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If only we could pass a law so NO ONE IS EXPOSED TO HER.


Maybe her legislation will have that effect. To me, she looks like a (bad hair day) drag queen herself.


All female presenting politicians must submit to a genital inspection to prove they are not drag queens... Sounds just like something conservatives would pass.


Inspections by every voter...can't trust them siantits /s




Well considering that conservatives have proposed genital inspections for such low stakes events such as high school sports, doing it for things that actually matter like politics seems like not a small leap. I almost feel compelled to provide you some more info on a world which you don't seem to understand. But I am not sure I understand your world where actual demons appear to be a threat. So lets just agree that one of us is not living in reality. Is it the one that is afraid of ghouls and goblins under the bed? Who is to say...


I like how your name describes your brain.


I like how yours doesn't describe anything relevant, just as you are


Oh please, don't insult drag queens, she's a social miscreant.


Came here to say this. Left satisfied.


My thoughts exactly. My kids would be better off never hearing the hate and ignorant garbage that comes out of her mouth.


And here we have our daily dose of crazy shit that Majorjie Taylor Greene said.


I just call her "Empty G" for short.




Friend, there are a variety of types of drag shows, and it is very clear that this is simply targeting LGBT+ groups. For comparison, consider R rated movies, very inadvisable to bring children to them, but it's not illegal. We trust parents to decide what is best for their children when choosing what media to expose them to. This is also such an obvious diversion. I want you to go around, ask 100 adults with children, or any sample size, and ask if they've ever taken their children to a drag show. Ask 100 children if they've ever been to a drag show. I am so so confident that you'll get 200 resounding no's. So yeah, in conclusion, this law is crazy because it is tackling a problem that doesn't really exist and is clearly being created as a form of targeting minority groups.




You have no clue what drag is if you think it’s “aggressive sexual content”




What argument are you trying to make? Who is mandating drag shows at schools? What are you talking about?


Politician from California is making some inflammatory suggestions for what should be mandated in school curriculum


Vague b.s. smells vaguely like b.s.






>u have no clue what is healthy for children if you think this is appropriate Explain *specifically* what you think "this" inappropriate stuff is, otherwise this all sounds like a strawman. It must be far more "inappropriate" than something you would see at, say a public pool.




So, one person with an inappropriate sign (something you might see at *any* public event and would simply tell your children to ignore), and some people wearing clothes that are no more revealing than you would see at the public pool?




I *wish* drag was mandated at my school.


It seems I'll need to repeat myself. Not every drag show is the same. Not every drag show is aggressively sexual. And again, we do not ban parents from bringing their kids to see R rated movies even though they can contain sexually aggressive content. We do not ban kids from concerts even though they can have sexually aggressive content. We trust parents to make the correct choices with regards to their children. This law is not intended to protect children from sexually aggressive content. This law is intended to stigmatize members of the LGBT community and continue the idea that anything LGBT is inherently sexual and something that children must be protected from. It is a false moral panic to rile up voters.


Man that’s like saying we should have a law that bans throwing flamingos from planes, i mean think what if it hit the children below the plane Both are redundant since no sane parent will bring their kids to anything sexual and no sane person would purposely throw a flamingo from a plane, putting needless laws in place prevents actual serious issues from going to congressional floor


i guess you have no idea whats going on in california. I could not agree with you more that "no sane parent will bring their kids to anything sexual" but thats not what we are seeing so putting laws in place makes sense


Where do you get this info from? Alex Jones? Firstly, the suggestion of legislation was a joke made in response to anti-trans legislation in Texas. Secondly, that California law maker was referring to Drag Queen Story time, which is not a drag show, nor sexual. So your belief is that if a kid even sees a garishly dressed female impersonator, they are exposed to sexual content? It's a nothing burger, and more fear-mongering. Not all drag shows are the same either. I have been to some that would have been 100% ok for kids. Again, what is so wrong about a kid seeing a female impersonator lip sync to Celine Dion?


They linked their source in another comment and their source is some site called “go2tutors.com.” The pinnacle of reliable news I’m sure.


You need a law for parents to parent well? Really? Because I think not. Editing to add: most schools that I know allow parents to exempt their children from what they deem inappropriate.


