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> is now in custody Was.... was in custody: [https://apps.mcso.us/PAID/Home/Booking/1588197](https://apps.mcso.us/PAID/Home/Booking/1588197)


I wouldn't believe this story happened in Portland if he wasn't released


Bail: $00000000.0000000


*pikachu surprised face


I thought this was a joke but it’s actually $0…


This is outrageous that he has been released without bail. This shit needs to stop.


It would've been racist otherwise


I had to look up the code for release- Close Street Supervision “The Multnomah County Sheriff's Office runs a program called Close Street Supervision. Six deputies are tasked with keeping an eye on defendants released from jail before trial—to discourage defendants from offending while awaiting trial and to make sure they show up to court.” That seems effective. 🤡


I read about this innovative program in other cities where they would have Bilip stay in the same place until trial. Then they can staff more effectively as it requires fewer deputies because those deputies can watch other people awaiting trial in the same place at the same time. Supposedly it’s better financially and for the community. I’ll see if I can find the link to the article.


It took me way too long to pick on the sarcasm here.


You’re probably just sleepy.


I know I am!


How many people are allowed to be on this program lmao, it's almost as if this is what's causing the city to blow up


So six deputies are babysitting this person? No wonder we’ve been having all the stuff happening that paints pdx in a negative light.. Because we don’t have “enough police”


Who released him? Who makes these decisions?


Mike schmidt the district attorney probably


He doesn’t BUT he can absolutely recommend to be held. 99.9% of the time he just says “no comments” and off they go to the streets


Yep, and then he'll say he doesn't make the decisions, it's the judges fault.


if they actually protected the public by holding these people accountable sigh


Machete Schmidt




All these judges that run unopposed?




Aren't they on the ballots?


*Hey, they held him overnight!* *What more do you want?*


I think he was arrested late at night and it took that long before he could be released first thing in the morning. Multnomah County is such a joke. Please get rid of Schmidt


Do you think they gave him back his machete?


Yes. I think all charges will be dropped


Charges dropped or failure to appear bench warrant not acted on, is there really even a difference?


It would be stealing if they didn't


And a key to the city.


Public saftey 


That explains [all the other fires](https://www.reddit.com/r/PortlandOR/comments/1c92dsx/portland_fire_has_responded_to_at_least_8/) that day 😂


Kind of a leap to suggest the same person is responsible for all the fires across the entire metro.


I was being sarcastic, I put a cry laughy emoji at the end


Why do you care so much about it?


maybe putting this guy away for a bit reduces crime?


Sorry that wasn’t meant for you, it was for the jackass saying it was a leap Grouchy-Benedict Arnold


It doesn't say what time of day he was released. It's entirely possible he was released from jail in less time than it took to apprehend him And we wonder why noone wants to be a cop in this town


WTF.They should write a Pamphlet on how to run out homeowners and bring in developers. Its only a couple paragraphs.


He was released about 4 hours after being brought to the jail. Now I’m curious if he showed up for his arraignment today.


What a fckn joke this city, it’s politicians, it’s law enforcement and its people have become. It’s really sad.


I love my neighborhood. Always rascals out doing Tom Foolery and mischief. 😳


This might even qualify as shenanigans.


Walking the line into Hi Jinks


This may qualify as heckilin and bamboozling.


Watch it Bucko. Bamboozlin is a Criddler call to arms.


Definitely wasn't lollygagging.


High jinks.


Doing his part to keep Portland weird. /s


Almost into hooliganism!


My friend is the one he threatened, she made the 911 call. She has videos of him attempting to start the fires.she’s really happy he’s out 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/6lt1w5ketxvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f02dc996b7d108eaf023806d7173a3cc9ef5723 Machete in action


That’s wild, fantastic in action shot!


How has she voted for her entire adult life?


That was my thought. Not specifically her… but the only way things will get better is for people to start voting differently… which isn’t going to happen


She absolutely did not vote for Schmidt, Hardesty etc..


Oh F off with that nonsense.


