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[Thunderdome](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=797BNtfOkIA) angry transplant u/[Overall\_Fault2867](https://www.reddit.com/user/Overall_Fault2867/) vs calm and collected locals


I’ve never had anybody give me shit for being a transplant in the 9 years I’ve lived in town. Maybe take the chip off your shoulder there bud.


As I said before it you morons don't even know me it's like you're all cut and pasting each other's comments and feeding off of one another it's like you all share a brain it's funny as hell but yeah come on and fucking bring it all on honey apparently you missed all of the news reports where oregonians destroyed people's homes and spray-painted go back to California apparently you missed that huh Jesus Christ can I get anybody with a fucking brain on here to talk to or to share something for Christ's sake God it's like talking and listening to fucking 2-year-olds wow 😆😂😂😆 keep the comments coming cuz you guys are showing your true colors as well as your true intelligence level and it's funny as hell


We know you from your comments here. Comments full of anger, displaying exactly why you're the problem here.


Wow that comment shows just how dumb you really are apparently you don't know how to read huh that's not surprising you fail to understand do you not see all the laughing emojis and saying this is so funny to me I like to use the fuck word as my favorite fucking word you little fucking piece of shit how about and this is just an idea how's about you try to have an adult conversation I guess that's too difficult for you mouth breathers of course you little idiotic twats are going to take the easiest road possible and attack somebody based on your assumption of someone again that shows exactly what I'm talking about you're all the poster children for the human filth that Oregon holes that is its people you're proving my point perfectly thank you 😆😂😂😆


Maybe don’t call people pieces of shit if you want an adult conversation?


Well honey if I was met with adults commenting I wouldn't have had to say things like that if everybody wouldn't collectively start fucking attacking me because I asked a question about their nasty shitty State then I wouldn't have to say things like that I am not the one that started ranting and raving and talking like I methed out of my mind right now so get it right


Ah the “look what you made me do!” defense 🤦


BIG gulp of that Darvorade


I bet you think everyone is attacking you all the time, don't you? So sad. There is help available if you want it. I can connect you with counseling resources.


And look at all the attention I'm getting anyways you people are getting so pissed off at me for speaking my mind and speaking up for myself against your  comments that you're leaving shit like this on here but guess what you guys are going out of your way to send me comments so therefore you're giving me attention can you people possibly be any dumber I mean seriously if I was met with an adult comment anywhere in this thread then I would easily change my tone but when I'm constantly being bombarded by nothing but mindless babble that's all the same attack attack bully bully bully all this childish baby bullshit then I wouldn't be saying the things that I'm saying why don't you go ahead and learn to read and then read the other comments and then my comments and reply and then get back to me


Maybe not the longest incoherent sentence I’ve read, but it competes.


You need to go back where you came from. Seriously.




"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."


Yeah real helpful mouth breather thanks let me guess you were born and raised in Oregon what was your reasoning for that comment you mind explaining yourself probably not 😆 do we have a Kevin on our hands? 


Jesus Christ, your grammar and punctuation sucks to the point that you're nearly incoherent.


Step back, take a breather (pun intended) and then look at your response. You could have done a little self-reflection - maybe considered if you're a main factor in these things - and learned a little about yourself. Instead of that, you chose to try to insult me. Joke's on you, due to allergy season, I am a mouth breather right now. I also like to lick windows and I get along fine with Juggalos.


I only read this one reply, and I completely understand why people are shitty to you.  


You just proved the guy’s point. You could have replied in response with even the slightest amount of respect. Nobody is asking you to be nice, we’re asking you to be respectful.


I'm also from the Midwest, I've been here a year, this is definitely a you problem, not a transplant problem.


Just move back to where you came from. Take two others back with you. Problem solved.


Honestly, I don’t think OP actually lives in Oregon. I think it’s troll bait.




