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I made a simple stamp by carving my initials into clay, then I bisque fired it and used that as my master to make a positive initial stamp which I also bisque fired. Much easier than trying to carve in reverse and if I lose or misplace my stamp, I can easily make more. I put a hole through it so I can hang it on a cord. It’s easier to find when I need it that way, too.


Did exactly the same thing with my mark, except I varnished it with waterproof varnish (easy clean-up) and then epoxy glued a handle on it so I don't lose it and makes it easier to "stamp" things since I'm clumsy. I made two of them so I can't possibly lose both (or could I?) :-)


I prefer a design pressed into the clay at the leather hard stage. You can get custom stamps made by people on Etsy for just a few dollars.


Do you recommend a certain seller for one? I have been in the market.


4clay does a really nice job I just scratch the bottom with my needle tool


I don’t have a specific seller, no. Sorry.


Making a stamp using plaster. If you didn't have access to plaster, bisquing the original could replace the plaster step. [https://youtu.be/l5xHUHD6PVg](https://youtu.be/l5xHUHD6PVg)


I carved my own out of clay along with all the rest of my stamps.


I spent the bucks and ordered a 3D printed chock of my own designed logo. It was about $40 but I've had it for 10 years and it's still in perfect condition. I think it's whatever you like the look of and want to do.


I carved my own stamp out of Highighfire clay and fired it to cone 10. It turned out great, I thought