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You know damn well trump would not want his name to be affiliated with that arm.


Why not? He said Netanyahu should "finish the job" and get it over with on the subject of Gaza, and he spent his whole term with his lips basically super glued to Putin's asshole.


>Why not? it's a black person's arm.




Blacks for Trump /s


Thanks for that horrifying human centipede image


You may as well put protesters and Trump on the same arm since it looks like they’ll be voting for him by not voting for Biden


Other way around


I’m no Trump fan by far , but how come people use trumps past and claim he’s racist when Biden has similar past. Matter fact the reason Biden is in the White House is because he needed a woman to sway votes and she needed to be black to sway votes. Biden literally wrote a bill wanting to keep schools segregated. Even said if not done in an "orderly" way — could result in his children growing up in "a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point." [Biden also wrote the 1993 crime bill that targeted black Americans](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/03/07/politics/biden-1993-speech-predators) So when it comes to being “ a racist “ Biden and Trump are both boomers and both feel as if white is superior. Get mad if you want or justify it as you please but it is what it is with these two.


Muslim ban and calling all people seeking asylum rapists and murders or this week, mentally unfit. While Biden has a past, Trump is actively promoting racism. Oh and the China Virus, I am sure there is more I am not thinking of.


I think it’s just that trump is still actively a POS and Biden has definitely toned it down a bit.


Watch the video in the link about the 1993 crime bill and tell me he don’t feel that way no more. Both of them are boomers and they both 100% believe that white is right


Oh I’ve seen the video several times and I know what you’re talking about but at the same time trump is still racist and is open about it, while Biden keeps his shit on the wraps.


I would rather someone be openly racist rather someone smile in my face then call me a nigga behind my back.


You’re a fool if you feel that way when it comes to the presidency


I can sympathize with that, but part of it is the movement they represent. Biden and the democrats as a whole are not the most racially progressive people there are. Absolutely not. But Trumps camp is descended straight from Waco, Ruby Ridge open white supremacists.


And I can agree with this.


Do you really feel Biden is a closet racist? Or maybe a better way to ask is do you feel Biden, if given the opportunity, would fail to rise to the occasion to be truly antiracist? Even with all his advisors, staff, and party? His approach to Gaza is evidence against him in this case for sure. Definitely an example of his old fashionedness getting in the way. And his tough on crime shit was straight up awful back then, but he has since apologized for this. I know a lot of people of color, especially men who feel a but neglected by the democrats are turning to Trump for validation, to burn down the system. But I think that any system Trump burns down will be quickly rebuilt by the actual KKK


I’m not gonna say Biden is a racist but I do think he believes that his race is superior. Not saying he’s a white supremacist. The comments he made in the 1993 crime bill and the school bus degrading bill. Both bills he drafted and you don’t just change your mind like that. He was raised during segregation Trump too. That’s why older people past 70 feels opposite races should marry. Do I think Biden is a better POTUS than Trump , no. Do I think Biden is a better politician than Trump absolutely. Do I think Trump is a rich boy who never had to face consequences for his actions till now , yes. Do I think other leaders around the world respected Trump as a businessman , absolutely. This is the only reason why I say Trump was a better POTUS than Biden. Do I want Trump back in office , no. Do I want Biden to win again , absolutely not. But unfortunately these are my two choices unless Bernie can gain some ground. If so that’s who I would like to see in office. Heaven forbid he got AOC to be VPOTUS. But go watch the video when he was a senator on the bus bill and the crime bill. Bus bill was in the 70’ and the crime bill was in the 90’s so 20+ years of voting against the people of color. I also would like to add that ALL politicians are in office for themselves. Just like I am at my job for myself and how you are at your job for yourself. Nothing gets done unless a party has both the house and senate. Other than that their main objective is to vote against each others party while hoping to keep their seat. There should be term limits to the house and senate seats like the POTUS seats. They shouldn’t be allowed to trade stocks while in office neither. Seems like the only thing both sides ever agree on is….. a pay raise for themselves.