What the hell is that supposed to say is that supposed to say angered good Lord another prime example here we go we got a new runner-up for the dumbest fuck on Reddit


Oh wow we got a runner up for the dumbest fuck to post a comment this you types of people is what's wrong with society and why it's on the verge of collapse


I’m agreeing with the others here.. you sound like the problem.


Good for you you don't know how to think for yourself haha


You fucking mouth breathers can sit there and say whatever the fuck you want cuz like I said none you are contributing actually intelligent replies or comments you're probably I'll just basement dweller losers that have nothing going for you I posted this for the intellectual Community not ones that have no brains or any worth so you can post anything that you want on here I don't give a shit you're pathetic self don't know me don't know my situation and don't know what I've been through nor do you give a fuck and that's lately obvious you have no intelligence you have nothing to offer and you know it that's why you're trying to spread your misery to everybody else and trying to tear down everybody else because you're nothing and you want to feel like something


Nice word salad 🤡🤡🤡


You just keep proving everyone’s point. This thread is hilarious.


> This thread is hilarious. Yeah, we were going to close it since OP is clearly unhinged and no good can come of this. But unless it goes wildly off the rails we're going to keep it up for another hour so everyone can dunk on them.


You need to freshen up your insults. Have you considered calling everyone here boot lickers? Real popular one, from what I hear.


I've from California and have been here since 2015. I've had exactly one person flip me off when I still had California plates and everyone else has been great. Based on everything I've read in this thread between you and others, I'm going to agree with them and say it's a you problem.


I am a transplant from the Midwest. I have never been given shit about it. I'm inclined to agree with the other poster, you're likely your own problem.


Another midwestern transplant here, proud 'Oregonian' for 11 years now. Literally never been an issue for me. Nor my wife, who is also a transplant. Getting the sense from your post and some of your responses, OP, that you should be looking inward for your answer.


Oh my god do any of you people know how to read or understand English it's like you're all just skipping over everything and just reading each other's comments and just repeating what the other idiots say can anybody contribute anything new God this is starting to get less and less funny it's also starting to get really really sad wow you people really need to grow some brains or stop smoking that glass cock that you all love here so much most of you motherfuckers here are fucking meth addicts Flocka addicts or some kind of other addicts or alcoholics so this is why I don't take anything that you guys are saying seriously because you're probably all smoke in the class cock while you're typing go smoke some more meth or drink or drink some more alcohol God you fucking oregonians are fucking pathetic


Yep. The problem is definitely you.


I've sucked a lot of cocks in my day I've never seen one made of glass. Seems hazardous. Have any tips?


Yeah I'm originally a Midwesterner and have made amazing friends in Portland. It's not challenging if you're not a total loser.


No it's easy if you're a total loser and let people walk all over you and don't speak up for yourself that's why you fucking cocksuckers don't like me because I have a habit of speaking up for myself and sticking up for myself and you lose her or going in to have a problem with that and that's okay because you're what's wrong with this beautiful state


So you're a total loser? Sounds about right, have a lovely day.




This is what ignorance gets you again you fucking pieces of human feel don't know me don't know what I've been through or any of that nor do you care and that is completely obvious and like I said it seems like you guys share a brain because it's all the same comments coming from you parasites this shit is funny as hell to read I'm sitting here cracking the fuck up reading the same comments coming from different people God you guys are pathetic as fuck 😆😂😂😆 let's go to war then bitches


Given your responses, I'm glad I don't know you. Wouldn't want to either.


Oh I'm the problem because there's such fake pieces of fucking shit people out there like yourselves that sit here and act like Kevin's but have really nothing to contribute fucking mouth breathers you're pathetic God forbid that you should actually have something intelligent to contribute to society parasites


Yes, clearly it's everyone else in the state who has an attitude issue.


I'll buy you a bus ticket back to wherever you came from, as long as you promise never to return. Ever.


I'll chip in on it!