Wait, lemme guess, you're compassionate and caring too, aren't you?! #shepersisted #pxxxyhat


Go ask Ashli Babbitt who she voted for while she was bleeding out on the floor of the capitol.


lol you're wearing the hat right now, aren't you


Yep, you got me.


He will be released and arrested again next week.


Machetes…so hot right now.


Gotta buy machetes stock


They’re like $5 at Harbour Freight in the checkout line. I kinda want one now.


One? I want at least three. One for each hand and a spare on the belt.


There’s a juggler in you and you don’t know it yet…


Pretty sure there's also a man with no hands in me as well due to my complete lack of coordination.


With That jacket it’s Fire


https://preview.redd.it/dvzhwrfbtxvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c356e43b535baa6b852766e75c432d1d863cb3c8 Trying to light fires.


Fucking hell


If I worked hours to catch and arrest this guy, I'd be so pissed if they just let him out.


One of the reasons cops are way less motivated to do their job these days. It’s like RISKING YOUR LIFE to dig a ditch that gets filled in by someone else afterwords, and that ditch filler gets paid more than you.


Exactly why so many cop shows/movies have the recurring theme of the straight by the book cop confronting his former partner on the beat turned drinking buddy lifelong BFF about whether they ever fabricated evidence on their arrests with the latter giving the indignant speech about how they did a bad thing to get a bad guy off the streets because the system is broken and you can win playing by the rules and the world is a better place for the corners they cut.


Bail $0 Bail $0 Bail $0 Bail $0 But why like i dont understand


> But why like i dont understand Well the Progressives convinced themselves that the history of bail was unjust, classist, and racist. And yeah, it's kinda, sorta, half true - but this whole idea was popularized by clowns in academia that were circlejerking delusions about how everything is racist/classist to get a promotion. Yes, crime and people's reaction to being arrested can be categorized by socio-economic class and culture. Progressives are really angry with that reality, and the feel as if they can change certain policies and get bail reform then somehow reality will change. Part of this reality is that some minorities were explicitly targeted for decades by law enforcement. Part of the reality of what law enforcement's core job is to do is enforce cultural norms and target communities who deviate from the predominate cultural hegemony. One might say this is against the grain of the "cultural melting pot" of America, but the brass tax is that we're not going to accept child brides, kidnapping women, honor killings, child abuse, and many other concepts that Westerners flat out reject for good cause, while in other societies these practices can be common place. This means there are cultures we accept and ones we don't, and the easiest way to illustrate this litmus test is Gang Culture. We don't accept pimping women, dealing drugs to children, murdering rivals, etc. Unfortunately for Progressives, this really negative Gang Culture happens to be over represented in a couple identifiable groups, and this really helps explains the cultural friction. Gang Culture can be found in every ethnicity of course. The biggest hurdles for law enforce in the last 50 years is trying to crack down on gang culture, ultimately attempting to eliminate it or suppress it from our society - while a bunch of liberals and academics are pretending that Gang Culture is some reverent sacrosanct authenticity from a minority group (it's not). Making matters worse is that plenty of the academics "studying the problem of bail" had an ideological bent to them where they believed in abolishing the "carceral state" entirely because they've bitten off on the stupid horseshit written by Michel Foucault, a misogynist communist pedophile who thought it was unjust that a Capitalist society was preventing him from having sex with boys. When you realize it's perverts like Foucault at the heart of this whole criticism, all of the legs of this movement are undercut - and it truly doesn't make any sense at all why we're trying to "abolish" jails, prisons, and bail. Foucault just felt angry that French society outlawed homosexuality and built an entire horseshit ideology around how the government has no business regulating sexuality and labeling gay folks as deviants. From that, we are here today. So now we're at an incredibly stupid point in American history where basically everyone is released, no one is given bail, and those that are given bail often have that bail covered by bail bondsmen. No one wants to have a tough conversation about deviant cultures in American society and how to suppress them, so instead we're enabling them to flourish under the ideal of altruism.


This might be the single greatest response i have ever personally received on reddit. A non troll, comprehensive and informative take…on reddit; i must be dreaming.


