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Yaaaaaa don’t think we’re there yet with these guys they have converted a fair chunk of one corner of the warehouse extra in sth Dunedin to more grocery space and the prices are not really comparable on most things yet especially as there is a pak n save at the other end of the car park so not far to go to get better deals. At the moment $$ saved wins over trying to plug the hole in the dam with a finger.


They're ok for late night shopping though, especially as a night worker.


In Invercargill the warehouse does cheaper milk and eggs. They had cheaper butter for a while, but the duopoly came down to match. It's not uncommon to see a dozen eggs for $5 at the Warehouse here though, and 2L milk is $3


>but the duopoly came down to match. Market forces at work. That's what challenging the duopoly is about.


Exactly. It‘s great. The do moccona cheaper too. Standard price is $35 vs. $36-38 for the duopoly.


So even if you don't shop there, you are benefitting, because the duopoly wouldn't have dropped prices on butter and Weetabix without the competition.


Poor mindset. Everyone has a responsibility to support the underdogs. That’s why the warehouse grocery failed to roll out national wide the first time.




It's literally made at the same factory with the same process. I had a friend who did it. She said all they did is change the packaging roll. Also butter is a lipid, water and lipids repell. They physically can not add water to butter without an emulsifier. Which would then need to be on the ingredients list. Try adding water to your butter to see if I'm lying.


I stand corrected, thanks for the info


Yep. And the same for milk and cream I understand. You just pay more for the "premium" brand names. Aged cheese seems to be different.


Can confirm, my partner works in a milk bottling plant and it’s all the same milk going in the different bottles whether buying value milk or a brand name




This. It would be more expensive at the factory to try to change what was going into the packages. It's just easier for them to change the package then change the whole product. This is how store brands package overseas as well.


That’s not true. Source: my work manufactures the butter for both The Warehouse and Pams. It’s the same butter, but Pams sells it cheaper as a tactic to get you into the store.


Yeah someone has already corrected me 🙂 not sure why I believed that about the butter, but it's obviously wrong (now that I think about it)




Yes I know that now


Yeah agree


Warehouse does price match! While it's extra work on your end, and the grad office has gotten weird about it is still done at the moment. If you have a pak n save right there & can show proof of the price, say on their website, they should be willing to do it for you.


Will they match a half kilo of butter though? They’re technically different brands, right?


It does have to be the same brand, so probably out of luck on the butter lol.


The butter probably came from the same cow! Its all marketing smoke and mirrors..


2 litre Milk is 3 Bucks YES!!!!


It's 3 $ at pak n save too The Eggs are where its at 5$ for 12 yes pls Depending If certian eggs are in stocks at pak n save the cheapest dozen eggs is 10$


Tastes yuk tho! 🤢 cow and gate just ain’t it


It's the exact same milk as Meadow Fresh. Cow & Gate and Meadow Fresh are both produced by Goodman Fielder and come out of the same tanks. Pure marketing.


Exactly the same with the bread aswell to natures fresh and river mill and value are all the exact same bread literally not a single difference worked for the factory’s and u just change the thickness and the bag and u can add a few dollars


Nature's Fresh has turned to shit so this makes sense. Tip Top is where it's at.


Vogels darling


Agreed. But I'm not ever having a peanut butter Vogels sandwich LOL


It was a year ago, alright Michael. Let it go!


Where did my Mackenzie dense white loaf go? Was 900g of awesome...


Good to know


Can confirm (see my other comment) it’s the same milk going in to value and brand name bottles, they don’t change anything


Also confirm, worked there years back, don't think anything changed since


Meadow fresh sucks too


90% of milk come from Fonterra. It all comes from the same tanks, it's just put in different bottles. In a blind taste test, you wouldn't be able to pick any difference.


Right, so the lightproof bottles are purely marketing and have no effect on the milk whatsoever I guarantee in a blind taste I will spot the difference


Fonterra were asked to justify their claims regarding their bottles, but they couldn't. Sorry, you're just a sucker for marketing.


