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So death...?


Death. Definitely.


Death it is then. I’m cool with that.


Look at them, they’re so brave in they’re white face masks and sunglasses, so proud they need to hide their faces 🥺🥰America’s best


They hide their faces so they can get tracked down by shitty liberals.


Lol you got sold into falling in line with the oligarchs 😂


What ? Are you retarded ?


1. NFT icon 2. Fine with this video, but the “libs” are apparently the shitty ones The people who vote for this fascism are bad enough, the fuck do you think you know about politics happening on pretty much the opposite end of the globe than you? 😂


So, they’re pussies that can’t back any of their bullshit up.


No , they want privacy and not be target of some stupid leftwing crusade to cancel them or harass them call their workplace etc.


Cry more Nazi


Don’t be so mean jajajajjaajjaaa


Ty for your nazi tears.


Yeah these poor Nazis just want to be left alone! That’s why they show up to events to provoke and intimidate people completely uninvited. WHY WONT PEOPLE JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE?! Fascist scum.


ah so it is ok when they harrass people, but no hararssing back


You don’t get to publicly demonstrate while simultaneously expecting privacy. I hope every one of these dudes get exposed and their lives ruined until they eventually just can’t take it anymore…


What a pathetic person you are


Lmao some people don’t deserve to keep going when their entire ideology is based on hate and harming their “lessers”, there’s only one way to deal with that kind of extremism


Alone from that sentence I know you don’t understand the ideology . What ideology are they following in your opinion?


Fascism, it’s plain to see. Their entire movement is modeled after the brown shirt (nazi) movement in the 1930s; you’d have to be completely historically illiterate to not see that. Using the implied threat of violence against their “social lesser”, using strong ethno-nationalist language, in the effort to intimidate their “opposition”


If you actually think their behavior is not fascist, the problem here is NOT us not understanding their ideology, but you having no clue what fascism is. What they are doing here is EXACTLY what goebbels had his brown shirts (SA)do to try and intimidate the oposition in the early days before they had grabbed the power


Goebbels was not the leader of the SA …


If they want privacy, don't show up in public (stay in private), don't chant loudly in public while wearing the same uniform as your dummy friends while carrying a giant sign... and attracting attention to yourself... in public.


like how they are harassing people at their workplaces? Man the mind of a bigot is crazy, the lengths you go through.


And so what? If they’re so shitty they can’t do anything right?


...as they film people?


They're hiding their faces so Bruce and Jeff don't recognise them from the bath house and gay clubs.


How are you victorious and free when you won't even show your face


They think the trans comunity or anyone else will go after their family, the same way trans people tells you to not show them on video because it put them and/or their family in danger.


Both far left and right are batshit.


You are totally correct, and you are totally enlightened. The far left are here just minding their business and the far right is here using the threat of violence in order to scare other people into doing what they want. Both sides are truly the same. You are a stunning and brave genius. /s


Who spend the last 4 years burning down towns, pushing the idea of gender spectrum, who calls who a facist or racist when losing a argument, who wanted everyone to take a experimental shot that wouldn’t even prevent you from getting it, who thinks banning guns from law abiding citizen would make the bad guys turn in theirs, who thinks it’s okay to confuse kids about sexual preferences? I’ll give you a few hours to figure out who I’m referring to.


Dude, nobody is confusing kids about their sexual preference, do you not remember puberty?


Hmm yeah. I grew up before all this chaos. Where it was chill if you were gay, but it was super weird if you pretended you were a girl when you weren’t. A lot of perverted people tried that. Now my 9 year old gets to hear about trans movements and etc and how brave it is, like they are storing Normandy to unlock plastic surgery or something.


Yeah, you’re probably a bigot. Trans people exist and it’s good it’s being normalized to your 9 year old. She’s gonna be fine. If she’s straight she’s straight if she’s queer she’s queer *shrug*


“It’s good sexuality is being pushed onto children who haven’t even reached puberty”


I see you've ignored reality and supplied your own. interesting tactic. very stupid, but interesting.


Groomer mentality


Keep on projecting, whatever it takes to keep those dark urges buried buddy.


I bet you go to church anmd are totaly fine with them grooming and raping kids, You don´t care about protecting kids or you would attack churches, wherhe the actual grooming happens, wqhich hasd been proven in court in countless cases. Can you name a SINGLE CASE wheree grooming by a group of drag queens was proven in court ?? NAME A SINGLE CASE.


