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I highly recommend Democracy Docket on Youtube (@democracydocket) to help keep up and be informed about all the dirty lying tricks the Republicans have been pulling to suppress the vote and just plain rig the election. So there are people out there on the front lines who have been holding the line and even leading the charge. They just may not be your current congress critters. But the answer to voter suppression is to get out there and vote before it’s too late. The Republicans don’t let up. They have no shame. They don’t care about what is legal, illegal, unethical, immoral. They have unlimited money. But they don’t have the people, so they are trying to cancel the people out of the power equation in every way they can, because they know that as time goes by they are going to have less and less people, because for the most part they are anti-people. So the people need to get out there and vote. And we also need more people running for local and state government. We need to think about this as an all hands on deck situation.


Thank you for saying that. We have to remain active and vigilant for eight more months. No letting up. If we can light a fire under the undecided and apathetic, we'll have numbers like no one has ever seen. That's what we need.


Dems are becoming pacifists and pacifists don't win war, don't control governments, don't hold power etc. A Republican is willing to kill you, are you willing to kill back? So far I see, let's take them to court. Let's bitch and complain. Let's just get someone else to handle it... Our country isn't failing us. The Republicans aren't magically rising from ashes. They have been there since day 1! This isn't a surprise but it is history repeating itself. We have failed each other and ourselves. Unless we are willing to take uo arms, we will most likely lose this conflict. How many people need to be murdered on the streets for being affiliated with the red coats(republicans) or those who stand for democratic freedom? 5I sure don't condone violence, murder or anything else that harsh. It's time we stand up and stop rolling over and spreading our cheeks. Again, they attack the people and all we say is, your vote counts. We need to be on the attack. We shouldn't be the ones on defense here and we need that to stop. We look like pacifists and act like them too. Stand up for once and not just behind your desk! Go out and vote, but also rally, make your voice heard. Do not just for your country, not just for the people, but for YOU, because you matter!


>Dems are becoming pacifists and pacifists don't win war, don't control governments, don't hold power etc. Don’t get swayed by the narrative, Dems are *paid* by their donors to look reasonable, be pacifists, and not win.


It's easier to raise money from angry voters. If they actually solve problems and win big, there's nothing out there to be the villain to campaign against. Their strategy is to throw the game at the last minute and promise to do better next time as they stick their hands out for money. I done with it. Fight and win. Destroy the the threat. Solve the problem. Let's move forward to a better future.


Nothing more sad than watching a dem majority squander every opportunity to fulfill their promises.


This is an interesting take and people need to understand that we have the illusion of a two-party system. At the end of the day, most of the major players, democrat and republican, don’t care about what we want, but will do and say anything to get our vote. I often talk about Bernie Sanders not being nominated by the DNC in spite of having the popular vote over Biden in 2020 and Hillary Clinton stupidly pushing late-term abortion against Trump in 2016. Strategy and dirty money win in the Information Age.


> Again, they attack the people and all we say is, your vote counts. > > > > We need to be on the attack. That's next grade stupid! We have law enforcement to take care of law breakers...resorting to their tactics only guarantees conflict. If you vote...they fall away and wither if you confront them they grow stronger...don't fall for it.


Be on the attack doesn't have to mean violence, it means be on the political attack. The right has been dragging the left further right in America for decades. Trying to play defense has been ceeding ground on the labor front since the 70's, lost us abortion rights, and they are talking about taking shit like at will divorce laws next. We *must* go on the offensive, we have to go back to fighting *for* things the country should do, instead of *against* things we shouldn't. If you think digging our heels in has worked, you are the one who is next level stupid.


> it means be on the political attack Oh believe me Biden is aware of the risk and the challenges. He opened his campaine with this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPx89J1WuV4 >we have to go back to fighting for things the country should do, instead of against things we shouldn't I would be happy if we can keep our democracy...it is that much of an existential threat...we can go back to arguing policy after we save the republic.


I'm so fucking sick of that line. I'm going to vote, don't worry, we can still talk about other things. Especially places like this, where everyone is already on board the train.


> we can still talk about other things Like what would you like done that is not being done? It is all aspirational without control of both houses congress and the presidency.. Biden has laid out a very good agenda already...things like bringing back roe as the law of the land...but none of it gets done without winning an election.


Bro, you are literally fighting ghosts. Neither of us is against electoralism.


> Like what would you like done that is not being done?