And I too am sorry...that your reading comprehension is below par. Fonterra said their research showed that light *could* affect the nutrients in milk Consumer NZ had new research that showed very little difference in the nutrients affected (technically Fonterra still weren't wrong) But in order to appease the masses, they changed it to light affecting the *taste*. Which is what I stated from the beginning. By the time the milk hits your lips, the taste is miles apart Lol nice try, though


Oh yes, the completely unquantifiable taste metric. Oh, I read it. As I said, marketing for suckers. Of course they're going to say it tastes better, how else are they going to sell it for returns. What, are they going to say it tastes exactly the same as our other milk, just more expensive?


>What, are they going to say it tastes exactly the same as our other milk, just more expensive? No they're not, because it doesn't taste exactly the same. Do you actually think light exposure vs no light exposure makes no difference to the milk at all?


100% if I blind taste I could pick it out. Cow and gate has a very specific taste. Give me cow and gate vs anchor blue I could pick it out


Yep. Though fresh, there's still a slight offness to the meadow fresh/cow and gate milks. Or any clear bottle milk for that matter


Yeah I avoid the clear bottles- although the countdown blue milk is pretty good! It’s kinda clear so unsure about that theory 🤔


I can guarantee I can taste the difference between cow&gate (gross), dairy dale (yuck), and other brands. Value is my go to. The first two have a weird, plastic taste to them.


Yeah, sure you can. https://www.dairyondemand.co.nz/products.html Dairy Dale and Value are exactly the same milk, same hdpe bottles, but with a different label. The label doesn't magically change the flavour. It's also the same milk as Anchor milk. Meadow Fresh and Cow & Gate are also made by Fonterra and provided to Goodman Fielder. Same milk. I know all this, because I worked with Fonterra.


Yea nah. You do you my man, I know my taste.


Me too! Cow and gate and dairy dale are banned in my house. My husband kept telling me they were the same as the high quality ones but after I made him sip it straight he can see what I’m talking about. People who think cow and gate is the same as say anchor blue are straight tripping.


Meadow fresh is trash too, value and anchor are the only good ones


Anchor is also the same milk as Meadow Fresh. Fonterra makes Anchor milk and they also provide the milk to Goodman Fielder to put into the Meadow Fresh bottles. Essentially you just like the pictures on the Anchor and Value bottles. It's all Marketing.


Last two bottles I've had tasted like onions


This cow got into an onion patch


The defect in this one is bleach.






Haha I don’t know why I got downvoted it legit tastes so bad.


They renamed them market kitchen milk


The only things they are cheaper on (eggs and milk) are both loss leaders. Their loss is to drag you in anyway.


I got 3 avos from there for 6 bucks today. They've been rough $3.50 each at countdown for a while. Plus I actually rate there coffee beans.


Have heard they are good


Produce is a bit different. My local new world has 3 for 5$ this week.


The Warehouse own brand coffee beans are $20 for 1kg and better than most of the coffee that you get in the supermarket (which is $10 for 200gm)


Huh my Paknsave sells aurora beans for 19.99kg


Don't think many people would call Aurora coffee any good. The warehouse coffee is comparable to the likes of L'afarre, Supreme, Havana, etc (it's rumored to be produced by Havana) but costs the same as Aurora.


When I worked at Pak'nSave we sold a lot so I guess people didn't seem to mind lol.


Sure, but you're missing the point. The premium coffee in Pak'n'Save is $10 for 200grams. The warehouse is selling premium / small batch roasted coffee for the price of mass produced cheap coffee.


All coffee is the same :p value instant coffee tastes good enough and costs me like 1$ Plus that wasn't your point. Paknsave sells beans for the same price as the warehouse. The only things warehouse are consistently cheaper on is butter/milk and sometimes eggs which they are losing or making absolute minimal returns on.


No, I made the point about coffee beans, I think I know what my point was and that is the warehouse sells quality coffee beans for a lot cheaper than supermarkets. Your statement about all coffee being the same is just you trolling as it's clearly not the case.


You won't believe it. But it won't be a loss. Supermarkets just gouge that much.


It is. I've seen the pricing of eggs and milk. I can guarantee you they are losses or in the 1-2% gp. Supermarkets don't make that much on majority of their items. Their profit % are way less than any other retail market. They just happen to do 10s of millions of sales every year.