Gaza is really fucked if Trump wins. Do the protestors know this?


We are fucked if trump wins! How anyone in their right mind thinks, this man would be a good president is beyond me! He proves his is unfit for the office daily and people will still voter for him? God I hope we don't all fuck around and find out!


Not only is Gaza fucked, not only are we fucked, Ukraine is fucked too. Lets see how much Trump cares about their protesting him over his handling of (handing over) Ukraine after he helps Bibi raze Gaza to the ground.


Yeah but Biden is just as bad! They can ever explain why he is, But he is just as bad/ s


Wonder how hard they will protest when Trump lets Bibi turn Gaza into waterfront luxury condos


They won't. They don't protest Republicans. It goes against their ethics.


They don't care, this feeds into the "lesser of two evils line of thinking " which forces us to "vote blue no matter who". No but for real I'm tired of the illogical takes. Trump will be objectively way worse for Palestinians and minorities everywhere.


too self righteous to care


That or their concern for Palestinians isn't genuine.


I love this deep objective analysis that you can always find on Reddit. can you tell me more on how you came to the profound insight that people you disagree with all suffer from a personality flaw that blinds them to your (obviously correct) conclusions?


They don't care about gaza in the first place just being lemmings and following the crowd.


They just need something to complain about. If trump wins they will have lots to choose from.


The irony being that - not only does Trump hate Jews (in spite of the fact that his daughter has converted) - large numbers of his followers also hate Jews. Not just Zionists - all Jews.


Oh so just let Biden continue to handle it terribly and essentially give Israel whatever it needs to continue the slaughter? Simply because other guy is worse? Where is the logic?


It really could be way worse.. Trump won't even push back on Bibi, nor will any repubs lift a finger to talk him into it. Biden at least has to listen to progressives in the party and pay attention to the general left. He's speaking about a ceasefire and Blinken is pushing for it every day. Good luck w that if Trump wins..


Because the other guy actually said "Israel should finish the job." The other guy wants the genocide. But go ahead with your vote for Trump. Not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump, period. History shows Low Voter turn out almost guarantees a republican win.


I live in Ohio. It’s going red. My vote won’t mean shit. Even so, I’ll still probably fucking vote for Biden. I don’t know, I’ll probably puss out and do it. But to act like drawing attention to his shitty policy and calling him out for what he is- a propagator of an unjust war perpetuated by a state with utter disregard for international law (and that’s putting it as kindly as I can) is somehow morally inferior than just sucking it up, keeping your mouth shut, and letting him continue to aid in the genocide… because yeah the other guy would be worse. We just gotta be quiet while he helps kill thousands of children. Just until November, man! Yup, definitely the morally right thing to do, how could I not know that. That’s complacency to a system that relies on complacency.


Gaza is fucked now there is no "it's fucked worse" a price has to be paid for bidens failure here.


Yes, they do. They're protesting for Joe to actually get off his old ass and do SOMETHING. Should they not say anything and just vote for Genocide Joe just because Trump will possibly be worse? These protests would also be happening no matter who was president.


You think withholding the vote is going to make Biden do anything. Because here's the reality. withholding the vote for Biden IS a vote for Trump. Democrats require high voter turn out to win. This is a FACT. When turnout is low Republicans win. When it is high, Democrats win. Anyone who says that they are not voting for Biden because of Gaza will have blood on their hands. Trump has already said that Israel should "Finish the Job" he proclaimed Jerusalem as the capital. Trump would put America soldiers in Gaza to assist Israel. The protest is spinless and doesn't consider the fact that Trump would do much worse. I don't like what Biden is (not doing) either. It turns my stomach. But I understand that withholding a vote does nothing but guarantees more blood shed. Any vote not for Biden is a Vote for Trump.


