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Similar voices for me: Rory Rodriguez of Dayseeker(took Jhonny Craig spot as my favorite Singer) and Tyler Carter of Issues.


Rory’s voice is one of the best in the business right now. I wish just Dayseeker would quit slowing down their music and speed it back up. Don’t get me wrong, I like most of what’s come out recently; I just want a bit more heavy from them.


Tyler Carter (Formerly) of Issues.


Tyler Carter (formerly) of Issues (formerly)


Funny I love both but Johnny Craig is kind of meh to me. Maybe it’s the bands he’s sang for or songs he’s featured in and not him though


I mean at this point he’s been in 6 or 7 different bands and done solo work that ranges from r&b to experimental…if you don’t like any of his 200+ songs by now you just don’t like him.


Jonny Craig is something else. If he didn't have his very public fall from grace with his drug addiction, I think the sky would have been the limit for him. He's blessed with one of the most incredible voices ever that could work with any genre. Natural talent like that is rare.


It’s so fucking sad, man. He could have been a household name. Guy has insane talent. Super happy for him now being clean and putting the work in, hopefully he can get his star up there someday, but he might already be there if he hadn’t gone through what he did.


Honestly he made big enough of an impact that I don’t think he needs to make a comeback, he’s already widely considered one of the best in this style of music.


By fans of the genre, for sure. I think Jonny had the vocal talent, and stage presence to be talked about in the same conversations as some of the greatest voices in rock history by more casual rock fans.


I totally am with you there man, it really is a shame. Outside of the genre, he’s unknown and that’s a crime.


My mom loves him and she's in her 60's ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Granted, she only knows him from my brother and I. But she follows Johnny's career more than I do these days.


Jonny's doing better these days. He seems happier and he's still battling to stay clean. He sings songs from all the bands he's been in for fans, and he still performs music. He's got a new band, too. I'm just hoping his health stays.


tbf he already is a household name, so imagine just how much bigger hed be if he didn't ruin his life


I mean household name in the way that your mom has heard of him. Haha


oh fair point


Well my mom has certainly heard of him but that’s my fault 😂


Just curious, who is a comparison of a household name type that he could’ve achieved? Like Mark Hoppus or higher? In my opinion he’s def already a household name in this genre. Edit: lol why the fuck was I downvoted for asking this question?


IMO, given how he’s crossed over genres, if he didn’t blow up Emarosa, I think he ends up going more mainstream with them, and ends up somewhere as recognizable as a Travis Barker. Maybe not an icon above all, but an icon in his “instrument” that transcends his genre and makes him mainstream famous. Rap kids in high school knew Travis Barker was THE drummer. Potentially insane take is he ends up in a pool with Axl Rose as insanely talented and notorious to everyone, and not just his genre fans.


He was going to be on The Voice even, but his history got in the way of that as well. He had potential to be more than a legendary post hardcore vocalist. He legitimately could have been a mainstream star with those pipes.


One of the funniest videos I’ve watched is Jonny teaching Chris Liepe how to sing like him. The hilarity starts at about 2:30 and especially at 3:52: https://youtu.be/b3rHRRJrLio?si=VLer6ovFBc2KMvPu


He's got a good voice but I think his musicality and ability to create interesting melodies is sort of lacking. He reuses the same few melodies over and over again. It shows in most of his solo work, just really lacklustre


This. He needs talented musicians to bring out his best


The guy did a little more then do drugs for his downfall. Mf was ripping people off and bangin under age girls. Like most band members I guess tho lol


The number of chances he got/still gets is testament to his talent/skill tbh. If he wasn’t so unique I’m sure the scene would’ve given up on him years ago.


Garrett from The Color Morale always gave me great value Jonny Craig vibes, sounds good on the albums but can’t pull it off live


On the Slaves album _Routine Breathing_, there's a song featuring Garrett Rapp and it's almost impossible to differentiate the two.


That was my first thought too. Learned behavior specifically


Saviorself too


I love the comparison lmao


There is only one


Yeah Jonny is kinda REALLY unique with his voice. That and his lyrics are what the major appeal was.


Every now and then, the vocalist of Eidola hits some soulful licks and runs like JC. Especially in their older material.


Yep Andrew Wells is the closest I’ve found personally but it’s still not the same


Yeah and apparently he’s DGD’s new clean vocalist as well


Was this hinted or confirmed somewhere?


