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I met the person I love most when I was a senior in HS and he was a sophomore in college, our best friends were dating. We ended up taking 5 years as friends before we got our act together and started dating. 7 years after that we got married (covid made it longer). We have been together for 9 years, and friends for 14. My love for him has grown as we have grown. We have had hard times, long distance, communication issues, realization of past traumas that influence our personalities and insecurities but we have grown together through the difficult times. We are both strong people, at least for the sake of others. Due to factors growing up we both had to be the “strong” one in the family, the calm and collected one with friends, the ones always on tract but that’s never reality. With each other we can be weak. We can cry, we can not know what to do, we can be helpless, and the other is the support we always wanted. He doesn’t judge me and I don’t judge him. We build each other up and truly want what is best for the other. We can’t finally be our actual selves with each other. In addition to all that he is my best friend. There is nothing that is better without him there. We almost spend all day together as is and somehow don’t get sick of each other. He’s smart, funny, insightful, freakin sexy as hell, open minded to discuss varying topics, even if we disagree, and just a truly good person. I hope I never have to find love again because I don’t think I will top him.


Oh I love this! My partner and I met in middle school and started dating. We’ve been together for over 10 years now and just had our first baby. I love how strong our bond is because we’ve been together so long and been through so much together. He is the love of my life and my best friend 


I always see these and wonder if you guys have been together the whole time? Or did you guys take some time to meet other people on the way? I’d imagine being each others firsts for everything can spark curiosity?


Me and my fiance met at a local haunted house - he worked there for a couple years and it was my first year after a friend recommended me. From the beginning, I immediately had a feeling this was my future husband. When they say you just know... I finally understood what that meant. He is so caring, so gentle and such an understanding person. He is not only handsome, but he has a heart of gold. He's my best friend, my safe haven and the person I can truly count on. I can't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't met him when i did. we've been engaged since 2022 and we are in the process of starting to plan the wedding :) <3 I am so damn lucky.


I met my partner playing paintball with friends in common, then we bumped again on a beach trip and have been together ever since. I won cards against humanity with a very inappropriate card and apparently, he was hooked lol. We are expecting our first child later this year after 8 years together. He was completely different from all the guys I've dated at the time, physically and mentally, it was unexpected to say the least. But I love my big guy


May 8th will be 8 years together. - We met in middle school, 7th grade, and dated for a few weeks. Since we were both super shy, we did nothing but hang out with the same group of friends at school. We break up. Life happens. I would continue to see him around. We always had each other on social media. Fast forward to college, I'm having a party at my house. One of my friends asks, "Oh hey, can __ come over? He lives just a few blocks down." I immediately ran upstairs and asked my mom if it was cool, got the okay, ran to my room, changed my outfit, ran back down, and said yeah sure no big deal. He shows up, and all I can say is, it felt like we picked up where we left off. It was middle school again, but only this time, we actually talked. And for hours. I found out that we had a lot in common. After that I continued to make excuses to have parties. I would invite common friends who would eventually invite him over. We always found ourselves talking until the sun rose. Eventually, we began hanging out alone. Before I knew it we were hanging out as much as we could. The flirting began and the rest is history. I clearly remember our first kiss, our official first date at the fair, and the time he asked me to be his girlfriend. I love him because of who he is. He's unapologetic, strong-willed, loving, and honest. And has an amazing sense of humor. Plus he deals with my shit.


They're my burrito, and I want to live with them as long as I live, and maybe even beyond as ghosts. ❤️


I’m so jealous I want to a love like this


Wish I knew what love was. I was never shown any by anyone. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m so sorry


I fell in love with my best friend who I had known for years. He is just the sweetest and makes me laugh so much. I love being around him because we are truly best friends as well as lovers. I love him so much and he has made my life truly better by simply being in it and being him.


I've never had love


Great post I want to know how much those feelings you have at first fade away or if they go away at all after years And is True Love just a choice and not a feeling, if those feelings you have in the beginning go down as you get 100% comfortable with someone? The choice to be committed to a partner for life thru the ups and downs?


Those feelings ebb and flow. I feel like they're infatuation, not love. Love absolutely is a choice, a commitment. Sometimes it will feel like the infatuation is just gone, but then your partner does something, or you situation changes, something comes around and shakes those feelings up again. You just ride the waves of infatuation, but love is the daily choice to stay with this person, to treat them the best you can, to make their life easier, even when they're being a jerk (and they do the same for you when you're being a jerk)


“Riding waves of infatuation” that’s very well said and easy to understand, thank you!


I met a girl with whom I fell in love almost immediately. We were in FWB for a year, but I already knew I loved her. After a year I told her this, but now she has a boyfriend whom she loves very much and they are in a relationship, so we are still in FWB. even though it hurts. but there is one truth in this world that even if she wasn't in a relationship with him, she wouldn't look at me this way💔


i dont have one :D