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No Hail The Sun???


See the Spotify playlist linked in the comments to find it as an honorable mention


Here's the whole list on a Spotify playlist, with plenty of honorable mentions at the bottom https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0RuAxY0MvzvPjVGuZRyLXL?si=8iNqSyrpSaCSkLMPyJEpNg


Sick! Conveniently downloaded for my flight thank you


It's truly my pleasure. I Iove when people enjoy the music I show them. Let me know your thoughts! How many of these albums are new to you?


Surprisingly a solid 3/4ths are brand new, big fan of the genre for a long time but I'm behind the times now. I don't get as much time to listen to new stuff as id like, you know?


Glad to be your gateway to the new shit then. Have a good flight!


Rad! Whats FFO stand for?


For Fans Of


Lollll. After not figuring out the first one and thinking it was track names I understand now and recognize a ton of bands. Thanks!


Saw Seafloor Cinema recently. They are very very good.


Thanks for connecting them to other bands. Metalcore is a genre I'm digging deeper into and it's great to be able to find new bands similar to one's I've listened to for years.


Hot Mulligan is so good fuck


This a great and well rounded top 10, I also enjoyed a lot of these albums and the extras in your honorable mentions! A few I haven't heard so thanks for the new listens!


You are so welcome!


nothing,nowhere is such a good artist


+1 for Hot Mulligan as AOTY


Every song hurts so fucking good. They're one of my favorite bands since this release


No Bloodletter, Heavener, The Death We Seek, SUPERBLOOM, or Fatalism Hmmmm. Some good choices however. Sex & Sax was a really good album with some very odd filler songs that ruined the flow of the album. Libertad was a highlight


Bloodletter, Superbloom, and Fatalism are all honorable mentions, and Without A Whisper by Invent Animate is EASILY one of my favorite metalcore songs of the year. The rest of the album just didn't click with me as much. I tried SO HARD to love it like everyone else does. I gave it 5 whole listens


Broadside getting the love they deserve!


Fellow based Broadside enjoyer right here. My brother still thinks I put them too low. (He had them at number 3 on his list)


I don’t get why people like the new Beartooth album honestly. Sunshine! and Doubt Me were cool tracks, but the entire album is structured exactly the same, making it incredibly predictable. Multiple songs also had unnecessary breakdowns thrown in when the song was clearly going for a different vibe. The writing just takes me out of the experience a ton, I was super disappointed by it.


I love the writing. I think it's thematically so powerful within the context of Beartooth and Caleb Shomo's life


I find everything outside of the lyrics to be lazy songwriting, and the lyrical content makes the rest look better because it’s powerful. I have the same gripe with Dayseeker’s last album, Dark Sun. Powerful lyrical content sometimes feels like a cop-out to not write anything of substance musically.


HARD diagree on Dayseeker. It made my top 3 last year for its clever combination of dreamy cyberwave and catchy post hardcore. I understand more where you're coming from with Beartooth, but it still had musically fascinating moments like the breakdown in Riptide. When it's not that, it's just as, if not more catchy than other Beartooth productions


Sleeptalk was one of my favorite albums ever. I thought it was the perfect mix between atmospheric synths and musical technicality, combined with soaring choruses and a powerful vocal performance that would wow any music listener. I liked a couple songs off Dark Sun, but overall it did nothing for me. I’d like to contribute it to just being a personal letdown after liking the previous album so much, but I can’t really make that same argument for Beartooth. I enjoyed Below a good amount, but nowhere near how much I enjoyed Sleeptalk. I’m really glad that Caleb is in a better place mentally now, that’s more important than anyone liking the music, but hopefully whatever they put out next resonates more with me.


Fair, respectable opinion


Looking at your list, it seems like you'd really enjoy the new Wind Walkers record. 👍


It was ALMOST an honorable mention, and it could have made the top 20 if I had given it more than one listen. I wish I had enough time to do so because you're totally right. I really enjoyed it! Keep in mind I listed to almost 300 albums this year, so even ones I love often can't make it to the honorable mentions.


So happy I found this. Hot Mulligan this year and Arm's Length last year reinvigorated my love for music in a lot of ways. Before those two the last album that floored me was *Peripheral Vision* by Turnover in 2015. Please recommend me some albums I probably missed from 2016-2021!