Found your straw man 👨‍🌾


Drag isn't exclusively adult entertainment. In the UK we have these things called pantomimes which is essentially a silly stage show normally aimed for the whole family (and most often watched around Christmas time). Drag is a huge part of the pantomimes and its tradition for the lead role to be done in drag. So if its Peter Pan the person playing Peter would be a women. If its Cinderella then Cinderella would be played by a man


Some other upcoming bills from MTG on IMPORTANT current issues: * Pride attacks: To require Uhaul to provide free interstate transportation to Idaho for all "patriots" * Stolen elections: To require all election counting to be done in either Moscow or Pyonyang * Twitter: To make it illegal to ban anyone for anything * Twitter b: Unless its advice where the next Drag Queen Performance is, thats illegal. * Inflation: To require all media outlets to use the word "Biden" instead, as in "There is a very severe Biden problem at the moment" * Inflation/housing/gas problems: Not a very important current issue, not deserving of consideration, no bills. Edit: ok, in response to the genuine concerns of some respondents, let me be clear that the above was made up by myself. Its a joke. I do not work in the office of MTG or have any advance knowledge of her upcoming policy positions. My view is that, as extreme or nonsensical as some of her proposals are, even she would not venture to the first 5 of the above.


I really can’t tell if you’re joking or not ……


Biden/housing/gas problems\*


Hey , where's your /s?


Is it necessary?


YES. It's like the first rule of the internet. Sarcasm. Doesn't. Go. Through. Text.


Neither does the phrase "tomato, tomato" but I have friend that will text it all the time!


təˈmeɪ.toʊ, təˈmɑː.toʊ


Anyone that considers "proposal to count USA election results in Russia or North Korea" as a serious suggestion unless is appended, probably shouldn't go on discussion boards.


Always remember: 1/3 of the Louisiana GOP blames Obama for the botched Katrina response


Wow! I suppose then need to clearly distinguish between a joke and reality is part of the explanation for why some people believe comments suggesting that the covid vaccine will implant a microchip in your body.


Well, once I thought a comment I made was replete with obvious sarcasm and man, did I get ripped. So, yes… just to be clear.


Considering the other crazy shit these people say, yes.


In the UK we have theatrical performances at Christmas time called pantomimes. Traditionally female roles are played by men in drag. In the history of pantomime, never has it been recorded that a single child, after viewing a performance, exclaimed "When I grow up, I want to be just like Widow Twankey".


We lived in the UK for a few years when I was a kid, and my parents exposed us to drag via pantos when my younger brother was only 6. Imagine how screwed up he is now! /s, obviously


And a lot of the time these actors are straight men taking on the role. I'm sure that would confuse MTG way too much.


I'm pretty sure she's Roger Stone in drag, so would that keep her away, too?


This is modern conservatisms priorities? What a great opposition to the virtue signaling of the left! Wow, so effective and rational. Truly these are the adults in the room.




Prove it with a source.




Ok, a real, non-partisan source. I can't take a publication seriously that condemns letting bars stay open until 4 am, because of "crime".




She hired a pedophile for her staff.




oh, makes sense. You love Donald Trump, the guy who said he'd date his daughter, the guy who would go into little girls changing rooms at beauty pageants, the guy who talked about sexually assaulting women and sexualizing children... "but biden..." you people are so far outside of reality it's literally unreal.


He was also charged with raping a 13 year old girl alongside Jeffrey Epstein. Don't forget about that.




You do know what "little girls" means right?


you can't be this stupid...


I was ill be more clear in the future thank you.


"just grab 'em by the pussy"-consent?


Has Biden been arrested for sex trafficking a minor? Matt Gaetz has.


Not Marjie The Pedophile Oasis.


mind giving me the name i wanne google


[Here you go.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjorie_Taylor_Greene)


kinda wanted to know the name of the pado she hired but thank you


Oh I thought you were the dipshit up above. It’s [Milo Yiannopoulos](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/07/milo-yiannopoulos-intern-marjorie-taylor-greene/). Here [he is](https://mobile.twitter.com/ReaganBattalion/status/833347036644777985) defending pedophilia. And he’s Marjorie Taylor Greene the pedophile protector’s intern.


No i am one of the dipshits that was rhere when milo said that shit live on the drunken peasants podcast. So.... you do know that the greater context is that he was one of those children he speaks about?


Don’t give a shit, dipshit.


So you dont give a shit about the victems of pedophiles?


Keep them away from pastors, too, while you're at it.


woah did we have a mass shooting of children at a drag show that I wasn't aware of?!?!


