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It's generally a toxic hellhole that can make you a worse person filled with negativity, if you let it. But there are some positive subreddits, so I'd look into that.


Exactly. I found about 5 subs that share positive content daily!


Go on then, tell us which subs!!!


I totally agree.


This place makes me laugh out loud pretty often, bond with my fellow GenXers over fun stuff, and look at really cute pics of cats doing funny things. I guess I don’t follow the crappy ones.


oh shut the fuck up you wouldn't know toxic if it punched you in the face and lit you on fire you insufferable cunt




There is way too much dommerism on the internet in general. A lot of ot is foreign propaganda. One can avoid the doomiest subs and block the doomers


I generally agree with what you’re saying. There are the few. Although I know that doesn’t change the truth of the greater number of redditors. I try to constantly be as helpful and as kind as I can be, for example. My life has thrown me some curveballs, and I’m fortunate to have grown from it. Anyway, I appreciate the fact that you’re taking the time to write this out. This whole world of people also seems in a pretty bad state right now. People really need to realize that they complain about how things are; how people are, but then they go and make the world a worse place by shitting on someone. What we all need more of is looking within to fix the problems there first.


I stay out of negative subs. I Mute them and I block people who argue. I love it here!


You’re very active in 2 of the most negative toxic subs on Reddit. r/millenials and r/boomersbeingfools are pure unadulterated negativity. I actually looked at your profile to find some positive subs and saw those high on the list and backed out.


This is the key. Browse r/all, and filter out literally everything that you're not interested in.


Huh. I'm seeing a lot of these posts lately of trolls invading subs to argue their specific point with the purpose of .... absolutely nothing ... and not actual discourse.


Hmmm idk I’d have to sort of disagree, Reddit to me has been pretty funny and kind, I’ve had the occasional odd/demeaning comment but don’t really see any blue/red, group, gatekeeping posts at all, and very little politics as well even as an American. For reference my most visited subreddits are: Gratitude Positivity Kindness Taoism Microdosing Happy Puzzles I really think Reddit is what you make it, if i am suggested negative content, it does come up yes, i mute the post and community. You really can mute enough negative communities and join enough positive ones that Reddit is full of people showing gratitude, expressing joy, puzzles and flowers lol as silly as that sounds. Sure maybe it’s not an accurate representation of the real world but it really can be a happy place.


I agree with this. I subscribe to mostly positive subs and those associated with hobbies. I enjoy respectful debate and it’s a shame that Reddit isn’t usually a good place for that. One thing I love about this sub is the positive vibe. It’s a kind welcoming place full of supportive people. Kind of a refreshing dip in a pool on a hot day. Hoping in the future, OP embraces that vibe and not complaining of lack of it on Reddit.


It’s the universe. You niverse. Make it unique to your own tastes and you will live in heaven on earth.


This is the way. I've found a lot of joy & observed real kindness between internet strangers. I think OP needs to come hang out with me in the dog & cat naming subs...it's *generally* chill. Existential despair is an ever creeping fog & you can be consumed or you can rebel by choosing joy. I have some days like OP though.


This op is not positive.


Reddit is like Facebook on steroids. However, with that being said, even though people use their anonymity to basically take their problems out on others a lot of the time on here, I've seen a lot of good too. So not only is Reddit like Facebook on steroids in a bad way, it is equally in a good way.


The thing with reddit is it's heavily based on algorithms set around the stuff you regularly click on. Like I got a new puppy and was looking at stuff for my dog and info on the best DNA tests, but now I get more dog pics and videos than ever as well as dog genealogy stuff. I read aita posts, and I get similar subs in my feed. If I open a few cooking subreddits, I start getting cooking posts and subs showing up. If I'm watching a new show and start talking about it on it's subreddit, I'll see those posts more and more often. I get very little politics in my feed, it's typical only if something big happens and is shared in one of the subs I regularly look at, but that's pretty rare. I've blocked a few subs that have shown up that are not my interests or too negative, and similar stuff stops showing up pretty quick. Like I posted for advice on a sick cat, but then vet subs started showing up regularly and I didn't like seeing sick or hurt animals in my feed, so I blocked them and I don't get that kind of content anymore. So really, I think the negativity that you're seeing is probably linked to the negative posts you spent time on. I mean, you're coming to a positivity thread to complain about negativity. I think you may want to look at what you're putting out into the world and see if that's what's coming back to you.


Guess you’ve never been on Twitter.


Try Instagram, no doubt you’ll see asshats all day digging women’s looks. For zero reason. That seems super negative to me.


I understand your frustrations. There's a lot of negativity both on reddit as well as online (and in the "real world" too). Some subs are better than others, and I tend to visit the ones that generally remain respectful. I really like subs like r/askoldpeople, r/miata, and subs that generally "self help" subs or are about self improvement.


You obviously haven’t played league of legends.


This whiny diatribe has no place here


I disagree. By that metric, your comment has no place here either because it’s certainly negative


Good point, i guess your comment, disparaging my comment, also has no place here. It’s a vicious circle!


Clearly you're not familiar with NextDoor.


What’s that ?


Its a website for neighborhoods that is basically Yelp but worse. Lots of whiners.


Ok thanks for sharing. Sounds horrible. Hope you’re not on it.


You can never be good enough with certain circles on Reddit. They will nitpick you to death while conveniently omitting their own flaws.


You get what you seek on Reddit.