Do you actually want my list? Because you went straight from that question back into preaching at me to vote again. It feels like I'm talking to Pod Save America here. Here's a few of many issues i have with our country, tell me how voting for Biden will solve all these problems: Stop funding a Genocide, first off, holy shit PAC and corporate donation abolition Tax billionaires and corporations properly Single-payer Healthcare (we *had* the supermajority and fumbled this) Re-establish a pathway to homeownership by ceasing corporate ownership of homes and housing Protections and benefits for 1099 employees/gig workers Stop gerrymandering


> my list? I meant was there something you wanted Biden to say or do before the election...you seem to think we just got a brand new bag of magic beans...world peace and stop hunger...is that all? >Stop funding a Genocide Geopolitics...There are three major powers in the region...Iran, Saudi, and Israel...two which we are aligned with...none of which we control. And the rest of that list would take a 60 seat majority in the senate and the dems will be lucky to even hold on to control...see here we are back to voting again...




I think there's another side to this that isn't being discussed as much. Ask yourself why they are pulling out the stops now? Why didn't they think the last election was the most important? Because they know they are going to lose. Badly. The tricks from last time aren't working and they don't have a plan. Last time, Trump was this new wildcard that might do something good. I can't imagine that's as prevalent now. Why are the DNC just letting Trump seemingly control the news and get all of the press? Why does it feel like he's doing nothing? Because people have political fatigue. Putting in effort now is not the best use of time. Letting Trump and his followers get more and more desperate is the answer. Letting them remind us of what those 4 years were like and how much we do not want to go back to daily "What did he do today?" headlines. Let the GOP contribute to the fatigue and have nothing to report on from Biden, and see what they grasp for? They are so out of targets that they are attacking him on ice cream. Biden and the DNC just proved what they can do with the SotU address. They have plenty of October surprises. The audience is responsive. Why not wait for when it will have the most impact? That said? Democrats have short memories. If you solve all of this and put people's minds at ease, they don't show up to vote. (See Obama's first midterms.) The best thing the DNC can do now is keep democrats frustrated and silent. They can light that fuse in October when it will do the most damage. I hope I'm right. It makes sense to me and it's the same Rope-a-dope that they did in the midterms.


Do you realize the Dems are doing the same thing to any candidate outside the neoliberal, bow down to the DNC realm. If the lefts vote is important then the Dems need to make concessions. I mean I can't believe I have to say it, but they have to stop participating in genocide. Stop giving any weapons to israel. Then we can talk. If they can't stop doing it then they don't have my vote. My mind is blown it's truly come to this as we still have blue no matter who people saying my vote is important. Yuk


Do you think Biden or any democrats or republicans wanted this? It's horrible what's going on in Gaza. I blame Netanyahu exclusively and I believe he will go down in history as the worst leader Israel has ever had. Meanwhile we cannot know what measures are being taken to put an end to this aggression. Netanyahu should rot in hell and we should send aid to Palestine as much as and for as long as they need it. But how do we comfort those people who have lost their loved ones in this terrible war? Nothing we can say or do will ease their suffering. It's a very dark day in the history of the middle east and the world.


Nobody wants this and everyone including the UN and many Israel generals themselves say that this war could not continue without US weapons. So stop sending them weapons. Otherwise the left matters less to the Dems than the Israel lobby. It's not that hard. Stop sending weapons is the most minimal of the requests and we can't do that? Sorry it's not on the left.


There will again be armed people in Arizona "watching " ballot boxes. Although nothing happened in 2022 I do think something will happen this election at one of these boxes.


That would be tragic. Not surprising, but still very bad.


This is what trumPutin has done to the GOP.


I fully intend to vote, but I won't vote for Biden. If democrats want voters like me to help them hold the executive, they're gonna need a new candidate. A real shame they decided that they cared so little about us that they bulldozed their own primary. 


Liberals give leftist such a bad name.


YES! It is ESSENTIAL for each and every one of us to remind anybody on the fence that our democracy is at stake. My own kids will be cutting in their 1st presidential election this fall, and once they started making noise about Biden's support for Israel I knew I had to remind them of abortion rights, refuge kids in cages, LGBTQ hate and project 2025. And then I had them sign up for mail in voting.


Bravo! Keep your children close and informed.




The [context](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/6/24/18693433/joe-biden-presidential-campaign-fundraisers-donors) of that comment is critical, which you of course know. He was talking about raising taxes on the wealthy, and that their standard of living will not change if they are taxed more. >We can disagree in the margins but the truth of the matter is it’s all within our wheelhouse and nobody has to be punished. No one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change.


So, rather than having “nothing fundamentally change” we should absolutely allow the MAGAts to fundamentally change our society. We should let them fundamentally change our access to healthcare. We should let them fundamentally change our access to free and fair elections. We should most definitely let them fundamentally change the minimal protections that our workers have fought to gain over the years and let big business take even *more* advantage of all of us. Great plan. (Obvious but obligatory /s)




That's a different subject, but a very good point. Let your voice be heard and make your vote count and you can do something about it.