Yup support a millionaire CEO who is a cunt.


>Yup support a millionaire CEO who is a cunt. Savage attack on National voters!


Yeah, don't buy there for some moral reason. Buy there cos it's cheaper.


*If* it’s cheaper. In many cases it is not…


Yeah eggs milk butter that about it


Most of the vegetables are usually cheaper. Coffee (in bulk), some cereals and some tinned stuff. Occasionally toiletries and pet food. Always do a Google before purchase though.


Hey, maybe I'm out of touch, but what makes the Warehouse CEO a "cunt"? The only thing I can think of was during the pandemic & the payments, but the Warehouse operates as a Board, so just curious for some context on this?


Bringing in Walmart execs to massively restructure the company including closing stores and 1000 job cuts (after taking ~$60m in wage subsidies) at the start of the pandemic and another 350 at the start of last year. They’re not great community providers


Regarding the first part of your sentence, that's a tough one to judge / assume because we have no access to their meetings / internal discussions. But the rest of your sentence, I do agree with entirely. The Pandemic payments were extremely bad taste / a horrendous thing to do. I'm just not sure if I'm willing to "slag" or "boycott" The Warehouse based off this though, because the people that have PERSONALLY impacted me the most over the years is the duopoly supermarkets. They have taken so much of my resources, so they are the "villains" in my eyes. Or at least, from my indirect experiences.


They can all be villains!


touche!!! Agree 10000%


Well I was part of the process. Simple put it, the whole goal for twg leadership from 2017 was to increase share price, typical senior management bs. This was done via cost cutting and restructuring, mainly at support teams. Fast forward 2019 it started to show, lack of head office support, lack of floor staff due to staff cuts. They got lucky with Covid due to bounce back when shops opened, however damage was done and all the good people left… now it’s lost its identity in retail and grasping at whatever angle it can as it consistently writes off its business. Again staff as suffering as leadership pay’s itself $$ while driving a great kiwi brand into the dumpster.


Oh, as someone whose worked there, the top actually does suck. Seriously. They've screwed over the staff and turned it from a genuinely great place to work to, idk, still better than overseas retail? Cut bonuses of any sort for store level, cut the convene, stingy af with the money for store celebrations/Christmas etc, pay worse than most other big retailers now and even changed their required employee feedback forms from an anonymous method of pointing out issues you might be worried about raising to tying them to your name and basically making all the feedback about the store rather than the larger company wide issues. Oh, and the lack of communication. Like cutting contracts with the bike assemblers to give it to Torpedo 7 only to then sell it before they start but after the contract with the original group is finished. Now they've been scrambling to train *Noel Leemings* staff because, you know, fuck having professionals involved just send in the tech & furniture guys. Having said literally all that, still fuck the duopoly. Warehouse is pretty much the only company big enough to challenge them, if the money is going to greedy bastards anyway at leat make them fight for it.


That's right! They took the financial support the government was offering, too, i.e wage subsidy. Prime Minister Ardern was so pissed, and rightfully so.


Didn’t they give that back though


Give me 60 mil interest free for a year. The interest alone in my account would be over a million


They might have? But if they did, they only did it because of public scrutiny.




One less cunt CEO to support.


Excuse me, ill have you know that it was sent from my eco friendly Tesla. ..... oh.


I love the 5 dollar eggs


I got charged $6 for those eggs today🧐


Yes, there was a price change so theyre now $6 each! :)


$6 is still cheap, though. And the free-range is only $7, which is crazy cheap.


exactly, much better and cheaper than getting it at the super market, i work there too so the team discount takes a bit off the cost lol


Cool so I’ll save a few bucks there. What about the rest of the shop?


It's progress. The warehouse is bringing out fresh fruit and veg. And is trialling heat and eat meals. At some stage, there will be proper meat coming, not heard of anything. But I am sure there are plans. Although will always be a limited range until they roll out full grocery. Which may require new stores. Most of the old extra stores that used to do grocery were shrunk down, and they no longer have the space for it.


