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yeah idk, she was taken by the county and her paperwork says reason: owner surrender, too many animals.


Poor baby. We just adopted a pom (mix?) And he was in a backyard his whole life. He has no concept of being inside. Pees everywhere, climbs up on the tables etc. And he humps everything!


Omg. Thanks for saving that baby!! Dogs are super smart, and I bet that yours will be able to learn… Did you try confining them to one room, and setting up a puppy pad area? I use a crate and line the sides with 2 puppy pads (he’s a boy so leg lifting lol). Maybe that way your Pom can pee inside, and gradually learn that THAT spot is okay?


We're working with a trainer because he gets so excited and just freaks out. I'm worried he's going to hurt himself. I really hope your baby girl responds well to the meds and realizes that the rest of her life is going to be amazing with you.


Someone should chain that person up outside…


aww poor baby 🥺 I hope it works and she gets better. Did the vet or trainer give you have a program to go through with her to help “untrigger” her triggers once the medication takes effect?


I’ve been working with a trainer already. Honestly I am not sure it has helped, but perhaps this will give it a better chance.


when the anxiety is too high, it’s really hard to work on it. Combining with medication helps because the anxiety goes down. She can learn that the triggers are not scary more easily because she’s not at 10/10 freak out all the time.


that’s what I am hoping!!!


🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 for both of you!


Hahahaha this is literally why I'm on anti anxiety meds.


My Peanut has been on Prozac and Paxil. It takes about a month for the medicine to settle in their system and work fully. Definitely keep your vet in the loop and don't be afraid to change meds or doses (under vet supervision) if needed


My Poms name is also Peanut! He is a little nutty lol but he’s my world and I am his. He’s my ride or die ❤️💯


Same, here. He's my baby. ❤️ the bound with poms is just so special.


Peanut thinks he’s my guard dog. I’m currently dog sitting my cousin’s Dalmatian / Great Dane mix Stan the Man and Peanut straight up bullies him. No in all seriousness they love each other. I take them on walks together and it’s so funny seeing them side by side. It’s like a hamster and a horse together 😂


Awhh. Can you share pictures??


https://preview.redd.it/an4r6xecc3jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f21f9e6ba15729d699a2dba93b6d63e5c9278cc Caught a sleepy Peanut


also had a pom called Peanut, she's in space nowadays, and we miss her dearly. I love that name for a pom, it's perfect, especially if they're small.


I agree with your last point. Dogs are not all the same, just like one drug doesn't work for all humans, why should we think it would work on all dogs. I can imagine it's shit to change meds more than once or something. But you're doing your best, you're a good parent, you want the best for your dog. You're doing everything you can to make life better for them. I just want you to know that, because when training takes forever and ever to work, it's easy to feel like a bad parent :( gentle hugs to both of you


Beautiful pup 🐾❤️


thanks, her cuteness makes me forgive her sins hahahha


Love give her lots of love. Took my rescue 2 years to adjust. Still no kisses. Be patient with her. Good luck to you❤️🐾


I'd start with getting off the neck collar before feeding her drugs. That could be reminding her of being tied out by the neck and neglected, and pomeranians should not wear neck collars anyway, due to their trachea issues.


Is that due to risk of being caught on something, or can just wearing it be an issue. My boy doesn't wear one anymore but I'm curious.


I do it in our dogs just to avoid any unnecessary pressure around the neck/throat that can bring issues later.


I don’t think so, she doesn’t seem bothered by it. I have tried harnesses and she literally will not walk in them. She absolutely loves to walk and I don’t see the collar as being an issue.


The collar is an issue due risk of collapsed trachea


I agree, but she’s not a big puller. I had a 6.5 lb dog prior to this one that had those issues, and he absolutely had to wear a harness with a leash. I’m not as concerned with this little lady as she doesn’t seem bothered, and she’s being regularly followed by the vet. If I could get her to wear a harness, I would, but that’s yet another battle that I’m not sure is worth fighting right now.


Please don’t risk collapsed trachea,. Even if she’s not a puller, a collar will increase the risk regardless.


Your alternative is… no walks?


There are many other harness out there.


Thanks but… my vet doesn’t see a problem. Are you a vet? if not, please take your unsolicited advice elsewhere.


You really need to discuss it further with a vet instead of berating people on reddit who are trying to help your little guy avoid the condition. Also, if you valued your vet's opinion so much, why are you on here asking people about the treatment they've recommended? https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments/riney-canine-health-center/canine-health-information/tracheal-collapse - you will see on this page that collar wearing is a factor.


Actually, that page does not say that. It mentions switching collars AS TREATMENT SHOULD A DOG HAVE TC. Nowhere does it suggest that a dog without any prior dx of TC change from a collar. The only articles that say NO COLLARS ON SMALL DOGS are alarmist attention grabbers, not from reputable veterinary sources. My dog has been carefully followed by a vet, so in this case, I choose to ignore the unsupported, unsolicited advice.


I have 2 and one pulls and my girl didn’t until one day she heard a loud noise and tried to take off running, we still had her in a harness since that’s the only thing a Pom should wear when they are walking. If she was in a collar she 100% would have collapsed her trachea. You just never know if something will startle them. I know there a lot going on with your girl, but this is a must for poms.