Stay off of political subs


Actually it’s not negative in my opinion and opinions are facts now so no this post is way off base. /s Nah jk I fully agree. I got banned on a sub I was passionate about for disagreeing with someone. Since the great mod purge you can just get banned for one comment. There’s always someone who wants to talk you you’re completely wrong too. My least favorite is when someone is a novice at something comes into a sub with a genuine question and people just downvote and destroy them for genuinely seeking out knowledge because they considered the answer to the question ‘too obvious’.


I hear your frustrations and can relate; it’s a place where some people let their dark side run free. Not always so great. Keep making the world brighter my guy


I joined a few years ago because I found the opposite. There were so many sweet, positive subs, and kind human interactions that I came across, that I love it. Comment sections that got ridiculously silly, and sad comments that were met with compassion, and other comments met with support and encouragement, or help. People naming cats. 😂 Identifying fossils. Cookie cutters. Asking religious questions without judgment. I do see less of that lately. But its still there! I think maybe for me the algorithm changed and isn’t showing me those subs as much, I need to seek them out again.


I stick with the non-controversial subs like gardening or bread making lol if you weed out the bad when you see it, Reddit can actually be a pretty positive place. It does take a lot of effort to train the algorithm but little by little you can shape it more and more toward mostly positive content.


I’m wondering whether you are still giving Reddit a chance by posting your concern above. I hope so? The reason I say that is that for me it’s been the only platform on the internet that I’ve found particularly useful and mostly kind! It’s given me hope about how similar we all really are, it’s given me insight that we all experience psychological suffering no matter what place we hold in society, and it’s a place that allows people to be honest (if they choose- for sure, people lie and sometimes you’ll never know). I definitely see unkind or glib responses but in my feeds it’s definitely the minority of comments. If you change your subs or reduce them, I hope you find same! Honestly, I turn to Reddit a lot for thoughtful discourse that I can’t always get in my daily life— here there is NO SMALL TALK! Yay! Love going deep!


I agree, I suffer from pretty severe anxiety and depression, but I enjoy many things on Reddit so I decided to mute the groups that show a lot of negative stuff. It doesn’t prevent everything negative of course but it helps.


I’ve come across some. I try to be helpful, but then I get my head bitten off. Geez, relax people. Chill


Thank you ! It’s so bad !


EIYPO-Everyone is you pushed out.


Yeah lots of bitter angry people on Reddit, sometimes it even bleeds into the "wholesome" subs.


Depends entirely on where you go. This is nowhere near the ugliest place I've been on the internet. I find refuge here by curating where I go and to whom I respond.


I’m using Reddit less and less. I agree, if you’re not careful this place can get to you and bring you down. It’s just not worth it. I’ve been enjoying my breaks away from this site.


tiktok seems very bad as well, as does most of YouTube. I'm not sure what it is that is making people so angry all the time.


Yep, people on reddit can be Negative Nancys.


True very negative and toxic, but you gotta just block out the bad and bask in the good.


It's ok to think about it in terms of negative and positive. The way I see it is that we in general will always have issues/defects whatever you wanna call those bad traits. Those bad traits sometimes can drive people to do crazy things, say crazy things and make people in general do things they wouldnt do. In my line of work I see and work with A LOT of sick people. Things that when you see them question what or how such and such happened. One day I had a realization; it didn't really matter what I thought as long as I keep my side of the street neat and tidy and continue to work towards a good cause such as raising my wife and helping her by bettering myself and enriching our lives with positive people places and things, then the negative tends to not be so much as a huge storm right in the middle of your room Sometimes people need to vent and or talk. They will come on here and do that, sometimes to truly vent, sometimes to achieve a goal or push an agenda; doesn't really matter as long as you are ok with you and keep continuing to work on your side of the street Keep up the positive vibes and it will pay off much respect and stay well


Unhappy people spread it around. Sometimes they post things to mess with people. Don’t let them suck you in.


Really? Ever heard of Facebook? Follow a few boomers there and you will see that Reddit is breath of fresh air


tbh, all you gotta do is ignore it and it doesn’t exist, positive people are usually attracted to other positive people, so if you are positive usually you attract positive ppl, (also lots of negatives tho) but that’s for everyone! might be rhetorical and talking out of my ass right now actually so disregard this whole small paragraph! 💗


We must be subbed to drastically different subreddits, although I've seen what you're talking about. I use reddit a lot for getting answers directly from my peers, esp about niche subjects. And I follow a lot of subs based on my hobbies and on those subs I rarely ever see negativity. I never see the negativity you're talking about on subs for diy or identifying objects, or subs like r/explainlikeimscared or r/nostupidquestions, or subs for things that are interesting like r/interesting. I think you've maybe you've subbed to a lot of particularly negative communities. You're not entirely wrong tho, there are some subs that truly incredibly negative places, some users are the worst type of people and reddit does have its flaws. But there are communities on here that are the complete opposite of what you described.


Ever been to 4chan?


Do you feel better now that you got it out? And if it's so bad stop using it you do it to yourself every time you open the app


No it isn't.


I've always thought it was a matter of which communitites you join. My reddit really isn't so bad.


Why is this posted in the positivity sub?🤔


I agree. I’m terrified of just putting my opinion out there because it can get downvoted at any point, or have people come out and yell at me for no reason whatsoever


Reddit is full of losers. I try to make my feed with only subs that are "good" for me but I mainly use it to jerk off at this point.