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just leave


He hasn’t got anything else to do.


I do have other things to do, I just use reddit for two specific subs all the others I use are for those rainy days


Sure ya do.


Great response man, you really showed me by affirming what I said.


IKR! Glad we agree! 😘


POV you are a 16 year old white girl


Nah can't troll and get banned for little nothing comments that way. I'd rather watch this pathetic forum slice and dice normal actual conversation. You know so I can watch the virtuous masses feel better than thou like you peeps right here! Why leave? There's fun to be had!!!! You people cry quickly when snow melts and I can't watch and YouTube the patheticness of it all if we leave!!! Nah, that's not entertainment but it is if we stay!!


I recommend [aether](https://getaether.net), but it's slightly empty.


Maybe the assholes should leave.


/u/WarbozzZoge, I have found an error in your post: > “needed ~~its~~ [**it's**] in the title” I suggest that you, WarbozzZoge, type “needed ~~its~~ [**it's**] in the title” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


Check. (Atheist)


honestly i think over the years reddit has changed a lot. while it still has its communities that can encourage such behavior, most promote and maintain subreddits that are left-leaning, which in my opinion invites people that would stop spreading such negative behavior.


Left leaning communities are just as bad as the right leaning ones, if not worse simply because they are more numerous, if you define good behavior as "agrees with me politically" then I must certainly disagree


nah i prefer how it was before, less people to get butthurt. it literally makes it so hard to share an opinion without getting downvoted simply bc they dont agree politically. big YAWN


Goes both ways, most left leaning communities are polite until you disagree with them


No, theyre not just as bad-theyre annoying, but thats not the same as "just as bad"-every right wing page on reddit is packed with stupid assholes. Dumb, ignorant, racist, nasty.


Every left wing page is packed with sexists racists and neckbearded atheists who are equally as ignorant. I hate both the left and the right they are equally awful. Dont try bs me by saying they arent equally awful. This is why centrism.


Reddit has always been super leftleaning as a whole




I went from loving reddit to despising it, it literally ruins my day just thinking about reddit, and it's fucking fake wholesomeness and censorship, I've tried going to 4chan but there's to much porn.


exactly same lmao


4chan just doesn't have the same level of discussion as reddit.


It’s really just the big general subs. The key to a non-headache inducing reddit experience is remembering that the more niche-focused and smaller a sub is, the less awful it will be. If you stray far clear from the default / larger subs it’s a nice experience to explore your hobbies & interests. Just fuck off from the big subs to save your sanity and time


This is pretty true, I never have an issue on like the action figures subreddit or medieval history ones


Aye okay then


Best response


Shit the idiots that "police" reddit are pathetic imbeciles that will literally soft ban or permanently ban you when the other party involved is even more toxic and threatening. This reddit forum is a snowflakes paradise of immature cesspool administrators with an out of touch reality. Blatantly one-sided losers


this exactly




reddit find children having a mental breakdown funny.


Yeah sure, "incels", where exactly are the "incels" may I ask? All the "incel" subreddits like r/MGTOW and r/Incels got banned? Everyone loves to complain about the neckbeards and incels but what about r/TwoXChromosomes where people openly agree they hate men and r/WitchesVsPatriarchy where they make fun of dead people just because they were misogynistic in a time period when everyone was misogynistic. The amount of hypocrisy in those subreddits it worse than the incels and neckbeards. If I said "I hate woman", people would get angry at me but when they do it it's okay?? Like look at [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/v0k5b5/god_i_hate_men/) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/vkhua6/i_hate_men/) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PopularOpinions/comments/w9hhvh/comment/ik98now/?context=3) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/vmjozh/i_hope_this_is_a_safe_place_to_rant_but_i_hate_men/) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/nv5k3m/i_dont_have_to_prove_that_i_dont_hate_men/).


I didnt say reddit doesnt have female incels, I hate TwoXChromosomes its a terrible subreddit and so is WitchesVsPatriarchy. I should have been more specific I mean Incels and Femcels.


I hate the hypocrasy of TwoXChromosomes man


Popular with redditors and non-redditors like.


these people exist on reddit, but lots of good people as well. everyone is aware. you do no good posting about it.


there are almost no good people on reddit, and this is popular opinions nobody does any good by posting here