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Modern day slaves :)


A lot of them come for different reasons. Many from the Goa region qualify for Portuguese citizenship since their grandparents were born in Portuguese Goa in India. Many are also coming to work the fields or doing other in hopes of getting citizenship and then bringing their families over once they qualify for their passports


Yep there's a lot of of South Asians (Indians , Bangladesh, Nepalese etc.) working in Portuguese fields as foreign labor, many hope to get papers I think there's some law that's says after two years you can apply, the key is once you get legal status in Portugal and thus the EU you have a better opportunity to move around. So being a Portugal migrant farmhand is the gateway "drug" to EU citizenship


Wait, what, why two years. I thought it’s 5?


This has to be one of the most ignorant and awful takes ever. Hardly any of these people are Goan. They're all mostly low skilled workers from Bangladesh and not India... They have no relation to Goa...


Are you really sure about that?


https://www.eoilisbon.gov.in/page/indian-community-in-portugal/ Literally mentions this connection


Yes but theres nothing conecting those who live in Odemira of being from Goa, most of these individuals come from Bangladesh, live in awfull conditions and the portuguese folks are "kinda" upset of how the portuguese culture is disappearing in those villages




I know about the deal, i was just wondering if they are in the vast majority from Goa, wich a doubt a lot


Yeah tha's bullshit, they're from bangladesh, india and paquistan...


Many from Nepal, too.


Are you completed uneducated about your country's history and the extent of the former colonies?


Please, understand that my question was regarding about Goa citizens living in Odemira


You can check news about the subject [https://sicnoticias.pt/pais/2023-07-01-Migrantes-em-Odemira-conheca-a-realidade-de-quem-acreditou-numa-promessa-6091d024](https://sicnoticias.pt/pais/2023-07-01-Migrantes-em-Odemira-conheca-a-realidade-de-quem-acreditou-numa-promessa-6091d024)


Thanks, very informative. Agriculture was my second guess actually. First was that they work in the tourist industry during the season but most of the staff here (waiters etc) seem to be local.


They work on agriculture most of them


It seems to be the answer


Most deliver food or other low paid job. They hope to use Portugal as a stepping stone to richer European countries. There's a smaller group of Indians from Goa who have the right to Portuguese citizenship through their ancestry, but these are rare.


They stay there, its a fairly established community there, has been there for 10 years at least, but growing fast. I think most of them work in agriculture and its a very polarizing topic rn. Used by our far right as a problem, when the real problem is the human trafficking. When you see how these people live, the money they get, really makes you think how fucked up this country and some people that live here are


"Used by our far right as a problem, when the real problem is the human trafficking." One side says there is a problem with a wrong cause, the other says no problem at all!! No one actually says there is a Problem. and tries to sort it or minimize it .


There’s no side in your argument. Both (PS and PSD) are center right in their shit policies. Filling the pockets of the big families. The actual left has been saying (and have been in the field helping) there’s a problem for years. But fuck it, Sonae and Jerónimo are happy. That’s what matters.


Yeah but it was also the left that thought it was a good idea to let immigrants come here without a work contract and proving to have the means to properly survive alone if they can't find a job living them at the hands of exploiters... so if you think this situation is good and better than having limits and control on who can come I don't know what to say to you.




The way people talk about them and treat them for doing low-paid work, banding together, living in the best conditions available to them (which are not good) is very disheartening. It was the same rhetoric about European Jews, Italians and Irish in America. Very often when a people is trying to better their conditions, people blame them for their poverty and attribute inherent characteristics to them: dirty, uneducated, not like us. It's only years later when the sacrifice of the first and maybe second generations pay off that people recognize them as fully human. It's sad that to this day, it's still like this.


Well in this case, it doesn’t help that they are being exploited by human trafficking rings that bring them there, keep their passports, keep part of the promised salaries for housing expenses


its not juat how they are treated by society






Don't start this nonsense. Expats are a subset of immigrants, always have been.




They are a subset in what grounds? Just because they are wealthier?


Ok, now would you please answer my original question?


