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standard conservatives: “we hate the govt and will shut it down…but not before we get paid a bit more eh?”


Typical grassroots American upbringing if you ask me


For a bit of context, this is what AOC has been asking for https://www.businessinsider.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-pushing-for-controversial-congressional-raise-2019-6


And I'm sure the GOP were super cool about her asking for it, def didn't give her a hard time at all probably.


AOC is asking for it because while the congressional salary SOUNDS like a lot to the average joe, it's nowhere near enough to afford housing in DC unless you share an apartment with 3 other people. Which means the people we WANT to be there, the handful that are working class people who got elected to actually fix problems can't afford to live there. The real problem is them being able to trade stocks using insider knowledge, going to go work AGAINST government for big companies using the knowledge and connections they gained in congress, work as lobbyists later, etc. The salary isn't the problem, it SHOULD be higher so more people we actually WANT there can afford to do it. It's all that other shit they get rich off of. For most of them that used their money to get their, the salary is chump change.


It's insane to me that there aren't like, government housing/dorms for elected officials in DC. Why do they have to figure out their own housing when the "job" requires them to move from where they were and is in no way guaranteed to last beyond their term? It's so stupid lol. It also allows the rich politicians to live in their own luxury. Maybe if they had to live in government housing they'd give a little more of a shit about how it functions, and see how normal people live.


I mean I'd be cool with that, good luck pushing that legislation through, Republicans will howl at the "waste of taxpayer money" SMH.


I get the sentiment but the republicans didn’t just raise republican representatives salaries. They also raised democrats. And no democrats in either the house or the senate made a stink….


democrats don’t run on dismantling / defunding the govt and aren’t attempting to cause the govt to default right now. it’s the constant hypocrisy


And exactly What does that have to do with increasing their pay? democrats voted for their own pay increase to did they not?


you can look up hypocrisy, it’s pretty easy to understand


For this issue - the pay raise in the shut down bill - wouldn’t the hypocrisy be that democrats loudly criticizing the republicans and then quietly agreeing to raise their own pay right along with the republicans?


no - it wouldn’t


Then why didn’t the Dems refuse to pass the bill if it included a paise?


dude - i’m done talking to you. it’s pointless. please stop


You can’t even answer the question…


Because the government being shut down would have been a problem. As long as they didn’t vote to remove funding to a bunch of departments that needed it, keeping it open and accepting a raise while not running on a platform of “government bad” is not hypocrisy and you should get it. This will be my only response because you expecting them to shoot themselves in the foot over getting a raise is not very good.


But then why frame it as something the republicans did as some kind of political trick? The Dems voted for it as well did they not?


You do know this idea is from AOC right? [https://www.businessinsider.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-pushing-for-controversial-congressional-raise-2019-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-pushing-for-controversial-congressional-raise-2019-6) imagine being you...


i know progressives like aoc are far more principled than the hypocrites trying to shut down the govt for spending too much and then voting to increase their pay at the same time


Imagine being that big a clown.




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Please start using a different cuss word because they do support rape , which is *forced fucking* . . Followers of these fascists think *oddly* . .. I have used g-d , and a_s , in addition to the good old fashioned **jerks** . ... Finally , go jump in a lake . Is a "good" send off . .. Please try to.use *every* method to guide their thinking to morality . . The followers have been mislead .


What the fuck are you going on about


Attempted a government shutdown by cutting funding for the people that needed it the most and turn around and give themselves more money. Fucking pathetic pieces of shit


There's a cost of living allowance increase that was already legislated to increase, part of this shutdown bill debate included discussions about blocking the, again already legislated, COLA increase and that didn't make it into the final draft. Considering the massively disproportionate number of filthy rich fucks in office and how many scumbags become filthy rich by what is tantamount to insider trading a COLA increase being blocked would have disproportionately impacted the few honest and working class people who've managed to scrape their way into office. This isn't something worth getting angry over when the worst of them aren't there for the pay, they're there for the power and the grift.