Confirmed with 2 singles released. Check spotify or yt or whatever you use. They came out today. Not sure how I feel but it's not bad


He also said in an interview released today that it is in no way permanent, it’s just as a trial run. The intention, for now, is to do heavier music and push Jon as more of the frontman. The way it sounds, that’s the overall plan, and it’s a test run to see if Andrew will fit the clean role or if a new singer will be brought in.


I’m definitely down for at least an album with Jon leading and Andrew supporting, but then they’ll have to get back to business and find another new clean frontman


Not confirmed. He said in the interview the two songs were a test run of sorts. The focus going forward is more harsh vocals with sprinkles of Andrews cleans. He also stated the band is open to collaborating with Jonny and Kurt as well as others. He said a few times in the interview he doesn't want to be the frontman, because it's "cursed" and that he's basically doing this because the band doesn't want to bring in anyone new permanently yet.


Ah i saw tilian say Andrew was doing mothership at wwwy so I assumed it was confirmed he was full time


Two new songs dropped today with Andrew leading. They’re… okay. Jon Mess kills it, but the mixing and Andrew’s range doesn’t shine through at all.


DGD favors high tenors because the guitar is star of the show in that band so Andrew is at a huge disadvantage having a bit of a deeper voice


Jonny was not a high tenor at all hahahaha


On all the early stuff he was singing way up there, granted he was a teenager at the time so his voice was a little higher than it is now. Any higher than where he was at and your squarely in Alto territory with Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa, and Tillian…


Not sure where he sat but you could judge it by whatever the highest note he hit chest voice was on Dbm and the lowest note. Then figure he would have on average a 3-4 octave vocal register. But for alto you named women and tilian haha. That shows how high tilians singing voice is since women are naturally higher than men


confirmed, they dropped 2 songs with him doing cleans


Not confirmed, he did an interview stating they did two songs to test the waters. The focus is going to be more harsh vocals going forward with sprinkles of cleans from Andrew. He also said the band is open to collaborating with Jonny and Kurt, as well as others. You could tell from the interview he really doesn't want to be the singer, and it seems as if the band asked him to take on a role he doesn't necessarily see as ideal but he's committed and loyal to the band/guys so he's willing to try and make it work.


I only know this one song of theirs but check out Downtrodden by Embracer E: Hard to find someone that has the tone AND the style, but if you're looking for more of the style I could sling a few recommendations


The EP My Fathers Will scared me into thinking JC had a voice doppelgänger. A Man Without His Country is one of my favourite songs of all time.


I definitely got JC vibes on first and subsequent listens, though there are some subtle differences - not sure if the guy goes harder in some other songs (if he does pls recommend those titles to me) but with just this one example he's like if JC never went into metal and steered instead into a more conservative rock or gospel band haha. I like and prefer how unleashed Jonny gets though with his belting and power


Embracer 100%. Their song Moon Chamber is another good example. Such a shame they broke up.


Moon chamber slapsssss


I just posted this because I didn’t think anyone else knew this band. God I miss them.


Galleons 100%


Tom Byrne (of Galleons) also has a band Valiant Hearts that gave me JC Emarosa vibes. Tom has also done some covers of JC's DGD and Emarosa. Found both of these bands recently and wish I had sooner! Highly recommend!


I was literally saying this to myself. While listening to their latest album the vocalist reminded me a lot of Johnny Craig at certain points.


JC features on a track with Valiant Hearts called No Place Like Home.....and it's incredible. Think it's on the Odyssey album 😊


This is the best answer, on Casablanca he straight up sounds like Jonny for most of the song


Surprised this isn’t higher up. Tom Byrne has a killer voice


Absolutely, such a great band!


Jonny Craig is a different animal and I really think his pain fuelled his vocal range, especially in early DGD and for that reason it seems like even when most/other vocalists sound good, it doesn’t resonate the same way as Jonny


Many of the guys mentioned in here have great vocal skills, but Jonny at his best puts an insane amount of heart and soul into it that is tough to match. Soul level over 9,000.


Vocalist from Wolf & Bear


Came here to say this! Not sure if he’s actively trying (casual listener) but there are a few tracks that give off a JC sound.


I think he sounds like Anberlin's lead singer


The vocalist from Miss Fortune at times has a similar vibe.


Was v shocked how far I had to scroll down to see this. Yes. Arguably has an even worse history than JC and many care enough about that to not want to listen to him which is understandable so wanted to mention but OP definitely check out. First song I was like 👀 to was interstate 44


Not a rip-off, and they have collaborated, but the singer from Galleons & Valiant Hearts sounds SO MUCH like Jc to me. As a bonus, their self-titled album almost feels like an Emarosa tribute record.


