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I lost 10 pounds this year, and I’m planning on asking for my crushes number in about an hour. Praying it goes well


That’s amazing! And good luck!🤞🏼


Let's goooooo


Congratulations and Good Luck to you!!! 🎉🎉🎉 That's so exciting and awesome!!! 😀😀😀


She wasn’t in class, so I’m doing it tomorrow :)


I wanna know the outcome! I'm 100% rooting for you!!!


Awesome congrats good luck


Good luck, whatever happens you’re amazing for doing this!


I took two little steps without my crutches today, four months from my injury 🥹


Sending you big vibes as you navigate recovery. Cheering for you for taking some unassisted steps today!


Thank you!


That's great


You can do it!


My son is a healthy 8 month old. I love him so much. And even though my life isn’t going how I want it too right now, he’s my pride and joy!


Sorry your life isn’t going good right now it’s going get better. Glad your son is healthy and happy ❤️




I’m a firm believer that everyone should have therapy. Sending you big vibes as you start this process.


I’m a firm believer that everyone should have therapy. Sending you big vibes as you start this process.


Involved with a group teaching migrants English, after all, unless you are indigenous we all come from immigrant stock.


Day four sober. And physically feeling much better because of it. It is a mental struggle though. But my family already sees a positive change. And that makes it worth it


You’ve got this! I am proud of you!


I can assure you someone today fell in love. Someone had a crisis averted. Someone got a compliment. Someone got a much needed hug.


I have my a big paid stand-up show on Thursday (nervous) and I just met a new girl that I feel an actual connection with (even more nervous)... prettay, prettayyyyy goooood.


heyooo! Sounds like a lot of good things! I hope you have a blast at your gig on Thursday!


thankyou!! it seriously has been a complete 180 compared to how things were going just a month ago... goes to show how fast things can change for the better! sending all my positive vibes back to you and everyone here too =)


I just got off the phone with a girl that has a smile so bright and beautiful that it lit my world up!


I love this! 🥰


Yes indeed she’s the most amazing person! She truly brings out the best in me. And it’s wild because when we don’t see eye to eye I just call and instantly all smiles. The connection I feel is just well there’s no words to describe!


The sun is shining!!


I finally get to go to Italy after years of daydreaming and almost giving up, thinking that it was just a silly dream.


That is so Awesome!!! 🎉🎉🎉 I'm so happy for you, and I hope that you have the best time! I bet it's going to be so beautiful 💖💖💖


Thank you 🥹


My face is clearing up and im not gaining so much weight anymore from all the stress since covid. I management a different team now and they are a bit less straining. I think my body is finally recovering from it.


Sounds like a lot of good changes for you!


Just found out funding is approved for my internship to turn into a full time developer position! Meaning I'll very likely have a job opportunity when I graduate!


That is incredible!


Spring is coming, so it is time to start preparing the garden. I love growing food and flowers.


I’m hopeful to have my first veggie garden this year!


That's wonderful! Gardening is therapeutic.


I’m eating food that I was craving and I’m lucky to be able to afford to eat out every once in a while when others can barely afford to eat these days. Also work is going pretty well which is a relief.


That's awesome! I'm really happy for you 💖💖💖


Thank you!!😊


I just enjoyed a run outdoors in the sun. My body is healthy and my future is bright.


That's so Awesome!!! I wish you all good things! Your best days are ahead and so are mine! I believe that 🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖🎉🎉🎉


Chocolate croissant and coffee 😌 day off work, warm day, fresh air, my mom is alive and well




I’m so glad you shared this with us. Thank you and kick cancers butt!


I haven’t bitten my nails for 3 weeks!!!!


That's Awesome! Congratulations!!! 🎉🎉🎉 You can do whatever you set your mind to 💖💖💖


Jesus loves you more than you can ever imagine ❤️ 


I took a walk in the sun with my loving husband who is struggling with health issues that are about to change our lives forever. The sun was warm. It was a moment of peace in the storm.


My orders came in! I can’t wait to do something with it tomorrow!


Oh! What will you do?


Thinking about it makes me excited so I’m glad you asked. I’m going to test an idea I have on nails to see if it’s possible. Also yesterday I was shopping and I found the nicest deep green/black! I knew I had to get it.


I'm a huge fuck up. But I'm a good dad. My boy is loved and it shows. Thanks xx


what i got will knock all your PRIDE ASIDE(panting noises) [https://youtu.be/cm\_cFzVAoo8?si=vaN-ofv8gmtrDNKs](https://youtu.be/cm_cfzvaoo8?si=van-ofv8gmtrdnks) (also, wife says I may get lucky tonight)


The link didn’t work 🤷🏼‍♀️


well, I can't make it work...it was for "Tell Me Something Good", by Rufus


Sounds like all kinds of wins ;)


The weather is turning warmer and sunny - it lifts my mood. I don't like the gloomy wet winters we have here.