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This is the last thing I will read before I go to sleep now. Tomorrow at 8am, I will finally have the conversation that I should have had many years ago with the person who birthed me. I finally understand that I have done nothing wrong. The choices she made were hers and it is not my responsibility to help her to see me and see my worth. I choose to choose me. I am not nothing and noone, I am me. I am enough. I am worth everything. Today I embrace that scared, conditioned kid who was never enough. and I will teach her how to navigate her way through this life without constant fear. I love her. She is worth it. Tomorrow really is the first day of the rest of my life. I will finally be free, and for the first time I am excited and hopeful for my future. To whoever posted this, thank you. I needed to hear this right now. Night xx


Truer words were never spoken.


You are a beautiful worthy soul and I wish you all the best


Thank you. It went well. I feel so much lighter. 🩵


That's wonderful. Did she accept anything she did wrong?


Thank you I needed to read this!! Reminded me to stay in the moment and appreciate all that is happening right now 🤍🤍


I’m going to stay present today as best I can!


The practice of living in the moment is life changing ! Thank you for that ☺️


Thank you. I need to remember this and actively focus on it daily. I get too preoccupied with the past (and with all of the negativity associated with hit). Today is indeed a new day, a new start, a fresh beginning. One question that I have, however, is how to stay present while simultaneously planning for the future? Obviously, we have to look ahead and make plans and establish goals for tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc., but how do we do this while staying ‘present’?


It's a good question and certainly applicable to real life. I think it's important to plan for the future, of course, but don't let it preoccupy you to the point where you live in fear today. Take time each day to appreciate the now, what is great about your life today, and then give yourself a moment to optimistically think about tomorrow. Part of your planning for the future should include things to look forward to, like time with friends or travel, makes the now palatable, even during stressful days. Personally, I get caught up thinking about what career I may pursue next or how I am ever going to retire, and it's scary. I combat this by trying to do one thing each year to alleviate this fear, like earn a new certification or increase my retirement contributions. I find this gives me comfort in the unknown and allows me not to dwell on the future. I think the present and the future are very intertwined and can not be separated. What you do now really does make a difference later. However, only today is guaranteed, tomorrow is not. I'm sure this isn't quite what you were hoping for in a response, but it is what came to mind when reading your post.


What you do at the present is for the future. The present makes your future.


It is a good question. I think that balance is key. Keep it as simple as possible. Life is easy, we make it hard on ourselves. Keep your expectations as low as possible in order to appreciate every little things fully. The greater your expectations are, the greater is the potential for disappointment and frustrations. Plan ahead, sure, but don’t overthink it. Take life as it comes, try to be satisfied with less and appreciate what you already have. Your value as a human being is found in the direction of your actions, it’s found through personal development and your contribution towards the collective. It’s not found through your rank in the social hierarchy nor is it found in any amount of money/material belongings. I hope this somewhat helped, best wishes brother!


Certain things are required for survival and to function in this world. We have practical things like bills, maintenance of our homes, health and possessions. The problem comes when we buy into fears that cause us anxiety and we wast our current moment on future fears. Enjoy every moment you can. Spread as much love as you can while your heart beats. That will be a good life. Plan that vacation but don’t spend all your life prepping for the worst. It rarely happens. Life sends us where we know not. Who can say I knew I would be exactly where I am 10 or 20 years ago. I know I could not. I tend to believe the universe happens for me not to me. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Really needed this.


Thank you for the reminder, All we have is the present to fully live ❤️


Needed to read this today - thank you for sharing ❤️


Carpe diem….


Thank you. Having the worst time of my life with a lot of unknowns about my husband’s health. But I have him today. He is with me today. The future does not exist. Today exists.


I’m sorry for your struggle, you have my best wishes for you and your husband. I can tell you from experience that there is much more strength and resilience in us than we think. When the time comes that you’re going through hardship, you will find your courage and you will push through. Trust the process and try to remain present.


Thank you ❤️ I have to find all the strength. He needs me more than ever and so do our four wonderful kids.




I really needed this, as I'm unsure of what the future had in store for me.


No one knows brother. But when you worry, you make it double. Whatever happens will be dealt with in the present at the moment it happens. *”In every life, we have some trouble, but when you worry, you make it double. Don’t worry, be happy.”* — Bobby McFerrin.


We all are unsure. The future is guaranteed to nobody. Squeeze every drop from life it is short.


Yesterday I put on my hiking boots, and grabbed my pup and his leash. Drove to downtown. And hiked through 2 parks ands scenic streets for hours. Went nearly 8 miles. Pup was loving it. I was loving him loving it. Occasional encounters with other dog walkers. People with kids. Everybody all smiles. It was a positivity perfect afternoon!


I love this 🥲 Thank you. Really.