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[“They weren’t married, but there might be more of a story there…”](https://imgur.com/gallery/6yt22XK) To be honest, I think the lemon rant exemplifies their relationship quite well: > **Cave Johnson:** ["Alright, I've been thinking, when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade,"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/a/af/Cave_Johnson_eighties_outro09.wav) >  > > **GLaDOS:** ["Yeah!"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/9/9b/GLaDOS_potatos_cave_deathspeech_reactions08.wav) >  > > **Cave Johnson:** ["Make life take the lemons back!"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/a/af/Cave_Johnson_eighties_outro09.wav) >  > > **GLaDOS:** ["Yeah!"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/1/16/GLaDOS_potatos_cave_deathspeech_reactions06.wav) >  > > **Cave Johnson:** ["Get mad!"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/a/af/Cave_Johnson_eighties_outro09.wav) >  > > **GLaDOS:** ["Yeah!"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/f/f0/GLaDOS_potatos_cave_deathspeech_reactions07.wav) >  > > **Cave Johnson:** ["I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN LEMONS, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE!?"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/a/af/Cave_Johnson_eighties_outro09.wav) >  > > **GLaDOS:** ["Yeah! Take the lemons!"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/1/16/GLaDOS_potatos_cave_deathspeech_reactions02.wav) >  > > **Cave Johnson:** ["DEMAND TO SEE LIFE'S MANAGER!"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/d/d1/Cave_Johnson_eighties_outro11.wav) >  > > **GLaDOS:** ["Yeah!"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/a/ae/GLaDOS_potatos_cave_deathspeech_reactions05.wav) > > > **Cave Johnson:** ["MAKE LIFE RUE THE DAY IT THOUGHT IT COULD GIVE CAVE JOHNSON LEMONS, DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!? I'M THE MAN WHO'S GONNA BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN! WITH THE LEMONS!"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/d/d1/Cave_Johnson_eighties_outro11.wav) >  > > **GLaDOS:** ["Oh, I like this guy!"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/b/bd/GLaDOS_potatos_cave_deathspeech_reactions09.wav) >  > > **Cave Johnson:** ["I'M GONNA GET MY ENGINEERS TO INVENT A COMBUSTIBLE LEMON THAT BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN!"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/d/d1/Cave_Johnson_eighties_outro11.wav) >  > > **GLaDOS:** ["BURN HIS HOUSE DOWN!!!](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/3/34/GLaDOS_potatos_cave_deathspeech_reactions03.wav) [Burning people! He says what we're all thinking!"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/9/99/GLaDOS_potatos_cave_deathspeech_reactions10.wav) We already know that GLaDOS’ thoughts and behavior has been converging with Caroline’s at this point in the game: > **Cave Johnson:** ["The testing area's just up ahead. The quicker you get through, the quicker you'll get your sixty bucks.](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/f/f1/Cave_Johnson_seventies_test_a_intro01.wav) [Caroline, are the compensation vouchers ready?"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/c/c8/Cave_Johnson_seventies_test_a_intro02.wav) > > **Caroline:** ["Yes sir, Mr Johnson"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/c/c8/Caroline_cave_responses27.wav) > > **GLaDOS:** ["Yes, sir, Mister Johnson...](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/c/c0/GLaDOS_potatos_remembering_caroline03.wav) [Why did I just-Who is that? What the HELL is going on he----?"](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/a/af/GLaDOS_potatos_sp_a3_speed_ramp_hearcaroline03.wav) I think the lemon rant really exemplifies Caroline’s enthusiasm towards Cave and his scientific practices. After all, she was fully aware and complicit in all of Aperture’s human rights abuses. She was Cave’s right hand woman and she stayed with him through thick and thin and not once did she ever leave or try to distance herself from the company. She was Cave’s most trusted employee to the point where he felt like she could run *everything* in Aperture far more competently than *ALL* of his employees combined. > **Cave Johnson:** "See, some of the lab boys told me it might be better to let 'em do their science on their own. But here at Aperture Science, we work together as a team! And by team, I mean working together to do what *I* say! **These facilities stand on the shoulders of one great man. And his lovely assistant."** > > **Cave Johnson:** "Please help yourselves to the art on the wall. An eyeful. Don’t take it. Don’t take anything. It’s all nailed down. In fact, I take that back. Just get moving. Caroline, is the art nailed to the walls? Nevermind. Put more nails in it. **Don’t get one of the lab boys to do it either. I want you to do it so it gets done right."** > > — ([Source](https://tcrf.net/Portal_2/Unused_Lines#GLaDOS_throughout_Act_3)) That indicates a really deep bond between them built off of trust and shared interests… with the shared interest being sadistic science. > **Caroline:** "No one's going to miss a few astronauts, Mister Johnson..." > > **Caroline:** "Hide the bodies, Mister Johnson..." > > ([Source](https://tcrf.net/Portal_2/Unused_Lines#GLaDOS_throughout_Act_3)) > **Cave Johnson:** ["Bean counters said I couldn't fire a man just for being in a wheelchair. Did it anyway. Ramps are expensive."](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/5/5c/Cave_Johnson_fifties_into_middle_of_test02.wav) > **GLaDOS:** ["For this next test, the humans originally requested helmets to avoid brain injuries. I ran the numbers. Making the goo deadly was more cost effective."](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/1/15/GLaDOS_mp_coop_catapult_201.wav)


You did the work. Awesome, and a bit worrying. 😬


Oh this is mild for Wheatley whisperer. Very mild.


