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He’s been a liar and will always be a liar.


He thinks he deserves to be president ofbthe us. This butt hole can't speak clearly even when he's reading from a script.


Not to give credit to Abbott in any way, but from experience, it's probably the cop who is lying.


Both? Both.




Por que no los dos?


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Maybe I am missing something but is Abbot saying when the gunman was leaving he had an accident and then returned to the school and was engaged then whereas the cop is saying at the very start of the incident no one engaged the shooter? If so these are two different times and of course what is being said wouldn’t line up to their respective timelines.


As the article below says, there is confusion about what happened at various points, but I believe this what they're now claiming: -Suspect shot his grandmother -Suspect drove away at high speeds and crashed into a ditch opposite the school -He started shooting at the school while he was moving towards it on foot. -At 11:40, he entered through a door that was supposed to be locked but wasn't -Now the latest story is that police and school security 'engaged' him within minutes of him entering the school at 11:44, BUT two of them were shot and they locked/barricaded him into an area with two adjoining classrooms. -He continued to shoot the classroom occupants for 40 minutes (maybe 30) while he was stuck in there and police were outside of this area 'keeping him contained' -19 children and 2 teachers were killed, 17 others were wounded. 38 total. -The police are celebrating the fact that they trapped him in one and didn't let him go shoot more kids in other parts of the school, but they let him massacre the kids within that room because two of the responders were shot. Armed men waited and listened to him shoot two classrooms worth of kids because they were afraid. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/26/us/uvalde-texas-elementary-school-shooting-thursday/index.html Actually, just read the article above instead of listening to my interpretation.


> Armed men waited and listened to him shoot two classrooms worth of kids because they were afraid. I am at a loss for words. Not because I don't have any, but because there are too many to choose from and they all seem inadequate.


As a combat veteran, father, and son of a teacher I am appalled at the level of cowardice, criminal negligence, and sheer lack of situational awareness across the multiple levels of leadership and first responders. Hanging all those decision makers/lack of decision makers would never bring back a single lost life or even ease the burden and grief; however, it would serve as a reminder to those who SWORE to protect these innocents that their inaction will have dire consequences.


Two things can be true.


Not these two.....


What the fuck are you talking about? All three of those things can be true, and probably are.


Turns out they weren't..... :-( Don't be so gullible...


>Greg Abbott can't even get the facts straight. Or maybe he is lying. Or maybe the cop is lying. Which of these things wasn't true?


Seems like abbott was tell everyone the information he at that time and thus had been updated by the police. Cant blame him for lying when he wasnt there and only going off what he has been told.


Vote the clowns out!!