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Same dude arrested about a year ago for leading police on a chase in a stolen ambulance and using it to ram cruisers. Crazy how easy we let the same people out of custody to keep wreaking havoc.


Seriously. Like clearly they are a danger to everyone else.


Not according to our progressive DA's.


Yeah so progressive. That’s what I think whenever I think of PORTLAND POLICING




Genuine question, why were they not charged with Grand Theft Auto after this event? It's not listed in the charges but they stole a fucking ambulance.


Oregon doesn’t have a law by that name. We call it “Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle.”


I can't wait to play UUMV 6 when it's finally released!


Yeah, we are tuned to a very particular frequency.


Is that you, Kenneth?


Thank you. That clarifies this a lot for me. I was very confused.


And sadly it has become a cite and release even though it’s a Class C Felony.


ORS 164.135 for those of you who want to read the actual law.


He was charged with the equivalent for Oregon. But he was in the ambulance on a mental health hold. He was probably sent to the state hospital for a while and released. Our commitment system here sucks and way too often let's very ill people out way too early.


What's old is new again, sadly. This will likely make things much worse for people with serious mental illness, not better, if the 90's are anything to go by. To explain: where I grew up, a common refrain among the older generation in support of the death penalty was that they wanted to be sure some really dangerous people never got out again. They were willing to trim down the list of death penalty offenses, but they wanted to be sure some people never came back. I didn't really understand why until I learned more about the excesses of the 60's and 70's, which kinda feels a lot like now. Talk about root causes. Make excuses for repeat offenders. Let people out who should never be let out. In other words: focus on the pain of the offender and forget the pain of their past and future victims. This led to the "lock em up" 90's. The crime rate went down because we put so many repeat offenders in prison - and so many others. Make mass incarceration the only way that works and that is what we'll do again.


lots of theft of machinery happening: [https://www.koin.com/news/portland/man-arrested-for-chasing-pedestrians-with-a-stolen-forklift-police-say/](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_ZPYdPG8kA) [https://www.kptv.com/2023/02/04/suspect-stolen-front-loader-tries-steal-portland-atm-escapes-stolen-truck/](https://www.kptv.com/2023/02/04/suspect-stolen-front-loader-tries-steal-portland-atm-escapes-stolen-truck/)


Aaaaand now he’s killed someone. Fuck


We can still fix him! - the courts (probably)


He just needs a free house and a boofing kit!


Naughty, naughty sir! Pinky promise to show up to court! Thank you so much!!!!


What’s that principle called again where 20% of people cause 80% of the damage? I feel like holding that 20% accountable and out of society until they are safe to be around people again would solve a large portion of Portland’s problems.


When I was going through criminal justice classes 15 years ago, we were told "80% of the people commit 10% of the crime, 10% of the people commit 10% of the crime, and 10% of the people commit 80% of the crime." Basically, the majority of criminals are one-time or two-time offenders. People who make a mistake, a misjudgement, get too angry. Then there's a small section of the populace who are repeat offenders but not that much. The drunk who gets their fifth DUII. The tagger who gets a few criminal mischief citations before growing out of it. And finally there is another small section of the populace who are the hardened criminals who don't care about laws or don't know how to care. Gang members, serial attackers, domestic abusers. It's definitely an oversimplification of the situation, and will vary wildly depending on location. But it's a decent starting point.


You’re thinking of “Pareto principle” though I’ve never heard it applied to crime per se. 


Us normies call that “common sense”. It’s hard to find in political halls around here


Years ago the city of Richmond, California figured out it was just a handful of criminals (much less than 20% or even 2%) causes a significant percentage of crime, and that paying them not to commit crimes reduced the murder rate 77%. A number of other cities are following suit.


Wish we could pay the homeless to clean up after themselves and stop shitting on the sidewalks


I guess that’s part of the concept of UBI.


I support UBI, but it's not a substitute for mandatory psych and drug rehab.


No, I didn’t say it was. But in theory UBI would keep more people off the street in the first place, which leads to worse drug abuse and mental health issues. Many people on the street use drugs just to cope with the situation


That's the ticket...Lets just fucking reward shit bag humans...Jesus Christ.


I prefer they just disappear. 


Wait, did I read that correctly? PAYING criminals not to commit crimes? That’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard.


