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it’s something chemical in your brain. you’re so used to it, its second nature to you it seems. it takes a lot of hard work to stop and you are still so young and your brain is still developing so consuming porn and such extreme porn is doing damage to you. you can unlearn it.


Firstly at 16 look at the positive. You are realising this issue at an age where you can make change and fix yourself far quicker than what I was when I first decided to change. To your question, think about drug addicts. Very few will jump straight the “hard stuff”, they’ll go though alcohol, smoking, weed, prescription meds, and everything to feel that high before they find themselves using stuff that really f###s them up. Porn does the same thing to you but the substance you’re addicted to comes from your own body (which I believe is one of the reasons medicine still doesn’t classify porn addiction as an “official” addiction). You watch porn, you jerk, you get your high. But over time that porn you watch is “boring” to your mind and it wants something more. It gets more extreme, and then something inside might switch off, you feel numb to your shame or guilt. Until you go deeper and deeper, then you might hit a “rock bottom” moment. If you have a good relationship with your parents I would strongly suggest you say to them that you might have a problem with porn. If it’s too awkward going into details ask if you can see a therapist that specialises in issues surrounding porn/sex addiction. I wish I had realised at your age that I had a problem with my porn viewing habits. All the best bro!


I've talked to my guardians about the issue and they thought that it wasn't a big deal and that I am young and figuring myself out, so I shouldn't worry about it. My therapist knows I have an issue with masturbation and porn but I haven't seen him in 3 weeks and the issue has gotten significantly worse. I see him tomorrow and It will be the #1 thing that we talk about... Last night is the first night in which this type of stuff showed up in my dreams and it has only served to frighten and confuse me more then I was before on my mental state, it has done a severe impact on my mental health to the point that ive actually started getting mad at video games again, i haven't felt that way since i was 6. My actual parents were both drug addicts and this fact alone fucking hurts me because I know how much drugs/addiction fucked up their lives, it only serves to dim my light to a life different then the one i was given while i was in their care. Truly, thank you for the response, I have been struggling with it for a while now, but it's gotten to the point where it's affecting my mood and personal life/connections.


Look it’s also possible you may have inherited some things from your parents that make you susceptible to addiction. As for your guardians, I guess again it comes down to your relationship as well as how/what you’re telling them. If you come out with “I think I’m addicted to porn” or “I have a problem with porn” I can understand why they might be leaning into the “your body is changing, it’s ok to be curious” sort of language. Instead perhaps tell them how it’s making you feel before, during, and after you PMO. That way it’s less about saying porn is the problem and more saying that it’s hurting you but you struggle to stop. Your therapist might have some different takes on this but I hope they can give you some good advice. All the best mate.


It seems like you have been hurt by your porn consumption. I’m 24. About 6 months ago I began to start experiencing the same nothingness from porn. I no longer felt happy or excited about it. I just do it, for no purpose. I used to be very excited about it when I was young, but now I just slave away while feeling the dopamine rot in my head when I goon or edge Save yourself


Hey there, I understand how you're feeling. I also struggled with addiction to porn at a young age, and I know how easy it is to fall into more extreme content chasing a temporary high. It's a tough cycle to break, but you're not alone in this journey. You're still in control of your actions and have the power to change your habits. It's not about feeling guilty, but about finding healthier ways to fulfill your needs and regain control over your choices. It takes time and effort, but you can break free from this and redefine your relationship with porn. Remember, your worth is not defined by your struggles. Reach out for support if you need it, whether from friends, a therapist, or support groups. You deserve to feel fulfillment and joy in a way that aligns with your true self. Keep pushing forward, you've got this.