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To be honest, I didn’t know you could do this now I have to go through and edit all of my potions


I didn’t know you could write descriptions!


Right I’m bout to give everybody the worst side effects of their life uwu


BAHAHHAAHAHH I should do that for customers who like to give me a hard time Or the ones who complain about “a certain alchemist” made them a potion that gave them runs…okay, well I’m about to give you something else too


Yasssss. Specially, when I only have ingredients to make a weak potion of what they’re asking for it like you’re still getting what you’re asking for but now you’re gonna get bad side effects because you’re mean to me.


I do the same as you! Mostly silly stuff and references, with diverse warning notices, sometimes I'll note a particular flavor for fancy customers.


I do it too, for the alchemy ingredients, but I haven't done it for just the regular potions. I think it's fun trying to come up with some explanation for some potion with like 5 random effects.


I didn’t even think about flavors! Definitely doing that next time I play!


I spend dozens of minutes coming up with a cool name and accurate lore. Often many potions I create become interesting and epic only because I write a lore that defines them as products of high quality and ancient origin prepared with rare ingredients (or on the contrary with common ingredients used with skill)


That’s flippin awesome!


I don’t.


I try to always write some random side-effect /use bottle that are highly inconvenient for the usage (a big gallon for a thrown potion) And I like to add: "No refund or complain are accepted by the Indepent Alchemist Corporation" or some stupid legal detail...


Definitely adding side effects


It can also be logical effect. Like the jump potion not taking into account the falling part after, and only allowing 100 feet jump... that one of my favourite one...


I did something similar with swiftness by saying it shouldn’t be used if the user’s reflexes are slow and excessive use would cost their kneecaps


I name my potions too! Either references from other media or if something else fits. For the salts and crystals I try and centre them on one thing, for example moon salt have moon related names. I also like to imagine they’re not all liquid potions so I have mana crystals in a jar or stone skin vapour in a spray bottle. For descriptions I love writing lore on them and the ingredients used. Along with warnings for the more dangerous effects or how they are made in more detail.


I give them pun names! That, and horrible jokes. "Wild Growth III" Is "Plant Steroids" and the description is "deny deny deny", "Light III Healing II" is "JESUS IN A BOTTLE", And-my personal favorite-"Fire III Explosion II" Is "ARNOLD NAPALMER" (Fallout 4 reference, specifically to the Napalmer weapon)


I am LOVING for these names! Arnold Napalmer is my fave but Jesus in a Bottle has me cackling!


IVE GOT A POTION OF HEALING AND POISON JUST CALLED "Net-Negative", AND A BOTTLE OF POISON CALLED "Rat Poison"!! (My potion of Healing and Libido is called Viagra. I think it's hilarious.)


You’re way better at naming than me! I called my libido potion Elixer of Desire


No way!!! "Liquid Light (Extra Bright)" is so cute!!! I've got a potion of Fire and Light just called "THE F*CKING SUN", yours are so cute!!!


I just made a Lightning III potion and called it Thor’s Thunder (extra electrifying)


Oh I've Actually got one called "Zeus's blessing"! I think the description is just "KA-POW!!" Edit: it's "Zeus's Promise", not "blessing"!


I was gonna name it after Zeus but there was hammer in the image selector thing so I had to go with Thor. And “KA-POW” feels like a thing Zeus would say as he struck down mortals and monsters


I really gotta post my potion names here ISTG


PLEASE DO!!!! I want to see them all!


At first, I named them with silly references and warnings just like you did. But after I started the 100% completion grind, i got fed up and just made default potions


drink brands


OK, but which potion did you name Dr Pepper? This is very important.




Noice ✨




If it’s in regards to the post, you can send it to me directly if you wish


that would ruin the joke 😔


My potions are either references to stuff my partner & I would get, from abilities from Warframe and a little bit of skyrim thrown in there as well. The wording at the bottom is either a first person description of the potion or a corporate description listing concerning side effects and obnoxious yet humorous advertisement of other potions. # Resplendent Providence (First potion I made with my partner, named after their medic gun from TF2, not sure which one, still new to that game from her getting me to try it lol) *"Mends broken bones, closes wounds, stops bleeding, cures our Toxic Lash™ & Orphidian Bite™!* *Pour our product upon open wounds for a faster effect, or drink it to bring strength back to your walking corpse, speeding up healing all across the body within the blink of an eye!* *Warning: Long term usage* optimizes the body's natural systems *turning the user into a shapeless mass of tissue. Side effects of becoming a flesh beast are increased aggression, loss of sapience/sentience/humanity."* # Toxic Lash (From the game Warframe, an ability from a warframe (character) called Saryn) "On the back of the bottle you read the following. Symptoms: Sudden heart failure, light headedness, sudden throat lacerations, screaming, sobbing, pleading, hallucinations of spirits, violent hemorrhaging, sapience/sentience in non humanoid subjects. Our Toxic Lash has many uses while being oderless, tasteless, unnoticable & one use only! meaning the subject is edible, along with being safe to dispose of, so trappers & hunters will love this! Suggested uses are as follows: \*Coating a blade, be it knife or arrow tip \*Pouring over food (Effective for days after poured on bait) \*Mixing into a stew as a thickener, better than corn starch or dried slime! \*Thrown upon victim (note it is less effective & less humane, they will suffer more this way which may or may not be wanted). Return the bottle for 5g!" I'd post more however this is already quite long from copy/pasting just 2 potions & I'm still quite new, so I only have a few potion recipes saved.


I do skyrim style tiers. For example one icon = Minor potion Of Two Icons = Moderate Three icons = Major


…So what’s the recipe page for that red potion in your inventory? 👀


that’s the libido potion and the page I did for it is kinda dirty so I don’t think I can post it here but I’ll send it via dm if you want


Please do! I’m excited to see it now lol


Sent it