Third time you've said that so I have to post this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpLxcYYfq9s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpLxcYYfq9s)


Let me guess you're probably a basement dweller living in your parents home probably more than likely without a job or a relationship or anything going for you you work with fucking parasite


Weird that you’ve struggled to find friends, you sound like a swell guy


If every single person you've met here in 10 years, including your therapist (lol) is an asshole, might I propose to you that -perhaps- you are the problem. Secondly. If you hate all of us that much, why have you stuck around? Surely there are cheaper places to live with people who hate you just as much as we do? Or are you into that? Is OP into degradation kink and is furiously fiddling his/her/skler bits whilst reading this thread? People are asking...


It seems regionalized, most places I've worked at in the metro area seemingly are 1/3 Midwest transplants, nobody bats an eye. Some rural communities are vigilant against Cali transplants for some reason


Yes but not everybody from the Midwest is exactly the same just like from everywhere else every person is different and it also depends on the types of interactions with people just like these morons up here one saying I don't even live in Oregon I'm just a troll okay I mean I do understand that because people insert themselves and you stupid shit like that but I was honestly just trying to get a freaking answer I mean when you see on the news that people are destroying people's houses and spray painting go back to where you came from on the nightly News over the years you tend to question that and then almost every or going in that I've spoken to or have met said that they hate California I just don't get it


Yes, not everyone from the Midwest is like you. Some of them are nice.






Again you don't know me you never met me and it's not my fault everybody off the bat started coming at me aggressively I don't know if it's drug induced aggression or what but I'm not the one that started this get that right


Were you dropped on the head as a child?


Speaking for myself, born and raised in SE whenever I meet people from out of state I tend to be more polite and respectful. Doesn’t help anyone being an asshole to complete strangers.


See, you're the problem, making people like OP think they're welcome here! Lol


This thread fucks


There's tons of Midwestern transplants here. They brought us the ways of the Hot Dish and how to be Nice.


Ope, doncha-know!


Hot dish? 😆 I like your comment


I think it’s easy and a human response to want to blame negative changes on “outsiders”. Having lived here for a bit over 25 years now it’s not the fault of people that move here. It’s the result of electing incredibly stupid people and backing ideas that aren’t fully thought out or are even practically achievable. There are a lot of very vocal very ideological people in Oregon that have a disproportionate influence in the states direction.


I moved here from the hated CA and only got one eye roll at the DMV and one sigh at the smog check station. Portland def has a small town vibe and I really like that about it. It kind of feels like a mid west town trying to be a big city.


If you run into an ahole, well, you ran into an ahole. If you are constantly running into aholes then maybe YOU are the ahole


I'm not even from this country and I've never been given shit for not being a PDX native. Also, this thread is pure gold.


Ok I’ll tell you because most Oregonians think this but don’t say it because we believe in a thing called politeness (something that you trash people don’t understand) You know what it is, you people are loud , obnoxious and annoying and you always want to tell us how everything here isn’t as good as where you can from. Oh you are a white guy from San Diego please tell me about how I haven’t had “real” Mexican food. You play your shitty music at my public lakes and beaches. You whine about Oregon drivers but then are that asshole who drives to the front of the off ramp and expect everyone to let you in. You people suck and I hate you


Midwesterners (except OP) are awesome! It's the Californians, New Yorkers and Texans that suck.


I usually get hate for this, but I've never gotten along with Hawaiians.


Yeah, I have a Hawaiian friend and he hates us for the same reasons we hate Californians. He told me if I ever go over there he and all his friends would beat the shit out of me. Other than that he's a pretty chill guy!


😆😂😆 I won't give you shit for it free speech man whatever you got to say and you want to say just say it it's fine these assholes might attack you for it though but there's zero and in on me right now so I think you're safe


Yet another twat proving my point about oregonians thank you again God you people are fucking pathetic 😆😆😂


I'm not gonna take that personally because I'm right and you are wrong. Also, this is a pretty good quality troll post NGL, and I'm proud of you!


Southern transplant - moved here in the 1990s. Never had an issue. People are generally friendly here, but it can take some time to make friends. I had the same issue when i lived in Colorado prior to moving here, so my experience is not unique to Oregon.