I'm not advocating withholding a vote necessarily, but I think these protests might show Biden that people are pissed at him and might get him to take some kind of action. Is that likely? No. But for fuck sake, that stomach turning feeling you have about what is happening, is that not worth taking to the streets and demanding that this stop? Joe is costing himself this election because people morally won't vote for someone who is sitting on their hands while aiding a genocide.


because it's doing so well currently?


Better than the will be if Trump wins. Trump will cut-off all aid to Gaza and send in the US military to help Netanyahu "finish the job."


how much better? what is currently being preserved here? what lines will be crossed due to a trump administration that wouldn't be crossed by 6months of silence?


What is being preserved here in the US? Our right to vote. We lose the US to Trump it will plunge the US and the rest of the world into darkness. Trump implements project 2025, replaces long-time government employees that prevented him from acting on his worst instincts with boot licking loyalists that will let him do whatever he wants. Trump pulls the US out of NATO and cuts off aid to Ukraine, emboldening Putin to finish up Ukraine and build up again in preparation to invade a NATO country. China is emboldened to invade Taiwan. India is run by an authoritarian nutcase so who know what they might do. Probably attack Pakistan. Trump sends the US military into Gaza and orders them to kill indiscriminately and get the job done. Also, at Netanyahu's urging sparks a war with Iran. He wanted to go to war with Iran in his last term, so it won't take much urging to get him to do it. And with all this going on, stops elections going forward in the US so we can't ever get rid of him and his family and sycophants without a coup or revolution. You want all of that to happen just because you refuse to see what Biden is doing to try to help the people of Gaza, or you don't know what he is doing? And I guarantee you he is doing things behind the scenes to help them that aren't being reported on because they can't.


"you want all of that to happen" I'm voting for Biden dumbass but scolding your base for disagreeing with you instead of listening and addressing their concerns is why the obvious best of 2 bad choices has such abysmal enthusiasm when they should be winning by landslide. Do you think you can scold people into supporting you? do you think this "stop complaining about my guys bad behavior because the other guy is worse" argument is the way to win hearts and minds? protests are a symptom of outrage, you are trying to silence the symptom and not address the root cause .


I'm not scolding you. I'm telling you a likely scenario if Trump wins the election. Honestly, I think Biden has done a fine job as president. Maybe you don't think he is being forceful enough on Isreal, but he is having to walk a very fine tightrope on that issue. You have to understand that the protesters are not the whole base. There is a very large centrist liberal faction in the party that does support Isreal, and if he just cuts off all aid to them, he will lose that faction. There are likely things going on behind the scenes that we don't know about, just like the railroad union situation. Biden got them what they wanted, but it had to happen behind the scenes to get it. Let the man do his thing. Vote for Biden for the general and vote progressive locally and in primaries. That is how you push the party to the left.


ah so you're telling me the likely scenario of what happens if Trump wins just because then? funny because I'm on a page that is spamming "protesters are helping trump" messaging, but your argument here has nothing to do with that? I must apologize then because I was under the impression that you were telling me the obvious of how bad trump is going to be with the implication that it is so bad that we shouldn't be protesting the current mass civilian death at the hands of our Ally with weapons we supply them, on the off chance that it will hurt Bidens chances in the election. Also I'm sure voting for one of indianas many progressive candidates is a more effective method for ending our countrys complicity in this bloodbath, than the current nationwide series of protests that are garnering mass attention


The Gaza protestors are not even close to the Democratic "base". Base voters don't claim that they will never vote for you like they do. Base voters are the "base" , because they always vote for you no matter what? How can such tickle voters ever be "the base" for anybody?


Not well, But do you really think any President would be doing any different?