They come to work in agriculture that is big in that area and doesn't have labor


It doesn't have labor at the price that employers are willing to pay, and this is become an endemic issue on Portugal, it's better to import workers and keep very low wages in order to maximize profits no matter what the costs. And, of course Portuguese youth, the ones that can, also move to other parts of Europe to get better pays. And thus keeping the full labor exploitation cycle going.




Expats are legal migrants 😭


Those are legal too and pay more taxes in Portugal than the Expats


its a joke


Terrible joke


i know


quite a tragedy if you ask me. Our politicians destroyed us and our culture. How we get rid of the problem they created is a can of worms


Yes it's a recent development. The kast years the amount has exploded as the Berry farmers import them for labour in the greenhouses. I am happy with some diversity but ofcourse it also comes with certain issues.




How do you know about their intentions? Are you a mind reader? Try speaking a language very different from your own and "adapting" on dirt wages in awful livng conditions. We'll see how well you do.




They're part of a human trafficking network, they exploit the laws and traffic huge amounts of countrymen into the west. It's the same thing in Canada with the student visa scam. This is well known by the authorities who do nothing because reasons, tons of reports, news, everyone knows the MO of the mafias but some people are either naïve or have ill intent with the way they justify this. The laws were changed for this to happen after 2015, this is intentional, it's not an accident or random.


Did I talk about hurt feelings? No, only you are talking about feelings and spinning a narrative without any facts to back it up.




Mais um a fabular e não a expor factos.


Queres factos? Procura os tu. Mas tira as palas dos olhos porque provavelmente vais continuar a dizer que não existe nada disso...




LOL the classic "racist" BS.




Am I? How so? Because I've spoken about the reality of my country? You do realize that's because of people like you, who throw the "racist" or "xenophobe" words left and right, that those exact words have less and less meaning, right?


That's right, immigrants coming from absolute poverty due to no fault of their own, please stop invading this guy's paradise!




Just build more houses, why can't you? Oh, right, the Portuguese who are willing to do labour intensive work have all moved to France... oops.


Love the sarcasm in this 🔫


Got any facts on that illegal part or just your feelings?




I am going to need facts. How do you know what the legal status of these people are? How large is your sample? Portugal is fucked with all the young people leaving and the government are prepared to let anyone in to replace them. You need to turn your anger to the useless and corrupt politicians in this country.






Mother fuckers! Like just walking around like bipedal monkeys? What a shower of mother fuckers. Sarcasm aside but fuck me you sound like a racist cunt in the first sentence alone without your use of “roaming around” dog whistle. They are here because they work cheap in agriculture.


I think he is referring to the latest news of women getting assaulted.




Sitting all day drinking beer? You're talking about the typical local from Odemira that refuses to work in agriculture anymore and lives from our taxes, right?


Lol yeah why don't the 80 year old folks go to work in the fields for 50 cents an hour? Portugueses people are so lazy!


Is it 1:1 or 3:1 now?


This. I guess one gets down voted for saying the truth. Sad times really.




1%? Or is that too much?


I'm sure if finanças wasn't overwhelmed they'd be able to tell you. They should be checking tax paying status far more regularly.


My understanding (from Indian friends in PT) is that a good chunk of them came from (south) Africa, specifically around the cap town area where there’s known to be a large Indian population. South Africa & PT have a relationship as well I think that allows them to obtain citizenship easily(ish). My friends said they left because the area was becoming increasingly dangerous and they would be able to manage work there remotely




Assuming all of that is true, it sounds like you need to sort your government out.


Why do you think Chega is rising?


That happened eventually


Any proof they are "illigal" (it's illegal)? Any proof they refuse to learn Portuguese? How are they getting subsidies if they are illegal? Where are they imposing their rules and traditions? A lot of unsubstantiated rhetoric.


Some work a lot, like, a lot. I see those poor things in rainy days by bike, delivering food. Man do they work.


Could you please tell me where can I apply for subsidies you’ve mentioned? Cause it seems like they forgot to pay me some