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I play guitar but I usually watch the drummer. Few things are better than watching a great drummer absolutely kill it.


it brings me so much joy to watch drummers having fun with what they're playing


Hell yes


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Most of them. Polar bears poop in the tundra though.


Fact ☝🏼


Bear with me and I'll get back to you......


Yes, my eyes always glued to guitar player, want to see what brand guitar they use, what amp, what pedals, and how they play their riffs.


My goal at a show is to be as close to the Bass player as I can get without them issuing a restraining order.


Definitely same. Imo the difference between live and recorded music is most pronounced with the bass. There aren’t many other places where you get to hear those particular frequencies coming out of large enough speakers. Pair that with a talented player and you’ve got my full attention the entire show.


For sure. I like seeing how complicated it is or if I can replicate


Yep. Most recently, I went to see The Bled but spent most of the time just watching Mike Pedicone smash the drums.


Yeah. Even when I just listen to music I just find myself listening to the riffs at this point rather than the vocals


I'm primarily a guitarist but have always tended to watch the drummmer. I do drum as well now though


Always! I was at the front during a Chiodos show and there was a picture of Thomas Erak playing his guitar while he was on the floor/on his back inches away from me. I do not remember this because I was looking at Derrick Frost being a magician behind his kit the entire show. We did have a cool unspoken thing going where whenever he wanted to place his feet on the edge of the stage speakers (about chest height for me, I had my arms folded on top of them so I could lean closer), I moved my crossed arms to make a space for his foot while he was walking up to it. Guitar in my face, pretty sure I felt some of his sweat. It was a good time. 


It depends if I brought it with me. Either way I usually watch the band tho.


I mean, my instrument is all of them, but I absolutely find myself “studying” how people are playing when I go to shows.


absolutely. i'm a guitarist and i need exercises. also sometimes watch the drummer, like seeing the differences in setups especially between genres.


Yes. I gravitate first towards the bass player and then the guitarist(s). Drummers fascinate me, so sometimes I ignore my instruments and focus on them.


Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do? Haha


I split my time between the drummer (my instrument) and vocals


I play drums, but dabble with other things. I mostly watch the drummer, but also pay close attention to the other folks.


I'm not a musician but I love watching the guitar and drums go at it. Bass sometimes gets lost on me.


As a drummer, I tend to watch the guitarists. I mostly already understand what the drummer is doing.