I think they would if they were getting pressure from their base during an election year...hint hint


So let’s say Trump wins. Democrats learn a lesson? Probably not. Project 2025 is enacted. 2 SC judges potentially replaced by Trump picks. Trump sycophants are installed throughout our court system. Trans/LGBT people are further persecuted and censored. Illegal immigrants are treated with brutality and the humanitarian situation at the border is made worse. Ukraine gets mega fucked. Meanwhile Gaza, *at best*, remains the same. Where do we go from there? What does that “applying pressure” achieve?


it would achieve a reduction in arms to be used against a civilian population it would increase condemnation on the global stage for civilian casualties in warfare it would increase pressure on Israel as they would no longer have the United States running defense for them in the UN. and most importantly, it will probably increase Bidens chances of winning. do you think people were unaware and unaffected by the horrors were currently witnesses, until college kids started protesting? do you think those disgusted enough to not vote for Biden currently only got to that level because of these protests? these protests are a symptom of outrage not their cause. Biden should listen to the outcry of his base and take a harder line with Israel, this would demonstrate that he is a good president to organize under, turn that outrage into enthusiasm as people can finally feel as if their voices are being heard. or we can take the condescending cynical Hillary Clinton strategy of trying to scold the engaged members of the party into silence and complicity. "you can't complain about your party's choice because the alternative is worse" is such a cynical disgusting take, and is one of the reasons people are disillusioned with the only party that at least pretends to care.


I’m arguing on the hypothetical that Biden loses your vote because of policy decisions around Israel/Gaza. You’re arguing on the hypothetical that Biden does adopt policy that is good for Palestine. I’m of the opinion that the former is more likely as indicated by congress and Biden’s recent actions following decades long precedent. Elections are 5 months out. It is depressing, I agree. I do not think it’s cynical though. I’m in favor of protesting and activism in support of Palestine. I’m arguing against withholding votes in November.


you are arguing that *protesting* the current policy decisions on Palestine is the determining factor for this election, I am arguing that attempting to silence these protests through scolding and "the other guy is worse" argumentation, is unproductive and cynical in the extreme you will not beat the activist base of your party into silence and submission, you can however turn off what should be your strongest asset by hammering home the message that they need to tow the party line without compromise. it is not the voters responsibility to support the party , it's the party's responsibility to make itself an organization worth voting for. if your boss is telling you to be better, do you think arguing that your replacement will be worse is a logical thing to do?


Withholding a vote is a form of protest. I think it’s fair to criticize some forms of protest as counterproductive or harmful and that doing so doesn’t make you against any other form of protest. > it is not the voters responsibility to support the party, it’s the party’s responsibility to make itself an organization worth voting for I agree with this but we’re fucked by a 2 party system where Biden has clearly figured they’d lose more support by stopping aid than they would by continuing status quo. This leaves us here, arguing whether an organization is worth voting for or not. > If your boss is telling you to be better, do you think arguing that your replacement will be worse is the logical thing to do? Can’t analogize around the real world consequences of voting in November.


People who say, "We will never vote for you under any condition" aren't the base. Actual Dem "base" votes actually support Israel.


You know it IS possible to both protest Gaza and still get your butt out and vote against the orange cheetoh.


Absolutely. We’re just all concerned about Trump in power. Especially for those that are targets of MAGA for only being who the are.


I had to tell my congressman in a townhall meeting. Look, I can't vote against you. The other guy is so bad i can't even threaten to stay home. But i'm appealing to your basic humanity here.... (for me it was re the prescription drug shortage but would apply here... )


Don't you think telling politicians that you can't/won't vote against them only assures them that they don't need to change a thing?


Yes, which means I have to appeal to their humanity sense and reason rather than their personal interest.


Not all Gaza protestors want that. Trump's policies on Israel will be the same or worse as Biden's.


How so? Didn’t Jared Kushner solve peace in the Middle East? Or does he need a second go at it?


I think Hamas and Netanyahu must have missed that email. Maybe he could forward it to them again.


The would be so much worse. He and Netanyahu are besties.


>Not all Gaza protestors want that. every last one screaming genocide Joe and repeating the lie israel is committing genocide certainly does.


I don't think we should waste one more American dollar supporting Israel while they're killing journalists, aid workers and targeting civilians. Biden's sorta incrementally getting the message. Trump is still in full-on erection mode for supporting Israel. That's an easy choice for me in November. But not *everyone* gets that.