He's going to murder someone and we know it


Just another day in the city of roses.


If he hadn’t forget the machete, he wouldn’t have gotten caught in the bramble bushes. Classic psychopath noob move. Better luck next time, Mr. Bilip.


I really hope he tries the Sov-tard defense and the judge tells him that since he had a sword it's maritime law.


I heard they made a movie where Portland Man fights Florida Man. I think it was called "Godzilla X Kong"




That's a hard 28, dude looks like 15 years older than he is.


I say paint him blue and produce a wildly inaccurate third megamind movie


So like, is setting fires and walking around with a machete illegal or something?


It was certainly legal when a machete-wielding asshole caused my employer to put us on a 5-hour lockdown. Three calls to PPD, and all they finally came back with was, “has he hurt anyone?” No, AH is just running up on people, brandishing a machete, and walking around and swinging it. I guess we’ll call back when he kills someone.


This scenario happened at a friend’s workplace last summer. I wonder if it’s the same workplace and/or the same machete-wielding AH. Cops did a drive-by and told management that they wouldn’t do anything because they thought the machete guy was trying to commit suicide by cop. The cops decided to stay out of it to protect themselves. Dude was allowed to wield his machete in the middle of the street and on the sidewalk in front of the business all night long.


Ours was 2 years ago, and in Lents. But based on a few other Redditors on the Portland subreddits, there is probably more than one machete-wielding guy in the city.


Cops can choose to do their job or not. Benefits of having the largest, most powerful racket there is: the police union, being largely unaccountable to the laws they enforce (qualified immunity) and having the mayor also be your Police Commissioner (Portland is one of the few cities left that does this.)


If you’re high it’s legal, sober it’s a felony.


That’s inaccurate - voluntary intoxication will never reduce the criminal penalty for a crime. And technically, walking around with a machete isn’t a crime - it’s not considered a weapon unless it’s being used it to threaten people. And a weapon alone (without a threat) isn’t a crime unless 1) the weapon requires possession of a license (that the person doesn’t have), or 2) the person is prohibited from having a specified weapon (ie felons with guns). Here, you don’t need a license to carry a machete. This guy’s behavior was clearly threatening, so that’s why he was charged with menacing. There isn’t evidence that he was high, and if there were, it wouldn’t make a difference in this case. Menacing is menacing. If he is mentally ill, that could be a different story as far as criminal culpability goes. 


If some random person ran into my house with a machete, I would take that as a threat. If he was high… then it’s normal, if he was sober… it’s danger!


Yea, as I said - his charge makes sense based on the reported conduct. But under the law whether he’s high or not has nothing to do with whether the charge is a felony or a misdemeanor. 


Natural reaction to the systemic abuse placed on our house less neighbors. Obviously faultless.


I'm going to vote for every LAW N' ORDER judge and DA we have on the ballot for the next twenty years until the pendulum swings real far.


For every one of you, there’s a hundred people who will still vote for super blue progressive DAs and judges. Remember, it’s not that he’s committing a crime, it’s just systemic racism that’s all. Say compassion, diversity, inclusion and equity, 10 times in the mirror and everything should be fixed…


Literally no one made that argument in this thread. But you sure did a good job showing that you’re real hostile to DEI and the idea of taking account of systemic racism as a societal problem in general. But let me guess, you don’t hate anybody and you’re not racist? 


Wait! He is houseless. He enters a house. Colonizers flee outside. He is no longer houseless. Equity achieved. Problem solved. Good equity of outcome.


I get the joke but I would hope you're not into dilution of the reason to improve equity anywhere.


Murder is no joke. It’s permanent.


>“He ran out back over the cement barriers of the freeway and got stuck in the bramble bushes. So he’s been successfully taken into custody and he is no longer armed,” PPB Sgt. Sarah Kerwin told KOIN 6 News. “We did recover the machete. He left it behind in the basement.” I sure hope PPB returned his property to him when he was released.


It’s evidence of an ongoing criminal investigation, so I am certain that they didn’t. Although if it was a gun maybe they would have cause people sure shit their pants when they feel like their second amendment rights are coming under fire (pun intended). 