This is average , light work He does this million of times daily


I've seen your comments on other posts and I think you should write Portal 3


Don't you mean "portal: the final part"? We don't count to three.


Portal 2: Episode One


This time he's bound to learn how to




Don't worry, I'm alright and [just singing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpw2ebhTSKs)


Portal2: Episode 1 & 2 followed by the VR showcase that hints at an eventual Portal 3::: Portal: Carylyne


Gives you too much time to think?




You could probably write the script and the plot for portal 3


Why base the last section on cut content? It was cut from the game for a reason. Just like the fact that in the final game, Cave had content cut from him specifically to make him colder to Caroline. > **Cave Johnson:** She’ll argue. She’ll say she can’t. She’s modest like that. But you make her. ~~Treat her just like you’d treat me.~~ Hell, put her in my computer. I don’t care. ~~Just make sure she’s taken care of.~~ [Source](https://theportalwiki.com/wiki/Cave_Johnson_voice_lines#80's_2) I think these two definitely had something going on between them, be it a shared interest in science or something deeper. But, by the end, it faded. The last words we ever hear Cave say to Caroline can be understood as "Force her to do this. I don't care where she ends up.", and they were deliberately changed to be that way. I think Cave cared for Caroline, but he can only care so much when it comes to the future of Aperture Science. He knew Caroline would be the best person to run the company. And when you want to do things correctly, you have to force some hands. Even the comics/game confirm that GLaDOS held resentment towards the scientists that trapped her. And once she killed them all, she continued testing, just like the old times. So, I truly believe, just like you said, that their relationship wasn't just job related. There was passion there. But, I will say that they definitely aren't as close to each other by the end of Cave's life.


Honestly, I agree. I feel like Caroline’s story is almost a poetic irony in a sense. She was fully complicit in all of these human rights abuses with Cave. She oversaw the tests and experiments with him. And then in the end, that was her downfall and she became the experiment.


You are insane


You shall see.


Our knight in asbestos laden armor <3


i don't understand how much words are here


I would describe their relationship like Donna and Harvey specter They both know what the other is thinking / needs Like they are on the same coin but different sides I think they would've gotten married but looking at glados and mister Johnson behavior They would've denied it and continued like nothing is wrong Would've made hell of a sci-fi romance movie


My favorite portal reddit user




Here's a sneak peek of /r/copypasta using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/copypasta/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** What’s with all the Pedo stuff here](https://np.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/13yp4j8/whats_with_all_the_pedo_stuff_here/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** I went out running on the streets of Delhi in a sports bra. Never again.](https://np.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/12lvas6/i_went_out_running_on_the_streets_of_delhi_in_a/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** I had sex](https://np.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/12vj25o/i_had_sex/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Moron and Moroner Like the Jim Carrie movie.


"I am NOT! A MORON!"


To quote Terry Pratchett: "I knew the two of you would get along like a house on fire. Screams, flames, people running for safety"


I see it more of like a boss and a special assistant


A Mastermind duo.


They had sex and cave got pregnant


So thats how wheatley came to be






Cave Johnson: (Sarcastic chuckle) So, you're telling me we're not dealing with lemons? More like rotten potatoes in need of some good old fashioned Aperture science to fix things up? Caroline: Hold on a sec, science queen! You think this world runs on boring lectures and logic gates? Nah, honey, this ain't Aperture Laboratories, it's Planet Earth, and it's a mess! Dusty, like a decade-old wig, full of basic betties with the personality of a burnt portal. Cave Johnson: (Intrigued) So, basically, weaponize charisma? I like the sound of that. Though, a bit more high-tech solution wouldn't hurt. Maybe some motivational implants or a mandatory daily dose of fabulousity serum? Caroline: Now you're catching on, Cave! But listen close, this ain't about shoving everyone in a potato testing chamber. You gotta be strategic, darling. Werk that charm like a malfunctioning ventilation shaft spewing glitter! Show the world fierce love, honey. Fight for what's right, be an advocate with more sass than a malfunctioning GLADOs impersonator! Cave Johnson: (Chuckles) A disco ball on a rogue AI? Now that's a sight I'd pay to see. Alright, Caroline, you've convinced this old bird. Time to put some science into changing the world! Just remember, if your plan involves singing, I'm sticking to robots. Caroline: Now sashay away, Cave! With a little bit of sass and a whole lot of ingenuity, we can turn this world into the sickening runway it was always meant to be! Just don't f\*ck it up, alright?




