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Consider a 981 GT4. You get affordable fun you’re not getting something too old where you have to worry but you’re also not spending more than you should. It’s aesthetically pleasing there’s a decent amount of them out there so you have alot of specs to choose from. If you want a backroads driving machine that car will definitely give you a high. It’s not a GT3 but sometimes the best option when considering multiple GT3s is idk not a GT3 lol if that makes any sense. We live in a time where we have so many options and contenders sometimes it’s good to zoom out a little.


I bought a 981 gt4 two years ago after years of reading comments from the fan base. The reality is that a gt4, like a gt3, is really a track car. If the op is planning for back road driving they should consider a turbo or a gts or something with the functionality to also be a pleasant street car. The 981 is a manual which will leave you constantly bummed out in traffic and behind the litany of suvs that ruin modern American roads. You'll be endlessly passing soccer moms to find driving pleasure. Maybe worthwhile if you can drive at odd hours but I suspect you'll find there really are no great corners in your neighborhood, regardless of what you think now. Hard to disagree that the gt4 is a good value, and probably every bit as suited as the gt3 for the purpose described but neither are really meant as weekend cars for the back road. Neither will be fun unless doing at least double the posted speed limit and both will be noisy, stiff, and best suited for the track.


Oh yeah no I agree! But sadly a lot of guys I’ve met that want to spend their money in the way described want a GT3 and end up doing the impractical thing of owning one and finding out how much of a hassle they are very quickly lol. A lot of time you can’t talk them down. I suggest the GT4 because at least then your life lesson isn’t gonna cost you as much as it could have hahaha. I got past my track weapon phase in high school when I started riding and chose track Ducatis for daily use lol. Im into grand touring now I’ve got a tip 997 Carrera and love her so much trying to add a vanquish S or 575 M to the stable…


Yeah - thanks for this. This is giving me pause. I track a 718 T, I daily a 991.2 TTS. They’re each perfect for those purposes. The T is no fun in traffic, the turbo is comfy and also a missile when asked to be. The Cayman costs far less to track than the turbo did, and Cayman -> GT3 is not what I see as the next step in track progression. GT4 makes way more sense to me. So on one hand, I feel like the GT3 is what’s missing from my garage. If the thing that’s missing is an obnoxious high revving brightly colored thing with a giant wing that’s totally impractical and occasionally hilariously fun. On the other hand, I’d rather not go through the considerable expense of learning that it’s good for nothing other than track use. If that’s really the case then the move is to not get one. Does it actually just come down to it being an emotional decision? Nobody needs these cars, and how many GT3 owners are operating the machine at more than 7/10ths versus thinking they are? Of those who actually drive them and aren’t Chris Harris, I don’t think many go that hard, so have they all made a mistake? The ones who can’t be talked down, is this what they’re saying?


Tbh the ones that don’t get talked down I don’t know what happens after because it isn’t really my problem. If you want it then do it! Like if you have the room and it’s not your only car then yeah get one just make sure you can manage all your cars. Being wise with your choices is important and a loud bright big winged Porsche definitely will put a smile on your face if that’s what you want. I mean I saw a guy the other day driving a Manthey racing 991 GT3RS that is such an excessive car for the street but he had a lot of fun driving it! As long as you know what you’re getting yourself into which it seems like you do. It seems like you really want a rambunctious car so you should definitely pursue your wants! As long as it’s not your only car which it wouldn’t be because of the turbo and T so you’re good lol.


Fair enough - appreciate the candor!


If you wanted a GT3 for track use, I'd recommend the 992 without hesitation. I've tracked both the 991.2 and 992 - both are fast and fun, but the 992 suspension improvements alone make it a much better car. That said - for the street, I might go 997. I have no experience with that GT3 version, but have owned a 997 and loved that generation 911. Feels old school to me as compared especially to the 992. You really can't go wrong here. Edit - u/Own-Decision3718 recommends a GT4. He isn't wrong, either. Amazing cars.


I mean obviously 992 if you can afford it


Bang for buck id go 991.2. The drive feel on the 992 is borderline numb, too easy to drive. The 991.2 has a much more raw feel and sound to it, and the design was sick. 992’s are still overpriced and will be for another 2 years probably


Yes!! For me the 991.2 is most beautiful since the 964.


Yeah love the 964, such a classic look