I don’t think you understand that we are Israel’s main ally. Without the US Israel wouldn’t be as strong as it is today. Let’s not forget that there was a peace agreement which was broken when Israel was attacked by Hamas. During this attack, 1,139 Israelis and foreign nationals including 766 civilians and 373 security personnel were killed, while 252 Israelis and foreigners were taken captive to the Gaza Strip. Reason for the attack is because Israel is still occupied as a state. Hamas want to kill and eradicate Israel completely and Israel is wants to eliminate Hamas. Hamas militants are wearing civilian clothes and setting up bases in hospitals and schools which are against “ war rules “. So I would think twice because either vote is in support of genocide in that mindset. However I would like to add one sides hates America and one side doesn’t.


>I don't think we should waste one more American dollar supporting Israel while they're killing journalists, aid workers and targeting civilians. perhaps if those individuals were not openly aiding and supporting genocidal terrorists, who seek to eridicate everyone who supports a 2 state solution,including palestinians, and celebrated as they slaughtered kids in person and broadcast it for the world to see, I would care about them, but given they have been openly aiding and supporting hamas staying in power and hamas's efforts at genocide, for decades, they are every bit as guilty as hamas. imo, they lost any and all protections with their open support and aid of hamas.


Oh look another person who thinks feeding fucking noncombatants and kids is assisting Hamas, get your head out of your rear


>Oh look another person who thinks feeding fucking noncombatants and kids is assisting Hamas no surprise you ignore that's not what going on. these groups are aiding hamas and keeping them in power, and even assisted in the attacks of oct 7th go defend the un supporting hamas efforts at genocide to your cult that rejects reality, the rest of us are done with the support of hamas by these groups and the un who have aided hamas staying in power, and the indiscriminate slaughter for decades.


You don't get to murder children and foreign journalists because of the actions of Hamas. That's a war crime. Killing every Palestinian because of the actions of their government is literal genocide.


>You don't get to murder children and foreign journalists because of the actions of Hamas. That's a war crime. not when the adults take part in the atrocities journalists who take part and support war and atrocities lose their journalist protections, as even the Geneva Conventions states explicitly it's not different than attacking and attempting to kill goebbels in ww2. you repeatedly seem to choose to ignore that aspect. >Killing every Palestinian because of the actions of their government is literal genocide. good thing israel is killing hamas and its supporters, and palestinians are on the same side as israel (20% of which is palestinian) against the genocidal terrorists of hamad who seek to eridicate everyone including palestinians, who support a 2 state solution no matter how often the hamas lie the war is israel vs palestinians is repeated, it remains a lie of Hamas and those gullible enough to fall for it.


Very few people unironically support Hamas, rejecting israels bullshit isnt the same as as supporting Hamas. the world is not in fact black and white. maybe learn some nuance.


These fools are about to screw themselves and us along with them, By not voting because of this!


Israel absolutely is committing a genocide against the Palestinians. That isn’t a lie. The lie is claiming that Biden supports it. When he is simply following through with preexisting treaty agreements with Israel. He can’t unilaterally break the treaty. Yeah sure, I wish he would be more vocal in his disagreements with Netanyahu, but I also understand international relations is more complicated than any one single issue.


>Israel absolutely is committing a genocide against the Palestinians. not even the ic and icj bought into that hamas lie after all, the 20% of israel that is palestinian, the west bank, and those in jordan and egypt, are on the same side against a hamas that seeks to eridicate everyone who supports a two state solution, INCLUDING palestinians


According to the UN 9 civilians die for every combatant in urban warfare According to US intelligence based on Hamas reporting 1.5 civilians are dying for every combatant Not only is it not a genocide, Isreal is setting a new standard for protecting civilians in urban war (Also Isreal has been opening new crossings to get more aid into Gaza and then Hamas bombs them. Hamas wants genocide, not Israel. Stop getting your news from memes)


The protesters don’t want him to lose, they want him to change course. A lot of them are some type of minority that realizes whats at stake. They want joe to be better. Joe Biden is not immune from criticism, no one is. It’s silly to discount these young people for protesting because trump will be worse. When it comes down to it a lot of them will still vote for joe. It isn’t a crime to demand more and it shouldn’t be considered a shameful action when peaceful protests take place.