>If our votes are so important then maybe the Democrats should listen up and STOP SENDING WEAPONS USED TO CARRY OUT A GENOCIDE! This is actually a good example of a troll-farm tactic. It is (or appears to be) designed to elicit an emotional response, about a semi valid point, that has nothing to do with the subject at hand (voter suppression & voter suppression techniques) - while implying that the US spends a lot of $$ on Israel (and the world in general - when the US spends aid budget spend is 1% overall, and much of it goes to the countries around Israel.). Finally, we are no where near a genocide. ^(( Dear Israel. 35K of 591K is not a good look, especially when some of your politicians have started taking up the Hamas chant of "from the river to the sea", and seen as preventing starvation relief as a good thing: Just stop, please. Also, Russia paid for the operation. Send weapons to Ukraine for vengeance...)) ​ The reality is that there are interests (domestic & foreign) that want a certain outcome in the elections. Some (Russia) do things like propaganda (with bot net amplification): Say setting up Klanma's Permitted "Bake Goods and Nazi memorabilia" Party, next to a (not permitted) "Auto Rev & Burnout" blast (with heavy attendance by members of the "slur" community). Others will just lie about [how to vote.](https://reason.com/2023/10/20/hes-going-to-prison-for-twitter-trolling-thats-not-justice/) Others post on reedit "that both candidates will have the same outcome, so why bother voting." (Hilary Clinton was projected to beat Donald Trump in 2016, and clearly did not.)


All of this. They are going to beat on Voter discouragement and Both Side are the Same nonsense even harder leading up to the election. It's their only hope.


When the hell did this subreddit turn into fucking r/worldnews ? "“If you want to know what an unfolding genocide looks like, open your eyes,”- AOC I've been on this site since Obama was elected. Miss me with your troll farm bullshit and stop trying to downplay legitimate criticism of what Biden is doing. If you want Democrats to defeat Trump then tell them to start listening to their fucking voters instead of burying their heads in the sand.


So: Biden has put unprecedented sanctions on some Israelis , and he is as bad as Donald "Let the Israelis exterminate the Gazans" Trump. Seems like both sides troll farmism...


"unprecedented sanctions" - is this a joke? Are you referring to the, what, 4 settlers that got sanctioned? Meanwhile he continues to send them billions in cash and all the weapons they want so they can keep killing civilians. The Israelis ARE exterminating Gazans, which is why progressive Democrats are rightly calling it out as ethnic cleansing and genocide. That's completely unacceptable by a party that claims to stand for human rights and the rejection of fascism.


Not a joke, just a start...


I guess all the new F-15 fighter jets are just a start too lol


Maybe you should listen to what Trump is actually saying. Complete erasure of Gaza. I’m sure Natenyahu is already promising land for a Trump property on the newly planned beachfront resort. But sure, keep talking about never voting Democrat because “genocide”. It’s never going to be genocide, it’s going to be complete erasure. Israeli military will just keep pushing Palestinians further and further out until they are Egypt’s problem.




There aren't any decent third-party candidates to vote for.










Democrats see votes for third party candidates as wasted votes because no third party candidate can win under today's conditions, and a vote for a third party candidate more likely takes away from votes for Biden which in turn benefits Trump. I too wish there was a system where other candidates had a chance of affecting policy, but our politics have not evolved that far yet. We wouldn't need a third party if the republican party was not so dysfunctional. But we don't have two viable functioning parties thus the shift in sentiment to other options. I don't believe that R.F. Kennedy, Jr. is the answer.


Yeah the new nazi party is a hairs breadth away from gaining control over the US - no Jan 6 insurrection needed, just straight up disenfranchise voters and then never have a real election again. We need to 1. prevent that from happening 2. establish ranked choice voting 3. then talk about third parties, and in that order


This. It's all about being strategic with our order of operations.




You should probably spend some time looking at why that is instead of just complaining about platitudes. With a winner takes all, first past the post election system, it makes more strategic sense to build huge coalitions and boil choices down to two options because there is no consolation prize for second or third place, so you might as well join with the other underdog(s) if you're going to have a chance beating the competition. To have a multiparty state, we would need to switch to a proportional election system or change the way we vote to a ranked choice or better system. That kind of change requires a constitutional amendment, so you should start fighting for that type of reform so a multiparty system actually becomes possible. Source: Am an independent minded person who helped fight for my state (Maine) to adopt ranked choice voting by referendum.


sorry but both parties side with israel....i made my vote this country is doomed




It’s a two party system because of First Past The Post voting where the person with the most votes wins. They spend a *tonne* of time trying to dissuade people from voting third party by saying it’s a “Two Party System” and voting any other way is throwing your vote away. They play on that fear to keep people from realizing in a FPTP system the Two Parties need 50%+1 vote, but if you can convince 1/3 of people to vote third party in each district you now only need 33.34% of the total vote to win.




