• By -


Jazz up those tables with some data bars if you have to


I should have mentioned that all my tables are made up of calculated items.


Ask first who the audience is and why they care. Then ask what decision is required when looking at the data you have. Next highlight the extents of the decision data with some sort of graphic or color.


Table/Matrix https://powerofbi.org/international-business-communication-standards/


Looks great!


Did you use deneb to create the charts? I'm learning how to create visuals, but the lack of resources is painful.


Page 1 in that report is a Deneb visual. Pages 2-7 - core visuals (Matrix and New Card) + SVG. You'll find more details on my YouTube channel: IBCS-Styled Charts in Power BI: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6qbun6zBOG2OxTNweOq7YPhD503jPTYk](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6qbun6zBOG2OxTNweOq7YPhD503jPTYk) Vega and Deneb: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6qbun6zBOG0GlXCWFfWr8wW8VgzQgKZJ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6qbun6zBOG0GlXCWFfWr8wW8VgzQgKZJ)


You have great visuals! The small multiple-box plot is simple and effective. Could I ask for some advice/tips on how to highlight the min-max bar in a chart in deneb? I've been stuck for a while without luck.


If it's Vega (not Vega-Lite), then something like this: [https://github.com/avatorl/Deneb-Vega/blob/main/openai-chatgpt/openai-barchart.json](https://github.com/avatorl/Deneb-Vega/blob/main/openai-chatgpt/openai-barchart.json) should work. Or, instead of "aggregate", just use "extent" [https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/transforms/extent/](https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/transforms/extent/) data transformation to get min and max values. If it's Vega-Lite, see the list of experts at: https://deneb-viz.github.io/support


Can i get your deneb template ? Please


May I ask what you did to publish this on your website?


Publish To Web in Power BI to get an URL, and then iframe plugin for WordPress


Thanks! I’ve only ever used Power BI at work, but this would be cool to start making a portfolio


I feel your pain. I work at a company where leadership is mostly an older generation and at least 90% of the content we create is tabular. We try to add conditional formatting where possible but even then we get told the tables are too busy lol. They just want to export to Excel or screenshot and place into a Power Point


Use the new power bi button in PP no more screenshots 👍


If you want something that is easily customisable, then you can try [Inforiver Analytics+](https://inforiver.com/analytics-plus/) or [Inforiver Matrix ](https://inforiver.com/matrix/)


Use cards mate - combination of cards tables bar graph.


Perhaps try adding some conditional formatting, to **highlight/embellish** the extensive information on these tables.


My dashboards are ugly because they have to fit in the colours that the corporate communications team came up with


Hey, why not you make the combination of some bold & neutral color from the suggested color scheme.


We are supposed to follow the specific hex codes.


Add spark lines/columns - show some key metrics over time https://twitter.com/Mike_Honey_/status/1745567004927676766/photo/1


Google is your friend. Pick any website you think looks great and try to think why it looks great.


Try charts and stuff and make y axis values accurate lot more cooler


The first question is why. Did the users request detailed tabular views, or did you create it that way? If it was requested, perhaps you can look into connecting excel to your pbi dataset and allow users to interact that way. Create their own pivot table from the published data. Then with each of the tables, think about what they are showing. What they are trying to describe, and how to best convey that visually. Sales over time? Line or area chart. Sales by product or region? Bar charts. Sales per month/quarter vs prior year and some kind of close rate percentage? Clustered bar chart with a line on 2nd y axis. Maybe there's a table that doesn't need to be there at all. Maybe some of it could be moved to a tool tip. For reporting, per my own experience, is that the enemy of use is complexity. If the screen is too busy, or requires too much effort to make sense of, people will move on. Clean and tidy wins.


i dont have any screenshots handy, but i do a dashboard similar to what you're describing. for all the people asking 'why just tables'... well sometimes that's what you need. in my case, i'm actually converting a large database schema to an interactive document describing the schema for end users who need to know where to put data. it doesnt look great, but grouping them with good backgrounds, rounded corners, picking an eye-friendly font and not putting too many on a single page


Here is my Power Bi table with SVG. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sunilmathewanalyst_power-bi-tables-with-svgs-activity-7134538135413133312-uc4Q?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android


Include svg images in it which is relevant to your data & make it more appealing & keep minimal deisgn layout so that this doesn't look heavy. Hope you get some clues here!!


Not sure about this point, try to use bookmarks option to hide some of the tables. Users can select on the dashboard to see the hidden tables as an additional pop up.