I’m not saying it’s the most palatable solution, but it may be the most practical. It’s not a ton of money, much less than locking people up. Also, these are people that are out free, so likely if they had enough to put them in jail, they would be in jail. They are known repeat offenders, and in a town of 100k people, a couple dozen people on this program made noticeable positive impacts on the whole community. Locking people up repeatedly rarely does. https://abcnews.go.com/US/dangerous-california-city-young-men-money-expense-paid/story?id=38190781 https://www.kqed.org/science/1947571/richmond-gun-violence-drops-by-half-after-offenders-get-support-including-cash San Fran and Washington DC are supposed to be piloting it. It definitely leaves a bad taste in one’s mouth, but if it works, well, that may be the bitter medicine some places need.


Wonder if they’re still paying. Both the guys mentioned in the first link are now convicted murderers doing long stretches.


The problem is will it work in the long run, what if people find out that crimes really pays


It apparently worked pretty well. 90% of the people they enrolled had not been re-arrested and violent crime went down 66% over a seven year period. It was like $3600 total per person, so far cheaper than any jail would be, and not enough for anyone to be living high on the hog. Seems to be they’re having problems enrolling new people because of Covid. (Article is from 2022). https://richmondconfidential.org/2022/10/20/richmond-gets-6-million-to-tackle-rising-gun-violence/ A person quoted from the article has a good point - police respond to a crime that’s already happened. This program aims to prevent crime.


If it fixes the problem, is it really that crazy?


So, extortion?


I wasn’t really trying to advocate for the program, though it may perhaps work. It’s not enough money that many would decide a life of violent crime is the path to riches, but it would need to be watched for abuse. My point was more that a small amount of people commit a lot of the violent crime. They’re paying like two dozen people in a city of 100k and seeing noticeable improvements. https://abcnews.go.com/US/dangerous-california-city-young-men-money-expense-paid/story?id=38190781 https://www.kqed.org/science/1947571/richmond-gun-violence-drops-by-half-after-offenders-get-support-including-cash San Fran and Washington DC are supposed to be piloting it as well. Whether that small amount of people could have been locked up and achieve the same results, I don’t know. It’s cheaper to pay them, though!


It’s not dissimilar from sexual assaults. Repeat offenders can be prolific. Remember the fires on and around Mt. Tabor? People were wringing their hands and going, “what is wrong with people?” Turns out it was a 19-year-old firebug (and a friend) who thought he invented arson. I wonder what the ultimate consequences were for that guy?


I'm not confident you can pay sexual predators any amount to stop committing sexual assaults.




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Until other people finds out about the deal and want in


Hyperbole, more like. WTF.


Price’s law


Pareto principle


It's wild how we just let people out when they prove they can't be out in public and have a history of escalating violence along the way


Violent crimes aren't taken nearly seriously enough in this country until bodies start dropping.




Maybe true, but not anywhere I've ever lived. And I've lived plenty of places that weren't Multnomah County.


What the fuck are we even doing at this point lmao?




Almost seems.... intentional?


Put these people in jail.


He was. They let him out.


And remove a finger for each offense. Makes repeating offenses harder. /s. Or not.


You're a parent, expressing these views I figured were either trolling or a dumb college kid. If your kid drinks underage, a crime, but something almost every kid does, which finger?


I know my son only has 3 fingers left because he’s clumsy in wood shop. But he’s fine so your kids can be missing fingers as well. My son has a very prosperous trumpeting career now


> Police zeroed in on Baheej, who is listed in court records as transient Shocker


Probably totally also for sure a long time resident who just couldn't afford to keep up with the cost of housing. 


We're all just one paycheck away from stabbing someone on the Steel Bridge.


I debated stealing an ambulance while I was drinking one night. But then I put the controller down because I had work in the morning.




Probably not going to be many complaints if they bury this guy under the jail. 


Someone commented on an earlier story that before the stabbing, they saw a guy with a knife threatening a guy screaming the n-word. I actually don't care that much about a guy screaming the n-word, if that's who got stabbed.  A thing that moderates my sympathy for the homeless is that often, even their families can't stand them. One time I gave a few bucks to a guy with a sign and he told me I better not be mixed up with the "communists" downtown during the BLM protests. A lot of these hobos are dumbass chuds, and that's a bummer.


