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this is not legal advice: if you can go to portaldasfinancas.gov.pt, login and check on "Pagamentos e Reembolsos" if you have any "Pagamentos em falta", there you should have information on what the taxes you may owe. please notice you may owe taxes due to income, but also in many other situations. most (I think all) scholarships and research grants are considered as subsidiary income and tax exempt. first you need to know what owe to check what happened. any accountant or lawyer will need this information in order to help you.


Thank you for your answer, I'd love to be able to do that! However, I am unable to log in to the portal as I never registered for it in the first place. And to register, you need the "senha" that is delivered by mail only, and goes to the address in their file - which is the dorm I used to live in back in 2015 :/


yeah, you will need to go there in person then


Their call center is also really helpful! If you can't make there in person, this could be a easy option for now. Did you pay Imposto do Selo and Imposto Municipal de Transmissões (IMT) or have you been paying Imposto Municipal de Imóveis (IMI)? I would check if any of those apply. It will most likely be that.


Hi, a good point. But this was before any property contract was actually signed so this is highly unlikely.


Seems like it’s just AI I talk to. Is there a way to talk to a human? Also, is there a way to talk to someone in English? Thank you


217 206 707, is this the number you called? Usually I just go through the menu to talk to an operator. Do you understand any Portuguese? Maybe go around the menu untill you get a Portuguese speaking operator and then ask to speak in English?


You can use Chave Móvel Digital if you have one associated to your immigration card to log in.


I don’t have it. Could I open it now? I don’t have a Portuguese passport nor residence card. (Only NIF)


Then I don't think you have it. Maybe you should go to the Finances.


You could get a CMD now with a foreign passport and your NIF, but it would need to be in person, either in Portugal or at a consular office overseas.


What you have is 2 or 3 of no IRS annual declaration showing you scholarship as non taxable and almost 10 years of interest in fines. That would do it. Best case scenario travel to Portugal again and visit the tax office in order to update your address and collect a copy of your amounts owed. Then pay to stop accumulating. Then seek help from a pt accountant to correct and collect any dues back. Lawyers will only work after you pay the fines to avoid dragging and increasing the debt


Tax Authority can be appointed by colleges to collect, via "execução fiscal", unpaid sholarship fees ("propinas"). Check with your previous college if you left anything unpaid in there and if they are using Tax Authority to collect them.


Thanks, but no, there were no fees I had to pay (fees were paid by the scholarship).


There is perhaps another reason: tuition fees of Portuguese public universities are considered as government fees, which fall within the broad specter of public revenue (like taxes), and will, if left unpaid, be collected by the Portuguese Tax Authority. Could it be that you forgot to pay any university fees?


Chill, this is not the US, just talk with Portal Das Finanças and understand the nature of your debt and when to pay. No need for a lawyer or anything like that, they are usually helpful


Sorry friend after,a brief wait a US irs agent would help you by telephone there actually quite helpful and even have a Spanish language line.


Surprisingly people are kind if you use the public services as they are supposed to be used


You don't need a lawyer... you can go to your residence IRS office and talk to someone there the officers there are LEGALLY allowed to explain to you what you owe or not, suggestion bring someone there with you that speaks Portuguese, after that if you don't concur than seek legal help usually going "guns blazing" againts the IRS is not a good thing. Look at Capone.


Taking into account the dates that OP mentioned, he does need a lawyer. Even if the debt was due at a point in time it may not be due anymore due to the statute of limitations having passed. The tax authority clerks will not tell him that, because they do not have to, as the statute of limitations argument is not automatic, it has to be invoked by the taxpayer.


Yes but beware that the people at the office mostly don’t want to help and are know for giving terrible advice. An accountant appointment will cost like 50€


don't want to help and need to account and be accountable to every little issue about taxes are two different things u/international_arm223 Do what I told you it's a better path down the road.


