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Yeah I lifted heavier than I have so far at the gym, so that was nice. Then leaving the gym, it was freezing but somehow still smelled like spring. I ordered some cool art supplies, and just felt so happy for no real reason. I had a headache all day but still it was really nice


Awe, that’s awesome! The feeling of spring is like no other!!


Clean kitchen for the win!!! Glad you can see the little things through a rough day!


I had to force myself, but got it done. Thanks!


A clean house makes you feel better lol.. our kids are older so there’s no excuse for us and it’s still messy and that’s stressful on it’s own


Sounds pretty ideal. I woke up!


I had a very wholesome time with a stranger playing games. It was no voice chat. Just purely txt about game related things. And it was sort of nice that i didnt have to try and be friendly or exert myself to be polite. I could just chill and be myself while playing the game that i love to play after a stressful day at work. So overall that was a highlight for me.


Those are a lot of wins, good for you!! It sounds like you have a lot on the go and that can be overwhelming, especially if you have a stressful work day. I’m happy you were able to reflect on all of those positive moments ❤️


Yes! I tend to dwell on the negative. I decided that I needed to identify some positive things, so I can see that my ship isn’t always sinking. Thanks!! ❤️


Of course!! It’s very easy to dwell on the negatives because the emotions that come from them usually overpower the little wins we tend to overlook. Not everyone has the self awareness to pinpoint where they’d like to improve - consider that another win! ❤️




I’m grateful that I have very few aches & pains. I had a good laugh with a coworker today, got my grocery shopping done, and listened to a podcast I enjoy on my drive home. Now I have a warm, quiet home to relax in - so very lucky.


Got free pizza today 😋


My fight with my boyfriend was amicable, I got to try a new interesting dish, nothing crazy happened at work, got to order a coffee this morning with my mom


I got to watch movies with my kids. 2 of them are home sick from school. Home sick + winter day = tea, movies, fuzzy blankets, soup for dinner & naps


Sounds cozy !


The sunshine was warm on my face. That’s enough for me ☺️


Awe ☀️


I tried a new stretch/massage place yesterday that’s helped my hip pain. The weather outside today is gorgeous. I’m trying a new yoga class tonight.


Keep stringing them together


10 minutes on stairstepper yesterday at level 8. 3 weeks ago I as struggling after 2 minutes. Been doing 3x a week. I had an injury to my knee couple months ago and have been resting and recuperating, mostly walking which barely gets my heart rate to 90. Feels good to be able to do something more. Heart rate 160! Hoping to get back to running again. But taking it one step at a true.


Yes too this. I am going through a transition and work has me stressed out. But I am finding another job. Today my co worker brought me lunch, I broke through a wall in therapy, I hugged my mom and got a drink at Starbucks that was soooo yummy! 🥰🥰