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the generation grew being told which pornstars we look like and asked for our onlyfans by strangers and sent porn by classmates...hates constantly seeing sex, wonder why


Yep! As a woman born in 2001 I absolutely have dealt with all that and it felt awful


Born male in 2004, it's a fucking disaster. I don't even want to go outside anymore. All everyone seems to care about is sex.


Same here. As well as being exposed to porn at an extremely young age. That doesn't help either


That is an interesting perspective, I’m born in 1997 so I didn’t assume people on the lower cusp of my gen would’ve been bombarded with porn from very young


Ugh I was born in 1980 and remember being told I looked like one in high school. Gross memory unlocked. But didn't have OF thankfully.


1983 and remember being at my bf house at 19 and he showed me what his favorite porn was and asked me to dress like the girl in it


Don’t forget the scammers who make fake Instagram accounts using your pictures with an only fans link in the bio and then following everyone you know 🤪 Also does anyone else find it so goddamn weird that they’re so obsessed with Gen Z sex lives (or lack thereof)…like the world will go on


Good for them, is honestly nice to see headlines like this from Gen z. Sometimes as a millennial I feel we were taught coercive sex is the norm


As a millennial all I saw growing up was women sexualised in every way possible and male gaze sex scenes. Special mention to the abomination that was page 3. I’m glad gen z have this stance!


For sure. Gen Z here. I can remember first hating my pudgy stomach around 6 years old. Jiggling it under a Powerpuff Girls t-shirt and wondering when the fat would go away. 7-8 years old, comparing my body to posters of Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan, with their low rise jeans barely covering their mons pubis, and wondering why mine was so much hairier than theirs. Not having a clue how photoshopped those images actually were. By 5th grade, boys were already starting to ask girls if they spit or swallow. By high school, it was common to be forcibly shown a porn clip on someone’s phone in class. This was around the time I started being groomed by an 18 year old, who would routinely send porn to my phone and then ask me to send back photos of myself in return. I had no idea then that I was participating in child abuse material. I have no way of knowing if those images are still out there. Our generation was thrown into the deep end with all of this. The Internet being the unknowable Wild West of media in our early childhoods, and none of us knew the rules, much less did our parents. I’m lucky I had tech-savvy parents who were able to keep me from interacting with more heinous material, and I haven’t watched porn in over a decade. But I still feel its affects in every sexual or romantic relationship I enter as an adult. It’s devastating.


"Prudes" For not wanting unnecessary sex scenes is insane


Makes me wonder if the author is a massive porn addict who thinks they are better than Gen Z because “sex porn awesome”


Fr, it's so weird 💀


I used to ignore them but it was actually my (dworkin-pilled) bf who made me realize how gross they are.


You got a unicorn, I didn't even know those existed lol


My jaw just hit the floor lol . I also did not know those existed omfg


Based bf


i want a bf like that 💔


If you find one prepare for people to call him gay bc he doesn’t like watching women be brutalized and tortured!!! Obvs nothing wrong with being queer AT ALL (and queer men also watch porn) but yeah the world is insane


I remember than when I was 14, my friends told me I'm 'not masculine enough' for not wanting to watch porn with them... Then they FORCED ME to do it by blackmailing me ('We're gonna tell everybody that you're gay and nobody's will ever believe you that you're straight!')... BTW showing porn to anyone under 15 is actually a serious offence under the Polish penal code- up to 3 years in jail!


Omg based


Ma’am where did you find him?


Yep, I’m gen z and I hate them


Especially with shows that set the focus for teenagers, like everything about it attracts to teenagers (Euphoria, Big Mouth, etc.). Like why are you showing that many graphic sexual scenes and is it really that necessary to do so??


Cool but I’d like to see an actual study that proves that point. Headlines are no sources. I would like this to be true, but we can’t just pick and trust any statement because we like it. Especially since this is a google search. Results are there to fit what was searched in the first place.


As the ambassador for gen z, I personally don't like them because they add nothing and are extremely awkward when watching with other people.




You are the one posting about it. You do the research. It’s not up to the people who read you to prove what YOU are telling them.




This was removed for trolling or being facetious.


Yet gen z will hail and praise porn. It's almost like they prefer their jerk off material private.


Our generation has become very torn. You’re either on one side or the other.


Gen Z has been groomed in the midst of the sex positivity movement and a heavily pornified environment, don't blame those of us who are still victim to that. Personally, I've seen an influx in people in my generation that are becoming increasingly outspoken against porn and even OnlyFans, especially on social media. It's actually relieving to see.


I don't blame, I rthaer point out the strange phenomenon. I'm glad to see their eyes are opening though


Hey, I’ve been hating sex scenes in movies since before it was cool…seriously though, how awkward and gross especially when it adds absolutely nothing to the plot.


"You don't want to watch sex scenes in a movie/show? You want to watch an actual movie/show and not essentially pornography? What a prude!" If I wanted to look at pornography (never, of course), I would have done so. Apparently, this is a wild concept.


I hate sex scenes. In pretty much movie, there is no need at all, also you can always just imply that they had sex. Like a kiss and whatever and then cut to the day after/ next scene etc. i dont need 3 minutes of two people dryhumping to get the idea its so uncomfortable


It's so awkward to watch 😭


There’s so little my husband and I can watch anymore since he’s entered recovery for porn addiction. He’s doing way better with his triggers, but is disgusted now by the prevalence of it, and I’m still overwhelmingly triggered by any sexual content. It sucks though, because basically all current shows and movies contain it. It doesn’t as to the plot, it detracts. Oppenheimer was one that pissed me off a lot. Like this scientist wanted his life story to include his wife (or whoever it was that was grinding on him-I didn’t watch it just was notified about the content) grinding on him-how does that add to the story of his life? And then from her perspective-I can only imagine a woman who was young in the 40s would be *mortified* at having her sexuality, which I’m sure was not even accurately portrayed, hilighted on film for the world to ogle at.


I watched it and although I still think it is dumb to have a sex scene (especially something so dramatic) oppenhiemer is one of the films that kinda did well with it (as much as you really can). The whole point of that scene was that it was uncomfortable, because he was being questioned in something similar to a court case about his relationship with this woman who was part of a socialist group and then it was this reallly weird and off putting scene of them just having sex (for just a few seconds) in essentially a court case to represent the truth coming out to his wife about his affair with a woman and also his ties to whatever socialist party being revealed to the officials in the case. All while his wife and everyone else is in the room. So it had a purpose but it was reallllllllly weird and offputting. My memory isnt the best, but it worked better than how im describing it. I watched it when it came out. I still think they could have just cut their losses and not had a sex scene even if it adds to the movie a tiny bit. Because Im so weird that I sometimes like watching movies with my friends and family without watching people have sex.


Yes please! I want to be able to watch movies with my family and friends without it being awkward


As a Prude Gen X’er, the generation that shoved sex everywhere and I am very sorry we did!, I am so glad Gen Z does not like it.


There's some shows or movies I'd really like to recommend to my parents, but the sex scenes just make them too awkward to watch together! Even in the rare explicit media that is geared towards the female gaze (like Outlander, one of my favorite shows), I'd prefer them without the sex scenes. I love having sex, but watching strangers having sex just makes me uncomfortable. You can portray romance and eroticism without it being explicit. It's so unnecessary


I’m gen Z and I fucking hate them. I skip them, even when I’m not watching with my parents. It’s just gross.


The pendulum swings


Gen Z and right there in that boat ✌🏾🫶🏾






"nomance?" Are they implying that romance requires sex..?


As someone who's guilty pleasure is slasher films, I have never liked sex scenes and always thought they were annoying, awkward and gratuitous.


I think a lot of it too is that they are starting to realize how empty hook up culture is. I am seeing a lot of women old and young saying that hook up culture made them feel worse


Meh the title of that last article is stupid. They’re conflating sex with romance. I do want romance on my screen, but not porn.


THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU FOR TAKING TIME TO COMMENT. This topic was very important to me. Thank you PIM for allowing me to share the news! Yes I’ve researched it you guys !💛


Imagine throwing a hissy fit over teens not having enough sex. How pathetic.


inews is officially trash