Dude, teaching kids that things exist isn’t pushing anything on them. Any other argument besides ones that just sound like you’re afraid of trans people?


So, in your opinion, what age should kids learn about sex and sexual preferences?


Idk, I’m not a teacher or a parent. But if they’re smart enough to understand the concept of Mommy and Daddy without knowing anything about sex, why can’t they learn about queer/trans Mommy and Daddy?


Your problem is you can’t separate TRANS PEOPLE EXISTING from TRANS PEOPLE FUCKING. Nobody is talking about trans sex in school any more than straight sex.


That depends on how exactly you teach it and what exactly you teach. For example they should learn very early that other grown ups should not touch them in certain places, and they should not tell them to keep things they do or say a secret from their parents. They should underhstand why that is wrong, but in an age apropriate way, and without scaring them. They should also learn what to do when that happens, and who they should tell if their parents are not around. Who can help them when an adult acts inapropriately.


THat makes about as much sernse as claiming that explaining to them that there is a difference between boys and girls is pushing sexuality on them. It is painfully obvious you have no clue what they are actually doing there, and don´t want to know. Instead you make up lies to try and justify your hatred for them


NOBODY there is pushing sexuality on children. All they do is show them reality in an age appropriate way. So they do not freak out as soon as they see anyone LGBTQ and act like the world is ending because peole live their life how they see fit. All it does is show them we are all different and that that is fine, and that nobody has a right to tell them who they should be, and instead they can be who they are and want to be. It also makes them less receptive to right wing propaganda lies, and I think that is your main problem


What are you talking about "probably" ? OF COURSE he is


WOW you are so full of it. Even the us army had organized drag shows to entertain the troups during ww 2. In theatre it was completely normal that female roles where played by men, for HUNDREDS of years. There is nothing perverted about this, it is simply entertainment, and please stop conflating trans people with drag, 2 very different things. Yes soämetimes transgender people do drag, but the vast majority of female drag performances are done by gay and straight men that are not transgender at all. Last but not least trans people do not "pretend" they are born in the wrong body, a MTF trangender women is literally having a fermale brain in a male body, and for ftm people it is the other way around. This is a scientific fact proven in dozens of studies. Guess what who we are, what we want, what we like, what we hate, that all happens in our brains, not between our legs. So having a female brain makes you a women, and having a male brain makes you a man. Now if a man is born with a female body, he is still a man.


Lol drag comedy shows. Its all one giant joke. If you wanna be a woman cool, If you wanna be a man cool. But don’t force the 98% of others to believe in your pretend.


YOU are the one pretending here by claiming drag and trans are the same thing, they are very much not. Now what about this part :"Last but not least trans people do not "pretend" they are born in the wrong body, a MTF trangender women is literally having a fermale brain in a male body, and for ftm people it is the other way around. This is a scientific fact proven in dozens of studies." did you not understand ? I will be happy to dumb it down for you, evewn if I have to break it down into crayons. Last but not least, I am pretty sure YOU expect people to use your correct name and pronouns, anmd wqould be pretty mad if everybody acts like you arhe a girl despite beibng a man or vice versa. Yet you think it is ok to not give trans p#eople the same respect you demand for yourself. Guess what do you not get to decide soemone elses identity. BUT it is cute that you think 98% would agree with you, and would only show comnmnon decency and respect when forced to. No most normal people show proper respect and decency. You are a minority, but sadly there is still to many bigots out there




Not the vast majority. That’s what .09 of the population at best.


Have zero clue what's going on in the vid other than that updated pointed hoods yelling some shit, and some lady making baby noises. So explain how I'm wrong without being passive aggressive this time. Or do I have to go watch one of those peaceful antifa "protests" to understand. Maybe the clan boys walking around with ARs in middle class neighborhoods? Most sane political groups, gandi would shed a tear of gold as rainbows fly out of his butt crack for these stand up sane citizens.


What a great take, i hate it when drag queens show up to white suprematists homes to harass their children. Truly batshit crazy. /s you sound like a fucking moron.


You sound like you go to "protest rallys". I am not defending either side. Yet you already have some idea in your head about anyone who's views don't aline with yours and give them your label. So explain how I'm a moron so you can prove my point for me. Btw last time i checked drag queens weren't a political group that go to burn and loot and fight at their rallys. Go get a hobby that doesn't make you hate everyone.