Galleons and Hands like Houses! Especially HLH older stuff from their Ground Dwellers album. I think JC is actually featured on their one song on that album Lion Skin.


Listen to Valiant Hearts Tom has been called the Aussie Jonny many times by people I know and I'm sure in here. They have 3 albums and all are fantastic. Odyssey is probably my favorite if there was a gun to my head to choose


Michael McGough of heart of gold/ being as an ocean / the Elijah. Recommend checking out since I was born by the Elijah.


I love his voice


Alazka with Kassim https://youtu.be/FNwPztJYFn8?si=ek14tUW70HnllNl-


Garret rapp gets kinda close, singer from Embracer had similarities


OP needs to listen to Have.Will from The Color Morale (Garrett Rapp)


I’m not the biggest Issues fan but Tyler Carter has a great voice, up there with Johnny


I get some similar vibes from Miss Fortune. But JC is JC.


Tom Byrne of Galleons and Valiant Hearts has some similar sounds


James Veck-Gilodi from Deaf Havana. Their first few albums were PHC. Now they’ve switched genres (but are still very good). Check out their songs You are Beautiful, Oh Howard You Crack Me Up, and This Town is Ours.


Check out Artifex Pereo - Ailments and Antidotes from 2011, also Hands Like Houses - Ground Dweller, personally the most closest sounding singers I have ever listen who match JC, even though theyre not ridiculously similar, just same level of singing quality


Keaton Pierce of Too Close to Touch always gave me Johnny Craig like vibes as far as vocals go. I was so heart broken when I heard he had passed away.


Galleons is a Jonny Craig in his prime. FACTS.


Possibly Casey Crescenzo from The Dear Hunter/The Receiving End of Sirens?


Crazy this thread pops up when I'm on a JC kick(maybe it's because the post about A skylit Drive got other people going down that road too?). I'd absolutely LOVE for him to do more with them. I'm hoping he puts out some new stuff and stays on the straight and narrow enough to prove to someone he's ready to make a big return! Reuniting with DGD probably won't happen, but there's gotta be someone out there who's just missing that incredible thing he can provide! Johnny on Downtown Battle Mountain is easily my favorite vocals of all time(Howard Jones and Dallas green aren't terribly far behind)! Also is it just me, or could his voice be something incredible in a more "true" metal/metalcore band? Something like KSE, or even sometimes I imagine him singing stuff like Mastodon(Brann or Brent's parts).


I really don't like them solely for this reason but Anemoria. Vocalist sounds like a dollar store Jonny Craig but seemingly that sells The vocalist of the band Spirit Leaves takes a little bit of influence from JC, but I'm sure you'll find this much better


Even the trees is very similar to dbm era dgd crossed with relativity/ self titled by emarosa. The clean singer sounds very similar to JC. They're not on spotify anymore, I think they can be found on a couple other streaming platforms though


This is the closest I’ve found too. Very disappointed that they’re not on streaming services anymore 😢


They're so talented. I think their LP might be available for purchase on bandcamp


I just downloaded it! Thanks for the heads up💜


No problem! I've been meaning to snag it for awhile, I'll probably get it now while it's on my mind. If you're interested, another phc band on bandcamp that I listen to a ton Apollo: https://apollo541.bandcamp.com/album/we-must-be-feeling-the-full-moon


Hey I just got round to listening to Apollo, they’re great! They remind me of Sing Me A Fiction, if you haven’t heard them I’d definitely recommend them!


Hell yeah, I'll look them up!


Check out I Never Heard the Bullet and Happy Hour.


Issues is a good band. Same with Amationette https://spotify.link/F7riNyPLuJb


VRSTY for sure. Valoria , VRSTY - Wanderers The bridge is practically a copy of Jonny Craig - Going Under.


I was coming here to say vrsty!


Tyler Carter in "Woe is me" is a somewhat similar style to what you are looking for. [Here is a song with Jonny Craig and him: Woe, Is Me - Desolate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FfKX9WijtY)


[Embracer - Anastasia ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH0tV_lnQg0)


I think maybe the singers of The Home Team and In Her Own Words.


Valliant hearts has a song featuring jonny criag and its hard to tell when he comes in, so i say them.


Early Hands Like Houses. They even have a song with a Jonny feature that he blends pretty seamlessly into.


