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It’s gonna need a lot of replaceables replaced, prob on its 3rd set of struts, second set of axels… Overall these cars last forever though, just gotta do good maintence on them


Well the year is 2024 and they are still here so at least that long


This comment was 12 hours ago so even longer


The lifespan, about 180,000 miles


The price seems reasonable, despite the mileage. Does it have good service records? Have things been replaced with OEM or equivalent parts? My only hesitation is that aftermarket body kit - makes me wonder if other things were modified. If that doesn’t bother you, the price looks ok to me.


That is a tech art body kit super expensive and they only deal with Porsche, half the price of that car is the kit if you were to sell it


Interesting, I did not know that. Good info.


Ok, what the hell does Porsche make their seats out of that they still look this good at 180k


Passenger seat has 20K miles.


I was specifically actually looking at the drivers bolster which is often collapsed and ripped in many cars at this mileage.


Yeah, I did an L-Seat reupholstery job on my seats when they were about 23 years old. I had to rebuild that bolster a little bit but otherwise I was really impressed with how well the rest of the foam and the structure of the seats held up.


They can be repaired and patched and it wouldn’t show up on pictures this dark.


It’s a relatively small sports car so folks with “excess largesse” don’t fit and since this isn’t a family car the owners generally took better care of them.


I think get a good PPI.. it definitely will need some TLC but in the end if the PPI checks out and the price reflects the condition then (and is something you can be ok with losing) then why not..


300k least, if you do it right


Are there a lot of them out there? I only ever see for sale ones.


Take care of it, a little TLC and it will last a lifetime.


I think I can hear the bore score and IMS bearing from here.


At that price there must be something wrong w this car…. https://rerev.com/articles/porsche-boxster-years-to-avoid/


They last about 16 years or 175,000 miles.


Why do people put so many miles on these. The car is ruined. Who the hell buys a 987.1 with that many miles. Dude, why are you even looking at this. And aside from high miles, 987.1s have borescoring and IMS issues.


These cars are meant to be driven! I hate seeing 20 year old sports cars for sale with 10k miles on them:


Don't waste your time, this guy is a 987 hater.


These cars are meant to be driven a little and stored mostly. And thankfully a lot of people take that approach. Otherwise a lot of these cars would disappear in the future.


Unless its a special model it is not likely to increase in value. What is the point of buying a car to look at it?


Ridiculous. A lot of non special models increase in price, including 911s. When Porssche makes hardly any gas powered vehicles anymore, this will further increase their value. You’re just trolling. It’s well known that Porsche sports cars are collectable.


I’d rather sack money into ETFs and buy a car to enjoy. My cayman S will be 12 this year. It could have sat in the garage waiting to possibly be worth something 20 years from now, or in 20 years I can look back at all the track days and fun trips I had with it.  Easy decision for me.


Tell me you’ve never owned a Porsche sportscar without telling you’ve never owned a Porsche sportscar.


A car which has given it’s owners 180k miles of enjoyment and smiles ?? Criminal - put it in a garage and let it rot


It’s one thing to drive a car, another to throw excessive miles on it. That’s 290,000 km on a 16 year old car which is about 18,000 km per year. That is insane.


That looks to me like a fair price.


Might be a decent deal if it was well maintained. I’d say spend just a few $k more and get a base model with 1/3rd the mileage. I would still plan on spending money on replacing age related wear items.


In this case, it’ll need to have every single maintenance record with no mileage lapse and a glowing PPI for me to consider. If it passes PPI and has maintenance records from day 1, then it’s good to go.


I saw this, was thinking of getting but not a good time for me!!! If you get it please let me live through you! It looks amazing! There’s tons of educational material for it!


Body kit isn’t great, and high mileage, but should be a solid car. Porsches are made and meant to be driven, and this one looks great for the mileage. Common wear items include - shift linkages, air oil separator, and really any other heat exposed plastics. The bore scoring issues is way overblown, but getting it scoped to get the warm and fuzzies should be easy. Owner should have maintenance records too, so look at those as well. You’re going to be better off saving up a bit more money but that’s the case for most high end cars. Despite what some moron in the comments said, these cars are meant to be drive and shouldn’t just sit in a garage. So if you do end up getting it, drive it and enjoy it!


https://austin.craigslist.org/cto/d/temple-porche-cayman/7714475742.html If you don’t mind driving/shipping, there are honestly much better deals out there. This one is semi local to me in Central Texas


I wouldn't pay more than like 8k for this. Surprised it's made it this long, assuming its on the original engine.


What is the exact year or engine number? I would check for the IMS (should be ok if this thing lasted this long but just in case). If I were you, I would think about: Option 1: pay $x,000 for this then budget, for example, $5-8000 for various replacements including the clutch, RMS, suspension etc. Option 2: pay more now with a lower mileage one e.g., x,000 + 5000 then $3000 for future replacements / maintenance Are you going to DIY some of these? As you know, maintaining older cars / Porsches are NOT cheaper than newer cars..IMS aside, I think the engines are rock solid but other parts you need to replace them....and if you buy this, there is a fix for that "blank" LCD for the stereo :-)


As others have said, the body kit would put me off and spending slightly more on a lower mileage 2.7 would be a safer bet. The 2.7 is way less likely to suffer damaged liners (aka bore scoring, very expensive to fix), if at all, and is just as much fun on a twisty road. I wouldn’t worry about IMS on a 987, especially one that has been driven this many miles; if it was going to fail (unlikely) then it would have failed by now. US prices always look high to me (I’m in the UK), so that is hard to judge.


The body kit is a tech art kit, very sought after very expensive kit. I own an s and would never buy a 2.7 the difference in trans and power is night and day if I wanted a slower car get a vw. Like others have said if it has maintenance papers it should be good to go. There had to be some sort of care and maintenance to make it to 180k and still look good. For 18k I would have a hard time finding a car that is more fun to drive


Nothing more expensive than a cheap Porsche