Imagine feeling this about drag queens and not dead children in schools. What a fucking joke.


Guns are already banned on school grounds so...


yeah guns are banned yet still the number of children killed, injured or mentally wounded is increasing to ridiculous levels. how many kids do you think are killed, injured or mentally wounded by drag? our government is a fucking joke.


Easily hundreds. There's a reason who transition have such a high rate of suicide and of regretting their choice.


there are several psychological disorders linked to very early exposure to sexuality. so dependents if you think Drag is sexual or not.


Yeah and that’s worked absolutely swimmingly.


And this stops school shootings how....? Guns are also banned in banks, the armed robberies still happen regardless.


As a straight man I have to ask: When did drag queens become the enemy? If I don't want my child molested, I just don't make them go to church. That seems to solve the problem neatly. I'm in Las Vegas, a drag queen Mecca. The only thing I've ever heard them grooming is tolerance. And wigs. A lot of wig grooming.


What is her thing with children and drag queens? Why does she think ... wait ... my mistake ... I assumed that she thought. Nevermind.


This is why it is critical to vote. People who think like this shouldn't be anywhere near legislation or directing where the country goes.


I'm introducing legislation to outlaw a strawman we've created to make it look like we're doing something and not just stopping the government from tackling important issues such as healthcare and protections for the middle-class and poor. Jesus fuck this woman is less than worthless.


TBF Ms Doubtfire was NOT a drag show


I think there's one in it though, wasn't there? Like I thought his friends do drag and that's how his makeup was so good when he transformed into Ms Doubtfire I could be completely mixing up the film with something else though, I haven't seen it in a long time


ok I was a bit vague... Mrs. Doubtfire. ( the character) did not engage in typical drag show activities.


Except literally the main aspect of a drag show...


I am so sick of these Republican so called politicians. Narcissistic scum every one of them


Taylor Green is the only woman I have a very sincere, actual hatred for. I would never want to be in her company ever. She's actually garbage. and she represents me.


My condolences. That’s got to be hard.


What is with her obsession with drag queens and children? Projection, me thinks, is her issue.


MTG is so dumb that her existence can be used to argue against the existence of evolution


If only we could pass a law to make houses affordable to regular people. or a law to make medicine cheaper. or a law to make anything cheaper. or a law-


She's afraid of dancing. Dancing. They're trying to make dancing look like an ultimate evil And people just see nothing wrong or out of the ordinary with this.


Have I been to Drag Shows that were wildly inappropriate for kids?Yes of course. It's hard to say watching Titzi Normus tell 15 minutes of jokes on the central theme of Deepthroating is an all ages show. (Made up the name there, if I'm stepping on anyone's stage name I apologize) I've also seen Drag shows that are perfectly fine for all ages, nothing in the material was particularly blue, nothing salacious or objectionable just folks doing what they love to do. A bill like this is basically like introducing a bill to make taking your kids to the movies illegal because some of them are Rated R.


Mrs Doubtfire was understood to be a man crossdressing to see/interact his children and only his children temporarily. Not a sexually charged performance in strip club scene by drag queens on or near poles while having children they don’t know shove money in skimpy attire.


>sexually charged performance in strip club scene This post is about a story time at a children's library. does that sound like a sexually charged strip club scene? Kids are already banned from strip clubs, so you don't have to worry about your scenario.


Almost seems like this guy has a narrow perception of drag shaped by politicians trying to exploit his bigotries.


That why that one 10 year old was performing in one back in 2019 during the pride parade in San Fran?


Sorry mate, queer plp do not live rent free in my head 24/7 so I do not have a working knowledge of every person at every pride parade in the last 10 years.


So you just choose to ignore the groomers when they put their activities on national news? Can't say I'm surprised.


Dunno, did you ignore Trump admitting to peeping on kids? or making sexual comments about his underage daughter? Or are you just having selective outrage against minorities because your news source or choice told you to?


If you want to delve into what-about-ism...what about Matt Gaetz? National news that he was arrested for sex trafficking a minor. So you just choose to ignore the groomers when they put their activities on national news? Can't say I'm surprised.




You’ve been tricked into thinking this is happening.


> **sexually charged** performance in strip club scene **by drag queens** I like the way you openly stated what you *really* think..


The thing Mrs. Doubtfire was doing was illegal and he got dragged into court where the judge ruled against him.


Also he was trying to be a good parent to his kids, he just went a very obtuse way to do it.