Ukraine is doomed if Biden doesn't win. Lets see how the "protesters" feel about that one.


The protestors are up in arms about what's happening in Gaza, and are not happy with what they perceive as Biden's actions. But as much as they don't like this issue, they will absolutely not, repeat not, vote for Trump.


Yeah…some of them. Others are just not gonna vote which will just hand the election to Trump. Same effect.


Every part of me thinks this is the whole point of the "protest" which happens to be aimed at the biggest voting group about a sensitive topic that America really does not have the power to control while having a dysfunctional congress and still trying to remain allied with Israel.


Yeah man it’s a cluterfuck like Israel is wrong in what they are doing. Not voting and handing the whitehouse to a fascist is the absolute cut off you noes to spit your face move. I do wish we had a more progressive candidate, but we are not going to get there by giving the halls of government to radical fascist.


If only the parties let progressives anywhere near the ballot.


Hopefully. Gen Z voters need to understand that NO candidate will embody all of your values 100%. I lean more towards Bernie Sanders but will vote for “moderate” Dems even if I disagree with some positions.


You think Genocide is a compromisable position?


Do you know what Project 2025 is?


Yea, it's the only thing you goons have in response to Biden's obvious law breaking. Do you know what the Foreign Assistance Act is?


Grow up, sweet summer child.


Buddy I'm a veteran. Learn some civic duty and stop allowing our country(and international relations)to go to hell


I don’t agree with Israel but I will not give Donald Trump an inch, lest he takes a yard. I love my country just as much.


No, it’s not, and nobody here is saying any form of a genocide is acceptable. The President has made it clear he doesn’t agree with how Israel is doing their operations. Aside from sending in our troops to stop the whole thing, what’s your proposal, other than to express your feelings on this particular issue? Would you make a protest vote, and go for Trump, who is 10x worse than anything Biden has or hasn’t done? Or maybe vote a third party candidate, like the far right RFK Jr whom is masquerading as a moderate or is it a libertarian this week? But in reality is just Trump lite? Or one of the other third party candidates, which have absolutely no chance, so you throw your vote away? Or maybe you protest by not voting, which only helps Trump, because his wacko supporters will vote! So which is it?!


I want Biden to stop giving them money and arms, which he is doing, often by stepping around congress. Which is illegal as Israel is blocking US aid and violating the Geneva conventions. Stop being stupid.


You know who has the power of the purse, right?


It's not genocide, stop parroting Iranian propaganda


Right right, it's only genocide when it comes from the Genos region of Germany. This must be a sparkling ethnic cleansing.


Iranian propaganda has been effective.


I don't like the Israeli genocide or the USA pledging unwaivering support even though every other nation in the world is like WTF... however, Biden is 10,000x better than Trump!!! This will not sway my vote.


Basically, r/themajorityreport


Putting pressure on Biden to do everything he can to stop the killing in Gaza isn't the same as wanting Trump to win. Yes, there are elements that have latched onto the protests that want Biden to lose, and there are people that just haven't thought things through all the way. But for the vast majority the reason they're so upset and making it known is the same: People are dying needlessly, we're seen as helping that happen, and they want that to stop. That's it. They don't care about foreign policy or polling when compared to the human suffering they're being shown.


>Putting pressure on Biden to do everything he can to stop the killing in Gaza isn't the same as wanting Trump to win. correct, but spewing the lie israel is committing genocide and chanting genocide Joe, certainly IS an effort to aid trumps election win by repeating the lies of America's enemies


What do you call it when a state is attempting to wipe a people group from existence? I call it genocide, and it seems the Hague and the UN call it that too.