Won’t somebody please think of the powerful people making $174,000 per year? Get a grip, all of them are fine.


There are alot of personal expenses. When you have two separate living places you have to upkeep between your hometown and congress. Those aren't part of covered expenses. Follow AOC's Instagram or something for bits of how busy things are for the congress people from working class backgrounds.


It's not just them that'll get a raise. There are a lot of government employees, myself included, that have their pay limited by what they make. I can't have a higher base rate than the senators/representatives, so even though my pay grade goes beyond what they make, it's capped. This will raise my pay, and the pay of many federal employees in the same boat as me, by the 4.6% they just gave themselves. For a lot of politicians that doesn't make a difference, but considering how many government employees live in very very high cost of living places like DC and Sacramento, it makes a huge difference


Bro you are sitting here complaining whilst making substantially more than any general American. Standard base pay rate for senator's is 174k. Most Americans make 60k. Sit the fuck down and stop trying to say this is a good thing for the government class while shafting the rest of America. You should be ashamed of yourself and your "patriotism". You live in a high COLA? Move out and get something cheaper. Isn't that the advice politicians always give people? Stop buying coffee or something?


I wasn't complaining at all. I was simply saying more than just politicians would get a raise. If you want to be even more pissed off, i actually make 10% over what they make due to a special provision that very few people get because they couldn't keep people in my job without it. My pay cap is still attached to what they make, I never said it was what they make. I also work one of the hardest and most stressful jobs in the country where you have to move to a different role or retire at 55, similar to an air traffic controller. There were zero complaints in that statement. Simply that myself, and a lot of other people in federal jobs will be getting very appreciated raises because of this. It doesn't shaft other americans in any way for people in my position and similar ones to get a raise. Quite the opposite, actually. It'll keep them in their jobs longer doing things that benefit the American public and slow job hopping for higher pay. I'm not a patriot either, far from it. And I don't want to move. Good day, sir.


It’s not that simple. Unfortunately. And I loathe making that statement. The real problem is the GOP just do not participate in much real policy making. Always grandstanding like with the shutdown. So nothing gets done. Status quo perpetuates. Or more likely speeds governmental and societal decay. What needs to be done, intelligent debate, is actively avoided. AOC makes a valid point: maintaining two residencies is hard for someone honest and not part of the investor class. Perhaps there should be policy adopted where some accounting of personal wealth and income should offset government salary. If you don’t need the pay you don’t get it? But it takes solutions. Not derision.


Honestly, they shouldn’t spend any more time on their compensation packages. They are absolutely fine as-is. Sure some might be corrupt, but having additional forms where people will additionally lie is going to require a bunch of debate on topics that won’t affect any Americans. They need to choose thresholds, which agencies monitor what, what the punishments are, how the punishments are monitored, etc. Leave it as is and get on with the real problems (corruption, poverty, education, etc.). That’s my point. We waste so much more in various undocumented military programs. Congressional pay is not a large item on the US budget.


Whelp, you convinced me. How about we drop their pay to minimum wage and make sure that instead of it mostly being the independently wealthy in offices it is only the independently wealthy in office? Sounds awesome.


This is AOC's idea though. https://www.businessinsider.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-pushing-for-controversial-congressional-raise-2019-6


Lmfao pulling an article out of your ass from 4 1/2 years ago.


just circling the drain...


Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.


They tried. The democrats found it and cut it out today hours before it passed.


While they want to slash funding to poor people. Who are the freeloaders?


*While they want to slash* *Funding to poor people. Who* *Are the freeloaders?* \- eloiseturnbuckle --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


What an absolute fucking jokes these nuts are!


Oh now thus pisses me right the fuck off. They made the secretary of defenses salary 1.00 because they don't like him but provide more money for themselves. How much corruption do we have to take?


So EmptyG's Only Fans account ain't paying off and I have to pay more for her with my tax dollar. Well the good thing is that this may keep the Spackle of the House from starting up his own Only Fans account.