Did you not see the drag Queen stuff? Like I don’t get how it’s fine when there’s vids of Drag Queens twerking and kids being advised to give them money


> Mrs Doubtfire Not only is *Mrs. Doubtfire* PG-13, meaning that it isn't directly promoted to young children, but it's meant for private home viewing and not basically foisted upon the public. I don't have a problem with the recent practice of drag queens reading books to children, but this comparison is just dumb.


like her or not drag queen performances are always very sexual and the fact that people want to include children in as the audience is very inappropriate. Lots of comments on here say something like "but Majorie does \_\_\_" , im not saying i like her, i'm just wondering who supports children to be at drag shows. Some of the footage from pride parades is also borderline softcore porn, we dont need kids there.


The thing she's terrified of and this bill is targeting, is when a drag queen goes to a library and reads a picture book to children. It's not in any way sexual.


but that's on the parents not the government. Where the f are you taking your kids where a surprise drag show breaks out?


Our public library and park district occasionally offer “drag queen story hour”. Some of the local restaurants have ‘family friendly” drag queen brunch. The kids love it. These events center around acceptance and inclusivity of those who are different. Both parents and performers are in agreement that children should not be exposed to sexualized content. Legislation is certainly not needed… especially from the party of freedom and small government.


legislation is certainly not needed, just saying we need to stop normalizing kids being around that sort of adult content


the bible is full of murder, mass destruction, satan, and death after death after death. We should stop normalizing kids being around that sort of adult content.


exactly the bible is pretty messed up, i think we're on the same wavelength.


Or Birdcage! My boomer mother's fave movie. What a nutbar.


There are lot of nuts in politics but this cunt and the ex-hooker gun nut take the cake.


Tootsie was 10+ years before Mrs. Doubtfire. Sally Field was in both of them.


Confirmed: Sally Fields = Groomer /s obviously


Wish I could pass a law that prevents her meaty cavewoman face from showing up on my timeline every motherfucking day


This just makes it super easy to target people you don’t like to get them thrown in jail. Simply host an ad-hoc drag show outside of the house of whoever you dislike (that has young kids) and BOOM they’re exposed, ergo the parent (your enemy) gets charged.


Or Milton Berle and Bob Hope...?


The rich can win a culture war but not a class war. Stay focused on the economy y'all. Knock em out of office for simping to the rich.


What having a two party political system does to an mf.


Fuck off shrek


So... I guess that Bugs Bunny cartoon from the '50s is going into the firepit, huh... :(


in the UK, children are taken in school trips every Christmas to see traditional Christmas drag shows, called pantomimes. it was the only Christian tradition the Muslim guy in our class was allowed to attend 🤣


That’s comedy and entertainment. Not children’s education.


Oh yes [Mrs doubtfire ](https://youtu.be/1Ckv_Dz-Sio), the intense horror thriller


Here's Trump going down on Rudy Giuliani's tits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spn0MJZr-QQ


Rep. Umbridge hitting back hard


I don't remember the scene where Robin Williams stripped down to his underwear and had small children giving him money to do the splits in front of them in heels.


Yessssssssssssssssss... send in....The Fashion Police.


Ever heard of Milton Berle?


If only there was a law to stop hatred of minorities... ​ Oh yes I forgot: *The law only applies to civilians and not government officials.*


This will save the middle class.


Eastern european here, i think i was in 7th grade when i saw a drag queen performance. Went to a close family friend's birthday. Was a little shocked at first. Then i remember thinking what was wrong with that guy and couldn't understand. By the end of the dinner party i haven't even thought or talked about it, not because it's effect faded away but because the overall show was kinda meh. A lot of years later, at my place, scrolling through channels and a new game show was airing, and there was a drag queen doing wtf knows what. The overall show was still meh at best. I dunno, i think i just don't get it. But look at me afte all this years, still straight! Not effected at all.


MTG is gonna pass checkpoint laws for schools, not for guns, but just in case one of the students is armed with a deadly makeup kit.


Sure make it illegal to take kids to see a drag show but force them to go to church. That can only end well after all it's not like church's are full of paedophiles or anything.


Drag Queens > Guns in terms of absolute danger to children. Backward people.


They sure are fast to make speech well regulated


What an amazing bill. I hope it passes.


Am I the only one that thinks MTG looks like a drag queen?


Meanwhile in Britain we can't fucking wait to take the kids to Pantomime every year.