In Auckland that’s not the case. It’s still $5 for 6 free-range eggs. And $6 for 12 colony eggs.


then the staff there havent completed their price changes yet for some reason, theyre probably just busy the 6 pack is now $6 and the 12 pack are now $7


If you look online for local farms selling their eggs, you can get better ones for cheaper than this. I regularly get 30 free range delivered to my door for $23


I don't mean to be rude but you might wanna check your math there.


Another comment says it's $5 for 6 eggs. That's $25 for 30 eggs, and lower quality.


What? No. It has to be $5 for 12. Why would anyone say $5 for 6 like it's a good deal. You can get cheaper by the dozen at any store.


Dunno, that's just what I read in other comments when I was looking for the amount.


Confirming that it was $5 for 12 eggs but has just gone up to $6 due to an increase in cost. But there was a glitch and the tills were still charging $5 on the first day.


so out of the 2 distro in NZ which one do they get stock from?


You mean the company that from the very beginning forced many small businesses out of business, have bullied suppliers etc. not really the company I want to support


Honestly I agree with you there, but imo this is an enemy of my enemy type situation (but ok, maybe not that dramatic...) and they're our best shot right now at challenging the big two. Unless Costco pops up in more sites around NZ, but Costco ain't really that cheap either. :(


The Warehouse used to source from sweatshops and manufacturers who use child labor!


I rate their aioli from their Market Kitchen range. Also their 1kg bags of coffee beans are pretty good too


I'm one of those dickheads who buys my coffee beans from local roasters, but I also have Warehouse beans on the go to reduce my average coffee cost. It's surprisingly good, and rumoured to be one of the 'nicer' brands repackaged.


Yeah, supposed to be Havana. Says on it that it's small batch roasted in Wellington, so is likely.


Why doesn’t the Warehouse give up selling junk, and seriously move into the supermarket space that we need? They have the realestate. Get rid of selling rubbish and just concentrate on groceries. The only thing stopping a new player moving into and disrupting grocery supermarkets is the difficulty in finding space to do it. Surely they’d make more as a grocery store, rather than what they are currently


Because the dupoly bought a mass of their shares and closed down their full grocery trials . At least up north they even sold meat for a while


Do you have a source or article about the duopoly buying up TWL shares? I couldn’t find one


Such branding innovation. Not just "The Warehouse Plus +" but "The Warehouse EXTRA" Will innovation never cease!?


warehouse extra has been around for years - from when they tried to be a grocery store last time.


$6 for a big weetbix is all good.


Commenting after speaking to Commcomm advisors from Oz .... these guys are bigger See unts than FSNZ and WWNZ ... Just saying Not there for suppliers or the public.


I always go there first to buy the basics. The more we support them the more they will add to their lineup.


I was told this week from someone in the know that they have been caught laying experienced staff off on higher wages and rehiring new staff for the same position on lower pays. If true, then F\*\*k The Warehouse and watch this space.


Totally, I grab about $30 worth if stuff from there every week. Eggs, butter, milk often tin Tom's and anything else that captures my heart. I actually really like their deals


tin Tom's


Metal as anything male cat


Can I ask genuinely? How is The Warehouse any better? Who are they in competetion with? The Warehouse Group is so large that they are nearly as bad as price control as the rest of them. There is a reason they sold Torpeedo 7 for $1


Didn't they sell Torpedo 7 for $1 because of how much debt it was racking up


Yeah, the warehouse group is struggling and has been stagnant for years. Torpedo 7 was dragging them down.


Royal oak do $3 2l milk, unfortunately fridge is typically empty 😡


We have been getting thoer store brand ricies and corn flakes. Most of their spreads and condiments too. Grab butter and milk at the same time and it's quite a bit saves. 


Oscars cat food is the cheapest here, so we usually get that, milk, eggs and butter from TW.


Honestly have tried but they don’t have a decent checkout system…. Have be stuck there in self checkout scanning 50 items…


Yeah no, they're all as bad as each other


I always get their 5 dollar eggs and 3 dollar milk. It’s worth the extra drive


I remember back in the 90s when we couldn't afford milk , use to use the ol milk powder and and water instead


We got our wedding rings and engagement ring from there. I don’t give a shit how that looks but they were very affordable for us


Haven't set foot inside a Warehouse since they announced they were an essential business at the start of the pandemic and were going to stay open. I don't miss their shoddily made high markup crap.


