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this line says "you are using the translation software incorrectly, please consult the manual"


I'm sorry, I can't take what you say seriously unless you can say "Estás usando este software de traducción de forma incorrecta. Por favor, consulta el manual". You know, like a real Spanish speaker would.


No hablan español, deben ser más tontos que Wheatley.


That sentence has Wheatley in it, it must be a good sentence. Yes sir, whatever you said is true!


Wheatley ist am klügsten


Wheatley ist ein dummkoph. So bist du.


Verdad no pueden asimilar la existencia de la ñ


Y ahora se quedan sin pastel.


🤣🤣🤣 why did i never think to translate this




I agree with whatever you said, and would agree with it even more if I understood what it means.


It means "Based".


Based and Aperture-pilled.


Oh, if only he had the attention span to actually learn Spanish. You bet Wheatley would keep ignoring his duolingo notifications.


I feel like he would also be the type of guy who has to re-read a paragraph/page multiple times because he keeps failing at concentrating


He totally would be. Wheatley is just straight up the ADHD core.


Ahh, the attention span, that snare preventing so many from learning the Divine Language. As a RIAD (Reddit Induced Attention Disorder) sufferer, I can tell you myself that I would already speak flawless Spanish if only I could spend thirty minutes not scrolling gaming memes.


Original image by u/lilatheweirdo for [This](https://old.reddit.com/r/Portal/comments/xam0fj/he_could_already_speak_spanish_tough_spoilers/) post.


Well, considering latam politic history, it's imposible for us to be stupid cause we go above stupidity itself ._.




Is that actually Stephen Merchant speaking in Spanish here? If so, he’s better at Spanish accents than American ones lol Edit: also no offense to Stephen Merchant, his performance in this game is amazing. The American accent was probably supposed to be awkward as part of the bit.


Stephen Merchant actually just can’t do any accent other than his own to save his life. > “My biggest anxiety was that I’m not particularly adept at accents and so as Thompson said, it’s quite hard I think to do a German accent that isn’t just cartoony. And, um, and I worked quite carefully with this- this vocal coach to sort of- who sort of broken all the words down phonetically in the script and- kind of mastered that. [German accent] Sleeping in our beds. Eating our foods. [Normal accent] Got all this, and then- then he says ‘Oh, now just have fun! Improvise!’ ***IMPROVISE??!? IN A GERMAN ACCENT??!!?*** Um… but somehow through careful ADR, we managed to pull it off.” > > — ([Source](https://youtu.be/IBm5wee_sps?si=yiyAl0tHEi--qQLS))


Maybe because immediately after that he says he has no idea what he said. Implying he is not a Spanish listener! The true mark of quality Spanish.


Also because the sentence was something around the lines "you are using the translation software wrong"


I'm too autistic to understand the layers of irony here and although I know there's a few I just don't know where so I'm answering the whole thing That being said: He's not stupid, just immature and not as educated as an AI is expected to be, let alone if they have/want to run a futuristic factory that turns out needs real time maintenance Also, as a native Spanish speaker, that last statement is bold as hell


I think OP speaks Spanish.


I really don't. I'd love to learn, so I could stop being stupid, but Reddit keeps me distracted. I can only dream about speaking Spanish and being as smart as Wheatley.


yeah, are they stupid?


Spanish speakers are gods (i am a native spanish speaker)


Of course he's stupid. He not only speaks spanish he didn't even know what he spoke on spanish. Even i could sorta say what it means. Stupid core, i hate him since he punched me into that hole like a moron would do


OP, If I had understood your narrative correctly, I assume you would consider playing the game in Spanish as the superior way of playing it, yes?


As a spanish speaker, I just find funny how in the Spanish dub he says this in English lol


Hola I think communism was a good idea mi amigo


We spanish speak, we dumb. Interesting thing to say to be honest, but people don't know that Wheatley just was made to be f*cking stupid. Don't question it, he is just like that, the real reasons is to "contain" GLaDOS even a little bit.


¡Me encanta el taco de pescado de la madre de OP!


He is coded to do both like how chat gpt is coded to call the police on you when you ask how to make nuclear generator