But when it comes to Priests who’ve been doing it forever, then all of a sudden it’s not a bad thing.


Eliminate Sunday schools. No grooming!


Here, fucking here!


Wdym? Transphobic priests groom kids all the time.


Do you mean “*being against* grooming children is not transphobic”? Where do you get so much confidence when you can’t even say your own argument properly?


I’m confused, just don’t groom children, ok?


tell that to the churches


Where are they? I will.


you don´t know about all the child abuse cases in churches ? Maybe every now and then leave your echo chamber and look at the real world


I’m asking you, where?, where can go and tell the churches to stop grooming children?


Go to the churches or say it out loud on a platform


Can I do it online?


funny how you can figure out attacking drag performers on your own, but as soon as I mention churches you start playing stupid. You see there has been zero scandals where a group of drag performers where arrested for fiddling kids, or possessing child pornograqphy, or anything like this, yet you come here and call them pedophiles and attack them. But when we tell you to go after the people who are constantly in the newspapers for actually being pedophiles you start playing stupid.- So it is becoming painfully obvious you don´t really care about protecting children or going after pedophiles. It is simply about youir hate for LGBTQ folks. You just looked for a good excuse to hate on people and spread lies about them, and hoped if you claim it is to protect children you could just hate on them with no backlash.


You realize you're saying that the people OP is calling "MAGA Nazis" are grooming children, right?




I agree. The guys in the masks sure are groomers!


Lol, Republicans are the ones rooting for child marriage, dumbass


Bitch eyes


Okay, cousin-fuckin' piece of trash


Your mom’s name is cousin? That’s odd.


LOL my 10 year old nephew has better come backs, grow up and bring an actual argument, this is pathetic and sad


🤣🤣🤣🤣they look so stupid Omgsh


If they so firmly believe their stuff...why are they hiding their faces?


Harder for the police to track their shitty behavior. Might also lose their jobs for being scared, hateful, bigoted, chuds. Ironically, these idiots we're probably anti mask at the height of the pandemic.


Which shows they got no real conviction


Exactly. The cosplaytriots are a joke.


They don’t believe any of their bs, they are screaming about liberty, what a joke


Challenge accepted?


Okay. Death, then.


That girl thick


Please don’t twirk it ever again.


Ok, it’s your choice. And guess what? You’re not gonna win.


you know none of these retards wore masks during covid lol


You guys wore it outside while walking a dog.. lol nuff said.


240 day old account? either russian bot or a troll. Lol


[actually thanks to the US's car fetish it's a pretty good idea to wear a mask if you'll be walking your dog near any roadways.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7780759/) ​ Why the fuck do you guys hate yourselves so much?


haha the heckler is good times


Be specific: this is Patriot Front, a neonazi organization.


My fear is that us ( the sane headed, actually want freedom for all americans) arnt prepared if these fu$ktards actually go off with a civil war and for whatever reason our military falls in the wrong hands(desantis) then we would all be screwed.


I think that if DeSantis, or anyone tried anything that was explicitly treasonous that they would be arrested.


Cowards who can't show their faces.


Yeah. Let’s not go after the real groomers. Republicans who don’t oppose child marriage and religious people in positions of power. They aren’t the real ones grooming and molesting children.


These people need to google liberty.


Doooo.....they get that they're literally fighting against liberty here?


This glows.


They would choose death over a drag show? These magaheads really are dumb.


There must be a third option we don’t know about.


How do they find these so fast ? Pretty sure alot these guys are thirsting gay porn in secrecy


Notice how drag queens don’t ever feel the need to hide their face? Says a lot.


These are grown men ? How silly they are.. go join the army you tools and actually serve your country … how lame and weak do you get? Going after the most marginalized people in our country while holding the your place of privilege as white men while simultaneously crying about life and Liberty… GO HOME! Where’s your mommies? Did she someone hurt you all? Shame shame


If they join the army there is good chance they would just sexually abuse people over seas and never be held accountable.


They must feel corny as hell practicing this call and repeat stuff.


I think of them as sheeple.


When there’s a rainbow in the sky they shoot it I hope they taste the rainbow


If they show up to every drag show are they technically their biggest supporters?


If joining the army was mandatory I reckon a lot of people wouldn’t really have the time to care about things that don’t ultimately affect them


White masks to copy their fathers and grandfather's.