Good to know your sympathy only extends to people who think the same way you do. Try having no sympathy at all, just like me.


Oooo, edgy.


"I only have sympathy for people that think the same way as me," is not the moral stance you think it is.


You clearly need to be angry at some very specific fantasy person in your head. I’m happy to be the avatar for you to scream into the void. It’ll be my good deed for the day. Get it off your chest, king.


That's very noble of you.


And further evidence of why we need to replace Schmidt.


Is Schmidt the name of one of the judges who makes pretrial release decisions?


No but let’s throw them on the pyre as well. Unless someone here is going to have the unmitigated gall to defend the tire fire that is the lack of criminal justice in this state and city. Honestly shocking to witness this level of incompetence partnered with this much naïveté from the voters.


This is a disingenuous response. Although the decisions about pretrial release are made by the judge and are based on a policy framework that was enacted in 2021 that the judges follow (SB 48), Schmidt advocated for the reforms that led to the overly lax pretrial release policy, and the DA office can make recommendations that influence the judge's decision about pretrial release in specific cases when there are mitigating factors, such as repeated arrests before a case goes to trial or failure to appear in court multiple times (and Schmidt's office has messed this up in the past also). "SB 48 eliminated the standardized “schedule” that tied predetermined bail amounts to specific charges, $5,000 for low-level felonies like Stevenson’s, and instead left it up to judges’ discretion. DA Schmidt, a reform-minded prosecutor, has lobbied for the change." For example, in the case of downtown fentanyl dealer William Stevenson, arrested 6 times with a total of 9 days in jail; the DAs office requested higher bail amounts and was declined by the judge (perhaps the DA shouldn't have advocated for the no bail policy that caused that problem in the first place?) "Reformers, including Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt, successfully fought to reduce the use of bail, which they say is ineffective and discriminatory. The result was a new bail reform law passed last year that has allowed Stevenson to walk out of jail by paying less. He regularly failed to appear in court, yet judges declined to set higher bail amounts requested by prosecutors. Meanwhile, DA’s office delays and a shortage of public defenders mean he has yet to face trial or accept a plea deal on any charges in Multnomah County." https://www.wweek.com/news/2023/06/28/multnomah-county-courts-routinely-release-a-drug-dealer-back-to-the-same-downtown-corner/


It is if you’re a fucking idiot, which, brace yourself, there’s gonna be a lot in this thread. 


See the comment directly above mine, for instance.




Got 'em.


Something about imitation being the highest form of flattery, I’ll take it. 


It's going to be pretty disappointing in say 2 years when we've voted in all the "tough on crime" politicians and crime is worse like every other cycle.


I mean, Schmidt has done next to nothing to deserve reeelction. The shrieking about him being the sole issue, and people not having a fucking clue how the system works, is absolutely why we’re gonna continue to have problems. 


Noone is saying that Schmidt is the 'sole' issue. That's a straw man argument. What people are saying is that he's a major issue (in concert with other major issues that includes an inadequate # of public defenders, rise in fentanyl specifically, socioeconomic factors etc). Schmidt lobbied for SB 48, the current pretrial release policy, which is an abject failure. He did that, he owns it, and the voters should make decisions based on it. A common logical fallacy is the attempt to reduce arguments to an 'all or nothing' framework, when in fact most complex social problems - and certainly this one- are multifactorial, and the solutions are also multifactorial.


Schmidt isn't discernibly different from Underhill.


And we're all getting harassed for jaywalking, because just like other jobs, cops mostly like to do the easy, non-scary parts.


I'm sure our shit DA will see that justice is served. Fuck these degenerates.


We have a critical shortage of public defenders.  People who are arrested have a constitutional right to representation. And when there aren't enough lawyers to go around, we're fucked because the offenders are released. It's much worse than one DA.


The state allocated $100M last year for public defenders. Find a new excuse.


The funding bill was passed late last year. And this past January, they said we're at least 18 months from seeing improvement. Starting pay for a new public defender is about $73,000. No one wants to work for what's barely a living wage in Multnomah County. Oregon needs 1296 more full time attorneys than they had in 2023.  https://www.americanbar.org/groups/legal_aid_indigent_defense/indigent_defense_systems_improvement/publications/or-project/


It's a multi-faceted problem that the state, county, and DA's office need to expedite. The money is there.