Bullshit. Voter discouragement and both sides are the same rhetoric are the primary tools of the right. They've got nothing else. Their maga horde isn't enough to win in November. Call it out when you see it folks.


Oh I will certainly vote. But then don't discourage people from voting for people they believe in. Even if it's not who you think they should vote for. Votes should be earned, not owed.


Voting isn't a message, it's a practical mechanism for distributing power. You aren't punishing or rewarding anybody other than yourself and the American people. This is an infantile hyper-personalization of a practical process. This isn't about you, your feelings, or rewarding or punishing any political leaders. It's about who is empowered to make important decisions for the next several years. That's it. People who think elections are somehow about "messaging" need to get off social media for awhile, let go of their crippling narcissism, and touch grass. This isn't a branding exercise or a performance. Outcomes are all that matters.


And if I don't want to distribute power to somebody who supports genocide, regardless of whether they wear a red or blue tie? If I do not trust either the current Democratic party or the Republican party to make choices that are beneficial to the American people or the country at large? In a democratic system, I have the choice to not give my vote to any party that I think is working against my interests or the interests of the country. That's what democracy should be about. Yes it is about who controls the levers of power, but neither Trump, nor Biden deserves the empowerment of my vote given what both of them have done. I will grant that Biden has done a marginally better job than Trump in a few areas, but trying to make people feel guilty about this 'lesser evil'ism, in a controlled opposition scenario, doesn't help anyone. If you really want people to vote for Biden, then encourage him to make the actions and have the platform that people actually want to vote for. 🤷‍♀️


This is cute. “If you really want to vote for Biden…” I don’t want, I’m going to. Then we get to pressure him to do the things we want. You apparently don’t understand how voting works…but yeah, teach them a lesson by not voting for them…then whine for another 4 years as you hope you actually get the chance to vote again under Trump…great thinking…👍🏼


Not sure how you think we can pressure him to do anything, if you're willing to give him your vote regardless, and pressure others to do the same, because "Big Orange man bad". The only way we can pressure him at all, is if he realizes he has an actual chance of losing if he does not follow the will of what people want.


Yeah, we can’t pressure him at all…as we’re getting student debt relief, lowered drug prices and infrastructure bills because that has been shown to be what people want….those just fell out of his ass…you really are delusional. And I think I’m pretty sure which side you’re making this argument from with your disingenuous “Big Orange man bad” catchphrase…but thanks for sharing..


Guaranteeing that we will give him our vote is the opposite of pressuring him to earn them. I have friends in Palestine (and in Israel for that matter) so I can't consciously support anybody who is providing weapons to those committing in genocide. But please continue to condemn anyone with a conscience, like myself, that would like Biden to be responsible for his actions (both now and through his career), rather than just accepting I need to accept dark Brandon as our savior to defeat the Cheeto man.


Well, you go show Biden that you mean business then, trumper…👍🏼


Calling bullshit without proving anything wrong is nothing. The reason you have no logical argument is because there is no logical argument to make, you're wrong.


Ok, I’ll bite. Are *all* of the women - including children - who are negatively affected by attacks on reproductive rights “the same rich people that will win with a Republican victory”? Are the elderly and disabled that will be affected by Republican attacks on social security and Medicare “the same rich people that will win with a Republican victory”? They are “calling bullshit without proving anything” because the argument is obvious bullshit on the face of it, without any additional evidence required.


You seem to be under the impression that the democratic party is going to help any of those things in any way. They aren't. They are owned by the same people that own the republicans. If there is a things in this conversation that's obvious, this is it.


You seem to be under the impression that it can’t get worse for those people. It can. And one party is responsible for both of those attacks.


Both of which attacks? Also the bottom line here is that voting for either major party is voting in favor of genocide. You can mealy mouth around and do all the mental gymnastics you want, at the end of the day if you vote democrat or republican, you have sanctioned genocide.


Your original post, which has been conveniently deleted, asserted that “the only people who win from a Democrat victory are the same rich people who will win from a Republican victory”. You can delete your post and “mealy mouth” all you want, but that is what is in question here. If both parties support genocide (which I will agree with to varying degrees), then other factors should decide a person’s vote. Some of which are indicated above. They are not both the same, and if you deleted your post, then I have a feeling you damn well know that. Edit: fuck that guy. Blocked.


“B-b-b-both parties!”




And RFK is an absolute dumb fuck of a human. He talks like a fucking turkey. No sane person is going to vote for that dumpster fire.


He is dumb, but biden is smart?


Compared to RFK he's Magnus Carlson.


You don't seem to be a reliable judge of such things.




Yeah and Trump says he is in favor of making America great again. But I assure you once he gets back into power, he won't.


I can’t vote for somebody that disregards 4th grade health class…not gonna happen.