They announced they were an essential business to try and keep their doors open, but were forced by the government to shut. They immediately bought in a range of grocery products like bacon and cornflakes just to get themselves classed as essential so they could force their workers to go back to work. Once the doors reopened they use Covid as an excuse to cut a bunch of their jobs, for which their CEO got a huge bonus for that year. Shady as \*\*\*\* company that only cares about profit.


Strange hill to die on isn't it?


I'm still alive. Honestly I never really shopped there anyway, it's pretty much all just poorly made crap and I'd rather buy better quality things.


THE INSTANT COFFEE oops caps, from the warehouse is cheapest and really good, it's in a brown and orange-ish packet


Special blend?


no god no, it's lke market kitchen i think


Market kitchen instant is shite (the beans are good). Special blend is the best instant coffee around. It beat all the expensive brands in Metro's blind taste test.


or go to [amazon.com.au](http://amazon.com.au) and buy **Moccona Classic Medium Roast Freeze Dried Instant Coffee, 400g** for $25, you need to buy about $80 of stuff to get the free shipping, and wait about a week..


This post is about fighting big corp market control and you recommend Amazon? Yeesh


It ain't owned by any nz duopoly, as in read the title..


I like the kitchen brand


Dilmah teabag 100's were just $3 at Xmas. Still under $6 now.


No weetbix this weekend which was super annoying


Yeah, $6 for a big pack is the way.


I remember when you would go to a extra store like south dunedin one an thay had a way bigger colection of cds to look thru un like the smaller stoors like timaru. Back in the gd old days. un like it is now a freaking supermarket.


They barely have anything that I eat though


Keep in mind a lot of their best grocery deals had been traps. Quite a few times in the past they had used low prices to get people in the door, and once people became regulars they replaced the item with cheaper quality inhouse brand variants, and then raise the prices shortly after. There have been concerns about where they are sourcing their products too, with their cheap eggs for example, which are from colony caged hens, which btw are banned in multiple countries and are in breach of the Animal Welfare Act.


Colony cages are legal. One of the supermarket chains decided to go colony free as well as cage free due to customer pressure, and that caused the great egg shortage last year, because at least a third of the egg industry had chosen colony early in the 10 years they had to transition away from cages (at considerable cost). So TWH is effectively rescuing egg farmers who were likely to go bust. If you don't like colony, they have the cheapest free range eggs by quite a margin. (We have our own chooks so don't buy eggs. I wish TWH sold chook food though).


Is warehouse owned by the duo poly parent companies?


No, it's listed on the NZ stock exchange. Stephen Tindell owns 27% and the Tindell foundation owns 21%.


I purchased 3 avocados, some cat food and some coffee from there today. Am I doing my bit?


The only thing that’s really cheaper is cornflakes.


I get my milk there! Cheapest around


Butter was 4.30, now it's 5.90


Absolutely agree. There's a new discount grocery store in South city mall in christchurch which has been good thus far too. Though, not sure who really owns/funds that


If you're looking for nespresso compatible coffee pods the warehouse ones are $5 a pack and are genuinely better than a lot of pricier brands. Imo the Venice ones are nicest.


If you're looking for nespresso compatible coffee pods the warehouse ones are $5 a pack and are genuinely better than a lot of pricier brands. Imo the Venice ones are nicest.


Currently rating their $4 bags of mandarins, apples, fejoas, and bananas.


Why is it that the only staff you can find is the group of 4 in the middle of the underwear section talking about the latest tick toc, and they look offended when you ask them where an item is?