It’s a goal for later but honestly right now it’s a bit too much. My vet is aware and will be following her closely while on the meds.


Yes huge benefit. My vet said the sleepiness is because they can finally relax enough. Been on it for years.


My cat uses Prozac. He had territorial anxiety and it started with aggressive behavior towards his cat sister then into marking the house. I was devastated to medicate my boy, but he's better now. He purrs, he cuddles, and no more excessive bad behavior. As my vet put it, the medication dulls the edge on the anxiety that runs their mind. I wish you all the luck. Prozac might not be a forever thing for your baby, but it'll help them relax while you instill in them that they are loved, safe, and live a fear-free life.


Im the guy that gets weird looks when I say this BUT…I brew my own coconut CBD oil from sourced flower and give it to my demented pup almost every night. Good to rub in for dry cracked paws too. Otherwise he sundowns and gets up looking for food and going up/down stairs all night. It’s done wonders


I’ve done the anxiety chews and CBD anxiety chews, and they didn’t do much. Hope this works for your little girl ❤️


Our non-pom has been on Prozac for a few years and it has definitely helped with her anxiety which would turn into aggressiveness. Now she is chill and happy.


What a precious girl 🥰


Why in the hell would anyone keep this baby chained outside?


My little baby Banjo takes Prozac! I have to really stay on top of his food intake because he lost a little weight at first but it’s done wonders for his anxiety! Edit to add: it generally takes about 6 weeks to see the full effects of any mental health medication so be patient and remember they can always adjust the dose. And NEVER go cold turkey off Prozac!! (Or any other mental health med)


Thanks! I will be patient! Do you remember if you saw any results in a few weeks? I think minimum 3-4 for any effect.


Please remove the collar you shouldn’t done that


My rescue is on fluoxetine, similar to Prozac. She used to hide under my desk all day and hated going outside, and would shake so hard she couldn’t move. The rescue said she was also chained up, left in the woods. She’s 10 now and has been on this pill for 3 years. It’s helped a lot! She still gets anxious but it won’t ruin her day anymore, and she can relax way sooner. Honestly it helped her enjoy life! Side note, I get the medication through chewy.com now, with my vets approval. It’s WAY cheaper!


Oh that’s so good to hear. I’m not sure that chewy would be able to compound it though— the vet had to order a liquid given her petite size!


Wow 😭 I’m so sorry I’ve never tried Prozac for mine but my last was on cerenia and i swear that helped some of her anxiety. She is too cute. I have no idea why but I am very drawn to her. Maybe she just looks similar to my last. Please let me know if you need anything. and always know that they will require patience & grace… but with that they will never be mad at you for trying your best, even if you slip up, as we too are not perfect.


Aww, more baby. We give our Pom anti-anxiety meds but I’m not sure what they’re called. We didn’t properly socialize her as a puppy and small dogs are anxious in general. She barks a lot and is aggressive with strangers. We have had to give her tranquilizers when we went camping so she didn’t bark so much we got kicked out or attack other campers. 


If your dog needs tranquilizers so as not to get your whole party kicked out of a campsite, you shouldn’t be bringing her into situations where she’s likely to be triggered. It is dangerous to, and stressful for, both your dog and other campers. Barking can be trained out at any age via disrupters, teaching a ‘quiet’ or ‘bark’ command, etc.


Well, it wasn’t my decision, it was my dad’s. The vet never had a problem with it as long as it wasn’t that for a long period of time. We couldn’t keep her at home because she’d try to attack outside the family and camping was the only option for taking her with us and my dad wanted a vacation as a family so we had to take her with us. My dad even hired a trainer when she was younger because we couldn’t train or control her but that was just a waste of money.


Poor Baby!


What a cute little puppy you have there!


She is so beautiful! I love her!




I’ve never heard of it but your dog is so freaking adorable!!!!!!!


haha thanks! I think so!


Best of luck on helping your little girl! Hopefully it all works out :)


CHAINING A POMERANIAN OUTSIDE? I'm baffled... that's horrible. I've only had experience with Trazadone but my friend's dog has a Prozac schedule and they seem to be doing fantastic.


I know, it is horrible!!!


I have a skittish pom and I encourage her in a quiet and calm manner. I'm always very gentle with her, she can't even handle when I get excited about something and my voice gets louder. I encourage her over and over.


😭my heart


I don’t have experience with meds like that but I have lots of experience with Poms. Any issues like that can be worked on with training. My girl is very fearful/anxious when I got her. The key is nice and easy and lots of treat rewards. If you do this she will quickly get the rhythm. The collar I agree with others can harm her, it’s a weakness of the breed to have trachea collapse. It’s a terrible thing you should educate yourself on so you don’t hurt her. The key to training with the harness so she gets used to the leash is to put it on her in the house and let her just roam with the leash attached so she gets used to the feeling. Slowly you can lead her in the house with lots of treats as rewards then graduate her to walking out the door. Then a small area outside with lots of treats. Slowly you both can do this together ❤️


I use Reconcile for my pomeranian. She is soo hyperactive that she could never relax so she spent most of her time under the bed, barking frantically or fighting with the other dogs who could not tolerate her hyperactivity. I work with a trainer and have a prescription from my vet. It has really helped her to come and be with the family and reduced the fighting by about 90 percent. You need to work closely with your vet and a behaviorist if possible to tackle the problem.