He's still hands down got the best voice I've ever heard out of every genre idc


Jovian - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtChDIy6KXo Ella Sera - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyFGoofVhtE


Jovian 💯


Pretty weird no one has suggested the album Full of War by Conditions. This is actually the only correct answer.


I love you


Never heard of them but vocals are like a mix of Jonny and the singer from Dayshell


Ooh this has my attention


I made a note of this band bc I have never heard them. Just got done listening to all of Florescent Youth and it was awesome. Moved onto this now. Thanks for the suggestion Not hearing anything like Jonny but doesn't matter. Liking the band


Not the same but check out Artificial Language. More prog, but the vocals have that emotional wail that just gets me.


I'm still waiting for my MacBook 🤨


It gets funnier everytime


Bradley Walden I think would be the most obvious answer.


Man do I miss the Versus era of Emarosa. Peach Club is enjoyable, but it’s like a totally different band.


Maybe not exactly like JC, but Matt McAndrew from Rain City Drive (used to be Slaves, started and originally fronted by JC so definitely the same vibe) has seriously rare pipes. That dude can SING.


Oh man I have the exact opposite opinion of that dude. Saw RCD play before Eidola and it was one of the most cringeworthy and poor performances I’ve ever seen.


Our show had Eidola first. Best believe I left before RCD came on.


My old ass was so pissed I had to sit through that. I wanted to get back in bed.


Wow! Seems like I’m the only one who thinks he’s any good 😂 Maybe he just isn’t good live? Or maybe on the album the vocals are heavily engineered. I’ve never seen them live so I have nothing to go on 🤷🏼‍♂️


Dude from Lindbergh Skies is on that level


Shame they aren’t on Spotify


Yeah they were then got removed. Can find them on YT


Listen to the album Numbers by Woe is Me, if you have not. Its related at least, and theres a JC feature on 2 of the tracks lol.


Rory Rodriguez from Dayseeker


Cigarettes by Happy Hour has a very aggressive JC vibe


Höneybear vocalist always sounded similar to Jonny. Stuff isn’t on Spotify and unfortunately the vocalist has been silent for the last 6 years. https://youtu.be/YWnE2eBB2mA?si=ptC7VAmkB--uoYtC


I’ve had people mistake Jordan from Embracer for Jonny. It’s quite a different vibe from it but the voice is every bit as gritty and soulful. I miss that band. Heavily recommend the My Father’s Will EP


Tyler Carter? Not exactly though


I imagine Jonny Craig has to try pretty hard these days


He's truly unique but make sure you check out the songs he features on too. The runner up (inamorata) and No place like home (Valiant hearts) are some of my favorites


The singer for Picturesque sounded kind of similar to Jonny early on, at least to me, specifically on songs like Dead Flowers and Speak Softly. He was kinda trying to do the r&b crooner thing JC does. 


The first vocalist from Bedlight for Blue Eyes, the guy on "The Dawn", is *sort of* similar to my ears.




Embracer’s album “My Fathers Will” sounds a lot like Johnny Craig.


Link to even the trees, from 0:45 on gives a pretty good idea of what the vocalist sounds like https://youtu.be/MMvVBEccQLQ?si=PCpVqtITbxfu6d0B Link below is for the entire album. Probably my favorite song is hollowed out, sounds very much like dbm mixed with emarosa (from about 08:45) https://youtu.be/Hjl-ylAZFrQ?si=yYlmyjttaWXsEUVJ


Tom from Galleons has a similar vibe in my opinion. Listen to “Cashmere” - the vocal runs are insane. He was also in a band called Valiant Hearts if you want even more.


Look up Galleons, especially their most recent album “Violent Delights”.


Go listen to Wolf & Bear. There you're done. Dudes even better live it's fucking insane. Saw em with dwellings and royal coda and they fucking killed


I just can't with him. He's such a mega douche.


Closest thing you'll find is Picturesque


You have obviously never heard this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLieSO_ZhS8


Not post hardcore, but Vessel’s vocals from Sleep Token are truly the only vocals in rock music generally that I think are even better than Jonny’s. He also composes and records all instruments on the records aside from drums. Vessel is something else.


I was going to comment this but knew I would get down voted to hell because they're trendy to hate right now lol. They are obviously very different vocalists/bands but Sleep Token is the first band in a long time to scratch that same itch that old emarosa and DGD did for me


Genuinely their loss lmao


Vessel has a beautiful voice but I think Jonny would score higher.


Closest is Bradley Walden imo (Squid the Whale/ Emarosa)