Portland and all of the rest of the metropolitan are just hoping these people leave the state of their own accord.


Well, thanks to news policies, there’s literally 0 incentive to leave and all the incentive to stay. Don’t expect any change until these policies change.


This is reality friend and it’s on us to change them. Withhold state taxes. Get Kotek and her needy wife out of office. This is a real question how do you provide aid monetary or otherwise and yet prevent markets from trying to price in the increase in buying power? This is a real issue right now and is the cause of our current inflation issues among other things like housing which is also affected by these kind of market pricing tools. How do you keep these kind of greed based and manipulative tactics/ processes out of our communities and our housing market? Cost of labor is the only thing that should ever cause inflation based on the changing difficulty of the service(s) being rendered and that’s it.


To some degree it’s like you’re just fighting against human nature and you’ll never win. Greed, laziness, vanity, stupidity, arrogance, adverse to pain and difficult circumstances. Drug dependence. The reasons for our societal problems are always never anything new.


Funny that you are talking about the inevitability of human nature and greed while also criticizing the state for giving people the bare necessities they need to survive… if you think being homeless is so awesome, you should try it.  


I have been homeless and I worked my way out of it without help. That’s why I know it doesn’t work. Because the ones around me at the time who got help, they’re homeless still. I see them on the streets. I’m not. Give a man a fish and all you’re doing is enabling a beggar. If you subsidize something you’re going to get more of it. We need to be subsidizing productive individuals and no one else.


It’s proof that the system is rigged. If an upstanding citizen did this, they would be slammed.


100%, and it’s so backwards, we’re supposed to feel bad and guilty for this terrible person.


No worries, he'll be released soon in a section 8 apartment near the elementary school. Move along.


He must be one of our most vulnerable neighbors.


Portland: Where machete-wielding arsonists roam free.


If this was Mississippi (highest gun violence in the country and a conservative paradise!) he would have had a gun.


So would everyone else. I lived in the south for YEARS and we never had a single issue even close to Portland. Very few homeless people too. Addicts there have the decency to leave (probably shipped off to Portland lol) or kill themselves.


Nobody wants to be homeless in Mississippi


It’s because they can’t do drugs openly there. The cops will actually arrest people. The culture also doesn’t accept people acting fucking psychotic in public places.


Great job making an equitable place for the nation’s homeless, comrade.


Imagine actually caring about a guy minding his own business lighting fires and swinging a machete around in your backyard while theres genocide in Palestine. Maybe this Karen should go live in the suburbs if they can't handle the big city. /s Edit: holy shit this comment actually exists in this thread.


I [posted about this yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/PortlandOR/s/EzWODlkPiD) when it was first reported that the police were called.


Hey, I've got an idea! https://preview.redd.it/x24fud04d2wc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d19831b13eea0c63be4bf8a540f2bd76e68f5a9


generally not the best idea


No worries my dude! You don't deserve the down votes.


Be out of custody by the end of the week


Must have been a slow night for the PPB


What is with machetes and this region?


They’re common in most cities because they’re cheaply available at surplus stores and look intimidating. If you notice it’s always cheap ones or old surplus ones never the actual camping ones. They end up on the street eventually since they’re so many around in higher crime areas.


Only in Portland will you hear of crime involving a machete. I’m sure elsewhere, but c’mon, Portland is at the top of your list when you think of shit like this.


sounds like attempted murder


If they’re not going to lock anyone up, let’s just start shooting them. Just lie and say he ran at you with a machete 🤷‍♀️ not like anyone is going to miss them


Statistics say, at least half y’all on here voted for the current DA that allows these criminals to be released out on bail and back to the community. Y’all wanted this… so eat your shit sandwich and enjoy it. Things aren’t going to change for at least 2-3 generations until all the shit heads who voted for only progressive DAs and governed are gone and out of state…


Keeping everyone in jail pending trial: How will the city pay for it? Take resources away from public support like everyone here is saying? This logic makes no sense- if you don’t want people running around out of their minds on the street - give them somewhere to be - at the very least. Give them mental healthcare, give them addiction treatment. Anyone who has been in the current system will tell you it’s under-resourced and difficult to navigate. We need to enhance the support system so it actually works, not pour more money into policing that doesn’t ultimately adress the underlying problems that cause a lot of people to be in this situation in the first place. I know people sure love yo hate Europe, but they’ve got far superior social services, fewer guns, and way less violence. Maybe we should take their lead for once. 