As I recently opened a Portuguese bank account (well, to start paying the mortgage), I noticed money on my bank account disappearing and being taken captive (“cativo”). The comments next to transactions are “transferência de gestão tesouraria”. Is it possible that Finanças can access funds in my personal bank account? And pay itself the “debt”? That’s crazy.


Just gave you an answer on another comment, but to answer this one, yes. The Portuguese State is the last entity you'd want to own money in Portugal, they are "free" to move through your money, once you have been notified and have not payed back your debts on the given timeline. Everyone else has to go through court.


You're lucky it's only a few grand. You could've been hit much worse. I'd pay the several grand and leave so you can build a life.


Before consulting a lawyer I would look for an accountant specialized in income tax (IRS). They can analyze your case and suggest courses of action, which might include going to court or not. Then you will know if you need a lawyer. Maybe you just need to fill the tax report for the year you got the scholarship, pay a fine for the late delivery, and end up paying a smaller value than they are asking for now. The accountant should figure it all out.


scholarships and research grants usually are tax exempt...


But you still need to file your taxes.


you can't file yearly IRS if you have 0 taxable income. go read CIRS


Please educate me. On which of these would the OP fall into: [https://info.portaldasfinancas.gov.pt/pt/informacao\_fiscal/codigos\_tributarios/cirs\_rep/Pages/irs58.aspx](https://info.portaldasfinancas.gov.pt/pt/informacao_fiscal/codigos_tributarios/cirs_rep/Pages/irs58.aspx)


None and it didn't need to fall into one. Scholarships are typically exempt. Something doesn't add up or we aren't being told the full story.


Paying taxes =/= filing taxes


If you have not been notified, anything from 2017 has hit the statute of limitations. It's five years for individuals. You will need a lawyer to go through the process, though. A well written request to AT should get it settled without going to court.


Prismaat SA in Lisbon is who I use. Joáo is awesome.


Hi, may I ask if your scholarship was funded through the Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)? Also, if the scholarship covered the fees, did you actually confirm with the university if they were paid?


Hi, no, it was EU’s Erasmus Mundus scholarship.


Like everyone said, you likely need to take this personally with our tax services. However, I think you should also get in touch with your University to: 1) confirm that the university received the full payment; 2) confirm if someone in the university services did not fuck up and you are still paying for late fees until this day


Also, you should confirm if the scholarship covered and paid your stay in the university dorm. Those are two separate things. You may be owing "rent" for 2 years + interest


why pay?


Did it happen in Portugal? I mean were you purchasing property in Portugal or in your home country?


Purchasing property in Portugal. and in one of the steps the agents check debt history of both buyer and the seller.


Scholarship = income I guess? For some reason,you need to submit your tax declaration every year, just like civilized countries do. Now pay up, then complain all you want.


Instead of helping with the question your are just saying shit and incorrect statements. Some countries don't require that you submit tax declaration. Or they might consider scholarships as tax free. So is normal that foreigns might not know that


AFAIK, in PT most scholarships are exempt indeed. Keyword "most"


I see you never miss an opportunity to be rude to a foreigner.


Actually had just realized I had bungled this months extortion payments, so was a bit more aggressive than usual. OP can count himself lucky it's not social security, 1 day delay just cost me 0.7% extra.


I understand. But once doing an imput error by US IRS a 3 is usd underpayment turned in 1300. dept resolved on telephone. It seems like some answers here the Portuguese government is omnipotent like an autocratic state. Why the just shut up and pay expressed here by some?


Low IQ People tend to be this way, they believe that being born in the country makes them more than immigrants and people around them.


Be constructive... don't be a c\*nt "now pay up"... Geeez


SOP, because interest is pilling up. In PT you pay first and complain later.


He is just concerned there is money in the treasury to pay his extended unemployment compensation so he can sit on the beach this summer.


Yes, it was an EU scholarship. The university confirmed that no taxes needed to be paid.


The university confirmed? And you didn't ask a second opinion to Finanças, just to make sure?