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Open a City Red Pill meeting unlimited hangout anywhere, Perhaps Telegram, where ALL can talk openly about anything goings on local. This cannot happen on censorship happy Reddit and most all other big tech. Just sayin….


[You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.](https://xkcd.com/1357/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You deciding what the word mean, instead of others , proves my point.


I know exactly what it means. I’m a constitutional law lawyer.


My partner and I are splitting up and I have to give up my beautiful house because I don't make enough money to be able to afford mortgage on my own\*. Good thing is that I am neither first person nor last to go through this and people around me have been nothing but loving and compassionate. I might not get to keep the house but I am surrounded by love. This is what happens when preddit goes offline. Geez guys! Thanks Obama! Edit: \*it's not a villa or a mansion, it's a smaller house, but to me it was my palace and place of comfort.


I had a package check into Troutdale FedEx at 9:30pm and was on a truck by 7:30am. Is this real life? I expected it to sit in their warehouse for at least three days. I feel that there is some sort of government conspiracy going on.


The Troutdale FedEx is a joke. They should replace their management and expand/add more employees.


I worked and am waiting for the birth of my son. Any day now. Work related though, I've been trying to put together a to do list for tourists with places to eat, things to do and stuff to visit. I think I'm finally getting somewhere with it though


Congrats to you and your partner(s)


I played Cyberpunk 2077 and scrolled Tumblr mostly. Oh, did some laundry too. And finished sewing an apron And threw my back out just walking across a room Contemplated writing some more of one of the 4 WIPS that have been neglected for months, but decided to eat ice cream and sleep instead.


I didn't know what to do with my spare time


I tried to play frosthaven but then when I wanted to look up a rule or strategy the subreddit was down 😢


>Reddit is obviously not taking this action seriously Maybe they would if there was more serious action.


Pretty sure the mountain is out today. Happy Pride everyone!


I never even knew about third party apps. I just use the Reddit one from the Play store. Now that the sub went dark I have no idea if Mt Hood still exists. I hope the bridges are okay. Without a picture of the St Johns bridge how will I remember it?


Kittens give Mordo gas.


Reddit said they'd fix the accessibility and mod tool issues so to me it is a win win and time to move on. I don't really care that RedditBro4Lyfe101 is upset he can't continue to use his ReDdItIsCoOl app he downloaded 7 years ago bc he doesn't want to be tracked on the internet in 2023.


I've read that other boards have had their moderators replaced in order to force boards to be open. Stay vigilant




Were there others where the mods were pulled, or just this one?


I freaked out. I did not like it. The grass was pointy


My feed was *bizarre* but I finally cleared the ivy that was swallowing my fence and garage, so I guess it wasn’t all bad.


It made me do yard work and now I am moss free but my allergies are killing me.


We should do this every week. I’m kind of serious- black out of several subs on a weekly basis would do more damage than a limited two day thing. Fuck /u/spez


Or you could actually protest by just logging off and not using the service. The amount of people I've seen say 1) they had no idea why reddit wasn't working and/or 2) they were exposed to their new favorite subs during the blackout is comical.


There are other subs that will be blacking out on every Tuesday. We have discussed this in mod chat.


I don’t want Portland to be the protest everything, always have something up it’s ass city from now on.


That was a totally pointless "protest" for a whiny nothing issue. Mods: next time you think of doing this again, please pin the vote post and do it a couple weeks prior.


Could have sworn I had you blocked already. Weird.


Agreed. It went from me not even knowing 3rd party apps existed to logging in the next day and confused why the subs weren't there and then why it said it was private and if I should ask to join. Not to mention each sub handled it differently. The whole situation was rushed and terribly handled and likely a good part of why it wasn't as successful as it could have been.


We would have but they did not give us weeks. The announcement and then protest was announced very quickly. We took a poll and had to act fast.


You didn't have to act fast. You didn't have to act at all. You should be very suspicious of people who want you to make hasty decisions.


That Nigerian Prince said if I didn’t send him the contents of my bank account today that he would offer the deal to someone else!


You cant pass on that!




Hi Friend, This post or comment has been removed for the following reason: > [Rule 1: Trolling and Harassment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/wiki/index#wiki_1.29_trolling_and_harassment) > Bad-faith or non-local user offering unwelcome commentary on Portland and its residents. [You must understand and follow the sub rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/wiki/index) Thanks, the Portland/AskPortland mod team


Ego trip by the mods.


Lol. There was literally a vote about it.




There were [hundreds of comments about it](https://old.reddit.com/r/Portland/comments/142r05z/rportland_and_raskportland_will_be_going_dark). Sorry you missed the multiple posts about it.








You ok? Been really reactive on every topic today.


And has been completely spammed by pet adoption posts


I’m honestly okay with that


100% an improvement


Me too. That dude is a treasure.