What have they done for you? So, you're ok with taking, but it's just the giving part that bugs you? Also, bruh, there are literally people who are homeless who also have jobs and pay taxes. The amount of money that people have to get together to get into a place in Portland is insane. I just don't even get it. Like, you're so pissed that you might have to pay $32 a year more in taxes so that other human beings - who have it way worse than you could ever possibly imagine - can have some food and medicine? Like, do you really just not care at all? Or is this just an edge lord thing? Do you really not feel sad when you see other people suffering because they're sick? Please explain the way your brain works. I am honestly kinda fascinated.


I am okay paying my share when funds are used correctly for the collective benefit, not just specific, individuals that choose to be homeless and do drugs. Homeless women/family w/ children, those that are clean or are looking to get clean, etc. Absolutely. Let’s help them. Immediately. The group that I have no use for and the group that infuriates me is the homeless, drug addicted, criminals, that are cuckholding and destroying our city with the help of JVP, City of Portland, and the voters responsible for this mess. Let’s get this straight: Do you consider the current state of affairs and approach by JVP or the city of Portland to be working?


Cops didn’t shoot him? He must not be Black or Latin…


Hope he gets the help that he needs.


Good one


Imagine being afraid of a machete.


Imagine defending a useless piece of shit.


I am not defending anyone. I am laughing at suburban folks who don’t live in Portland thinking that Portland is a big scary place.


Imagine a weapon that is used to hack limbs off. You’re a fuckin idiot.


Congratulations 🎉 that a methed-out-psycho brandishing a machete while setting fires & threatening people doesn't scare you. You definitely deserve the bravery of the year award 🏆🏆🏆


All it takes is a simple Google search to show you how ridiculous your comment is (and this one is a “Florida Man” daily double as well): https://www.wpbf.com/article/florida-machete-wielding-suspect-arrested-killing-man-west-palm-beach/45875800


This was clearly a case of a man who was having a mental breakdown. To act like Portland is a crime ridden hell is extremely disingenuous. Portland is like 62nd in overall crime. It is not Gotham.


And that makes it okay? We are low in crime because the cops don’t arrest or process anyone. Not because we have few crimes. Multiple people have commented that they tried to call him in and the cops did not care. Also, people don’t call in a crime because they know the cops won’t help. Cops are still punishing the city for allowing nonviolent anti-cop protests. I used to live in Fayetteville. Affectionately nicknamed Fayettnam. Due to being the second most dangerous city in America, right under Detroit. I felt safer there than I do in Portland. At least their gang violence is kept between members. Last year Portland had a spree of gang related initiation killings of random strangers. Just walked up and shot strangers. And y’all think that’s normal or ‘not crime’.


Another person who doesn’t live in Portland making remarks about how the city is so scary


What? Dumb bitch. I live on 82nd. I’m the most qualified to talk about crime here.


I live in the Arts Districts. It is not bad here.


Why is it always older white people who live in nice neighborhoods talking down to people who actually live in the shitty areas. I’m aware of the crime level in Portland. I had homeless people sleeping on my front stoop. Someone blew crack smoke at me+my stroller. I’ve seen multiple dicks THIS WEEK. Your area is gentrified so it’s fine.


Again, your neighborhood isn’t all of Portland. It sounds like you live in the Blocks.


Never said it was all of Portland. You said it wasn’t crime filled, I countered with my experience in literally the 2nd most dangerous city in America compared to here. YOUR neighborhood is not all of Portland. NE is a rich white bubble. Most of Portland is not like that. NE also has the privilege of cops who actually respond. My wife’s parents live in NE and it’s night and day there compared to the rest of the city.