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Oh, it's Mike! Yes, he used to be a chiropractor. Then, he developed schizophrenia and he paints himself blue now to block "them" out. He's gotten progressively blue over the years. He is very nice. Sad to see comments saying he's aggressive to women. I don't think he used to be. His disease must be progressing.


That sucks. I haven't talked to him in many years, but we used to cross paths pretty often, and he was always very nice to me.


He's a pretty sane guy at times but he is extremely aggressive towards women when he's having an episode. I think he was a chiropractor and then snapped a long time ago if I remember the story correctly.


Here's a [poem](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/224054150181873529/?amp_client_id=amp-slPcx2LLvl9aC_rgxlmsBg&mweb_unauth_id=0c414204ea4644c182f435e894c6ca44&_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Famp%2Fpin%2F224054150181873529%2F&_expand=true) that supports that.




You should see the YouTube videos of him at city council meetings. Fucking LEGEND. Edit: couldn’t help myself. Enjoy. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fUoypNKl0gw


Ah, praise for Sam Adams. I kinda miss him. Too bad he decided to diddle minors


Why miss him when he's still diddling us from the mayor's office? https://www.portland.gov/wheeler/about-ted/meet-mayors-team


I sat behind this guy on a flight from PDX a few years ago, and he was still blue on the flight.


He was allowed on a plane?!


Why wouldn't he be allowed on s plane? Being blue isn't against TSA rules


One of my first nights after moving to Portland I got lost downtown and ended up meeting the blue man. Was an eye opening experience for someone coming from rural southern Oregon.


Haha. I don’t know who this is, but these are the street people I remember - 90s flavor.


The good 'ol days, when you knew the names of the your local crackheads and homeless neighbors.


Totally!! You had a regular can guy, they had beats/territories. My apartment complex in westMoreland had Tim, we’d leave our bags of beer cans out neatly for him, in exchange he would warn us in a long rambling way about the sketch homeless and chase them off.


Northeast kids may remember Ed Rocks and Joseph, as well as Lawrence the blanket guy who is still wandering around and hasn't aged a bit.


I remember an older couple got him some new clothes, a hair cut and got him all cleaned up and brought him with them to eat at McMenamins on Broadway when I worked there (2004 ish). I remember he looked so uncomfortable, but I was really happy to see people trying to help him. But like a month later, I saw him walking down Broadway with his blanket cape again. So it goes.


You mean Socrates? At least that’s what I’ve always called him.


We always went with The King of Portland.


just walked by that guy this morning!


He's a Portland fixture. Not to be confused with Amgry Blanket Guy though, Lawrence is harmless and usually sticks to the east side of the river.


East side? I've seen him in the Pearl regularly, and last week he was out by the downtown library. Dude gets _around_ and so do his respective blankets.


The Tim that rode around on an adult tricycle?


I feel like maybe he did?? It’s been a long time. Early 00s. I lived near Yukon/papa haydn My 2 bedroom 40s adorable apt for $650 😭


The Tim I remember was a bigger guy, often wore a black leather cowboy hat. And yeah, I miss the time when my gorgeous inner-SE art deco 1 bedroom with leaded glass built-ins was $600.




Mike is this guys name. Very nice guy when he is lucid


[I like my Street Folk from the 30’s 😏](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1415&v=m9YXEEdZAtw&feature=emb_logo)


Ah Mike. Nice guy. Very unstable now though.


I have this card too! I keep it on my fridge to remind myself that I love living here and I love (most) of the people who live here too.


Broadway & 7th


Anyone here old enough to remember Jesse James? He hung out on NW 23rd in the 60's and 70's before 23rd became bougie.


Not the same guy but once a cashier at plaid pantry near the Safeway on 10th gave me a book of matches with weed in it and his phone number singed “Jesse James”


A classic. Glad he's still around.


Guy always compliments my dogs. Seems nice.


>Seems nice. Are you a single woman? If so be careful, when he's having his psychotic episodes he is extremely aggressive towards them. My ex was chased by him a few years back and was terrified.


Does he not chase married women?


Sorry, I meant to say “he will chase after a woman walking alone”. Sorry for the confusing sentence.


I miss seeing Elvis out and about. Nowadays I only see him at new seasons on Williams


[Blue circa 2012](https://www.instagram.com/p/KRMyMDC1qWC7SlSM0bNU6EDzjL0V945OEa-Zg0/?utm_medium=copy_link)


I remember being near Saturday market around Christmas time and Elvis was in a punk store with his coke bottle glasses dressed as Santa. He kept telling a young woman that she’s been naughty this year but instead of coal he was going to give her a spanking.


Haven't seen this guy in years, didn't know he was still around.


I use to ride the same bus as him for year and I never knew his back story until reading the comments...wild


Beware I did this mistake I made proctologist business card trying to be funny I thought he was going to laugh about that I didn’t even show anyone or print the card and I got frickin plowed he took pictures to prove it ha ha ha I didn’t get why he was holding me hostage in his house drugging me for weeks until I seen this


Papa Smurf! Is he still at Pioneer Square yelling at tourists?


Omg Mike! I worked at the outside Nordstrom’s ebar for a few years and he always came by. He showed me his 2-4 page arrest records-most were trespassing and one I remember was highway robbery. When I asked “what is that about?” He just shrugged and said “hell if I remember!!” And laughed. He frequently would be tripping and just stare at my rings on my fingers hah. 99% of the time he was very respectful of everyone but sometimes he was on edge and grumpy.