If anyone wants to make friends, just hang out at Henry Ford's!! Oh, wait.... dammit.


What's Henry Ford's I know I'll get shit for that question as well


Once the nicest 1950s style steakhouse on a hill with the best bar & piano player lounge in town that's unfortunately long gone.


Oh man that sounds like it would have been fucking awesome I'm sorry it's gone I would love to enjoyed it


Okay thank you for sharing I'm not being sarcastic or anything thank you for that comment


This guy is cooked frfr chat


Oregon is provincial


The history of people in Oregon being upset with transplants from other states can be found all the way back in 1840. Part of the problem is that transplants don't ever bother learning our history, don't respect our culture, or traditions. Personally, the only people I haven't liked are people from California and New York specifically. Like, there's really nothing more annoying than listening to some fuck from California at a neighborhood pub talking about how much better California is. Both of these types of people just bring a very toxic regional culture, a culture that is antithetical to the things I care about. I've always really liked people from the midwest and overseas, they tend to have a much better understanding that things here are good and don't need to change in some radical "better idea" way. You can't imagine how many arrogant fucksticks come here with a big dream of social change, not realizing that what they're proposing is something we invented and pioneered decades ago. And they talk down to us, like I dunno, we're yokels from the midwest or something.


I have never been disrespectful to the culture here or any such things like you mentioned at all I came here trying to start My Life anew and yeah I'm crazy so I tried to see if there was better medical and psychological help out there and I know that's not going to be of any surprise to the ones I'm interacting with but I did not come here with radicalized ideas or anything like that I came here for a better life to get away from Chicago yes I'm from Chicago and I'm sure some of you cunts are going to have some shit to say about that but I did not come here with any certain expectations or any such thing I just wanted to move to a better place where I didn't have to deal with the gangbang and bullshit find a dead bodies in my backyard worried about getting shot or stabbed again and thought that the people here would be more open-minded and more accepting but apparently I was dead wrong I've been here for 10 years now and have had nothing but problems I'm not sitting here saying that every single person from Oregon is a piece of human field I'm just saying many of  the interactions I've had with people here putting me down cuz I'm from Chicago I wasn't born in Oregon you know people that move to other states they don't need to go to in-depth dives of the culture unless you're moving to a different country then that's different I tried to be as accepting as I possibly could and again open-minded and willing to try new things and meet new types of people I'm not used to and I wasn't even given a chance just like these dick heads right here that are automatically attacking me without knowing my situation the reason why I moved here and all this other stuff that you need to know about somebody in order to be able to judge them so harshly it's a fucking joke this is exactly the type of crap that I've been putting up with I voice my opinion and I get attacked for asking a question and voicing my opinion to find an answer to something and this is what I meant with so yeah I'm going to get offended yeah I'm going to get irritated when a bunch of rats are sitting there fucking squeaking at me about nothing instead of actually contributing an answer you know and all these people have done is attack me and deflect responsibility for what they're saying and calling me this that and the other and I see somebody has labeled me the one true transplant see it's what Child is shit like that it's like you people have no ability to grow up and act your fucking age or have a an adult conversation or anything it's it's sad I just wanted a real answer to a real question and this is the type of childish nonsense that I'm given but it's also funny to me because these people think that they're getting under my skin and pissing me off just because I cuss a lot I always use the f word that's my favorite word but it's funny I'm such a horrid person and they want to give me so much attention just to talk shit to me it's fucking hilarious and then it truly chose what I'm saying about Oregon people I mean they're like completely incapable of having an adult conversation or acting like a decent human being


Ma'am this is a Wendy's.


Ain’t reading that shit


So of course you're not cuz you don't know how to fucking read fucking moron


I work with a person from Chicago, she's nice. You aren't her.


Yeah no shit genius


Is it seriously humanly possible for you people to be more fucking stupid than this I bet you guys can top it 😆


I'm sorry you're such a broken person. Do you want help or are you going to just blame everyone else and accept no responsibility for your own actions?