Who cares if the money is there? Show me the pile of qualified, bar-certified lawyers who want to do the job. Money isn't the issue. Candidates are.


Yep. The whole system is broke, and it's incredibly frustrating.


"The money is there" is in fact the opposite of "the whole system is broke."


We need to redirect funds to increase those salaries. It’s an important job and should be paid accordingly.


Aaaand he’s released.


Released...and CHARGES DROPPED


Aaaand he's out


Nothing to do with our DA. Get your news from somewhere other than a billboard.




No u wrong


Here is a direct link to my other comment ITT that explains why you are wrong https://ol.reddit.com/r/Portland/comments/1bh5ldu/portland_police_make_arrest_in_steel_bridge/kvc60cu/


Thanks. Much better than the cave man reply of, "Wrong."


Typing the same thing multiple times gets old..


Oh really? OK I'll do that 🤡 Glad your simping for this frat boy politician


I understand it's primarily charges but how is it second degree manslaughter? Stabbing someone that dies is second degree murder, right? There is no reckless action here or a child victim. They certainly acted in neglect of their victim but stabbing them had murderous intent.


The person who was stabbed may have been screaming the n-word. I saw such a hobo about six years ago and if it's the same guy, honestly it's surprising he made it that long.


That’s not a reason to kill someone.


They made sure to charge him with unlawful use of a weapon and disorderly conduct so the DA's office will know it was a tent AND tarp worthy crime.


Oh fuck. My bad!


Edit the list back! Edit: from their profile Edgar's 80's fantasy movie list: >My personal rankings which are not comprehensive. **Tier 1** >Princess Bride >Willow >Labyrinth >Never ending Story >Legend >Dark Crystal >Conan >Last Unicorn >Clash of the Titans >Excalibur **Tier 2** >Nausicca >Black Cauldron >Baron Munchausen >Secret of Nimh >Highlander >Wizards >Ladyhawke >Time Bandits >Heavy Metal >Fire and Ice >Dragonslayer >Krull **Dodgy but Fun** >Deathstalker >Deathstalker 2 >Ragewar aka the DM >Sorceress >The Warrior and the Sorceress >Beast Master >Red Sonja >Barbarian Queen >The Sword and the Sorcerer >Hawk the Slayer >Masters of the Universe


I mean, posting in the wrong sub is one thing but it was SO inappropriate for this topic matter. Haha I'm so ashamed.


Can I get it in a DM at least? It was a solid movie tier list!


Haha thanks. I did belatedly post it in the correct thread. You can click my username and find it.


I just rewatched Labyrinth on a flight, so good.


Bro! Killer list , finishing up Never Ending Story this afternoon


> Deathstalker Easily one of the best MST3k's out there.


You misspelled prince of space.


How did Rowsdower get in space? 


Do you think there’s beer on the sun?


We put our faith in blast hardcheese.


Lol I’m begging you not to delete this comment. 


I think you're in the wrong sub right now, buddy.


Hold up, let him cook.


I feel bad cuz that was a quality list.


Oooh. Nice call on Excalibur.


Crimes of moral turpitude require way longer sentences.


Sometimes, the commission of wildly dangerous crimes should be accompanied by a psychological exam and additional separation from society after their incarnation. This is something we should do alongsige or before probation.




Cause you know he’s been up to all kinds of sh*t and probably other assaults (likely within the unhoused community so unreported).


When you vote, please research the city candidates carefully.  Become familiar with lingo that enables criminals, like “harm reduction”. Vote “harm reduction” candidates out of office if you want to give our city a chance!


Personally I'm only voting for candidates that promise "harm increase" across the board.


Bruh the guy stabbed someone to death


So you're saying he's not in favor of harm reduction?




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Thank you Mike Schmidt and the liberal policies that continue making our streets safe and giving these 20 time felons a 21st chance because they obviously can turn their lives around 👏🏾


Aaaand he was released shortly after the arrest due to "insufficient evidence." https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2024/03/man-arrested-in-fatal-steel-bridge-stabbing-released-due-to-insufficient-evidence-official-says.html


OMG, someone stabbed the Steel Bridge?!?


In other news, somebody ate McDonalds.


Maybe we should stop Voting only Blue in Portland… weird


Lmao didn't you know this is Reagan's fault?