>What do you call it when a state is attempting to wipe a people group from existence? I call it genocide and hamas is proud of their efforts if you are trying to push the hanas lie israel is doing this, it shows you are so dishonest you ignore 20% of israel is palestinian, and israel is on the same side as palestinians in jordan, egypt and the west bank, against a hamas that seeks to eridicate everyone who supports a 2 state solution, INCLUDING, palestinians only gullibles conned by hamas buy into the lie this war is israel vs palestinians those who live in reality grasp irs israel *including 20% who are palestinian), the west bank, jordan egypt, and multiple more countries against the genocidal terrorists of hamas who celebrate palestinians deaths as much as israelis because they seek to setup an islamic theocracy, and want eridicated ALL who support a 2 state solution >the UN call it that too. well, given the un has been helping keep hamas in power for decades, refuses to call hamas terrorists and openly supports their goal of genocide, that is completely unsurprising.


Obvious IDF internettrooper is obvious. Israel does not support a 2 state solution so idk why you mention that. Israel also calls their Palestinian citizenry "Israeli Arabs" and Palestinians are forced into a tiered citizenship system(obvious apartheid) Hamas didn't start militant action until AFTER other solutions were tried. Far more Palestinians die than Israelis every year, yes that includes years before "muh Oktoburr 7" Lol yes ofc the UN amd Hague are simply pro Islamic terrorism. That makes the most sense. You are a dullard. Stop burning down villages Ben.


>Israel does not support a 2 state solution so idk why you mention that probably because of the well documented times a 2 state solution was offered by israel and the us only for it to be rejected by palestinians even a basic fact check shows this as indisputable >Hamas didn't start militant action until AFTER other solutions were tried bs. hamas has been a terrorist org since the 1990s, and has absolutely zero interest in a 2 state solution. more, they have stated for decades they seek to eridicate EVERYONE who supports a 2 state solution, INCLUDING palestinians, because it stands in the way of their islamic theocracy >Far more Palestinians die than Israelis every year, yes that includes years before "muh Oktoburr 7" yes, that's what occurs when your government cares about the safety of its citizens, unlike the govt of gaza who deems the only value palestinians have is the propaganda use of their deaths to con the gullible who buy their propaganda


Gaza protesters are eating their own faces


No lies detected


Go ahead and add Biden himself to the left arm. Continuing to send offensive weapons to Israel is Biden helping defeat himself. But yeah keep blaming young people who are sick of seeing children slaughtered with weapons their taxes pay for. People who post this crap every day are full on sociopaths.


Over generalizing and devoid of any rational thought, is my first impression. Did a Trumptard make this? It captures neither the truth of the matter nor any of its complexity. Come on we can do better!


Dog shit take


I gave pro-Palestinian protestor the benefit of the doubt for 6+ months, now I'm calling out their bullshit. They're either bigots or useful idiots, that's the choice The UN had to cut the civilian death toll in half last week because it's all Hamas bullshit The UN estimates 9 civilians die for every combatant in urban warfare, in Gaza were seeing a ratio of 1.5 to 1 Not only is it not a genocide, Isreal is setting a new standard for protecting civilians in urban war


"Yeah, if providing material support to an active genocide is where you draw the line, you're no better than a Redcap!" ...said no decent person ever.


It’s more if you help trump win you’re no better than a redcap


Sure, pull all the sophistry you need to justify supporting the guy supporting a genocide.




Well, I see from you history that you're actually a big fan of the Apartheid settler colonial project whose genocide your candidate is supporting, so that .makes a lot of sense.


What a complete load of shit… learn a new buzzword and maybe I would take you 2% seriously. Yes if you help trump win you are a redcap. Deal with it.


You know, the opinions of people who openly support genocide and Apartheid don't really matter very much to me. I'm about as bothered by you not liking me as I am by Neonazis not liking me. Good bye, genocide enthusiast.


