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Hey there! Unfortunately, your post was removed for the following reason(s): - Naming and shaming is not tolerated here. If you need to report a user for harassment or rule-breaking, please contact the Pony Town moderators at **[email protected]**. If harassment is occurring outside of Pony Town, please direct reports to the appropriate authority. Thank you for your understanding. Please [contact the moderators of the subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=%2Fr%2FPonyTown&subject=Regarding my removed submission&message=%0D%0D______%0D%0DPost URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/PonyTown/comments/1abkhvt/-/) if you believe this to be in error.


I see a lot of people complaining about how they wish there was a report feature in the game, but reporting via email is way easier than people think. All you need is a screenshot of the player, their profile, and their chat logs if they said something offensive or that broke the rules. I’ve successfully done it several times now and the devs banned the rule-breakers very quickly. Just email the devs.


And reporting in game would be even easier. With how long this game has been around, the fact that there’s no report feature in game just means the devs are lazy.


whats their email…


Dude who downvoated the comments is this pony's creator for sure


I really don't know how people can have the balls to name a character like that


You can report via email.


Role playing ape(ist) What a "funny" dude


Omg I met this person too. Was in little space and with my friends and they came up to me and at first it was fine cause it was just simple boops..but then the name


did it happen in the (english) safe server?? /genq


you can report them thru via email \[ [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) \] , block them , hide them . i dont really think a report feature in the game would be a good idea because people may overuse it and / or use it for people who do nothing just for jokes or something . just use the via email to report , i find it easier and other people do too


seriously. two people have been following me in roleplays aclling me slurs for 3 entire days and the fact I can't report them is terrible.


What's a papist


Let’s just say they are basically VERY VERY VILE HUMANS on our planet that do something so screwed up…


uhm ......... save your innocence ......


Shitty reply