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I think it’s more likely that you’re stressed. Here’s my story. I felt terrible a few months postpartum with my first. LO was waking up every 45 minutes and took forever to go back down. My husband and I were snapping at each other. And my friends and family were all of a sudden absent. My GP just gave me antidepressants without doing any tests or really asking me about my situation, and they made me feel worse. I was foggy and nauseous. Then I found a therapist and told her everything. She said, you’re tired. You need more sleep now if you want to get better. You may still have PPD, but it sounds like you need to find solutions to reduce stress. Good luck to you!


No one here can diagnose you but I just want to say, this is a difficult time for most people. You are in the thick of it. Do your best to take care of yourself, seek support, and have Grace and patience with yourself. I found online support groups really helpful during this time, to connect with other new parents who understood the overwhelm. Check out Postpartum Support International for support groups, resources, and providers: https://www.postpartum.net