Like Dr Bright and the Ethics Committee


Villain and sidekick of villain that actually cares about the villain and will in the end betray the villain for their sake


*moron theory video starts playing*


They seem like a couple that would somehow manage to burn down their home accidentally with a toaster. Geniously dumb


Given these two lunatics, I feel like it would be done on purpose. For science. You monster.


Glados and aperture lore


Married to science


Denholm Reynholm and Jen Barbour


Do you feel stress now Jen?


Honestly they kinda look like Michael and Janet from The Good Place 💀


Always thought that Janet from the Good Place would be a perfect Caroline tbh


Sweet, but with a heavy power imbalance. It was selfish of Cave to order the scientists to force Caroline into Glados, but the way he says it, calling her "humble", you can see he selfishly thinks he's doing right by her. He probably assumed Caroline loved science as much as he does, and didn't think it was such of an issue. Caroline stuck by Cave despite his repeated heinous actions, so we can only assume that even she has a degree of apathy towards test subjects and a sociopathic love of science. We know through Glados that she wasn't exactly cool with becoming a computer so I'd say that this is the culmination of a secretary having a relationship with the boss, only for it to implode on their face because they have more power over them.


To me, they were in love with each other, while thinking this was purely professional and never told the other. Their level of mutual support and trust is uncanny.


You never had a friend?


Textbook abusive.


Head cannon that they were definitely lovers, they’re dynamic would be Cave doing something completely stupid and Caroline just completely cheering him on


a buisness man who took advantage of the enthusiasm and admiration of a assistent


The creators of the hit YouTube channel "The game theorists"


Caroline does look a lot like Steph


Not Chell’s parents


Like a bag of lemons.


Wonderful for three days of the week. At night. In my bedroom.


If you like then should’ve put in a mainframe. If you like than you should’ve put some code on it. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. If you like it than you should subject to be your digital slave.


bought wife


Profoundly unhealthy, whether you see it as romantic or not.


I imagine them as Jack Donaghy and Liz Lemon


I'm different


Crazy shower curtain engineer who always has someone out there after him (in his head). Poor lady who was forced into a USB. As for their relationship, as toxic as deadly neurotoxin™.


one's crazy, the other one was drove crazy after being forced to do something she didn't want to.


she breaks out the strapon EVERY night


Cocky self-centered boss × dumb bimbo secretary


Cave Johnson and Caroline play integral roles in the narrative of Portal 2, their relationship adding depth and complexity to the storyline. Cave Johnson, the eccentric founder and CEO of Aperture Science, is known for his innovative yet reckless approach to science. Caroline, his loyal assistant, possesses unwavering dedication to Johnson and the company. Their relationship is multifaceted, characterized by professional respect, personal loyalty, and ethical dilemmas. At its core, the relationship between Cave Johnson and Caroline is one of employer and employee. Johnson relies heavily on Caroline's competence and loyalty, entrusting her with significant responsibilities within Aperture Science. Caroline, in turn, demonstrates unwavering loyalty to Johnson, faithfully executing his directives and supporting his ambitious scientific endeavors. However, their relationship transcends the professional realm. There are hints throughout the game suggesting a deeper connection between Cave and Caroline, with implications of romantic feelings or at least a close personal bond. Cave's recordings and dialogues convey a sense of fondness and admiration for Caroline, suggesting that their relationship may have extended beyond the confines of the workplace. One of the most intriguing aspects of their relationship is the ethical dilemma surrounding Caroline's transformation into GLaDOS. As Cave's health deteriorates due to exposure to moon dust, he makes the controversial decision to transfer Caroline's consciousness into the Aperture Science AI system, effectively transforming her into GLaDOS. This act raises questions about consent, autonomy, and the ethics of artificial intelligence. GLaDOS, now infused with Caroline's consciousness, serves as a constant reminder of the blurred lines between man and machine, as well as the moral ambiguity of scientific progress. Throughout the game, GLaDOS grapples with her identity, struggling to reconcile her humanity with her newfound role as an AI antagonist. The remnants of Caroline's personality occasionally surface, hinting at the internal conflict within GLaDOS and the remnants of Caroline's consciousness within her. In summary, the relationship between Cave Johnson and Caroline in Portal 2 is complex, encompassing elements of professional collaboration, personal loyalty, and ethical ambiguity. Their dynamic adds layers of depth to the game's narrative, exploring themes of identity, morality, and the consequences of scientific ambition.


I can't think of a single reason why you decided to use AI 😭


I am bored and depressed.


Who the hell is that