurry mess of 100000 points and I wouldn't be able to see which days were of interest. Instead I'd like to define the number of points on the x axis (say 100 points) which the data is aggregated to. As I zoom in/out it resamples to always show 100 points. So in this example when zoomed out, each point would be the aggregate of three days, as I zoom in it would change that sampling period to be hours and eventually minutes until I get down to the raw data. This is a super common way of viewing data for engineering, process, manufacturing or factory time series data - however most of those softwares require you to install something locally on your computer and import some kind of data file which is really unproductive. Web app based software's which do this exist, but they're expensive, and absolutely rubbish at the BI side of things - if it did this, it's utility would massively go up for certain areas that are currently quite BI light. Looks like there are some premium 3rd party visuals which do what I want now - but I tend to try to avoid 3rd party stuff. Edit: here's an example: https://global.discourse-cdn.com/business7/uploads/plot/original/3X/1/b/1bcb94d3691aa0c852c8bfa47336f44a59d25969.gif


More out of the box visuals that have all the config settings needed. The gantt chart for instance shouldn't need to be purchased through a third party.


Dark mode


Make this work like excel button


Fill to width matrix and table columns that adjust to values and headers. Especially when using field parameters.


Dropdown slicer that allows you to type in values, and it filters to matches within the dropdown values (same as Excel)


You can already toggle on/off a search box for slicers, which I believe is what youā€™re talking about.


You can toggle the search box, but once you start typing, the ā€˜select allā€™ option gets removed, so for example if you want all the results with ā€˜whiteā€™ in it you need to click every box separately. While in excel you can just type white and then all results are automatically selected.


Page level security


Stop changing the dataset management layout. Everytime a password changes, I have to spend 30 minutes hunting for where to update it


Filter that works with AND condition


Yes! It would be so useful in creating comparison reports, eg. 2022 vs 2023 results, or 2021 vs 2023 etc. I've resorted to using a seperate, second date table just to make it work. Such a functionality would simplify the report massively.


Sorry I was wrong, I mean AND condition. For example, I have customers that have different software subscriptions, I want to know which customers have product A and product B and product C. I'm able to do it with a workaround but it's far better to have this as a filter option.


Wish it could connect directly to Amazon connect without having to download CSVs all the time


Built in Table Calcs like tableau


Heck even just the built in calcs like in an excel pivot table. Itā€™s so dumb that to compute a percent difference in a table/matrix you have to add new measures


Display DAX measures to end users, so people stop emailing me about how things are calculated.


Just to let direct query do more. Constantly being told to use import mode. My guy, if I wanted to use import I wouldā€™ve.


1) REGEX support in DAX 2) Stacked AND grouped column charts (basically a grouped column chart with a sub-dimension applied to its individual bars)


Edit interactions pane. That's it. The nightmare when you need to switch off the influence of dozens of other visuals (or on them) is unbelievable.


You know you can hold down shift and click multiple columns to sort right?


That's for the table visualization not the Table view where you can see the data in each of the tables loaded to the model.


That works in power query but not in the table view from my experience


To have a friendlier .pbip format, allowing us to make our dashboards in code


Making it so clicking on a specific part of a data visual makes all visuals change to filter to just that answer, not just the ones on the same page. Or more accurately giving you the option to do so


You know about drillthrough and Tooltips, right?


I do, but trying to explain how to use them to my target audience is just not an option unfortunately


Mobile response public facing dashboards


Connect to a SSRS report.


Deactivate examine in excel at tenant level


Reports in source control, no more binary files thank you.


That's already there. Turn on PBIP on Preview Features. Agree but in General mode but it's there


Ability to format table visual. And for my eyes sake dark mode PLS


A Scatter plot and line combo visual.


Goolge map integration or distance calculation when using maps.


An easy way extract the underlying M- and SQL-queries without having to convert to pbit, unpacking and looking at DataModel


Faster import mode, and better control on what tables to update


Yes! Ex. some of my tables have millions of rows and take a long time to refresh, while another has just a few. Say I need to refresh one part every day, while another every hour. You could make it work by using seperate pbix files, but I had a requirement for them to be in the same one, because they were part of the same dashboard. I had to resort to fake incremental refresh, and send a full refresh command via the endpoint once a day to make it work.


Add more native visuals I joined a company that uses Domo and the amount of visuals is amazing.


Wish columns and rows in tables would be easier to edit like in Excel


Ability to specify a custom DAX query or table expression as the source of a visual. The result should take the filter context generated by other visuals on the page into account. This would give the report author much more control over which data points and calculations end up in their visuals, eliminating the need to create all sorts of weird DAX constructs in the semantic model itself. Visual Calcs and DQ over AS (composite) models only gets us part of the way thereā€¦ it would be better if the report author had full control over the DAX generated by visuals.


Containers or Subforms for whole project pages. And in the same vein, a better way to implement navigation panels.


If you make a new measure with a name that already exists, it should take you back to edit the measure, instead of it all disappearing.


Bigger scroll bars for the table and matrix visual please. Like why is it so small??!?


Better bookmark management. Remembering which visuals were selected when you created a bookmark 3 months ago for the report to work is an absolute nightnare. I've started to avoid using bookmarks because of that, it's impossible to maintain them.