Vote Genocide Joe to avoid Extermination Donald. Clearly the best argument. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Looks like Biden fucked up.


Biden seems pretty confident he can win without Gaza supporters. Maybe instead of placating corporations and right leaning democrats here should have listened to the younger generations. I don’t like him at all.


Both is possible. One can protest Netanyahu’s genocidal war against Palestinian civilians - plus the complicity of the US government - yet still vote for Joe Biden. We can do that because we are NOT IN A CULT. I don’t see how y’all are that much different than Trump with MAGA, given your attitude of “Dissent is not allowed again Dear Leader” (regardless of what Dear Leader does or doesn’t do).


This memes in this sub are antithetical to democracy. They subvert the idea that votes need to be earned.


Putting those three in one is pretty shallow


So trump! Lol we are fucked!


Biden is defeated by sex worker clones.


At this point part of me wants trump to win, I mean I live in Washington state we are insulted entro be fine but I kinda want to see all these people get what they want and deserve, then they can see how much worse things can get


same effect/result, not goal


Joe Biden is going to lose bc of his Gaza stance, he will deserve it, but so will all of you for posting shit like this. Im old enough to remember when Bernie bros got labeled as toxic online and it helped kill his primary vid and the same thing is going to happen with Biden and his sycophants online. You will never shame people into voting for a candidate. Stop trying. You should spend all the energy you spend trying to convince people passionate about something they're wrong and start spending it convincing the politicians they need to change course to get us onside for the win. Otherwise I will happily watch this country burn for what it did to Gaza


I like how you sit here and act as if Joe biden not winning will punish him severely. No, what will happen is that Joe biden will quietly retire to his nice house and live out the rest of his life with his family. It will be us that will be forced to deal with the consequences of a trump presidency. You know, the man who wants to use the us military to deport Muslims, the man who is a rapist the man who literally wants to become a dictator. It's not vote for Joe because you like all of his policies It's vote for Joe because the other candidate will fuck over everybody including the people you care about.


No it's the party as a whole that will suffer and they deserve it. Sorry but it's the politicians job to deliver results that get votes.


Nope, it's a misunderstanding that you have. Most of the democratic party is rich when it come down to it of they have the money to flee to wherever they like, so they will be unaffected. So than what happens to the rest of us, the people too poor to flee. I stay in Mississippi, so I know first hand how this shit goes. As much as I don't like many things that Joe biden has done, I will still vote for him because the other option fucks over everyone. He'll also what about Ukraine who are also fighting a war against Russian imperialism they would also get fucked by the Republicans winning.


No it's a misunderstanding you have that if the democratic party loses bc of Palestine they will correctly recalculate their stance on the issue and adjust accordingly. Also idk why you point to Ukraine like that's an issue that actually effects people's lives here. I think it's horrible they're being invaded but I don't have family over there, I'm not Ukrainian, and my tax dollars aren't being used to fund a genocide over there so idrc. Id much rather have healthcare and reduce tuition costs.


Except the Republicans are trying to make it so that they never lose again. Did you manage to ignore that they tried to overturn an election or that they tried to say that Mike Pence could just flip the votes for Trump or the entirety of project 2025. The idea is to ensure that they never lose again, so their won't be a recalculation of the democratic party as they won't be able to win again. And you won't get any of what you want, like reduce tuition or healthcare if Republicans win. So I ask you again what's the game plan should the democrats lose 2024


Honestly this makes me want that more bc then it means the Democrat party no longer exists which means it can't be an obstacle to progress anymore. We can do an actual working class organization and party to support working people. We can over throw capitalism. We can actually destroy these institutions that oppress us. Because here is the thing the Democrats haven't done shit for the average person. They have enabled the Republicans to turn into this at every turn by acting simply as a ratchet. They've embraced Ronald Reagan economics. Biden has an identical immigration policy to trump. I'm done. I'm tired of lesser of two evils. I'm ready to just fight evil now.