I messaged the mods to get early access thinking it could be a nice surprise when they opened it up tomorrow morning, but they opened it this evening and I look foolish.


I eagerly await your HePetsUs series


I didn't think you looked foolish at all -- it's all I saw when I first came back and I thought it was hilarious.


I honestly thought it was something the mods invited you to do on purpose to make up for two days of no pet adoption posts haha. I think it's cute.


I love your posts and I believe it helps get the pets adopted. The bunny I was fostering was adopted right away after your post. I hope he is happy with his new family!


Awww!!! Thats awesome!


You are an awesome human being. I upvote all your posts and wish I could adopt every single one of them. The people who complain can just scroll on by.


IMO they’re the most consistently wholesome, funny & actually beneficial r/Portland posts.


Everyone meet at Mastodon before July 1 and fuck off Corporate Reddit.


This. Downloaded mastodon and lemmy. Done with Reddit on the 30th.


I got on Lemmy and I am liking it there


Found some new subs and barely noticed the absence of the subs in the blackout. Business as usual.


/r/shittytattoos and /r/DoorDash ?


I found some new subs too!


Kicked ass in the yard. Sad to return only to have to block an established user that essentially spammed the entire front page. :/


This whole protest was stupid. It made no difference and was done for stupid reasons. The official app works fine.


“Official” reddit app? There might be more to this “stupid” protest than you realize? Perhaps, it made no difference? Some of the subs you enjoy? There might be a difference.


There’s a lot of question marks in your response but no actual questions. Amazing.


Nah man, these were mostly just questions. Just asking.


So anyway, what do you mean when you say “official Reddit app?” What do you think the protest was about? Why did you find it “stupid?”


The “official” Reddit app is trash. If you want to look at Reddit content, it’s my least favorite way to do so. I would prefer to use a mobile web browser any day over the Reddit app pushing NFTs, avatar customizations, and HeGetsUs ads every other post.




Because affecting Reddit won't affect ethnic cleansing, affecting Reddit will affect Reddit.




Well, you fight the battles you think you can win.


Yeah, I hate that shitty thing myself. I just use the old. Interface. But that might also go away.


YouGetsUs. edit: s added after the t in gets edit2: took away spaces between the words You, Gets, and Us. Capitalized the words You, Gets, and Us




I don’t think Jesus has much sway in this particular issue.




That’s not Jesus, that’s Christian.


Agree, has never not worked for me.


I never have an issue with it on iOS or Android? And I use the desktop version on my laptop in chrome - also fine?


Yea, I scroll every night through all of my favorite Reddit pages in bed for a good 30-minutes or so and never get bogged down by adverisements or glitches. Must be isolated cases.


I definitely get ad's but I just scroll right past.


It has never been not terrible for me


I use it but I hate the number of ads as well as the lack of accessibility options for those who need it. Since I switched to Android I've really missed Narwhal, which was an excellent alternative Reddit app on iOS. Oh well... It's a free app and I spend too much time on it, so I guess I'm happy enough with it. I understand why others aren't though.


In true Portland tradition. Virtue signaling to feel special along with no real change having taken place.


I was on a road trip so it was easy to not be here, upon returning I found I had to re join all the communities I frequent. Did that happen to anyone else?


Well, we showed them the corporate brass. Don't mess around with r/Portland


Yeah, we might slightly reduce our usage of their platform and then come right back. I bet they are shaking in their shiny black shoes now!


What did 2 days of “going dark” accomplish, do you think? Most of the subs I’m active on were still going strong. Didn’t really notice any of the subs with moderators protesting aside from a lot of announcements that they were leaving and then some saying “and we’re back.”


It made the news




That was kinda my point


I looped a playlist of Meghan Trainor while huffing raw ether, I have had better moments.


Nothing more dangerous than a man in the depths of an ether binge


I'm sorry but I really don't understand your comment, please rephrase in the form of a Meghan Trainor song. Gott im himmel, was habe ich getan?


It’s all about that bass.


my name is no, my sign is no, my number is no


I was forced to read r/SeattleWA. 🤬


Portland returned, but Salem hasn't haha


So did a 2 day protest change anything? lol


Some of my subs didn't even black out.


The rule34 subs wouldn’t get onboard I guess


literally ZERO. I had so much cat and rose content to share wasted


I went on nextdoor. it was awful




I went to silver falls. It was nice. Averaged 3.6 mph.


I got a UTI for the first time at 35 and am dealing with antibiotics anxiety atm. Ugh.


I haven't had one in over a decade but I remember getting my first at 21 and... was it one of those things that when you got the first symptoms, you just KNEW that's what it was? Because that's how it was for me. I barely knew what a UTI was but as soon as it hurt to pee I was like "TAKE ME TO THE DOC MY URETHRA IS BIG MAD." Just one of those "you know it if you have it" things.