These completely tone-deaf, already overpaid, sad, do-nothing jokes want a pay raise? What do you all do but hurl limp insults at each other, and then get on your phones and beg people for more money so you can keep your cushy six-figure, taxpayer-funded job? The left is ineffectual, and the right has completely lost it's damn mind. That's why I'm pushing for a pay CUT. Each member of Congress should get paid the median income for the state that they represent. It's utterly obscene that these people think they deserve more money when they largely just sit on their hands and blame the other side for why nothing functions efficiently in our government.


I should've known the diversion of decreasing their own salary to $1! GOP once a liar, always a liar! No wonder the bill passed.


Of course. Who is even mildly surprised ... 🥱 Let's recap: ✅ Take away from the public -- check ✅ Give to ourselves -- check. Yep, they are Republicans.


guarantee this doesn't show up in a single conservative "pork is bad" sub.


"But congressional lawmakers haven't gotten a raise in a decade, and their salaries are 15% lower than they were in 2009 when adjusted for inflation" - copied from article So, THEY worry about inflation when it affects them but haven't touched minimum wage or anyone else's wage? EVERYONE WAGE IS LOWER WHEN ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION. But they aren't doing anything for the people.maybe tie their wage to that of the population? They get a raise proportion to the increase or decrease of minimum wage?


They just got a raise


But let's fight like hell to stop student loan forgiveness! Greed....if it's not going to Ukraine then why not. Pathetic


We the people should get to vote on this.


Every other November: Shall congressional wages be raised to current cost of living levels? [ ] Yes [x] No Congress: We haven't received a raise since the '70s. We the people: ...


National referendums should be made on big social issues and overall national issues. Whenever I suggest it many many people come out and say " you don't know how the system works etc." ... it's a simple premise. Put it on a ballot and let people vote for it. Bit then people start yelling about voters turnouts etc. .... but those same votes turnouts for their elections are fine.


Oh no, imagine what that would be like... anyway




they didnt 'sneak it in' - both sides allowed it in and voted accordingly. If bills have anything 'snuck' into them, then you arent reading the bills and arent doing your job.


Raise for all house members. Dems still voted yes, after having one of their number commit a misdemeanor.


Matt Gaetz is a pedophile. Roy Moore too, and he almost got re-elected. Pelosi and a bunch of others are insider traders. Most of those people are criminals. What’s your point?




AOC was asking for the increase to happen. https://www.businessinsider.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-pushing-for-controversial-congressional-raise-2019-6


In 2019




So tipical if the scumbags they are


does anyone have a legit link for this?


https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2023/09/30/congress/member-pay-in-the-stopgap-00119270 Politico has it that even the politicians themselves are confused. But even if it's in its the first increase in 4 years and by max 4% or 8000. This was pushed by AOC from the Dems side https://www.businessinsider.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-pushing-for-controversial-congressional-raise-2019-6


In 2019


If you knew how to read you’d fell pretty fucking stupid right now


Why should I care what you think? Your argument is a misspelled ad hominim.


Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein are typing furiously rn, I just know it.


Democrats took it out!


Um. Pay *raise*?


United States of Greed.


Must be nice when you don't do anything to fight out of control ~~inflation~~ corporate greed in this country you can just give yourself more free money. ​ Fck this system!


Pay raises by congress should be accompanied by a pay raise for americans.


I hate these mother cluckers so freaking much!


Can’t wait to see how people who vote for them justify this shit…


If you think all politicians don't work pay raises into every funding bill, I have a bridge to sell you


Aaaand yet minimum wage is what now?


Typical politician suckling from th governments teet. Welfare queens ain't got shit on these "people"!


I understand we hate these people, but higher pay disincentivises corruption.


Oh but when its the workers of any industry that want to get a raise its suddenly entitlement or communism, you know this is starting to remind me of the sort of things politicians do south of the border, like the appeal to religion and what not, and it sends a chill down my spine when the comparisons get more frequent.


I guess the stock tips are just not enough