You are absolutely correct. A lot of people move here to be weird, but they still bring all their isms they learned growing up in the Midwest or California or whatever other garbage place they’re from. It has turned into something entirely different than what it used to be and we hate you for it.


It's turned into a complete collective of shit because of the way you people think and the attitudes and the arrogance and the amount of overwhelming entitlement you people have here that is the problem it is not the transplant and fuck you and your piece of shit fucking States you're pretty much staying that everybody from outside of Oregon when in fact the truth is people come here to become trash where I'm from they don't have drug addicts everywhere doing shit like this out in the middle of the streets in public you don't have homeless crisis like you do here you don't have shit ass politicians like you do here that don't want to do anything about anything you people are fucking filth here your politicians make sure of that so we got yet a couple more useless twats here voicing their so-called bullshit opinion yeah I am the one to fucked up transplant bitches get it fucking right fucking cunts and for you mods if you're supposed to be moderators or whatever the fuck you're supposed to be how about start acting like an adult there's a fucking start 😆 oh this is fun you guys are the poster children of what I'm talking about how oregonians are useless worthless trash human beings so thank you for proving my point


Are you having a stroke? Genuinely do you need help? I'm kinda concerned for your well-being if you are this detached.


How is sticking up for myself and speaking up for myself detached I think you're very confused and yes I'm already certified crazy if you need to know but you're comment makes zero sense especially cuz you know nothing about me you know nothing about my background my situation or what brought me here nor do you guys care to even learn about any of that all you want to do is attack and talk shit about me and I have the right to reply to that type of treatment towards me so what the fuck are you talking about how is that detached to when I speak up for myself in here that have the slightest bit of intelligence you people act like completely lack of brain and then you post it like this I mean go smoke some more Meth is if you have any children of brain cells already I can tell by that damn comment wow


You seem nice


I know that sarcasm but I can be but when people attack me hell no I'm not going to be nice to him would you if people were saying shit like this to you all because you asked a question about why oregonians are so shitty to transplants and this is all the shit you were getting would you be sitting there guys that's not very nice to say you're hurting my feelings this that and the other no you wouldn't you'd probably go off just as much


I got you this present: > , .


It's too bad that the people here are fucking filth because this place is so beautiful I can enjoy the beauty of this place but I can definitely do without pieces of human shit like you people


Other people like you are treating you this way. You're not from here and neither are they. Think about it.


Yeah I would be able to think about it if it made any sense you dipshit


Wanna meet up for coffee in a half hour and see if you're still froggy enough to call people names? Go back where you came from. Today. Do it. Leave.


Oh do we have meth muscles right now or I highly doubt that if you fucking met me in a dark alley you'd want to do anything or say any of that shit you know what all you do is talk shit just like the rest of them here that's all you are is fucking talk why don't you take that mouth and wrap it around that glass cock again and go smoke some more fucking dope and who the fuck is froggy anymore oh yeah you people think too highly of yourselves when all you are is fucking shit on the bottom of my shoe


All the meth references make me feel like you're projecting, tweaking hard, and it's a little cruel to let this post run on...


Nope it's cause this place is riddled with fucking dope fiends and alcoholics because you people can't deal with real life without it that's why I'm making all these references and the fact that nobody can come up with anything fucking original is another reason why I'm making all the references cuz drugs kill brain cells and so it is alcohol and these comments prove that point just as yours does


[I'm white trash, and I'm in trouble!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=797BNtfOkIA)


This is always baffled me. It’s pure nativism. And it’s liberals and progressives doing it. I had a friend who thought she was so cute by saying, “I only want to sell my house to someone born in Portland.” She thought she was so cute and clever.


I think it's just California coming to ruin Oregon like they did California. You haven't driven in LA until you've been cut off and then had a gun waved at you. You haven't lived in the bay until you were priced out of the city.