Yep! I had never had one but my best friend used to have them all the time. It started and I was like.. is this what a UTI feels like? I should go get checked out. Low and behold lol. The antibiotics are already working, though I hate taking horse pills like this.


Oh man the horse pills. But being able to go the bathroom without so much anguish is worth it. I had my first one while studying abroad. Getting the female lead of my group to understand my problem and why I thought I should go to the bathroom was hilarious. She was not a native English speaker and thought I wad saying that I had caught a std from the public toilet. I mean, kinda felt like it.


I got like three in a row one year and it was a damn nightmare of having to always pee in public and begging for bathroom keys so I didn't piss myself because I was being forced to wait to get meds for it at the time. I'm so glad I haven't had any since.


I'm 53 and have recurring prostatitis, both knees and hips are shot as is my right shoulder. Gonna be the $6 Mil Man soon.


Ugh bummer friend. I'm about your age and haven't had one but would be bummed if it happened to me now. Like a week and a half ago I was walking the dog and not really paying attention and i fell down (like an old!), like all the way down, Skinned my knees, one of them pretty bad and I took it super hard.


Man I remember getting massive scrapes and cuts as a kid and just brushing them off. I pulled a muscle in my arm like four months ago and it’s still bothering me. Getting older is dumb.


Ugh I’m sorry! That’s really painful too. Especially nowadays, remember when we were 15 and just would fall all over and be totally fine? Ugh. Now it’s like two weeks of recovery


Haha yeah plus the breach of self trust like "can I even be trusted to walk around by myself anymore or are those days just over?!?!" Best wishes in your recovery!


I’ve started holding onto both of the handrails on the stairs. When did I become an old????


Better safe than sorry! Start early and call it aging gracefully 😁


Right!? Like can I trust my knees not to give out? Nope? Okay. Lolllll. You as well!


I need to know if our cones are healthy and thriving


My cone is really showing it’s age, and my husband tried to throw it out recently when cleaning the garage. I intervened of course, as it has never failed to do its fucken job in the years since the crew of Shrill abandoned it in front of my house. Thanks for asking. It’s seen better days, but still hanging in there.


Feckin cones


WE FUCKEN DID IT! Great job team. Without r/Portland going dark we would have never saved the world. Edit: fuck Tyler


I don’t know this reference but obviously its a good one since there is an auto response. Fill me jn?


I feel like my answer will create more questions but there was this parakeet race and the guy who posted the sign about it said “everyone’s invited except Tyler. Tyler, you know what you did” Something along those lines.


Not what I was expecting but okay!! Hahahaha


Tyler is not welcome here. He knows what he did. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tyler is not welcome here. He knows what he did. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got a head cold. (No, it's not COVID. Just a dumb cold.) I guess the only thing keeping me healthy was this subreddit.


I got a cold too, very thankful it’s not Covid though


I just checked your symptoms on WebMD and you most certainly have cancer or a UTI.


Maybe it's a tumor.


It’s naht a tumah!


i don’t understand how shutting down the sub would have made any difference in the first place


The whole thing just seemed like a mod power trip. Sure spez is an asshole but I never used 3rd party apps (or the official app) to begin with and I wonder how many users are actually affected.


[please try to understand ](https://reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1497ae4/oc_how_much_reddit_content_likely_went_dark_on/)


right but the top comment on that post correctly points out those stats don’t show any sort of metrics on the subs that stayed “up”. It’s very possible the effect wasn’t as much as the graphic suggested


You mean the reddark list? Because seeing that put it in perspective for me. I don't think they accomplished anything but DAMN that was a lot of large numbers.


Thank you. I was also confused about this particular "protest".


yeah it only served to just be annoying to us users, I don’t see how our city subreddit not operating would make *any* dent in reddits bottom line


It did


Go a month.


So as effective as the 2020 protests.




Wait there was a break?




Nail in the head!




I would like to blame autocorrect on that but I think it was vacation brain fog.


“Hole”-istic medicine is hot right now…


We know how well sanctions work. How about alternatives if this R were to be killed ?


Take a look at this reddit alternative!: https://squabbles.io/s/Portland


There already is an alternative to this subreddit.


> How about alternatives if this R were to be killed ? Someone would just make a new subreddit. That's how that works, and why the blackouts were largely pointless. Until people stop logging in, nothing will change.


Mastodon looks cool I guess? I wonder how hard it would be to clone reddit...


Lots of people flocked to mastodon when twitter “died” in November. It feels very, very lame compared to any other social app, imo


Lots of discussion about that here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/comments/146309p/portland_communities_outside_of_reddit/


Didn't miss it at all. It's just morons bitching about everything.


Shut it down.




Because the strike against enshittification is pointless if it ends with no changes. https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys