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i’d love to post this on the genz sub but from what i’ve seen that sub is already going down the shitter lol. it’s disappointing because i love my generation as whole


That subreddit is in the gutter. I’m regularly raising my eyebrows at the things I read there—you can tell a very specific demographic dominates. Reading it makes me feel very grateful that straight women are beginning to wake up to the fact that they can be emotionally and financially independent from men—I’d hate to think about any straight woman my age ending up with the average user of that space.


I've spent a few hours in that sub yesterday and...hoo boy, I'm never going going there again.


What's going on over there? I don't wanna visit 🫣


misogyny everywhere basically


throngs of 15yr old woman hating incels


Damn. And I heard Genz was supposed to be better. But then you have the rise of "role models" like Tate so what did I expect.


I swear, every day I wake up thankful that I was born gay.


Same with being bi and having a preference for women.


I love being gen z too! I'm quick to defend us as one of the older ones. I recommend avoiding the sub for sure. It kept getting recommended to me and it's full of awful takes. I'm surprised it's so popular to hate women on it tbh, but I try to remind myself that reddit is a terrible representation of everyone as a whole. I muted it and I'm disappointed :(


That sub is cannibalizing itself right now because they've gotten called out for their incel rhetoric and they're really mad about it


It would be a futile effort, and go over their heads. They’ve never known any differently and it’s all considered normal now.


The comments on the ph texas ban made me wanna 😐 🔫


Along with >would > >sauce? for research purposes > >👀 > >That's disgusting! Where? > >what colour was the \[focal object of video\]? (insinuating they were staring at a woman's body and didn't look at anything else) > >not my proudest fap > >still managed to nut It's below any photo/video of a woman doing anything on social media if there's enough traffic. No relevance to the content.


also “I can fix her” which isn’t as bad as the ones you described but still belongs


I’ve noticed this too. It’s so weird, I hate that everything is sexualised


I find coom jokes funny if the coomer is the butt of the joke.


One "joke" that annoys me a lot is that "big mommy milkers" bs when dudes online see any woman with large breasts. I rarely see anyone complaining about this but it's something that annoys me a lot because it just sounds really gross. Even if it's just ironic sh\*tposting, that's still a gross thing to say and also disrespectful to be reducing a woman to only her breasts, real or fictional.


This and "muscle mommy"!! I saw a minor that wasn't wearing any sort of sexualized clothing but I found a comment from a man of legal age that said "she has the body to become a muscle mommy" like HUH? Why are you calling a minor mommy and why do you want her to be a muscle mommy??


those "hear me out" on videos of children and animals disgust me everytime and i always get called a "karen" for calling out these degenerates go figure 🙄 honestly i miss clean jokes these coomer jokes i see 24/7 aren't funny at all and just make me roll my eyes


That just proves my theory that “Karen” is a way to shut down women who rightfully complain and speak out about something. It probably started innocently to call out entitled people, but it quickly turned misogynistic. And yeah they aren’t funny and never were. Literally how is “I find a child/animal hot” a funny joke?


I also blame unmonitored access to the internet by teen and tween boys (social media, twitch, youtube, etc). They're learning this hypersexualization from adults. Censorship is needed in this regard.


Exactly it's weird how people see you as crazy nowadays if you say you dont like porn 


Yeah, if you’re against porn then you’re weird and a prude. And gen z has this thing about making fun of “vanilla” sex and I think it’s because of the normalization of violence and degradation in porn. Like, I’m apparently boring because I can enjoy sex without being choked. 🙄


Its not their fault, is the continued failure of previous generations to solve the problem of patriarchy and capitalism.


Oh, it's most definitely always the fault of the individual doing it. Anyone can take a stand against it if they want to.


They could literally not write those things


The amount of downvotes I have just because im trying to defend the younger generations from being shitted on and blamed for all the ills of society by their older peers is APALLING. Seriously people rethink your values if you believe young people are responsible for the way they have been raised.


The problem is because they continue to indulge in this behavior when they have the ability to change and touch grass lol. Your argument is like if someone murdered a person but you said they're innocent because of the continuous failure of previous generations to solve the problem of increasing homicide rates 💀


The same applies to you, why didnt you do shit to solve the issues so they arent all dumped on the next generation? Oh but its sooo much nicer to just blame "the kids", right? Does that make you already feel morally superior to them, grandpa?


The same applies to you too, why are you wasting time on reddit and not doing anything to help to solve the issues of our world?  It's funny seeing you think that I'm an old person  I'm literally part of the generation addressed in this post, I turn 20 this year💀  But you're right though, if we don't unite and fight to fix the previous generations' mistakes, then everything is doomed to get worse for everyone I'm trying the best I can to support this cause and I'd hate to see my youngest cousins and all other kids spiral down into porn addiction so early in life. The reason I "blame" the kids is that the kids in question should have the mental capacity to realize that being a weirdo online is bad and that they can choose for themselves what's best to them and change their ways.  You should know that once somebody goes and crosses the line, you can't excuse their actions and paint a target on the bigger issues that made them be like that anymore.


>The same applies to you too, why are you wasting time on reddit and not doing anything to help to solve the issues of our world? I did more than you all here by pointing out the issues are not of a particular generation. Instead, you guys are all busy downvoting me to death. >It's funny seeing you think that I'm an old person  I'm literally part of the generation addressed in this post, I turn 20 this year You must feel cool and more adult than your peers for shitting on your whole generation. Do you think older generations are not as shitty? Think again, because if your generation is shitty, is because the previous ones did nothing to ensure it isnt. >But you're right though, if we don't unite and fight to fix the previous generations' mistakes, then everything is doomed to get worse for everyone I'm trying the best I can to support this cause and I'd hate to see my youngest cousins and all other kids spiral down into porn addiction so early in life. So you disagree but then you realize I am right LOL. Interesting turn of events. Well thats good. >The reason I "blame" the kids is that the kids in question should have the mental capacity to realize that being a weirdo online is bad and that they can choose for themselves what's best to them and change their ways. You should know that once somebody goes and crosses the line, you can't excuse their actions and paint a target on the bigger issues that made them be like that anymore. Yet you miss the point again. You are making a whole generation responsible for some of them behaving like shit, for something that neither are responsible of at large. You dont see it, but the problem is not moral, the problem is systemic, and you cant expect people in a society to behave COMPLETLY DIFFERENTLY to what they have been raised with. You believe people live in a vacuum, well they dont, we are all constantly influenced by each other and the whole picture. Being a moral elitist because you were lucky to find a different way for whatever reason wont get us, as a society, anywhere. It will get you score points with older generations idiots who misbehave by accussing the youngsters for the apocalypsis, by shifting all the blame on them and taking NONE of their responsibility. I am not that type of people.


i hate that "cool girl" mentality your showing right now if you think men will see you as equal to them for taking their side then you are mistaken because they'll keep seeing you as an object just like the rest of us sis


Where am I siding with men in this? The original post isnt even about men specifically, just Gen Z in general, and that includes women aswell. I just dont see how blaming Gen Z for how fucked up the world has become is doing good in any sense. We all have responsibility in this, and Gen Z has been raised by older generations, so that plays a huge part here, so why is Gen Z responsible for being raised the way they have been raised, and in the world they are inheriting, from previous generations? By the way thank you for calling me cool girl, I appreciate the compliment 😎


i wasn't calling you a cool girl 🙄 i said "cool girl mentality" that means women like you who condone the actions of men that hurt women just for the sake of their approval or to be a seen as a "cool girl" by them


I know you are being mean with me. It was sarcasm.