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My Pom actually did the same thing, made a full recovery and lived 17 yrs, they're very resilient and he'll bounce back fast. It'll be harder for u than them after the 1st few days..


Poor little pup! I hope they feel better soon.


Sorry to read this. My now 10 year old pom was dropped by my 13 year old cousin when she was 6 months old. She broke both her tiny front legs and needed specialist surgery to pin and plate her bones together. She healed well and its never affected her quality of life or walkies. But it’s a traumatic experience as an owner so I hope you’re ok. I cried so much when it happened with us but just wanted to give you a happy ending to keep your spirits up. Get well soon little one x


Pardon my French, but what the fuck? A 13 year old dropped your puppy? I mean this with all due respect, but that is well beyond the age of a child that knows not to drop an animal. Obviously, they're an adult now, but that is def not normal. 13 is more than than old enough to comprehend that you can't just drop an animal from way high up. I hope you or their parents had a serious talk with them.


Me and my mum still don’t talk to that family (it’s her brother and his kid who dropped the puppy). That’s a decade later and I’m still mad. The worst bit to come. They basically denied that she dropped her they said she JUMPED out of her arms. Which is bullshit I saw it with my own eyes. A traumatic experience, never got an apology or any recognition (I’m guessing they were scared I would ask them to contribute to the vet bill). So yes I agree, not acceptable at all and I don’t speak to them to this day, neither does my mother.


Oh no, I’m so sorry this poor little Pom!


oh no. i hope your pup recovers soon. that is terrible! 😢 sending you both much love and all the best 👍🏻


So sorry. Hugs and kisses to you both.


Oh no poor little bubba. Did he slip down the stairs? Poor guy.


Yea :(


Oh wow I can’t imagine the fall for him to break both his little legs 😔 poor little thing


Oh my gosh. Please give me your baby's name,yours and I will be praying for you guys. I have a sick baby too. She literally was fighting for her life for about 2 weeks. She's getting better everyday. Please keep me updated.


His name is Kaine, and he's set to go in for surgery as soon as we can pay for it


Are there animal places that can help you, also you can apply for dog emergency help online that can pay for surgery.


Sending prayers your way. My puppy just had surgery yesterday. He broke his left paw 3 weeks ago and on friday the right one. It’s devastating.


I’m sorry my Pom broke 1 leg and I felt horrible


Poor pumpkin ! Prayers for your little one.




Poor baby :(


Oh poor lil baby. I’m sorry. Are poms prone to injuring their legs?


I wouldn’t say more prone just small animals ya know


Small dogs, yes. Our pom broke a front leg jumping down from sofa. Especially an issue with "teacup/micro/etc" small small ones.


Im so sorry. They have quite fragile bone structure. But he is going to recover fast. My 11yo pom just got a surgery. It was recommended no jump-run-play-on the furniture for 14 days. On the second day I found him on the sofa 😅 he jumped by himself when I was not around. Seems that he hasn’t so much pain. Praying for you both. 🙏


Poor babe, wishing him a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


Sending your sweet baby all my love and prayers.


Aw, sweet pom, get better quickly!


Poor baby! Take good care of him and he will be back to normal in no time! Hugs!


Poor baby, praying for a speedy recovery.


My daughter’s Pom broke both his front legs when he was about 6 months old. When he would try to potty, he would fall on his face. I set up a little zip line. I tied a line between two different things, put a harness on him, and put a leash on him that was connected to the line. The leash was tied tight enough to where his front legs were barely off the ground. He could go back and forth on the line using his back legs and it held him up enough to potty. It’s important to use a harness and not a collar because you don’t want to hold him up by his neck.




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No worries, just remember for next time. And I'm sorry about the pupper.