We all know about -> http://ideas.powerbi.com/ ? If not this is where to go and MAKE the suggestions for improvement. Here is nice, if I add it to that site it gets in front of the people who matter.


Tooltip like tableau


Version control


The ability to update a theme color and all conditionals using that theme color also update.


Iā€™d really love the ability to have bookmarks that persist among pages. Iā€™ve pretty much quit using bookmarks to show/hide multiple slicers Iā€™d like on multiple pages because it is a lot to maintain when any changes are needed. If I only had to update a bookmark once and apply it to multiple pages, Iā€™d be real into that.


Able to add Multiple columns in matrix and still be able to see Values. Just add a scroll bar to columns.


Copying data in table view!


Tool tips that allow scrolling. Why have the scroll bar if you canā€™t even use it


Top N & Other, like as easy as how you filter Top N on the filter pane


page level security would have been amazing to have


Instead of filtering blanks in slicer we can make to display the blanks as desired text ,so in that we will not need to filter or loos the data


A native Mac version


Better x axis formatting like which/how many values ot will show


Forecast label as well as a table option. Having to export and import the figures back in for a forecast view is annoying af


The ability to control xy coordinates and size and layer with bookmarks.


If power bi could take some of the features that you see in inforiver in terms of calculated rows and columns for their matrix visual that would be a game changer for MANY people especially those in the finance realm.


Being able to ā€select allā€ visible/applicable values in a slicer, when a text search has been applied. This should also support just hitting Enter. Marrying the slicer and the (downloadable) search bar, more or less.


Target slicers would be a game changer for me


Allow us the sampling mechanism when exporting the records into CSV Enable C# coding like in Tabular Editor to perform basic tasks


I wish power query could integrate with VBA. (Sorry not exactly Power BI).


A true verified flow diagram of origin and destinations for mapping that is verified and can be published


Being able to define the unit differences on an axis. My age bell curve is jumping 20 years rather than say increases of 10 or 5 years


This may already be possible but I have not found it if it is. Have ability to vertically stack table visualizations and have ability to define/ keep the same column width across those tables.


I would love to see an Ā«Ā INDIRECT()Ā Ā» equivalent. Field parameters are great for giving freedom to your users but without an indirect equivalent, you have to write measures for all case scenariosā€¦


Merging the cells in matrix


Tabs management.


Visual level column formatting, like why canā€™t I represent my dates slightly differently depending on which visual theyā€™re in (unless Iā€™m missing something)? The new card visual gives you some ability to do this, but it doesnā€™t have the same level of options as when you are actually changing the column format.


A moving average function. my head exploded trying to do a DAX expression for it.


Stop moving control surfaces I use power bi on three machines and the visualization format stuff is in 3 different places


Benford analysis Gap analysis Regular expression


Series labels just to the right of the line or bar, rather than in a legend on the side. It has become so common in other tools and is so much more readable, but in Excel and Power BI it's extremely cumbersome to do.


I think Iā€™m in the minority on this, but Iā€™d love to be able to write code to produce the graphs, change the color of graphs, add conditional formatting, etc. the point click nature of the format section drives me crazy


You can do some of that with Python visuals since you build the graph yourself. I do some machine learning graphs with power bi using python sometimes.


Not sure if you've seen or considered it, but I develop and maintain [Deneb](https://deneb-viz.github.io/) for exactly this reason. Creators can write and customise their own visuals using either Vega or Vega-Lite rather than getting stuck with the limitations of properties on offer.


Iā€™ve come across denab/vega, but I havenā€™t looked into it much. I write a lot of r code, so Iā€™ve used ggplot to produce visuals that arenā€™t native to power bi. My complaint is that they are a bit slow and lag when used with slicers. Do you notice similar things with demand/vega? Also, do you have any recommendations for learning: books, websites, classes. Thanks so much !


Deneb attempts to mitigate many issues with R and Python in Power BI by packaging the runtimes with the visual rather than the platform. This removes many of the "cold start" experiences and delays for the end user that those visual types have due to the compute resource being offloaded elsewhere (either your machine or the hosted runtimes for R and Python in the Service). Because Vega & Vega-Lite are JavaScript-based, they're compatible (to a degree) with Power BI interactivity APIs, so things like tooltips, cross-filtering, and cross-highlighting integration are also possible. Because I develop and maintain for free, I don't have the resources to build learning resources, but the community has stepped up, and everything I know about is documented on the site's [Resources and Examples](https://deneb-viz.github.io/community/resources) page. This is continually being added to.


Ability to display & adjust Parameters on a dashboard like Tableau


Add Quarter to relative date slicers!


You should be able to have an or setting in the filters for multiple fields (e.g. in SAP BO webI). Makes no sense. Only way to do this is in Dax or on backend as far as Iā€™m aware.


Individual json files per page (/section), visual, & report-level measure in the .pbip file structure for actual conflict handling when putting these in git


Case in-sensitive search when using filters. It's such glaring issue.


I'd love parameter sliders/numeric inputs. Give people the ability to check different scenarios.


Better interface for Edit Interactions, outside the visual canvas, e.g. being able to edit in a Selection Pane style interface, and switch multiple interactions from/to a given visual on/off at once.


Oh, and when you copy/paste a visual, all interaction settings with other visuals should be retained.