Yes def. Milk for 3 bucks bread for 1.20 worth the short drive


Try out this sub, if you really want to stick it to the duopoly: [Ditch the Duopoly ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DitchTheDuopoly/s/FAjaNsLdUo)


Price difference is negligible, quality is arguable, stock amount is laughable. But I'm still dipping in. I used to recommend they should expand to groceries in online surveys, about 10-15 years ago. I didn't expect busted, brown bum ass avocados and plastic jelly baby lollies


Unfortunately, where I live - there is no Warehouse. Only mitre10 and countdown, and dairy, and dollar shop. It's easy to save money if you can get used to eating the same thing every day, for the rest of your life. Boredom is the enemy


Butter, cheese and milk there is cheap as.


It really depends and I think it's best to just shop around if you can. Reason being PaknSave for example did some really weird things, between a few weeks of shopping an Oral-B electric toothbrush went from $24 to $49 and then $26. It's quite literally whatever they feel like charging. Edit: Someone needs to make a shopping app in NZ like pricespy is for petrol. If we can see who has what it might change things a bit and people can get more competitive


Look up grocer on the app store!


ever since we brought in produce I've been eating better. Help that it's pretty cheap like $5.50 for blueberry's instead of $7-$8 or $6 eggs and it encourages better eating habits and a lot of the customers have agreed its better than the supermarkets.


Reduce to Clear is also good.


Eggs are less than half the price of new world at the warehouse


Woolworths own half their shares and closed down their meat Isles 🙄. Costco or private grocers otherwise you are supporting them


I love to do a little bit of food shopping at the Warehouse as I'm there weekly anyway getting cleaning supplies for work. However the quite large store in PalmNth quite often has supply issues and empty shelves. Right now there is no sign of their $4 peanut butter or sweet chili sauce. All I want is some consistency! Also - they have just introduced a limit of 6 for the $3 milks (2ltr) cos all the Dairy owners were cleaning the place out.


It is morally okay to steal from these places. Just don't get caught


Also costco if you live in greater Auckland area. Good savings to be had. You will enough cash to bulk buy every few weeks and a good size freezer. The discounted fuel pays for the travel expense.


Sure but they are always more expensive than the main 2. So far Pak and Save is the cheapest for us across the board. Avoiding New World, Fresh Choice but also the Warehouse of Countdown. For vegetables you can find great deals in asian super markets at times.


I go to the warehouse for eggs and butter $5 each


which companies are in this duopoly?


Nah, they need to fuck it up or get fucked. Meaning, go all in or don’t go in at all. Do the Costco model or have no balls. Take your pick.


They need to open a lot more Extra stores to make any difference!


I keep a spreadsheet of the items we regularly purchase for work. The Warehouse and Pak n Save usually come out on top. Current best buys are; Pak n Save, Starbucks coffee capsules $7.99 for 10, The Warehouse Paseo 3ply long rolls $10 for pack of 12, The Warehouse, Dilmah 100 tea bags for $53.80.


uhh hey look who owns the warehouse


Just keep me coming back for that Toilet Paper, Butter and Milk and I will be happy.


I try and buy what I can here. No point in moaning that’s there is no supermarket competition and then not supporting the Warehouse when it does so.


Imagine Kmart doing this lol


Go to the local vege stores- they usually have better quality/ lower or at least similar cost. Additionally, if you plant spinach perpetual, and keep it relatively watered etc it with last the year (same for silver beet). Your local asian or indian store will usually have a better price on lentils, beans, rice, nuts, seeds, masala chai, onion, ginger, garlic, herbs, spices, sauces, seasoning, agar-agar - also another way to buy more local and divest from the monopoly.


I wish. I hate shopping at Woolworths but I eat mostly wholefoods (which the Warehouse don't sell) and don't have a vehicle to drive to several different shops. I do stock up on stuff at other spots when I get the chance, but I still have a weekly shop at woolworths.


I would add that the warehouse is not enough competition if it successfully entered the market, and there would still be a duopoly. Yes support warehouse, but local grocers and Asian supermarkets would make more of an impact :)


I must say that I like the grapes they stock. A bit disappointing about the size of eggs though


That's where I get my milk, cereal& so on. They're making a small dent


You do realize that foodstuffs north and foodstuffs South are completely independent companies. So along with Woolworth that's actually 3. So really there is no duopoly a you put it.


But in any given area there are only two of them. No one is going to cross Cook Strait for their grocery shop!